Number 6 value in numerology


To determine the value of Number 6, make a numerological map by date of birth. A detailed algorithm for calculating and analysis on the example is described in this article. It is easy - you need 5 minutes of time, paper sheet, pen and ability to add simple numbers in mind. For one hundred percent accuracy of calculations, you can use the calculator.

Number 6 value

General characteristics of the magic six

Sixer - a figure that will help characterize certain qualities of personality and character traits in man. Unlike other, more "independent" in numerology numbers, Sixer is very closely connected with the top three. Therefore, often numerologists consider them in the preparation of a numerological map together.

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Figures 6 and 3 interact with each other by such a scheme:

Cross knowledge

You see the cross, which is called the "Cross of Knowledge". It is believed that wisdom consists of two concepts - the cross of knowledge and the ability to use these knowledge.

Thus, Sixer is responsible for the following personality qualities:

  • the number of knowledge in the head;
  • The ability to systematize the information: Namely, all knowledge found in the life path;
  • The ability to maintain, accumulate and, especially important, apply the knowledge gained in practice.

Moreover, numerologists share knowledge of two types:

  • Information is superficial and not very deep, usually obtained resembling, intelligent;
  • Technological knowledge - those that will definitely be useful will be applied in practice, will help solve problems, change the life path as a whole.

And if the troika in the cross is responsible for the information ("I know about everything in a little bit), then Sixer - deep, technological knowledge (necessary for professional implementation, the title of expert, pro, Guru). Therefore, the six in the cross is more important:

  • It carries quality;
  • makes thinking about self-esteem;
  • Stimulates to reflect ("Who am I, why I"), analyze the past and future in comparison.

The usual and standard number of sests in the test is one. This means that the quality for which it responds is in this person in the balance sheet. A fairly tenacious and fast mind is enough of everyday wisdom.

And deviations from the norm (there are no six or, on the contrary, more than one) Consider separately more.

Six in Numerology

More than two six

If a person in a numerological map has more than two six:
  • It is fundamental, clearly denotes his borders and never breaks them;
  • Deeply understands the essence of processes and things;
  • very quickly thinks and reflects, almost instantly the relationship between objects and phenomena is found;
  • accurate in work, immaculately performs professional affairs;
  • qualitatively fulfills its duties;
  • This is a good politician: he thinks to the future, "heels in the root" of problems and almost always finds causal relationships;
  • Quickly finds its purpose and remains a loyal case throughout life.

"Multi-strokes" are usually very bright individuality, strictly and specifically characterized which is almost impossible. These are people deep. It is about them that they say: you can find out infinitely, draw without end. It is like a bottomless well: in his behavior you can constantly find something new, unexpected.

Lack of six

The number 6 in numerology matters, even if there are no six in your numerological table. The lack of six is ​​a natural minimum. For such a person, the following personality qualities are characterized:

  • It is difficult for him to concentrate in fulfilling one particular case, it is constantly distracted by external circumstances - because of this, it is necessary to constantly return to matters several times, otherwise it is almost impossible to obtain the required result;
  • I do not know how to say "no", refuse, even if agreed means to go on one's own interests;
  • I do not know how to stand up for yourself and defend your own interests;
  • Due to the lack (as it seems) the arguments are easier to do something for another person than to refuse;
  • Often with underestimated self-esteem, trying to earn the approval of others, cauting everyone, pursuing their own desires away;
  • His actions, first of all, are aimed at defending the interests of other people, and not their own, robets before authoritations, successful personalities;
  • Always find arguments why "others are more important, and I will wait";
  • Practically clean altruists;
  • It is filled with energy, fond of the needs and beliefs of other people, forgetting about their own (or simply cannot determine what he wants himself, it is easier to go on a more authoritative person).

"Chestrestors" often exploit other people in favor of their own interests. At the same time, it is impossible to say that they are inseractless and dryless. Rather, it is not determined and not impassated in their own interests, aspirations, desires of people.

6 in numerology

From extreme to extreme: "66666"

People with five seisters in a numerological map are extremely rare. They usually have a very durable and deep inner rod, and "I" is the main letter in the alphabet.

This is a fundamental, independent, who knows his price personality. He "builds" all around and builds around his own world with its own details and borders.

About a person with five seisters can be said that he is a hard cynic and egoist. This is especially true of relationships with loved ones: relatives, friends, the second half.

He is a smart, clearly realizes and understands everything that happens around, confident. It can be called even a genius. He sees a brilliant even in simple things, is able to solve difficult, impossible to other tasks, finding non-standard outputs from insoluble situations.

At the same time, it is very unpredictable and unlikely. This is a very deep person, which will never be able to understand to the end.

More information about the value of 6 in numerology is in the video:

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