Numerology of money, how to handle them, a simple way to attract


Numerology of money will help to reveal the magical secrets of prosperity and wealth. It is believed that financial success depends to some extent from human energy, from how much he is able to "attract" crispy bills in his life. Pay attention to the banknotes that turn out to be in your wallet.

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Numerology of money, how to handle them, a simple way to attract 1488_1
Numerology of money, how to handle them, a simple way to attract 1488_2

Easy way to attract money

The numbers make a special magic in themselves, therefore a person who can use them is able to achieve success in everything.

Numerology of money and wealth

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As for financial issues, there are several secrets:

  • Never ask for the Universe of Money - wish that you can buy.
  • Forget about misfortune - give gifts to loved ones and sacrifice for charity, at least a bit. Thus, you will create a financial funnel, and money will begin to come to your life.
  • Do not save in a few cases: do not spare money on holidays and birthday, invest in successful projects and help those who need.

These simple actions will help to enter financial stream and never need to do with funds.

And the digital code of each bill will help determine its history and understand how happy she is.

Wealth Code

You can calculate your personal financial success. To do this, add the first four digits of your birth dates. For example, if you were born on October 16: 1 + 6 + 1 + 0 = 8.

Magic numbers and numbers for money


  • Unit. Adverse bills for you - a par value of 10, 100 and 1000 rubles. They cannot be saved, on the contrary - you need to spend it soon or exchange. But the coins of 1 ruble should be put in the piggy bank - they symbolize the beginning of financial success.
  • Two. The symbol of poverty and waste. In your case, when receiving the amounts in which there is a two-200, 2000 or 200,000 rubles, you need to swap or spend. But in no case wore and do not occupy them. You should not make important financial transactions of 2 numbers of any month.
  • Troika. Favorable and sustainable. You are able to successfully invest in the right projects, multiplying your capital. Also attract success will help charity if the amount of donation contains the number 3. People will reach for you for help - do not deny, and the perfect benefit will return in triple size.
  • Four. Personifies full financial stability. Most likely, you know the price of money and know how to use them. The main thing is not to become a member of the adventure and financial fraud.
  • Five. You can not postpone the five thousandth bills in the piggy bank - to waste or run them. But it is advisable to invest in large purchases for them - for example, acquire something for home.
  • Six. You are accompanied by financial luck. Most likely, you have never ever had to live in need, but you have heard only from other salary delay. But it is especially important for you to develop spiritually, do not focus only on the material world.
  • Seven. Dangerous number for transzhir and shopaholics. People with seven in the date of birth is dangerous to give large sums in their hands - money literally rocked through the fingers. You do not know how to postpone and save, so you often live from salary to salary
    Numerology of money, how to handle them, a simple way to attract 1488_5
  • Eight - Infinity Sign. A favorable number for the financial sphere. Such people are able not only to make accumulations, but also competently invest money, multiplying their capital.
  • Nine. Number with neutral value. There is no influence on the financial scope of life.

Happy bills

If you want to put in a wallet of an unbelievable bill to attract money, it is important to choose the right banknote. Numerology helps to find "happy" numbers on money.

Money Numerology

Look, what numbers are in the number of banknotes:

  • 6 and 4 - numbers of harmony and stability. The most successful - help multiply capital and attract financial success.
  • 2 and 7 - adverse figures. If there were bills with such numbers in the wallet, it is better to spend it as soon as possible. It is advisable to buy that for a long time in the house will not stay, - for example, products.
  • 1 and 8 - such bills can be put in the piggy bank. They will attract money to your life, and you can accumulate enough.

But the wonderful will be the banknote in which there are numbers from your birth code. In our example, this is eight - with such a number, a person has every chance to get rich.

Check out the video about the magic of numbers and numbers for money:

How to handle money

There are several tips that will help create the right financial energy and achieve success:

  • Do not store houses dirty, torn, marked bills. Money loves a neat appeal - keep them in the wallet, try not to mine and not scatter as it fell. From torn, get rid of immediately.
  • If you are going to make attachments, use new bills, and leave old banknotes for everyday spending.
  • Try not to give a debt. If we harbore, then the less bills will be, the better. It is better to take money to one bill in 1000 rubles than ten 100.
  • Any magical rituals aimed at attracting money, do on Fridays, after sunset. These are the most favorable days that will help enter the financial flow.
  • Do not recalculate accumulations in the evenings - to count money is best in the morning.
  • Try not to dwell on the thoughts of money. Think not about what amount you need, but about what you spend it. Then the desire will be much faster.
  • Precious metals are better stored in the bank cell. If you keep them at home, attract thieves and scammers. This rule concerns only gold and jewelry purchased for their money. Docted, on the contrary, enhance the favorable energy.

These tips are quite simple, but if you use them, then notice that crispy bills began to appear more often in life. New financial capabilities will arise, cash flow will open.

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