The number of the soul: What does and how to calculate your


All my life, from birth, our numbers surround us. In Numerology, it is believed that the date of birth determines the identity and character of a person. In various types of this science there are various types of calculation. We will talk about Vedic Numerology and about such a thing as the number of soul. We'll figure it out how to calculate it, what it affects and what does.

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The number of the soul: What does and how to calculate your 1526_1
The number of the soul: What does and how to calculate your 1526_2

Number of soul

How to calculate the number of souls?

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The algorithm of calculation is simple. Take a piece of paper, handle and get ready to count:

  1. First write your birthday. If you, for example, were born on October 16, 1991, write the number 16.
  2. Next you need to fold the numbers Among the birth: 1 + 6 = 7 - this is the number of souls.
  3. If the result was a two-digit number, for example, you were born on August 29: 2 + 9 = 11, it is necessary to fold the numbers of the resulting amount: 1 + 1 = 2. Two and will be your soul number.

Thus, as a result, we get one digit from 1 to 9.

Number of soul value

Birthday plays a role

But there is a small nuance. It matters the time in which you were born:
  • For example, you were born at 1:40 am from 15 to October 16. In the passport, the number of birth - 16. But in Vedic numerology you are considered born at night 15. Therefore, the number of birth will be 15, and the number of fate in this case equals six.
  • Therefore, if your birth time is up to 2 o'clock in the morning, the number of the soul will be calculated not by date of birth in the passport, but by date a day before.

For a more accurate interpretation, the numbers are worth reading the characteristics of the number of the soul for both dates and see what the number most correspond to the characteristics of your personality.

Why do you need to know the number of souls?

The number of soul has the greatest influence on the fate of a person, the number of fate is most significant.

The number of souls characterizes the following qualities:

  • Your attitude towards others and yourself.
  • Your aspirations and desires, dreams and life plans.
  • Compatibility of relationships with opposite floors, partners, colleagues, friends.

Next, consider what every number of soul means.

Number of soul in numerology

Soul number - values

If you were born 1, 10, 19 or 28 numbers, then Unit - your number of soul . What does it say:

  • You are independent, you are a bright personality, the leader in kind, tend to lead.
  • Your life is controlled by the energy of the Sun, thanks to which your goals are always clear, and thoughts are clear.
  • You are inclined to dwell on your ideas.
  • You are not a flexible person, no one is able to make you change the decision or behavior.
  • For any question you have your own point of view.
  • You are domineering, authoritative, successful person.
  • Very appreciate freedom and stop all attempts to limit it.

People units are very lozuchi, inventive, "livestock" by their nature. Capable to severe physical and mental work, while high-way.

Born 2, 11, 20 or 29 numbers - with The number of the soul equal to two:

  • Your life is controlled by the moon. Therefore, you are gentle, artistic, romantic, peaceful and polite.
  • Able to accumulate energy and give it to others, so it is very good if there is such a number of a woman.
  • Have a congenital sense of harmony.

Born 3, 12, 21 or 30 s number of souls equal to 3:

  • You are incredibly ambitious. Put great goals and go to them, no matter what.
  • Always act with a loaf for the future, intelligent and do not make spontaneous actions.
  • Optimist, full of enthusiasm, cheerful.
  • Have excellent communicative skills.
  • Tell lead, not obey.
  • Practices, not dreamers, rational and logical.

Born 2, 13, 22 or 31 numbers with number of soul equal to 4:

  • Perfectionists, adore order, everything should be decomposed on the shelves.
  • Hardworking, capable of performing any work to achieve the result.
  • Your life will not name calm - it is a constant alternation of takeoffs and falls.
  • Unable to initiate ideas, prefer to enjoy the experience and advice of others.

Born 5, 14 or 23 numbers with number of soul equal to 5:

  • You have an incredibly developed sixth sense. Capable to intuitively find a right decision, to predict the result of their actions.
  • Capable to quickly adapt to any change from the outside. Feel like fish in water where and ever.
  • But the changes do not like, conservatives.
  • Regnant personalities, love to give advice, without even listening to the issue to the end.

Born 6, 15 or 24 - " Six»:

  • Incredibly attractive and attractive for people of any sex. These are those who are happy to see in any company. Always surrounded by a crowd of fans / fans.
  • Developed creative abilities allow themselves to realize themselves in any field of art.
  • It is characterized by a lung attitude towards money - you are unfortunately to part with them.
  • Adore travel, new emotions, shifting of the situation and environment.

Born 7, 16 or 25 - " Seven»:

  • Many people consider them losers, but in fact obstacles and difficulties are hardened, as a result, lead to success.
  • Very quickly change the mood, emotional and restless.
  • Creable to analyze everything that happens and make faithful conclusions.
  • Proposed to obey, and not to lead, with a good mentor, they are able to achieve large heights.

The number of soul 8. In people born 8, 17 and 26, means:

  • The man is mysterious, he always intrigues and fascinates others.
  • Hardworking and responsible, it works hard.
  • The introvert, very secretive and closed for society.
  • They possess a strong will, which helps to cope with any obstacles arising from life path.
  • Lovely, believe that everything is for the better. Create to radically convert society.

And finally, born 9, 18 or 27 people with Number of soul 9.:

  • Are under the auspices of Mars, so energetic, restless, are active.
  • Strong spirit and disciplined.
  • Adventure lovers.

More information about the number of souls will be found in the video:

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