How to conquer a man of a lion and build a relationship with him?


So bright and charismatic personality, as a lion, always attracts the attention of others. Many women dream to get such a man, but it is possible only to units. It is important for this to know the features of its character, tastes and preferences. In this article, I will tell you how to conquer a man of a lion, and I will reveal his weaknesses.

conquer a larill man

Character and behavior

The zodiac sign is under the influence of the fiery element, so his representatives are endowed with passionate and hot-tempered nature. They love to be the center of attention, pronounced their emotions, and prefer an active lifestyle. Often such men are called self-disclosure, because because of the egocentrism inherent in them, they may not notice the needs and problems of loved ones. They always come as they think necessary, do not listen to the advice of others, and sometimes too self-confident.

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For a man, Leo is very important to approve others. He tries to form a best view about himself, and is ready to go on a lot to notice and remember. Admiration for such a person is the best reward. He loves when he is praised and even flattened, but it should be noted that he is not stupid, and always recognizes falsehood and foam.

In personal relations, Lion show halanery and dedication. Next to him the second half will feel safety and reliability. A man will always come to the aid of his companion, protects it from offenders and is the interests of the conflict situation. From his beloved he needs only blind admiration and limitless devotion. It should support a man absolutely in everything, never to reassure, and prevent even the shadow of doubt in his strength.

It is not easy to cope with the character of the lion, because sometimes it combines completely controversial qualities, and even he sometimes understands himself until the end.

  • A man loves to spend time in society, whether it is a fun goulab in the club, a secular party in a banquet room or a picnic in nature. In any case, it will be the center of attention. At the same time, lion can be called a good family man. He gladly pays time and attention to the spouse to children, supports a household, and does everything that his family does not need anything.
  • Men lions are the heroes of lovers. They like women's attention, and they are prone to frequent change of partners. Even being in a relationship, such personalities look around, and flirting with girls. Further, simple flirting will not go if his chosen will not arrange scenes of jealousy, and even more so he will not answer the same coin. She should understand that her beloved thus self-affects, and not looking for another passion.
  • The main drawback of a lion is egoism. For him, their own desires and needs are in the first place. At the same time, he is inherent in altruism. A man is always ready to help close, in particular his beloved. Sometimes selfishly covers his eyes, and he may not notice that his actions are wounded by someone's feelings, but over time, the awareness of the paid one comes to him, and he tries to ride his guilt in every way.
  • In most men, the Lions are extrovertes. For them, adoration and admiration of others are the meaning of life. Nevertheless, there are those representatives of the sign that belong to the introverted type. For some reason, such personalities will be closed in themselves, constantly stay in their own experiences, and they do not want to let anyone in their world. But it is even in hand to women, as the Men's Introvert is much easier to conquer. Trying to assert themselves, he will pay attention even to the tackle, but all his life will assume that she should thank him for choosing it.

Connect a man of lion

Tastes and preferences

To understand how to interest a man's man, you need to know his tastes and preferences.

  • He will pay attention to the girl with beautiful appearance and mischievous character. In addition, it must comply with him according to status. Such a man will never be interested in a modest, quiet person, which is not allocated in the company. At the same time, Lev is not needed too bright and active passion, because He is afraid that she overshadows him.
  • For men born under this sign of the zodiac, the appearance is in the first place, so his chosen one should always look well-kept and beautiful. At each meeting, it should look stunning. Even being married with such a man, a girl cannot be relaxed. Getting in the morning from bed, her first thing should be put into order, and only then prepare breakfast.
  • Intellect and manners are no less important for lion. It does not attract a person with a meager vocabulary, which does not know how to behave in society. He needs a real lady who knows how to present himself and shine at the right moment.
  • Men lions believe, then a real woman is obliged to be able to play a good household. Its elected to be ready to be ready for the fact that he would take all household duties on her, and even can also blame that she did not have time to do something at home before his return from work.
  • Because of the selfishness of lion's nature, a man does not notice that he often wounds close people with words and actions. His beloved will have to put up with such behavior, and do not take prick phrases close to heart.
  • The lion will not build relationships with a capricious, windy girl. His passion should be faithful to him, and not allow himself to even look at other guys, not what flirting. If she once tries to call Jealous man in this way, then he immediately dispels with it.
  • Do not dominate bed affairs. Excessive girl activity scares lion. He wants to be the main thing, so it is better to simply relax and enjoy pleasure.

Find a man lion

Man Leo - how to conquer?

To draw attention to the Men's Lion, the girl should make a good impression. It is not enough to be just beautiful, you need to know how to behave and talk. Representatives of this sign admires what does not fit into the generally accepted framework, but even for them there are limits of reasonable. They believe that if a person shows his true "I", it can be called a strong personality.

When you first get acquainted, the girl should be given to understand the lion that she is interested in it. But should not be excessive activity, hinting that you are ready for everything. Start a conversation with him to an interesting topic for him, for example, the one that concerns his hobbies. It is not difficult to extend them, because he often says about them. Also, communication can be started with the compliment of its appearance or clothing, and it will immediately switch attention to you.

A girl who wants to get a man of a lion should always follow himself and look excellent. It is not necessary to appear in his eyes with a careless beam on the head, a stretched T-shirt, without makeup and with a wrapped lacquer on the nails. This species will immediately kill in it the desire to continue to communicate. He considers that the girl does not have enough attention to his appearance, and it is very important for him to constantly see perfection.

In addition to appearance, the lion draws attention to the nature and vital position of the potential chosen. It is important for him that she had a feeling of self-esteem, was calm and balanced, and also possessed an excellent soul. Such men often help others, and want to see with them a good-natured and responsive passion. A proud girl with overestimated self-impact and with unshakable principles of Lion will not suit. He needs the one that for the sake of love is ready to go for victims, including to remain in the shade of the beloved.

As for behavior, the potential choices should be more mysterious. The man should appear an excitement that needs to be constantly maintained. As soon as he reveals all the girls' secrets - he will become uninteresting. But it should be noted that an excessive secretion can push the lion, because He will think that the girl is uninteresting.

Potential elects should be resisted, and to reass in something, as it is possible to conquer a man of a lion only completely obeying him. She must agree with his opinion, and fulfill all requests. Of course, he can make concessions, but it depends on how much the girl knows how to use his female cunning.

fall in love with a man lion

Signs of lion love

When a man lion falls in love, his behavior becomes more demonstrative and extraordinary. It can make extensive gestures, causing himself to behave and perform a spectacular impression. But he does it all not only in the eyes of the only one, but with the general public of people, regardless of whether he is familiar with them or not.

The man lion will hit all ways and surprise the subject of his rehabilitation. He can make crazy, but at the same time romantic deeds, give gifts, and charming with their manners. The presence of the public at the same time it is important for him by the fact that he will be able to show himself in all its glory for once again and get universal admiration. In his opinion, it is in such conditions that the girl will understand that she was fabulously lucky, because a man drew attention to it, from which all madness.

When a girl pays attention to a lion or they will even get a relationship, it can suddenly disappear, without explaining the reason. A man will not answer calls, enter social networks, and will try to avoid meeting with the beloved and common familiar. This behavior is due to the wrong way to sink the girl, and personal motives. Temporary isolation is needed in order to rethink his feelings, and understand how correct is his choice, and whether to develop relationships.

If the lion takes a positive decision, he will soon be announced, and it will do it as unexpectedly as it disappeared. The appearance of a man will be enchanting and non-standard, he will have an explanation for all the questions of the beloved, and she will be forgiven him immediately, because it is impossible to resist the lion's spells.

About the seriousness of intentions can be judged by the behavior of a man of a lion. If the stability is traced in it, i.e. He tries to see as often as possible, always in touch, continues to arrange various surprises, and take care with all their forces, then you should not doubt it. But it should be noted that if the girl ceases to admire his beloved and maintain his interest, then the relationship will become cool.

how to fall in love with a man lion

Recommendations for women of different signs of the zodiac

Men lions most suitable women born under the signs of the zodiac Aries, twins and scales. Such unions have the highest chances of existence. Nevertheless, representatives of other signs also have a chance to conquer the lion heart if they choose the right approach to him.
  • Aries. Aries woman has a strong, explosive character, but to attract lion, she will have to become more calm and submissive. This union can be very happy, because with such a woman is never boring, and she knows how to maintain a light in relationships.
  • Taurus. A passion quickly flashes between Lvom and Taurus, such individuals attract each other. But so that these relationships are long and happy, it is important to know how to conquer the man of a lion to the woman to Calm, but how to hold it. She will have to give him a lot to give up, and understand his needs.
  • Twins. Representatives of this sign of the zodiac should learn to ensure that they say. They often wound with the words of loved ones, and if some quickly forgive, then for a lion it can be a reason for breaking the relationship. In addition, a man in a woman twins often lack femininity. If it makes an effort, it will be able to conquer the lion's heart.
  • Cancer. Despite the opposite in characters, a woman has a chance to conquer a man of lion. Everything that she needs is to control their emotions, and allow him to dominate relations, including intimate.
  • A lion. In this union, disagreements will often arise, because Both partners will try to show their leadership and superiority. Only female wisdom and cunning will help. A woman of Lero will have to cross through many of its principles, and give the championship to a man if she wants to be with him.
  • Virgo. Thanks to sensitive intuition and wisdom, Woman Virgo can easily tame a lion. She is able to influence the subconscious of a man, pushing it to certain actions. At the same time, he will be sure that this is his personal choice.
  • Scales. Relations in such a pair will be quite harmonious, and all due to the balanced and compliant nature of the scales. A man will assume full responsibility for providing a family, and a woman will gladly give him the brazards of the board.
  • Scorpion. The Union of Leo and Scorpio will be deprived of romance, but it will not hurt them to build strong relationships, if the woman shows the restraint of emotions, and will not arrange a man of jealousy scene. In addition, she will have to accept the fact that the beloved will not be able to apologize every time for their actions and words because of his own pride.
  • Sagittarius. Lero in a pair with a shooter can be very comfortable. Both sign are under the control of fire elements, so they have common interests and aspirations in life. Thanks to an easy character and an optimistic confusion, a woman will be able to convince the man that it is designed to him fate.
  • Capricorn. Representatives of this sign of the zodiac will be difficult to build harmonious relationship with Lv. A woman will have to cross over their own pride, refuse the dream of a brilliant career, and listen to the beloved literally in everything.
  • Aquarius. The variable character of Woman Aquarius can become the main stumbling block in relations with Lv. For a man, constancy is important, so she will have to reconsider their behavior, and become more home. A big plus in such a union is that Aquarius is able to surprise, namely, this is needed to maintain interest.
  • Fishes. Such an independent and extraordinary feature, like a female fish, can easily conquer the lion, but to keep - hardly. She will have to make maximum effort so that the man felt next to her comfort and warmth. If a woman shows soft, flexibility and wisdom, it will be able to manage the difficult lion in nature.


  • The man lion is looking for the one that will fully comply with him, both externally and status.
  • He needs a girl with a priest character that will not fight for leadership in relationships.
  • For lion, admiration, praise and recognition are important, so the chosen must constantly take it and maintain it.

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