The value of the number 11 in numerology


Today, almost no one doubts that the numbers have a huge impact on our fate. We all in one way or another, constituting the numbers, we are born a certain number, we live in an apartment or house with a specific number, we obtain a specific salary in numerical values ​​... It is difficult to overestimate the role of numbers in our reality. In this article, we consider the value of the number 11.

The number 11 has magic power

Number 11 in numerology value

Numerology - science of numbers, considers eleven as a rather difficult number, which is an amazing microcosm.

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It is of particular importance, and its planet-guide is Proserpina. Residents of ancient Rome worshiped it as the goddess of the underground kingdom and fertility. The Egyptians personified her from the goddess of the night sky - Nut, which was the mother of Osiris and his wife Gaa.

Christianity is among the eleven hidden vicious meaning, allegedly it personifies liberty and passion for freedom.

Higher forces regularly send us various prompts designed to direct us to the "True path" in life. Such signs include, for example, "randomly" seen numbers on the clock, car numbers that often fall into your eyes. If you regularly observe the same combinations of numbers (or one digit), it is not a simple accident.

Tips of Fate

According to Angelic Numerology, often to see the combination of numbers "eleven", especially with repeated repetition, indicates that the highest forces approve your undertakes and your plans are doomed to success. But there is also a negative aspect of these numbers in which they denote the occurrence of possible complications or the beginning of some pathological dependence.

How affects person

This important number gives a person various talents, intelligence, courage, but can also send it to the abyss of illusions and hallucinations. Around the number eleven always went rumors about his connection with mysticism. This is largely due to the fact that it is located in a sacral row containing a number from one to nine and twenty two.

Those individuals who correspond to the vibration of the number eleven, in principle, can not play the second role in life. They have pronounced ambitiousness, energetic, independence, rapidness and objectivity, tend to show the initiative.

But because of the natural delicacy, the feelings of the beat and sensitivity they may face the difficulty of implementing their plans in life, as they are too worried about the feelings of others.

It is difficult to predict the line of behavior of human-eleven people, they can be both very open and sociable, so after a short time becoming real reasons. The number eleven has duplicate property properties, but, in the amount, turning into a two, changes its value to the opposite direct.

Learn more about the numbers eleven and twenty two of the following video:

Positive aspects of the number 11

Numerology is positioning a given number as a symbol of friendship and success in the love sphere. People who appeared on the light of this number are characterized by optimism, initiative, have original thinking.

The main task for them in this embodiment is to learn to harmoniously cope with the difficulties of being, always remain optimists and tirelessly move forward. In this case, they will be able to make a dizzying career.

Fate likes to send significant tests in such people in the form of various deprivities, betrayal, diseases and bankruptcy. And if they cope with them, they receive a reward from the higher forces, reach huge heights, both spiritual and material plan.

Negative aspects

But on the other hand, the number eleven in its negative meaning can make a person with a pessimist, enhance the depression and arrogance in it. Begins to manifest the hostility towards the world around the world, the defendant of someone else's opinion, closure and pettyness.

Due to the influence of negative vibrations, a person forgets about his basic life destination. In this case, due to the weak will, it falls to the bottom. The number can contribute to the suppression of surrounding individuals, both moral and physical. Also often there are various sexual disorders.

For people born under the influence of this number, the development of psychological pathologies is characteristic. Therefore, if you often come across difficulties, then find the strength to recover. Only due to the constant movement, you can activate your energy.

For these personalities, it is also characteristic of the "revival of the ash", when they are all starting from scratch, after surviving large losses.

Features of the nature and personality of people-odent

If the number is eleven is a man manager, it gives a huge magic energy that can be even stronger than the strongest personality. In some people, she will contribute to the disclosure of secret possibilities, and others will send to the bottom of life, to complete degradation.

The main task of a person will be control over the situation so that this powerful energy does not make chaos in your life, and harmonized it.

Superconductance of man

Representatives of the described vibration are envoys over and prophets, they have something to tell others. As a personal number, eleven helps his pupils in achieving significant success in the diplomatic, political, religious spheres, as well as teaching and psychology. Thanks to strong communication with space, such people often have paranormal abilities and often become healers or psychics.

Knowing the characteristics of the number 11, it will be easier for you to use its energy, you can direct it into a positive channel, thanks to which you will achieve success in life.

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