Number 4: Mystery of Numerology


Before you know the value of the number 4 in numerology, you need to determine how many fourths in your numerological test. Perhaps they are not available at all. Therefore, open this article and make a table as in the example.

Number 4 value

The normal number of fours in the test is one. And the absence of numbers 4, as well as their presence in the amount of more than one, is a deviation from the norm. We will analyze what it means, and what characteristics have people with different quantities of this number.

What carries the four in itself? general characteristics

The number 4 in numerology value has the following:

  • Call of Duty. It is important to understand what that means. Four characterizes the "parameters" of honesty, straightness, morality, internal discipline, responsibility for themselves and for others.
  • Responsibility for the order in your life and in general. This is how inclined to create harmony in your own affairs and in any other place, under any conditions, regardless of your location.
  • Attitude towards generally accepted laws, moral standards. How much you keep these norms or ignore them.

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It is important to understand that a sense of duty is not an indicator of relationships with surrounding people, close, friends and relatives. This is how internally aware and accept the rules and laws of society. And how they are independently inclined to observe, and not due to the fact that this is the need and someone forced you.

Number 4 in numerology

Usually, the "Quarters" is well developed awareness and understanding why other people make certain necessary things. They are not inclined to take risks, violate the law and naughty on the violation of this law by others. Quarters - Single "Right" people who do not understand and condemn the Buntari.

Great, if in your dough four one. This means that the sense of debt you have developed perfectly, there is no excess or, on the contrary, disadvantage. No personality adjustment is required, working with a numerologist.

But the absence of four or their large number is the extremes that we will analyze in detail.

Three four

A numerous man has a heightened sense of debt. These are the most people who are worried about all in a row. They see, analyze and notice everything around, up to the smallest detail.

They try to remake and change everything that does not comply with the public rules, stereotypes, standards. They seek to force everyone to live "correctly", forgetting that the level of the norm in each of its own.

These are the people who become awkward even for speaking on TV or on stage, if the latter behave ridiculous, incorrectly. They will lively comment on any talk shows, give advice there, where they do not ask, put in disputes of foreign ones.

These are those who will follow the order in the queue in the clinic and the store. Those who need to give a place to a pregnant or old woman in the bus. Those who, without reason, will begin to comment and control the work of colleagues.

Four in numerology

Its children are not allowed to live in their children. They will choose the institute for them, place of work, the future spouse. Start to climb into family life, distributing tips and coming with control checks.

But these are those people who help children in orphans are engaged in charity, attach to the boots to the shelters, save homeless animals and solve world problems daily.

No four

A person without fourses is another extreme. For him, there are no morality, generally accepted values, laws. He has his own laws in his head, which can absolutely not coincide with the opinions of others.

Often these are single people, because they are too irreconcilable, rarely who can withstand such an independent and descendency. All because most people are social creatures that constantly create relations with each other. And the existence of these relationships (love, friendly, workers and other) is impossible if both parties do not comply with the unlawful rules and laws. Therefore, it is difficult to adapt in social reality.

Surprisingly, new people, dating appear in the life of such a person often. But the friends are not delayed for a long time, do not turn into close friends, there is no second half. No one is able to demolish intolerance, the rejection of their borders. Validate is constantly trying to establish its rules without taking into account the rules of other people. Corn and conflict, does not know how to cooperate and negotiate.

An even more about the value of the number 4 in numerology, see the video:

And the norms of morality simply do not exist. Therefore, such a person is necessary (if he wants to adjust the nature and change the life for the better) constantly controllers, follow your actions and actions. There is a chance that it will gradually work out to keep social roles and be accepted by society. Otherwise, there is a risk of becoming a bandwidth and a hermit.

In the absence of control over himself, a non-depletion officer always acts on the nefple, does not correspond to the goal and the place of its location. Because of this, he almost never achieves his goals, does not get the desired. And does not even understand why everything happens so, and not otherwise.

The main problem that needs to be solved is a violation of the interests of other people. You need to learn to take into account the desires of others, and not do everything just as you need. It should be learned to consider people not as a means of achieving their own goals, but as living characters with feelings, emotions, aspirations.

And it is especially important to learn to report their claims or desires, and not hope that people will guide and understand everything on their own. Straightness, openness and honesty is not enough.

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