Choice of the date of the wedding in numerology - meaning and interpretation


Choose the right wedding date is very important. After all, the selected day can affect the rest of his life. Let's try to figure out what the wedding date from the point of view of numerology means.

Favorable month for wedding

If you are not interested in a specific day, you can pick up a month most favorable for marriage. From the point of view of numerology, it is a month:

  • The one that comes two, three, five, eight and nine months later the date of your birth. That is, if you were born on October 16, favorable months - January, February, April, July and August.
  • Then determine the most favorable months from the birth of the groom. If he is born, for example, on January 1, he is desirable to go under the crown in April, May, July, October and November.

See what months the bride coincided, and the groom. In our case, this is April and July. So they are most suitable for the celebration.

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Wedding date Numerology

How to calculate a favorable number for a wedding?

If you have decided on which month to make marriage, it's time to learn a specific date. To calculate this number, you need:
  • Calculate the number of the bride. Fold all the numbers of her date of birth to an unequivocal number. For example, she was born on October 16, 1991: 1 + 6 + 1 + 0 + 1 + 9 + 9 + 1 = 28. We continue to add: 2 + 8 = 10. And once again: 1 + 0 = 1. Unit - the number of the bride.
  • In the same way, we calculate the number of groom. For example, he was born on January 1, 1984: 1 + 1 + 1 + 9 + 8 + 4 = 24. 2 + 4 = 6. Sixer - the number of groom.
  • In the end we add the number of bridegroom and the number of the bride. We get 1 + 6 = 7.

Seed is a general number of the pair. It turns out that marriage is better than the 7th number of one of the most favorable months that you calculated above.

Wedding date: value and calculation of a particular number

You can also find out what it means a specific wedding date that you have already chosen in numerology. Or find out what your number means if you are already in the marriage union.

To do this, fold the number of the intended or already held wedding dates. For example, if you went to the registry office on November 2, 2010: 2 + 1 + 1 + 2 + 1 = 7.

Next, we will tell you what is all of the numerological numbers of the wedding.

Choose the date of the wedding numerology


Unit is a sign of leadership and incredibly strong ambitions. Both partners will constantly "fight," trying to conquer authority. These are two very strong people, so their marriage under threat - the leader should be someone alone. Spouses could be excellent business partners, but they are not very good with love relationships. It is worth thinking about it - someone will eventually have to give up, otherwise the divorce is inevitable.

And better, if weak learns to be a woman - otherwise, she risks breaking the strong character of her husband, for which he will hate her.


This is a very favorable number. The marriage imprisoned in your date has an incredible potential, because the spouses love each other very much. But, no matter how paradoxically, there is a very high probability of treason. Therefore, numerologists advise partners to avoid temptations - in view of the extreme emotionality will be difficult to resist.

If the betrayal will still happen, the marriage collapses. And both partners will remain alone, because one will not be able to forget the other, and the second will never forgive betrayal.


If the numerological number of your wedding date is Troika, it is very good. Such a union will be very long, happy and harmonious. About such people they say: "They lived for a long time, happily and died in one day." In your pair there are not only love, but also a real spiritual friendship.

Relationships are usually very calm, spouses prefer to solve conflicts peacefully, do not suit the stormy quarrels. In such pairs, happy children are born.


The fourthkee is promoting rich and "reveal" life. Material wealth in such a pair will always be - the spouses live on the envy of many. You have a house more than others, you often travel, you can afford the standard of living much higher than the average. But in pursuit of material benefits, do not forget about love and that your children need attention, and not just in expensive toys.


The number five is a symbol of uniting male and female start. This is the most favorable sign for marriage. Your pair doomed to love and be together not only in this life, but also in the next. You will have to go through a lot of difficulties, sometimes it will seem that the divorce is inevitable. But in the end, save your love and become an example of "ideal" relations for others.

Wedding date Meaning


Sixer - the number is karmic, and therefore extremely unfavorable for the conclusion of the marriage union. Six pair join the karmic union and cannot come out of it until this union lasts completely. Such a couple will inevitably discern. And after parting, everyone will meet his true fate.


In seven pair, extremely talented, gifted children are usually born, while parents are quite ordinary people. The marriage prisonered in this date can become both happy and not very - it all depends on the partners themselves. But the pair has a lot of potential for joint intellectual development.


The eight is the four, multiplied by two. Therefore, she also promises financial well-being in the family. But not like in marriage-four, but much more. Usually in such pairs, a man from the "soldier" becomes "General", a woman inspires him to great things. As a result, the husband seeks incredible heights. There are all chances to become a very rich man.

Watch the video on how to calculate the perfect wedding date on numerology:


Par-nine people are usually very stormy, passionate relations. They are constantly the scandaling, it will be lazy, they hate each other, they love to madness. Both partners cannot live without strong emotions, therefore, despite a very troubled life, they are unlikely to break out.

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