How to find out the destiny by date of birth?


Modern people tend to think that the numbers were invented by our distant ancestors for mathematical purposes. But this is not at all like this - the magic of the numbers is sacred, the many vintage books, manuscripts permeated, it is present in all the religious doings of the world. There is a very interesting way that allows the date of birth to learn the fate of a person.

Fate: how to find a right decision

  • 2 digit 9 (number of birth 09, 19, 20)
  • 3 digit 8 (birth number 08, 18, 28)
  • 4 digit 7 (birth number 07, 17, 27)
  • 5 digit 6 (birth number 06, 16, 26)
  • 6 digit 5 ​​(number of birth 5, 15, 25)
  • 7 digit 4 (number of birth 04, 14, 24)
  • 8 digit 3 (number of birth 03, 13, 23)
  • 9 Figures 2 and 1 (birth numbers 02, 12, 22, 01, 11, 21, 31, 10, 20 and 30)
  • How to find out your fate in terms of birth

    The very first step - you need to establish your personal number. It is with his help you can determine the true purpose of your real reincarnation.

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    To do this, we take our date to appear, for example, on May 25, 1994.

    The fate of a person depends mainly from small cycles, so the most important thing in the date of birth is the day itself when you were born. His second digit and will be the goal of your incarnation. So, in our example, this figure "5".

    Now consider examples of all numbers.

    Figure 9 (number of birth 09, 19, 20)

    Such a person is important to develop his will. All his life should be subordinate to a rigorous order, filled with liability and specifics.

    In no case cannot be late, give promises and then do not fulfill them, deceive.

    A person must learn to overcome various obstacles in his life and thanks to this becoming stronger than internally.

    Suitable professions: Surgeons, traumatologists, as well as athletes and dancers - where it is necessary to use hands and movements.

    Figure 8 (birth number 08, 18, 28)

    The main meaning of this incarnation is concluded in increasing and unification in small. A person needs to be a central figure for his relatives, combine them all around them. It is a support for his relative environment.

    All his actions must be controlled by wisdom, tolerance, sacrificance for the benefit of loved ones. Under the strict ban, the break of relationships with relatives, as well as treason.

    Suitable professions: Pedagogues, environmentalists, obstetricians, pediatricians, gynecologists, agrarians and other professions, in which it is important to show their kindness, mercy and care, as well as wisdom and sacrifice.

    Figure 7 (birth number 07, 17, 27)

    The main task of these personalities is control over its emotional sphere for the difference in creative and destructive energy. A good sign that indicates the fulfillment of the task of this incarnation - earned material benefits. So, if money regularly lacks, it means that a person does not cope with his destination.

    Suitable professions: Suitable activities that involves the creation of something. Field of activity - Factory, factories, enterprises, that is, the national economy.

    Figure 6 (number of birth 06, 16, 26)

    The mission of the number is very close to the purpose of the figure eight, but it is more global. So, the eights must combine around themselves a large number of people.

    The main purpose of this incarnation is to achieve the state of internal harmony and reveal your heart to others. It is important to manifest wisdom, mercy and care for neighbors.


    Suitable professions: Everything that concerns human soul is neurologists, teachers working with complex teenagers, psychologists, drugstores, therapists and so on. Man is important, being a leader, to show a warm and caring attitude towards his subordinate.

    Figure 5 (number of birth 5, 15, 25)

    The patron saint of this number is accurate knowledge and creativity. It is important to adhere to moral and moral principles.

    The main purpose of this incarnation is to comprehend the beauty and harmony of the surrounding world, as well as demonstrate them to other people.

    Suitable professions: All that is associated with the art sphere, as well as in word and beauty. These are literary critic, art history, teaching, acting professions, dances and music. Also this is foreign philology, tourism sphere - any way to convey knowledge about the beauty and harmony of the world.

    More interesting about the date of our appearance will tell the following video:

    Figure 4 (number of birth 04, 14, 24)

    A person must be devoted and adhere to the postulates of centering. He needs to clearly and clearly realize causal relations, as well as disclose the features of these knowledge to humanity. Also very important, unconditional stability in everything.

    Suitable professions: Any activity, devoid of boredom. Work is suitable for improving the improvement of our society. For example, these are media workers, radio or television.

    Figure 3 (number of birth 03, 13, 23)

    Such personalities are extremely important to strictly adhere to the order, comply with the laws. And their main goal is to convey them to others. Of course, the person himself must have high moral norms.

    Suitable professions: Astronomers, mathematics, physics, lawyers, prosecutors. Also here include other public activities in which accuracy, order and responsibility are important.

    Figures 2 and 1 (birth numbers 02, 12, 22, 01, 11, 21, 31, 10, 20 and 30)

    The main tasks of incarnation of such people are associated with the physical world. So people are important to show their high spirituality and surrender to the world.

    High spirituality

    Any professions and classes are suitable that are associated with high moral and moral principles. Very important manifestation of mercy, and the best way to make this volunteering activity will help. Moreover, no matter what plan, most importantly, it is possible to replenish it, accompanying it sincere care, compassion and love.

    It is worth paying special attention to the dates for the appearance of the light, in which there is only zero, a unit or a twice. They denote the presence of quite rare energies, so the person has very important tasks. It is important to exercise your high spirituality, mercy and tolerance. If such people incorrectly choose their profession - fate tend to punish them very brutally.

    Using the method described above, you can easily learn the main goal of your current incarnation and will be aware of the most suitable professional classes for you. And if something in your life is not the best way, think, perhaps, did you turn out on the desired track?

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