Karmic Numerology by date of birth: Julie System


Karma is those actions and actions of the person who has already committed in the current life and past incarnations. The aggregate of actions and their consequences forms a person's fate. Can I fix my destiny and change karma? Numerology offers its method for solving this issue: the calculation of the number of fate.

Karmic numerology is a science of the influence of numbers for events and fate. With this technique, you can minimize the negative consequences of past actions. Consider how it can be done yourself.

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Karmic Numerology by date of birth: Julie System 1543_1
Karmic Numerology by date of birth: Julie System 1543_2

Karmic numerology

Number of fate

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To determine the karmic number, you just need to fold all the numbers of the full date of birth in the following order:

  • day;
  • month;
  • year.

For example, 12.10.1985 = 1+ 2+ 1 + 1 + 9 + 8 + 5 = 27. The final number 27 symbolizes individual metatsicle. That is, events associated with the development of karmic debts will occur every 27 years. Most likely, these events will be iconic and fateful, they will be able to radically change the life direction.

What else symbolizes the final number? The first figure reports whether a person has a karmic work assistant, and what is his spiritual level. The second digit shows the direction in which a person is recommended to move to correct the mistakes made in past lives.

To figure out what, numerology gives a detailed description and value of numbers and numbers.

First digit: Level of development of the soul

Numerology determines the 4th level of development of the soul.

First level - from 10 to 19:

ten - Karma is practically worked out. The man learned the karmic lessons and now can enjoy the fruits of his spiritual searches. So people are "lucky" in everything - in work, personal life, social status, well-being. They have good health, long life. They will not be sad and suffer because of trifles, look at life optimistic.

In the past life, a person with this number 10 was a hunter either shepherd.

eleven - unsuccessful search for the perfect partner. A person will be married several times, many children will give birth - but happiness will not see. Do not be too trusting, it can destroy you.

It is believed that in the past life he was a killer or a recidivist thief.

12 - Naivety. A person needs support and support, otherwise deception from people can not be avoided. In past incarnations - the enemy of the people, terrorist.

13 - The number of karmic debt, which will have to work out suffering and deprivation. Get ready to endure the blows of fate, because in past lives you were an extreme egoist. Fate in the past embodiment - prisoner or slave.

fourteen - Care from reality using narcotic drugs (alcohol, hookah) does not help avoid paying for the delayed. You will have to completely abandon any doping to solve your karmic tasks. In the past embodiment - sailor, military.

15 - You will have to learn to be sincere with people and not to use them for your own purposes, adhere to moral principles. Natural charm should not become a product for sale. In the past embodiment - confused.

16 - modesty. You will have to learn to put the interests of your neighbors above, listen to their desires and aspirations. This will only be able to work out his karmic debt of the particular royal blood, you were in past incarnations.

17. - happiness. You deserve it with suffering in past incarnations, because fate has prepared a fraction of a homeless man. But in this embodiment you will get everything they were once deprived.

eighteen - revise the life priorities. Cruelty and indifference to the neighbor - the result of witchcraft activities in the past embodiment. If you do not stop, life will be too short.

19 - Another number of karmic duty. Learn to disinterestedly take care of your neighbor, otherwise you will die alone. If you do not fall around, testing will go into the next embodiment.

karmic numerology by date of birth

Second level: from 20 to 29:

twenty - The karmic destination is good to the world. In the past embodiment, the profession was associated with money.

21. - In the past embodiment, you have formed happiness in a blacksmith shop. Now you can reap the fruits of your efforts - take happiness in your hands, and not sit and wait for the weather by the sea.

22. - In the past embodiment, a person was a pickpocket and a small thief. In this embodiment, it is necessary to develop responsiveness to the needs of the neighbor, to be sociable and trust people.

23. - In this life, you need to continue to be a diligent worker, only to create personal happiness and family. In the past - porn, seamstress.

24. - In the past, a man was an icon painter, he created his hands happy fate. Just need to abandon evil thoughts and non-residential actions forever.

25. - In the past embodiment, a person sat on the royal throne. However, its unsuccessful character needs to be used, otherwise there will be tight in this embodiment.

26. - In the past, a man was a physician. In this life, you need to be careful in communicating with people: the betrayal is not excluded.

27. - Despite the difficulties of the first half of life, a person will gain happy fate in adulthood. In the past - a scientist.

28. - Past life broke through your own hands. In this embodiment, you need to fix a lot, for example, pay attention to the moral code of mankind. Do not destroy, but create.

29. - In the past, a false merchant, in this life, will receive a completely deception and lies. To soften karma, find a relative soul.

Third level: from 30 to 39

thirty - In the past, the writer, in this embodiment you need to focus on good deeds. Do not chase for money and glory.

31. - In the past, the actor, in this embodiment prefers loneliness and peace.

32. - Previously, you were a traveler. Try not to chat unnecessary, hold the tongue language. Optimistic sociable person.

33. - In the past embodiment, a man was a great magician, karmic testing completed. In this embodiment, it is best to devote yourself to raising children, it will bring happiness.

34. - In the past, the knight, in this life there is a family well-being and happy fate - but after 35 years.

35. - A person has a bad fate, you need to prepare stealing strikes. Special attention - to its children, so as not to the alcoholics. In the past life - an unsuccessful singer career.

36. - Life is unrecognized with you, you have to seek hard work. In the past - the convict.

37. "In the past, a hermit, in this life awaits well-being and luck in everything. You should not be proud of your merit, you need to learn to be grateful fate.

38 - In the past - confused. In this life you need to learn care: excessive gullibility to good will not bring.

39. - Former gambler. In this life you need to stop envy, otherwise fate will not work.

Third level: Numbers 40 - 49

40. - In the past, the writer; In this incarnation, misunderstanding and rejection expects. To achieve your goals, you need to rely only on yourself.

41. - in the past poetess; In this life you need to learn a disinterested relationship with people. Eternal search for benefits as a result will not lead to anything good.

42. - brewer; The current life promises to be bright and colorful.

43. - executed queen; You have to gain patience to steal all the blows of fate, betrayal of friends and personal failures.

44. - murderer; Life is full of dangers that lie on every corner;

45 - Military; Fate is quite successful, only a satellite of life needs to choose a heart.

47. - Hermit; You need to beware of betrayal of friends.

48. - Armory Master; To succeed, you need to develop leadership qualities.

49. - Payback for previous errors, take patience.

Numbers Over 50. - It is necessary to engage in self-improvement, spiritual practices.

Who is a helper in the work of karma, and how to find out about him? If the first digit of the karmic number is even, then the assistant will facilitate the work. For example, will indicate the right direction, in which move.

If the first figure is par with an odd, then you have an anti-complex. These are the people who will prevent interference in the life path. Try to protect yourself from contact with toxic people and follow the selected course.

If the number is unambiguous, then the karmic exhaust is almost completed. Try not to spoil past merit, be careful.

karmic numerology julie

The value of the second digit

The second digit of the karmic number indicates the purpose. It helps to avoid mistakes, which means not to create bad karma.

Figure 1. . To improve karma, you need to engage in charity, volunteering. Do not deceive other people and beware of the deception. This is the development of egoism, which bloomed a buoy in past incarnations.

Figure 2. . To catch good luck for the tail, effort will have to make. If in previous embodiments you could easily manage, then in this evil rock takes revenge.

Figure 3. . Spirituality should be developed, and not chase the material benefits. The pursuit of the matter you were engaged in past lives, now it's time to make charity.

Figure 4. Happiness smiles to a person who in the past was deprived to everyone. Try to be grateful fate, take care of your neighbors.

Figure 5. - You should avoid occultism in any manifestation to avoid shots of fate. In the past you have done a lot of troubles, practicing black magic.

Figure 6. . Supplier destiny, spent karma. Try to stick to the equilibrium in everything to keep harmony.

Number 7. . Happiness smiles to you, luck pursues on the heels. Try to keep a sober view of life and not to go into all the grave not to return to the past states of loneliness and hopelessness.

Figure 8. . The offender and cynic in the past work out his karma pain and suffering. If you can resist all the moral and physical suffering, then get rid of the subsequent work changes. If you take revenge with your offenders, it will pass into future incarnations.

Figure 9. . You need to help people and listen to your inner voice.

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