Chinese numerology by date of birth: numbers


Chinese Numerology is one of the most ancient in the world. The first mention of it is dating about 4,000 years ago. The Chinese attach a strong value to different numbers, sometimes showing unhealthy superstibility. For example, they have no 4, 14 or 24 floors, since the figure 4 is considered a very bad carrying different misfortune, symbolizing death.

Let's find out the value of numbers in Chinese numerology in today's material, but first begin with historical information.

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Chinese numerology by date of birth: numbers 1546_1
Chinese numerology by date of birth: numbers 1546_2

Chinese Numerology

Legends about the emergence of Chinese numerology

There is a considerable amount. According to one of them, about 3,000 years ago, a strong flood happened on the Chinese lands. Superval inhabitants of the Middle Kingdom decided that this river deity was gried on them. They tried to hide the swollen god, brought him offering.

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And after each victim, a turtle with an unusual pattern - cells 3 to 3 was chosen from the river to the beach, in each of which numbers were written. After calculating the amount of all numbers, the Chinese determined that, regardless of where it comes from (horizontally or vertically), it always equals 15.

15 - exactly so many days included each of the 24 cycles in Chinese sunny year. So people realized that they should bring the river to the River only 15 offering.

The second legend states that a certain legendary Emperor China once worked on the coast of River Juanhe, trying to eliminate floods. Unexpectedly, the ruler came across the turtle shell (the Chinese found him for a very good symbol).

The find really struck the emperor: it could be seen on it an unusual marking - a square with cells 3 to 3. And then the story with the sum of all numbers 15 and the number of sacrifices is repeated.

Turtle - Hero of Chinese Legends

You can also tell you other similar legends, with great probability also with the participation of the turtle with numbers on the back. The Chinese are very reverent about different numbers, one of them are successful, while others, on the contrary, cause them attacks of real horror.

In many ways, the role is played here as the other digit. Suppose the figure 8 in China is considered incredibly happy, and all because its name is very similar to the word "successful", "prosperous". And the figure 4 turned out to be an outsider because of his sound, strongly resembling the word "death".

Interesting! As the basis of Chinese numerology, very ancient taocious knowledge was taken. The main treatise on them is the famous book of change (different I-Jing).

Chinese Numerology by date of birth: Features

This type of science of numbers is considered one of the oldest, but it has been preserved and quite successfully used today. The basis of the modern numerology of the Chinese is the knowledge of astrology, Chinese philosophy and classical numerology. The basic concept used in Chinese science about numbers is energy. It is believed that each of the numbers are endowed with its unique energy vibrations (its energy can be female or male).

Chinese numerology takes into account the date of the emergence of a person, as well as the location of the heavenly bodies at this moment. In this case, the inhabitants of the Middle Kidnaya give the number 12. Twelve for them is the symbol of the beginning and end of all that happens in the universe. Mystical and sacred number.

Not in vain in the culture of the Chinese, 12 totem animals are known (remember the oriental horoscope). Previously, when calculating numerology by date, the numbers were used from 1 to 12, considering them basic nearby. But in the future, this principle was replaced by a decisional calculus system. Therefore, modern numerology in the miserable operates with numbers from 1 to 10.

Also, an important role is assigned to the top ten displayed. Chinese Numerology is closely connected with the art of Feng Shui, uses many of his concepts.

Chinese School of Numerology To compile a person's personality analysis applies the so-called Lo-Shu Square. The latter combines mysticism and astrology, he focused on the lunar calendar. In total, there are 9 cells.

Square Lo-Shu

The characteristic feature of Lo-shu is the sum of all numbers in horizontal, vertical or diagonal directions is always equal to 15. And to draw up a personality card, the numerologist takes the date of birth, which is compared with the same number on the Chinese calendar.

Those numbers that turned out are made in one of the sections of the Lo-Shu Square. Then the analysis of all numbers on the lines:

  • 8 power lines;
  • 8 lines of weakness;
  • 4 auxiliary small lines.

As a result, there is a specific code on the square levels (3 columns and 3 row). The top line reveals the mind of the client, the average - will tell about the level of its spiritual development, and the lower - is associated with the physical body. You must summarize the numbers in each line, it turns out the code that is reduced to universal values.

Studying the direction of lines in the square Lo-Shu, the numerologist receives information about the abilities, talents of a person, learns in which areas of life he will be able to achieve success. Also, the square reveals other characteristics of the individual.

Interesting! In Eastern Numerology, these numbers are associated with the female start (Yin), and odd relate - with men's (or yang).

Chinese Numerology: Number Value

Unit - personifies the beginning, strength, honor, leadership, inspiration. The unit acts as the original source of all things.

Two - Couple sign, doubling, cooperation. Also, the number 2 is a balance symbol between two opposite concepts: female and male, good and evil, life and death.

In Chinese weddings, it is often possible to detect the hieroglyphic image of the number 2, which means "double happiness". Since the popular Chinese saying says: "Happiness comes in pairs."

Troika - a symbol of readiness to start implementing conceived in practice. Personifies good luck and success. The book and Jing spreads the troika as the union of the Earth, the sky and man. And Buddhists in their temples by tradition are flatly three times.

Four - material number, symbol of the physical world. But the Chinese are sacred believe that the number 4 can bring serious misfortunes, because the pronunciation of this figure is very similar to the word "death". For this reason, in China, you will not find the fourth floor in homes or hotels, the numbering of the floors ends with a triple, and then the five immediately follows.

Five - An important figure in Chinese numerology associated with five initial natural elements: water, fire, metal, wood and earth, as well as with five blessings: prosperity, longevity, love for virtue, health and natural death.

Six - This number, according to the Chinese, will be particularly favorable in business. It is believed that Sixer gives a description of all directions of light: north, east, south, west, top and bottom. It is also associated with six emotions of man: fun, love, joy, hatred, grief and anger.

Seven - Symbol of confidence and unity. In China, there are many associations with this number: for example, in Buddhism, the soul is reincarnated 7 times, after the death of man Mourning is observed for 7 weeks.

Eight - the number of multiplication, prosperity and wealth. Therefore, it is very loved and appreciated by the inhabitants of the Middle Kingdom.

Nine - Imperial number, including the characteristics of all other numbers. It is also a symbol of harmony. The book of change calls the nine with a happy number. It is the shut-off stage of everything, due to the filterness.

Ten - In modern China, it is considered as a service number, is a symbol of cleansing the soul of a deceased person (something like purification, if you remember Christianity). Sometimes numerologists are separated by the top ten in half when analyzing and consider it as 2 tops.

If you are seriously interested in Chinese Numerology, then find a good specialist in this profile, which will help you draw up a detailed analysis of the personality.

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