Slirms on the clock: their meaning in angel numerology


Whether it happened to you that every time, as soon as your view falls on the dial, do you see mirror numbers there? For example, 12:21, 23:32, 20:02 and others? It is believed that in this way your personal guardian angel tries to file a signal about the current situation: prompts the right decision or motivates to action.

But to understand what to do, you need to know the mirrored numbers on the clock the value they have. I suggest you find it in the material below.

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Slirms on the clock: their meaning in angel numerology 1548_1
Slirms on the clock: their meaning in angel numerology 1548_2

Amazing world of numbers

How are the mirror figures on the clock connected with Dorin Veruch?

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The name Dorin Verce is quite popular today. A woman is an American writer, a psychologist, a founder of new religious movements and a motivational speaker. Dorin claims to see angelic entities.

At one time, her own deck of cards "Angel deck" was released. She also in contact with Indigo children, spent a lot of motivating seminars to help people who fell into heavy situations suffering from psychological syndromes.

It was written more than 50 books on the theme of mysticism, esoteric, spiritual development. Among her works there is a book on the numerology of angels. It was that the concept of angelic numerology was developed, which is now popular now in the world.

True, justice it is worth noting that from February 2017, Dorin Verche became an Yellow Christian, completely stopped all his previous activities (which is contrary to the Holy Scripture). Woman removed from sale All goods related to the past, eliminated their name from books written in part-time with other authors. And all the funds earned from sales sacrificed to charity.

What is numerology angels

Dorin Verche became the first who tied the numbers around us daily, with elements from the higher forces. She began to say that all the digital values ​​that appear on the eyes are signs of over, so they cannot be ignored.

What is the speech now?

  • about the value of time on the clock;
  • about car numbers;
  • numbering of houses, offices;
  • coinciding dates of birth;
  • Rooms of public transport and other similar things.

Dorin Verche

Dorin insisted that any combination of numbers bears encrypted information associated with our future. In her books (which still can still be found on the Internet or in some stores) the writer shared with people to communicate with the angels and receiving important messages from them.

Important! Of course, the information proposed by Dorin at one time is very interesting, but there are no actual confirmation of her words. Therefore, to trust whether the information has given further or not - this is your personal business.

How to decipher Tips Over using mirrors

If you are impressed by this topic, you want to try to solve the messages of angels, then it is necessary, first of all, to pay high attention to what time on the clock clock comes across the eyes most often. And then take for its decoding.

To help you are offered the following simple rules:

  • Stick and write down all seven days of the combination of numbers.
  • Then sit down, take your records and analyze to detect one or more values ​​that are most often found.
  • Now you can be taken for interpretation of the messages. Here will be useful the meanings below. Either you can contact Dorin Verche directs directly (what else is available).

Important moment! Exceptionally, the values ​​of the time that were seen by chance, and not on purpose, are counted.

In the angel numerology, a total of five varieties of combinations on the clock, namely:

  1. Mirrons - we are talking about the number, the first half of which repeats the second. For example, 16:61, 21:12.
  2. Double - duplicate values ​​on the clock: 09:09, 13:13.
  3. Triple - a seen coincidence of three identical numbers: 3:33, 5:55 and so on.
  4. Happy - the combinations consisting of all the same numbers are considered: 111, 222, 888.
  5. Beautiful. This category includes unusual and rare values ​​like 12.34 or 01.23.

The value of mirrored numbers: examples

Today we will focus on the category of mirror numbers.

Important! When it comes to God in the context of angelic numerology, note that under it is a central figure, regardless of religious teachings. That is, Christians have Jesus Christ, Buddhists - Buddha, and the Islamists have Allah.

So, what do mirror figures on the clock mean?

  • 01.10 and 10.01. Such combinations will tell about the very ambulance of all desires, thoughts. It is important for you to think about your plans is extremely positive. Stop getting the problems that arise on the way to goals: pray the keeper angel, and it will help you.
  • 02.20 and 20.02. Mrs. Fortuna came to your life, she will remain with you over the next few months. And if you want to extend the effect, then pray to God, do not forget to thank it for everything you possess. Also to help you will come meditation.
  • 03.30. All you think will get approval and support from higher strength.
  • 04.40. Angelic entities are nearby, they are well aware of your desires, more than one - they are trying to help you in every way, protect your love and energy.
  • 05.50. Be vigilant and get ready for difficult changes in life, which, however, will be for the best. If you wish to get out of them with the smallest shocks - pray to God and contact your guardian angels.
  • 12.21 and 21.12. You faced difficulties, upset, all began to go not according to plan. But do not hurry to panic: Angel is trying to help you to establish life. Trust him and the universe.
  • 13.31. Your soul is predominantly material concerns, because of which you often be sad, fall into depression. It is worth switching attention to spiritual things: start reading thematic books, doing spiritual practices. Then the world will have to see in a completely new light, and the mood will noticeably improve.
  • 14.41. Now the sixth feeling comes to first place. It is thanks to him that you can remain an optimist, no matter what happens, you will not be touched on serious losses of a material or spiritual plan.
  • 15.51. At the moment of time, there is a serious change in the world. If you want to go through what is happening as easy as possible - try to see the glass always half full.
  • 23.32. You will receive an answer to the disturbing question for several days. To do this, it is recommended to pray and pronounce the words: "everything is possible with faith."


Successful combinations of numbers

  • 00.00 - If you saw such a value on the clock, then make a desire regarding financial well-being - he has great chances to be fulfilled.
  • 11.11 - The combination promises very quick fulfillment of your dreams. But that everything happened as it should, the guardian angel did not stop helping you, be kind to others and keep optimism.
  • 22. 22 - This value will tell that the angelic essence of heard your prayers, the highest forces today are trying to help you. But their help can do not immediately, so continue to believe in the best and pray.

If a non-standard combination has fallen

It may happen that you have seen an unusual combination on the clock, you cannot find its values ​​anywhere. Here, the edition of Dorin Verche "Numerology Angels" will come to the rescue. According to it, non-standard variations of values ​​must be interpreted as follows:
  1. At first, the combination is divided into ingots.
  2. Then, in the book, find what it means each of the numbers detailed decoding, study it and combine two interpretations.

For example, you have seen time 21: 14. It is divided into two numbers: 21 and 14, respectively. Interpretation for figures 21 Dorin is as follows:

"You have reason to be an optimist! Angelic entities work for your benefit right now. To help them think and speak only in a positive context about your dream. "

And for the number 14, such a designation is proposed:

"Trust the angels, because they are your assistants in maintaining optimism."

What do figures mean in numerology

It will not be superfluous and the value of each of the numbers to which it is empowered in numerology:

  • 1 - Energy symbol, any active action. But the exact interpretation is carried out depending on the specific situation. Most often we are talking about one of two extremes: either excessive egoism, or full altruism, when their own interests and desires are ignored.
  • 2 - is a pointer of choice. It must be performed on a sober head, taking decisions. And two more will tell about the need to live more calmly and harmoniously.
  • 3 - Troika means that you must put clear goals and desires. Move forward, but guided by the past experience.
  • 4 - says it is worth adding activity. Do not be afraid to try, bother to glory and will be satisfied with the result.
  • 5 - the number of adventurers, people who adore risk, freedom and travel. But they also advise him to be careful and more careful.
  • 6 - Index of values. Live honestly, be fair and kind to other people.
  • 7 - Symbol of success and good luck. The seven gives the energy necessary for the incarnation of conceived in life.
  • 8 - often acts as a pointer to the naming change. And often this number of people with paranormal abilities falls.
  • 9 - a sign of wisdom, she absorbed the energy and experience of all previous numbers. The nine will tell about the need for continuous development.

Finally, I would like to add once again that Angelic Numerology is a very interesting topic, but it cannot be perceived differently as on faith. However, like many other things from the world of mysticism and esoterica.

And what numeric combinations on the clock see most often you?

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