Number 9 in numerology


Numerology is quite accurate science. Each digit in it is attached to a special, individual value. Now we will analyze the number 9 in numerology. The value of this number cannot be viewed personally. Initially, you need to make a calculation of the date of birth to determine how many nine, as they are located. And only after that you can talk about the characteristic of the number.

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Number 9 in numerology 1536_1
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number 9 in numerology

Calculation of the date of birth and compilation of a numerological map

The algorithm is next (at each stage, write the resulting digit):

  1. First you need to record the date of birth in the format 16101991.
  2. Then folded alternately all the numbers from the line: 1 + 6 + 1 + 0 + 1 + 9 + 9 + 1 = 28..
  3. We got a two-digit number, and we still need one more. Therefore, we continue to add: 2 + 8 = 10, 1 + 0 = 1
  4. Then, from the originally received amount 28, it is necessary to take 2 topics that were born until 2000: 28-2 = 26. . The born after 2000 do not take 2, but add 19.
  5. Then we fold two digits and get a finite number: 2 + 6 = eight (If the number turned out to be double-digit, we leave).
  6. Then, from all numbers and numbers recorded during the calculation of the table. The numbers need to enter it in a certain order:
1 4 7.
2. 5 eight
3. 6. nine

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Consider the calculation on a specific example. Example: Date of your birth on October 16, 1991. Then the calculation should look like this:

  • 16.10.1991 = 28 = 1
  • -2.
  • 26 = 8.

Total we get the numbers 16101991, 28, 1, 26, 8.






Calculation is over! Our example turned two nines (99). You may not have no nine or numbers at all. On the value of the number 9, depending on these factors, let's talk below.

Nine in numerology

Nine value in numerology

The nine is the last digit in the calculation. It completes the numeric row. Similarly, in the characterization of the person's personality, it seems to put the point, sums up and is the final stroke.

Each digit in classical numerology is a characteristic of certain personal qualities. The more the numbers, the brighter these qualities are manifested. As for the figure 9, it means in numerology and is responsible for such features as:

  • Flexibility in respect of other people, behavioral exemption;
  • the fuency required to implement its own goals;
  • Cunning, the ability to find an approach and like a favorable and useful person.

In a word, the nine is the ability to behave correctly in a particular situation when the result depends on your actions and it should be beneficial to you. A man with a large number of nines - the one who clearly puts and understands his goals, behaves correctly, thanks to which he always finds himself in a profitable position.

9 in numerology

Detailed values

We have already said that the personality characteristic in the number "9" will depend on the number of nines in your calculation. Normal is 2 nines in the table (as in the example). Other values ​​- deviations from the norm, but they can show which features of your personality need adjustment.

One nine

People with one nine lack of tricks, flexibility, pliability. In the nature of such people, stubbornness prevail, synthesia (do not confuse with perseverance). They often do not achieve their goals, stop literally a few steps. Slowly react to external changes.

Susceptible to the influence of others. If someone will dismiss or dislike himself about the intended matter, a person may well leave his plans and take on something else. Therefore, often, even having done a lot of work, they throw conceived, switching to other ideas.

Due to stubbornness, problems are possible in relationships with others. A man with one nine usually has many complaints about friends and loved ones, but rarely expresses discontent out loud. Therefore, "guilty" often and do not recognize about their limits. "One-Roommer" is the same unbearable person who is able to be offended is unknown for what to walk for weeks.

Often there are problematic situations at work because of the inability to bring the case to the end. Because of this, often awards and other monetary bonuses get colleagues and competitors who tried more.

Usually lives with emotions, relationships, they are extremely important. More important than material things, career, arrangement of life.

Three nines and more

The number of nine, exceeding the norm, from three or more. This is the opposite extreme. A person with three-six-six-nines typical "nine" qualities are not simply developed, but hypertrophied. These are dodgy people, cunning, it is about them "this slippery type" says. Professional players, actors, adventurers, fraudsters, manipulators - exactly from this category.

When communicating with a multi-fashioned person, it is often difficult to understand when he is serious, and when he is joking. When he speaks the truth, and when lying. They are talented, capable of playing any image when it is required in favor of their interests.

Very funerals, live in constant hurry. Aimed on the result, dream of getting a maximum of the result with a minimum of effort. And get what they want. But often in pursuit of the execution of major desires forget about small.

LGUT from childhood, but parents write off this on a rapid fantasy and developed figurative thinking. They seek to achieve the desired at any cost. True manipulators see people through and know how to manage them. Observant, dodes. But in society, it is usually invisible, do not like to stand out. Rather, they are watching all the empty. About such people they say that they are "on their mind."

Another view of the meaning of nines in Numerology, see the video:

Two nine

This is an ideal and norm. People with two nines are enough tricks, bending and discusses. Therefore, the relationship with them is usually beautiful. There is no global problems in relationships. Put goals and reach them, but do not go along the heads.

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