Vedic numerology


Numerology has become popular, especially among women. Almost every second tries to calculate the date of birth, which man suits her, what profession is worth paying free time, how to better educate children and so on. All new types of this science are constantly arising, for example, Vedic Numerology. We will talk about it that combined two popular destinations at once.

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Vedic numerology

Basic principles

The most important in Vedic numerology are three numbers. On their basis, all numerological analyzes and predictions are based.

Number of soul

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This number reflects the personality of a person. May tell very fully and detail about the character. Give a complete picture of relationships with surrounding and close people. What is the number of soul:

  • To determine personal compatibility with a partner or identify the most suitable life satellite for you;
  • To pick up a hobby, hobbies, a genus, understand, in which direction to move to build a career, what is your purpose, what to do not plow, but at the same time to make money and feel happy.

The number of souls can be adjusted, and it can be affected.

Numerology by Vedas

Number of fate

The fateful number in Vedic Numerology reflects the karmic debts and the tasks of a particular person. This value is the most important of all. The peculiarity is that the number of fate cannot be changed, this is the very "cross" that will have to bear and with which you need to work throughout life.

Number of name

The most flexible number in Vedic numerology, which is perfectly adjustable. The influence on the nominal number has the environment of a person, its social - both active and passive - life. Regardless of changes, in its original form, there is a character, only social masks that are visible to others.

Thanks to the change of the nominal number, the person seems to change the images, showing people a favorable side of his personality. The inner essence remains the same.

Numbers in Numerology

There are other numbers in Vedic Numerology, but they are not so important, so they are almost never taken into account when calculating.

How to calculate your numbers

The calculation of each of the three important numbers of Vedic Numerology has its own characteristics. Tell in detail.

Number of soul

It is easier to calculate it. There are several rules:

  • If your birthday is from 1 to 9 (for example, you were born on October 8), your number of soul is equal to the digital value of this day (October 8: the number of soul is 8) and is simple;
  • All other numbers are calculated as the amount of birth numbers: for example, if it was born on December 18, then the number of souls 1 + 8 = 9, if on June 28: 2 + 8 = 10 = 1 + 0 = 1.

Nothing complicated!

Number of fate

The calculation of the number of fate reminds calculations in classical numerology. To determine your number of fate, fold all the numbers from the date of birth.

For example, you were born on October 16, 1991. So, the number of fate: 1 + 6 + 1 + 0 + 1 + 9 + 9 + 1 = 28 = 2 + 8 = 10 = 1 + 0 = 1

As a result, you get a digit from 1 to 9 inclusive.

Number of name

The calculation in this case is the most difficult. Each letter of the name corresponds to a certain number. It is necessary to define conformity, and then fold the numbers on the already familiar principle.

Match Take from the table.

1 2. 3. 4 5 6. 7. eight nine
a B. v G D. E. E. J. Z.
and J. To L. M. N. O NS R
with T W. F. C. C. C. NS SCH
NS b NS NS I am

Example: Natalia Alekseevna - 6 + 1 + 2 + 1 + 4 + 3 + 6 + 1 + 4 + 6 + 3 + 1 + 6 + 6 + 3 + 6 + 1 = 60 = 6 + 0 = 6

Decoding the numbers of fate, name and soul

There are a large number of information about the values ​​of the resulting numbers. We share the brief characteristics of each number.

Soul number:

  • 1 - People with such a number are strong, independent, possess bright individuality, leaders and leaders. These are eternal initiators, powerful and uncompromising personalities. Great number for a man. But a woman needs to be corrected.
  • 2 - People with "Double" are very gentle and artistic. These are polite quiet romance, creative, but calm personalities. Usually soft, helpless, adapt to others, strive to please. More female features.
  • 3 - Troika are people who like everyone. It is they who become a soul of a company, an rarity sociable, illuminate everything around, like the Sun. Troika men most often famous Kazanov, women are conqueror of hearts. Possess rare magnetism.
  • 4 - practical and hardworking nature, perfectionists. Incredulous, do not like sharp changes.
  • 5 - very vulnerable individuals with a subtle mental organization. Usually intellectuals, constantly reflecting, inventing. Adorable companies give a lot of energy, heat and joy around.
  • 6 - artistic and love luxury, attractive for the opposite sex. Often prone to narcissism.
  • 7 - indecisive, subject to sharp mood drops. Unlucky, constantly fall into curious situations. Love to analyze, give advice, require much attention to themselves.
  • 8 - strive for power and success, need universal vocation. Often these are politicians.
  • 9 - Restless workaholics. Ever with a bunch of affairs, constantly busy, do not sit in place. We strive to win.

Number of fate:

  • Thick. Artistic sensual nature. Love to transform space into a more beautiful and sophisticated, do not tolerate gray paints. Creators, in character often noticeable childhood, often to old age remain true children.
  • Odd. They strive for the development of themselves, try to change others, adore to give advice. Talented psychologists, leaders in kind. Stubborn and punching.

Number of name:

  • Odd. These are calm and modest individuals with a huge internal potential. There is a risk that due to natural shyness the ability will not work out. Usually have a reputation for people-mysteries, no one understandable, but interesting.
  • Thick. Creative people who seek to be in sight. Greedy to fame, recognition, even if on a small scale. Usually possess some brightly pronounced talent, but not always disclosed it.

The number of the most flexible, it is most difficult to express. Because it matters even what the form of the name is used by surrounding when accessing a person. For example, Natalia or Natalie, Sasha or Sanya. Values ​​change after changing the surname (after marriage).

To compile a complete and accurate numerological card, knowledge of a professional numerologist is necessary.

For a detailed example of the Astrographics, see video:

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