Karmic relationships on the date of birth of partners


In numerology there are 4 types of unions (relationships): mirror, fate, karmic and vector. To determine the karmic relationships on the date of birth of partners, you need to make up numerological maps. They will be as follows (as an example):

Types of unions example

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Karmic relationships on the date of birth of partners 1529_2
Karmic relationships on the date of birth of partners 1529_3

Determine the psychotype

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So, you have drawn numerological maps of both partners. Now you can proceed to the definition of the type of your union. To do this, you first need to find out how psychotipu includes each of the partners. There are three psychotypes:

  1. Boss (psychotype I). This is the variant of the numerological table, in which the units are larger than the twos. It does not matter how much, even if one. For example, three units and two two, five units and two twos, two units and one twice, six units and one two. Etc.
  2. Executor (psychotype II). In this embodiment, the bobs should be more than units. Even if the difference is only one digit.
  3. By itself (psychotype III). A person belongs to this psychotica, if in his test the amount of bobs and units equal.

After you have identified a psychotype, you can understand what type of your union.

karmic relationships on the date of birth of partners

Determine the type of Union

As we indicated above, there are 4 types of union:

  1. Mirror . This is the most common type of relationship. They take two people similar to each other with the same psychotypes - the first first (both "chiefs") or two seconds (both "performers"). The Type of "Mirror" is the same "love at first sight", instantly breaking the feelings
  2. Fate . Ideal relationships, correctly developing, partners are really designed to each other fate. These are two opposite psychotype. For example, one of the pair - "boss", the second - "performer" or vice versa. Union by type "Fate" is usually not immediately. Partners can communicate for a long time like pleasures or colleagues and not notice each other. And then the moment comes and an understanding comes: "Either he / she, or nobody"
  3. Karmic . In such a type of union, people fall when one of the partners have a third psychotic ("in itself"), and the second one - or the first ("boss"), or the second ("performer"). In this case, we can say that there is a karmic connection by date of birth. It is usually "patients" relationship, when to break the connection seems impossible, even if in the relationship bad. If you have determined that your pair is a karmic relationship, this article is about you. Detailed feature of this type below.
  4. Vector . The exclusion method is if you could not attribute your union to any of the three types of three types, you are in vector relationships.

Next, consider the features of the karmic union.

Karmic Soyuz

Male karmic connection. general characteristics

The karmic connection of a man and a woman defined by the date of birth is usually very strong. Such people usually attract a very tightly creative business or creation. Moreover, in this context, "creation" can be called:
  • The general child is also a creation;
  • The case, an important and necessary world, people, living and having a high vitality;
  • own developed teaching, school;
  • an enterprise that creates a unique product;
  • The discovery, thanks to which humanity can make a grandiose leap in development.

Moreover, people in the karmic union are very clearly aware and feel the need for general, globally.

It is believed that the result of the marriage is necessarily children. And the child can be a common creation. And if conventional children are often born in other types of relationships, normal, confident and "smooth", then in the karmic alliance, children are very strong, punching. They are independent and early leave their parents, prefer to make decisions themselves.

Why does the karmic union arise? Some more features

Very often, karmic relations arise when you for some reason have passed by your "fate" and did not enter the union of fate. Perhaps they were against the parents or you succumbed to the opinion of friends, friends, relatives, went on public opinion.

After that, you fall into the category of heavenly people, allowing themselves to be managed and enter into a karmic connection.

Acquaintance of partners usually occurs in the most incredible places. At the place of their meeting, they usually do not get novels, they do not get acquainted and appear with completely different purposes.

About how the karmic connection between a man and a woman by date is to live and calculate, still look in the video:

After the birth of the firstborn in the karmic union, the partners disappears the attraction to each other. This is because they have fulfilled its task (create creation) and can now quietly part.

If separation occurs, none of the pair usually regrets in the future. But often because of the stereotypes and norms of morality, the couple is trying to preserve the family at least for the sake of children. Surprisingly, the child will easier to exist with one parent than with two who control it too much.

Karmic connection men and women

Sometimes the second kid is born on the soil of preserving the family, and after that, the relationship is spoiled. The second child is often born weak, it is harmful, hooligan, provokes conflicts.

The karmic union is not a sentence. He needs to live, fulfill the common goal - to create something valuable or important to society. After that, an incredible thrust to each other disappears, you can begin a new life with a new partner. It is important not to try to save the relationship after that, otherwise you will spend too much time and you can miss your real fate.

Bonus: Partner Compatibility - Online Services

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