Compatibility by date of birth and name - interpretation features


A happy marriage develops from many components, one of which is the compatibility of the pair. When the first impressions of the meeting pass, the stage of adaptation of characters and worldview begins. This is a very responsible period in the life of a couple, and many marriages suffer crash due to inconsistencies in the ideas about life and life. Consider the question: compatibility by date of birth and name. We will also consider the feature of the influence of the planets on the marriage union.

Birthday and name compatibility

Numerology compatibility

The fact that the figures affect the fate of a person became known since the time of Pythagora. The famous mathematician of antiquity studied the secret occult sciences in Egypt and was even dedicated to the priestly san. It is from Egypt Pythahor who brought the innermost knowledge about algebra and geometry, subsequently allowed him to create his own school.

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In the modern world, interest in numerology continues to attract many people. By combination of numbers, you can make a forecast of many events, determine the right profession and learn about the hidden features of the character of a person. Couple compatibility numerology is one of the digital calculations that can be made independently by date of birth and name.

Birthday compatibility

Divination of compatibility in numbers is an operation of addition of numbers. First you need to calculate the number of one partner, then the number of the second partner (in any order). Then the obtained numbers are folded, and the response is determined by the amount - positive or negative.

Note! The final two-digit number should be simplified to unambiguous: fold the numbers between themselves.

Example of calculation:

  1. Write the date of birth of girls - 12.08.2000;
  2. We fold the numbers - 1 + 2 + 0 + 8 + 2 + 0 + 0 + 0 = 13;
  3. We simplify the number 13 - 1 + 3 = 4.

We received a final number 4. Now you also need to calculate the date of birth of a partner to get an unambiguous outcome number. Suppose we have a number 2. We make the following operation - we fold the final numbers:

4 + 2 = 6.

We had an unambiguous number 6. Now you can see the interpreter, as I says the number 6.


Unit He says that harmony in a pair is ensured by mutual understanding and love. Such couples rarely quarrel, as they show respect for each other and very much appreciated the partner. Spouses are able to forgive mistakes to each other, to make concessions and show flexibility. All flaws covers a sense of love.

Two He says that relations in a pair will not be peaceful and calm. Partners are concerned about defending their own point of view, proving their rightness. However, it is precisely such a position that contributes to the security of a long union: partners like the rapid manifestation of feelings.

Troika Warns about interference of unauthorized persons in relations between a man and a woman. It may be not only rivals, but also relatives with friends. Because of the intervention there may be large quarrels, but sincere love will be able to overcome any obstacles. Troika checks the truth of feelings, and if they are not - parting is not far off. However, this is not always the final gap: partners can reunite and be together.

Four Prevents parting due to the nurses of characters, temperaments and priorities. The pair is hard to find a common language, agree on each other. Often parting between spouses contribute to third parties.

Five Speaks about the controversial alliance of two different people. However, if in the case of four parting inevitably, then in this embodiment, on the contrary, the opposites are very interesting with each other. You can call a pair perfect, because the relationship is painted with different colors - from black tones to snow-white.

Six Speaks about the ideal union of perfect people. Here, all according to the rules, balanced and stable relationship. However, there will always be inexpensively - this is at best. At worst - secrecy and insincerity.

Seven Speaks about the conflict union of unbalanced people. Here you enter the right of extremes and opposites. If the partner exhibits hotness, then the partner will be frigid, and vice versa. However, the union can be stable and long, because partners learned to understand each other and compromise.

Numerology compatibility named

Eight Combines partners with a common goal. If this goal disappears with time, the pair will be together. In another case, parting is inevitable, since the Union is not based on feelings.

Nine - This is when it is impossible together and apart hard. A suitcase without a handle - it is impossible to carry and threaten sorry. As a rule, over time, one of the partners leaves, and the pair breaks up.

Meaning of the name

How to check compatibility by name? For this you need to fold the number of one partner name with the number of another. By a final number, you can determine the compatibility of the pair. Consider the calculation for Galina and Sergey:

  1. Galina - 6 letters;
  2. Sergey - 6 letters;
  3. 6 + 6 = 12;
  4. 1 + 2 = 3.

We received a final number 3. We look into the interpreter:

If the final number of names is 3, 7 or 1 , A couple awaits a successful marriage union for many years. Partners will make every effort to make another happy. This position will help relive the most difficult times and save feelings.

If the final number of names 2, 8 or 6 , A couple expects an unenviable future. These are people with different temperament and character, a different look at life and the incompatibility of life priorities. It will be difficult for them to get along together, so the gap is inevitable. However, if the partners learn to listen to each other and respect the opinion of the other, the Union may be long.

If the final number of names 9, 5 or 4 , Union is doomed. In rare cases, the Union remains stable. Here, the difference in temperaments, characters and life installations creates an unbearable atmosphere. People say "in different languages", do not hear each other and do not respect.

How to check compatibility

Astrology compatibility

What will astrology tell about the compatibility of the signs of the zodiac? Eastern horoscope is divided by natural correspondences - fire, earth, water and air. It is believed that representatives of one element can harmoniously get along with each other. However, harmonious relationships are possible with a representative of other elements. Consider compliance.

Aries It is well harmonized with fiery elements - lions and firemen. Also, fiery marks are interested in both aerial element - scales, twins and aquarius. From them, the Aries are fueled by burdens and immediacy.

Teltsy It is harmonized with earthly signs - Capricorn and Devs, however, they can establish excellent mutual understanding and with watermarks - scorpions, fish and crayfish. To them, Teltsy experience deep attachment and sympathy.

Twins Harmonious with air - weights and aquarius, can establish mutual understanding with fire and firemen, lions and Aries. The brightness of the fire opens the twins unknown earlier feelings.

Raki. Harmonize with water - scorpions and fish. Can get along with earth elements - calves, Capricorn and devices. The Earth gives cancer confidence in tomorrow, calm and harmony.

Lions Like fire - Sagittarius and Aries. Can get along with air - scales, aquarius and twins. In communication with them, lions are experiencing many positive impressions.

Virgin Feel comfort and confidence with the signs of the Earth, however, they get well and with water - crayfish, scorpions and fish.

scales Getting around with air, and can also cause strong emotions from fire - Sagittarov, Lviv and Aries.

Scorpions Perfectly understand water - crayfish and fish, but they can gain happiness with land - calves, virgins and caperpashers. Calm and equilibrium Earth's element teaches scorpions to nobility.

Sagittsev We are harmonized with fires - lions and Aries, but a lot of interesting things are in the air - twins, scales and aquatic.

Capricorn Confidently feel at the company with land - calves and devices, but they can also get along with water - fish, crayfish and scorpions. They are attracted to the souiffs and depth of water.

Aquarius They get well with their air - weights and twins, but they are attracted by the laughter of fire - Sagittarius, Aries and Lions.

Fishes Get with water - crayfish and scorpions. Communication with the signs of the Earth - Tales, Capricorn and Devs - teaches them to take life in simplicity and joy.


How to determine compatibility in marriage by date of birth? You need to fold the numbers and get the final number. What is the correct compatibility system correctly - by name, date of birth or horoscope? Each system of rights in its own way. Man is a complex and conflicting creature, inclined to change in life and even character. Love is decisive in relationships. If there is no true love, the Union does not last long.

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