Numerology of money: how it works what kind of wealth code


Numerology of money is the area of ​​magic that studies the energy of the numbers and how they affect the financial position of the person. If you dream to open your cash flow and find out what financial data you have from birth - read the next article.

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Numerology of money: how it works what kind of wealth code 1550_1
Numerology of money: how it works what kind of wealth code 1550_2

Numerology of money - how it works

The origins of monetary numerology

Financial numerology was popular in distant times. So about the mystical characteristics of the numbers, the ancient Pythagoreans wrote, and the famous Galileo Galilli said at all that the Lord God wrote the Universe of the Numbers. Mathematics allows you to calculate everything that happens in the universe, not in vain, it was based on all other scientific exercises.

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Therefore, everyone who dreams of living in financial abundance should find out their happy money number, and also not to forget about the rules of circulation of bills.

How to handle money so that they are not offended by you?

It is a little known to know your financial code of wealth - for a start, you need to provide money due to the money. I recommend you to listen to the following easy rules:

  • It is unacceptable that in the presence of dirty, broken or remembered banknotes - the money egregor will definitely not like it. Therefore, always get rid of similar bills, leaving only the most beautiful, new and clean.
  • Money storage is a wallet, not other devices.
  • If you plan a new project, some monetary contribution is to use new bills. And the old should spend money on domestic expenses.
  • Ideally, it is better not to think about money. But if you had to do this, then give the minimum number of banknotes (for example, one bill in a thousand rubles, and not ten per hundred).
  • Are you going to perform a magic ritual to attract money? Make it in the evening Fridays when the sun goes.
  • It is better not to consider finances in the evening, moved this lesson for morning hours.
  • You can not dream about have a lot of money. Think about those things or emotions that you will spend them, because the money yourself is not a goal, but a means of achieving certain goals.

Rules for attracting money in their lives

Method of attracting money

If you want to improve your wealth, apply these recommendations:
  • Do not ask the universe to send you more money - ask for specific desires with the help of this money.
  • Do not be greedy, do not be harmful for gifts for relatives and loved ones, and also regularly engage in charity. It is necessary to regularly give 10% of its income on good goals, then the money funnel and finances will never be translated around you.
  • But do not scatter with money to the left - spend what you really need, and not for everything.

Numeric cash codes

Now I propose to find out your personal wealth code with a simple mathematical calculation. It uses the name and date of appearance. So, proceed.

Date of birth: 25. We fold all the numbers: 2 + 5 = 7.

Now take the name and transfer it to a numeric combination by using the following sign.

Table to translate numbers in the letters

We get:

M (5) + A (1) + P (9) + and (1) + H (6) + A (1) = 23.

We reduce the value to uniquely: 2 + 3 = 5.

And now add the number of name to the number of birth: 7 + 5 = 12

Again we reduce to uniquely: 1 + 2 = 3.

As a result, they received a personal financial code Troika.

Please note that if you came out of numbers 11 or 22 - they do not need to be reduced to unambiguous, leave as it is, and in the decoding numbers will find their meaning.

How to decipher your wealth code?

Number 1. Symbolizes the beginning. True, the unit does not promise fabulous wealth to their owners. For finance to be in sufficient quantities, please contact them very responsibly. Under no circumstances are imposing in adventurous or risky investments.

Also do not hope that money from the sky is falling on the head, because because of this attitude to finance you risks only tolerance.

Your path to money lies in painstaking work, savings and listening to the councils of rich people.

Number 2. From one position, the twice is the component of the eight, therefore must attract profits. And on the other, it is also associated with deceptions. Accordingly, it will have to carefully follow their finances. It is impossible to make investments or trust the money of those in whom you do not feel confidence. Always check the information repeatedly if your material well-being is on horseback.

Number 3. . Promises to make his owner financially successful. Success will favor in any money events. Whatever you do - wealth will certainly come to you, the only exception is full of idleness when a person is passively waiting for grace over. The happy color of the troika is red, so it is worth buying a stylish red wallet, and money will always be found in it.

Number 4. Symbolizes stability. The fourthkeeper does not always increase the good, but accurately preserves them. Talisman numbers 4 is considered a ring. The weak floor representatives often wear such jewelry, respectively, for them the four more acceptable. And the strong floor with financial code 4 is usually lucky in money after marriage - after all, then they begin to wear their money mascot.

Number 5. . Five digit has a powerful energy, but very non-permanent. It will positively affect the lives of those people who can quickly make decisions, never doubts themselves. Never conclude serious contracts and do not decide anything if you are in depression.

Number 6. . Associate with the balance between material and spiritual. Therefore, if you passionately dream of an increase in capital - first hover the way in other areas of life. Then finances will begin to appear like mushrooms after the rain. Your happy monetary color is blue.

Number 7. . Seven is not a cash number. But, nevertheless, really correct your financial situation, if you know some uncomplicated rules. First, learn to sincerely love money and treat them carefully (to help the advice given at the beginning of the article). Then learn the recommendations of successful personalities, do not practice gambling, do not bred debts, because the power of poverty is attracted.

Number 8. . Symbolizes infinity and wealth, a continuous cash flow sign. You are very lucky if it is your money number. However, you should not let the situation on a self-shot, because the money egregor is very capricious. Competently dispose of your benefits: put them in business, make reasonable spending, then the bills will begin to come to you in many times increased quantities.

8 - symbol of infinity and money

Number 9. . It is a neutral digit - does not promise golden mountains, but also does not symbolize poor life. The owner of the nine will receive funds exactly for their needs. Yes, and that if a person does not start falling into depression, and will always be in a positive mood.

Numbers 11 and 22 . These are special numbers, so you must know their meaning. If you have the number of eleven or twenty two as a result of the calculations - it is vital to find your purpose in this life, as well as practicing spiritual development. Only then the situation with money will be good.

Consider the numbers individually:

Number 11. . This is not financial value. In most cases, its owners receive material benefits only to the second part of life. But only when the individual copes with all the tasks assigned to him and supports close relationship with his soul.

Number 22. . Here on the contrary, the energy of great wealth is encrypted. But, again, so that it goes into life. You must first learn to control your powerful potential and perform a life destination. Otherwise, not only with money there will be problems, but also with other areas of life.

Now you know what to expect in financial life. Finally, browse the thematic video:

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