Numerology for beginners: where to start, the value of numbers


Numerology is the most ancient doctrine on the impact on the human life of numbers and various numerical combinations. The exact time of this science is unknown, but the foundations of Western Numerology have been developed by another ancient Greek scientist and philosopher Pythagores in the 6th century BC!

Numerology for beginners - where to start learning? This will be told in the material below.

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Numerology for beginners: where to start, the value of numbers 1545_1
Numerology for beginners: where to start, the value of numbers 1545_2

Numerology for beginners

The benefits of numerology

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Why do you need to study science about numbers? It, like astrology and other similar disciplines, can be useful, as it offers a characteristic of a person: the features of his personality, strengths and weaknesses, all the fate as a whole.

But this is still not all the possibility of learning about numbers. Owning information about the date of the client's appearance, his name, as well as the knowing number of the events planned, the numerologist will be able to:

  • Talk about hidden talents, abilities laid from birth, but unrealized;
  • preventing successful, unsuccessful or neutral life periods;
  • identify potential health problems so that you start prevention in advance;
  • calculated in which geographic location to live optimally for you;
  • Choose a better date for a specific event (for example, weddings, shopping housing and the like);
  • Reveal the love compatibility of the pair;
  • help with the choice of the most successful name for business;
  • Choose a suitable name and much more.

Agree, owning such a powerful tool, you can change your life for the better. Or you will change the lives of other people for money.

How Numerology works

The doctrine of numbers states that the combination of numbers in the birth date of the child - acts as a code that, with proper decoding, sheds light into many aspects of life. Also in numerology it is believed that all numbers have a certain energy vibration, which affects a person and the world around either in any other way.

Numerology bases for beginners

Numerology - where to start learning yourself? First of all, you will need to study the main techniques and ways to decipher digital combinations. And for this you need to easily understand the value of 9 of the main numbers.

It is believed that Basic - these are numbers in the interval from one to nine . This information has been preserved to this day from the time of Pythagora, which laid the foundation of numerology, having transferred knowledge to students. The famous sage of antiquity not only conducted complex calculations, but also installed the characteristic for different numbers.

It is his Peru that owns the following lines:

"Everything is in the world - numbers."

Sage Pytagor.

Naturally, you first have to familiarize yourself with theoretical foundations of science. The foundations of numerology for beginners are the addition of numbers. And here 2 basic methods are already distinguished:

  1. According to the first, the date of birth is used, the numbers in which are folded and then reduced to a unique code.
  2. In the second method, the basis of the forecast represents a digital combination of letters forming the name. It is considered more important.

But if you decide to study numerology, do not think that you can comprehend all the basics very quickly. The science of numbers has a large amount of information that will have to learned. At first, beginners use universal signs (they describe the value of each numeric code).

Fortunately, today there are a large number of specialized literature: collections with theory and examples of calculations, as well as interpreting the data obtained.

Numerology: Where to start (calculating the number of life path)

Let's try to first make the simplest, but the fundamental numerological calculation is to calculate its number of life path (by date of birth). And then learn what it means, familiar with the values ​​of the basic numbers.

The number of life path will tell, what kind of deposits you have from birth, what you have hidden abilities, as well as basic goals in life.

The calculation is carried out in this way:

  1. Write your day on a separate leaflet, month and year of birth.
  2. Fold all the values ​​of the numbers.
  3. If a two-digit number turned out, it should be reduced to uniquely (for example, 25, it was 2 + 5 = 7. The number 7 will be the desired value).
  4. According to the result, a simple number from the 1st to 9 is to come out.
  5. Check out its value.

Suppose a person was born on May 11, 1995. We fold all the numbers: 1 + 1 + 5 + 1 + 9 + 9 + 5. We obtain the number 31. We reduce it to uniquely: 3 + 1 = 4. The number of life will be the fourth. Next, you need to find its decryption, which is listed below.

The value of the main numbers in numerology


Characteristic for strong, self-confident personalities with a powerful will and big ambitions. There are no such people with work, because they are very energetic (what often exceed rivals). Do not violate these promises.

Accustomed to win in life, preferring an empty chatter active actions. Sometimes there may be aggression, neglecting other people's opinions. These are bright leaders who do not depend on others.


The number of extremes. His owners in the date of birth by nature are very contradictory - often they combine completely different qualities. But they are excellent adapt to a changing situation.

We strive for harmony, balance in everything. Telling sharp changes in mood, which are not caused by external factors, and their reason lies in the inner state.


Another ambiguous figure is not easy enough. Such people also often change their mood, they do not have clearly pronounced moral principles. They are still distinguished by slightly accuracy: it is easy to go on the surrounding, can adapt to situations by changing their mind.

Very aimed, disturbing are very susceptible to stressful factors. The main problem of Trok - they are almost not located in the present moment, then mentally returning to the past, then running into the future.

Numerology value of numbers


Symbol of strength in numerology. These people always stand on their own, distinguished by courage, have clear life principles. Remeasure them in something - almost unreal.

They can be reeded in any situation, knowing that they will definitely leave. In life, they behave responsibly, executive, right and devoted. Can be very religious.

More than numerologically, the figure 4 is a symbol of harmony (each of its corners is associated with one of the elements). Therefore, the fourth is difficult to withdraw their state of internal equilibrium.


Five - an ambiguous and dual number is associated with the energy of destruction. But changes for the better possible thanks to the accumulated experience.

The number 5 is the personification of the life path overcome by the individual. There is no end, nor the edge, you need to learn to enjoy his process, getting the necessary knowledge and skills.

Also a five is a risky digit, requiring from its owners to rely only on themselves, to his mind and judgment. Such personalities are despicable, balanced, patient. They do not give up and go to the intended goals - then everything will turn out.


Reliable, stable number that gives owners with a sense of self-esteem, faith in itself. Such people know exactly what they need and how to get it. Prefer to act slowly, but confidently: they are not afraid to lose a lot of time to achieve the desired one. And they do not scare them with any difficulties or barriers.

For them, the main thing in life is that they do not attempt to their freedom. They are attracted by nature, they are harmonious, have creative talents, reasonable, calm, but they can suffer from internal contradictions.


Mysterious number. Hides a riddle inherent in each of us. Seven people like learning: they are attracted by new information, new knowledge, otherwise they risk bothering.

Also, being without action and goals for a long time, they begin to encourage their negative habits. Therefore, training for them plays the role of saving vest. These individuals are selfless and hardworking, which is expected from others.


Number 8 is the personification of financial success. Such a person can achieve a lot in life, however, only at the expense of harder work. It is distinguished by a strong will, the ability to achieve the goals.

Thanks to the strong nature of the eights, it is easy to cope with competitors, but do it not so aggressively as units, but more diplomatic. Trying to act peacefully, not to the detriment of others.


Nine are incredibly persistent, targeted, severe spirit people who are not afraid to make serious decisions. They manage to become successful, as well as with ease to seek public recognition. Often they can be found at very high posts.

The nine absorbed all the positive features of previous numbers.

Of course, in numerology there are other, more complex, but interesting and informative techniques of knowledge of the person of a person by date of birth.

It is best if you find a good school in this area or you will personally study from a proven specialist. After all, the question "Why start an independent training of numerology?" - It's good, but any knowledge is always more efficient to receive under the control of experienced teachers.

At the end, browse the video to calculate the personal code by an alternative method:

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