Pytagora psychomatritsa by date of birth - online calculation with detailed decoding


Psychomatritsa by date of birth is a numerological table that Pythagoras and his followers have developed. It is believed that psychomatrix helps to solve the quality of the personality, point to weak and strengths. Drawing up such a table helps to understand in which direction you need to move, which is corrected in yourself, and what strengths to use. On our site you can calculate the psychomatrice online or learn how to do it yourself, on paper.

Online calculation of psychomatrix Pythagora

Your date of birth:

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 25 27 April 29, January 31, January 31, JUNE JUNE JUNE 195, 1951 1952 1953 1954 1957 1958 1959 1969 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1976 1981 1984 1984 1985 1992 1998 1999 1995 1991 2007 2008 2009 2010 2012 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019


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Pytagora psychomatritsa by date of birth - online calculation with detailed decoding 1499_1
Pytagora psychomatritsa by date of birth - online calculation with detailed decoding 1499_2

How to make a psychomatrice by date of birth


To make a psychomatrice, you need to know the full birth date of man. The calculation is carried out according to the following algorithm (consider on the example):

  1. Record the numbers of the date of birth in a row: 16101991. After that, you can proceed to the calculation of the working numbers ..
  2. The first working number. To calculate it, you need to fold all the numbers. 1 + 6 + 1 + 0 + 1 + 9 + 9 + 1 = 28.
  3. The second working number. To get it, we fold the numbers of the first working number: 2 + 8 = 10.
  4. Third working number. It is calculated by the formula: (the first working number is the first birthday figure * 2. In our example: 28 - 1 * 2 = 26.
  5. Fourth working number. It is calculated as the sum of the figures of the third working number: 2 + 6 = 8.

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The resulting figures are issued in the table, as in the picture:

psychomatrix by date of birth

In our example, the table will look like this:


22. 88.
66. 99.

After the compilation of psychomatrix, you can already begin the interpretation of the numbers that are in the personal table.

The value of the working numbers

Psychomatritsa defines many qualities, data to man at birth. In the interpretation, the values ​​of numbers on rows, columns, diagonals, cells are taken into account. But first of all you need to know the value of the working numbers.

They are as follows:

  • The first number indicates the qualities that a person does not get to achieve success in life and implemented.
  • The second number indicates the purpose, global human goals. They are important to know to take their place in life.
  • The third number indicates character traits, birth data. Those that moved "by inheritance" from parents. They are practically not amenable to adjustment.
  • The fourth number characterizes one, the basic quality, also given at birth.

The remaining numbers in the table are a whole set of qualities that need to be analyzed.

Decryption of values ​​in the table

We will analyze the values ​​of the numbers in the lines of the resulting table.

The first line indicates volitional qualities: responsibility, purposefulness, the ability to set goals and implement them, the ability to defend your opinion. The more numbers in this row, especially the person is inflexible, volitional, purposeful.

No figures in the line are missing: a person is easily amenable to someone else's influence. He is practically not able to plan his life - lives one day and swims downstream

  • 1 Number in the string indicates weak target. A person is used to relying on the luck and the patronage of other people.
  • 2 numbers in a string - volitional qualities normally. A person really appreciates his abilities and skills, is able to set goals for the near future.
  • 3 numbers in a string - a person is suspended with emotions, it is impulsive and sensitive. It is often valid unpredictable.
  • 4 numbers in a string - a person has a strong will. But it is not always able to adequately appreciate its capabilities.
  • 5 numbers - a man "rushing like a tank." Sees the goal - does not see obstacles. Therefore, it is capable of achieving a lot about other people only have to dream.
  • 6 numbers and more - possibilities are practically not limited. A person can set many goals immediately and find the right methods of their implementation.

The second line indicates the "family" qualities - as far as a person is able to build harmonious happy relationships with a partner and friends. Deciphering values ​​is carried out by analogy with the previous string.

Pytagora psychomatritsa

If the numbers in the second line are missing, family and marriage for a person empty sound. He does not seek a serious relationship and is not capable of deep affection. If the numbers 6 and more, the desire and desire to create a family are excavated, a person implements himself in marriage, and family values ​​for him are not an empty sound.

The third line indicates how much a person is constant in his habits - whether he is easily changing the usual way of life or is always ready for change.

The columns will be next:

  • The first - shows how large self-esteem is. In the absence of numbers in this column, a person is not confident in herself, with 6 or more digits - self-esteem is shrinking.
  • The second - indicates financial impact and independence. No figures - there is a desire to engage in loved things, even if it is not paid. Many digits - the main goal in life: Earn a lot of money.
  • The third indicates the presence of talents. The greater the numbers in this column, the more spheres of the person can succeed.

Watch the video about Pythagora psychomatritsa and its decoding:

It is also worth paying attention to the number of digits on the diagonals of the table:

  • Diagonal 3-5-7. The greater the numbers, especially the man temperamental, the stronger the need for sensual pleasures.
  • Diagonal 1-5-9 indicates the spiritual component. The smaller the numbers, especially the person is landed and the less striving for the study of its unconscious. A large number of numbers in the diagonal indicates a high degree of personality awareness

An even more complete information in Pythagore psychomatrice can be found if you consider the value of individual numbers in the table. They also indicate certain qualities in man. Read in this article in detail.

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