Guessing at the meeting with the beloved man on the maps and on the mirror


Lovers girls are always waiting for a meeting with loved ones with great excitement and anticipation. And if the gnawing suspense that comes to the aid divination. Guessing at the meeting with the beloved is very ancient, as old as the world.

Today I'll show you how to quickly find out about the meeting with the help of tarot and playing cards, as well as talk about divination using a pocket mirror. And finally learn to make a simple call to a missing loved back, or has had an effect.

Guessing at the meeting with the beloved man on the maps and on the mirror 1572_1

Guessing at the meeting on the Tarot

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This simple divination to meet with a man, you can use and then, when it comes to meeting with friends, colleagues or neighbors. With the help of the alignment can be learned about the meeting and what consequences it will have. cards also give an idea of ​​how to put forth a person applies to the questioner. You can guess for yourself or for another person at his request.

We need to take a deck of Tarot cards, which are available. Mix well cards, thinking about your question. For example, if you met a nice man, but the next meeting is not defined - it is possible to make the alignment. Also, this alignment can be done at the meeting, which has already been agreed. In this case, the first question will be different: how to host a meeting.

So Shuffle the cards, you need to pull 7 lassos at random and put in front of him on the table. For better concentration and awakening intuition, you can light a candle and burn incense - sticks or Indian aroma lamp. You no one should interfere in order not to bring down the concentration.

  • 1 position - whether the meeting will take place;
  • 2 position - what emotions it will cause in me;
  • 3 position - something to be feared;
  • 4 position - which is not to be feared;
  • 5 position - a surprise at the meeting;
  • 6 position - how to behave at the meeting;
  • 7 pozitsiya- what effect this meeting would have on future relations.

Then you need to take an interpreter to the deck on which to make a layout, and watch the value dropped arcana. The interpretation of the tarot helps the alignment and intuition, and the images on the cards. Meaning arcane tarot different in each deck, so no general interpretation for that the alignment. The precipitated figures court cards represent people loving to a positive value has suit cups (bowls).

Guessing at the meeting with the beloved man on the maps and on the mirror 1572_2

Guessing on a meeting with a man playing cards

Before you start playing tarot deck, you need to pay attention to the following rules:
  • The deck should be new, it should not play in a podkin or fool;
  • It is impossible to begin divination in anxious or irritable state;
  • If the result of divination does not suit, it is impossible to fall - you can set another question;
  • In church holidays do not guess.

When tapeding the deck, it is important to concentrate on your question and do not think about outsiders, otherwise the answer of the cards will be incorrect. For a better concentration, you can freeze the candle and fill the aroma room - Indian sticks, aroma lamp. No one should interfere with you, so it is better to retire. Having shuffled the deck, you need to move part of the card with the little finger of the left hand aside. Then you need to lay out on one map in a pile until the ace will fall:

  • Chervoy Ace - the meeting will be held soon;
  • Peak Ace - will not take place;
  • Bubn or Cross Ace - 50% of the probability that will take place.

The cards that fell to the ace will tell about the reasons why the meeting will not take place (if the peak fell), and will indicate the associated events.



  • Cherry: Wishes meetings;
  • Trephs: belongs to both a friend;
  • Bubnes: friendly communication, but with notes of romance;
  • Peaks: Does not want to meet.


  • Cherry: sympathizes;
  • Trephs: friendships;
  • Bubnes: mercenary relationships;
  • Peaks: an abundance, sadness.


  • Cherry: nice conversation, love confession;
  • Trephs: Pleasant friendly communication;
  • Bubnes: just common interests;
  • Peaks: no mutual understanding.


  • Cherry: Love;
  • Trephs: Friendship, respect;
  • Bubnes: love;
  • Peaks: enemy relationship.


  • Cherry: sincere feelings, love;
  • Trephs: Friendship, respect;
  • Bubnes: mercenary relationships, try to buy feelings;
  • Peaks: breaking relationships.


  • Cherry: joy from relationships;
  • Trephs: Insecurity, no courage;
  • Bubnes: Thinking about another;
  • Peaks: disappointment, deception.

Lady or king

  • Cherry: young man under 30 years old;
  • Trephs: married man;
  • Bubnes: young man / girl;
  • Peaks: Elderly man or rival.


  • Cherry: Most likely it will end the wedding;
  • Trephs: strong friendship;
  • Bubnes: thinks only about money;
  • Peaks: breaking relationships, damage.
With interpretation, it should be borne in mind that a bobnian nine with a neighborhood with a peak nine loses its positive value. A peak seven surrounded by worm suit loses its negative meaning.

Divination to the meeting - whether she will

To find out if a meeting will be held with the narrowed, take a new deck of playing cards. Mix the card well, shifted with the left maizin to ourselves and begin to lay out the stack until the ace appears. Now look in the interpreter:

  • Chervoy - the meeting will be, the relationship will lead to the wedding;
  • Trephic - until the meeting is, you need to wait;
  • peak - you do not notice your narrowed, he is next to you;
  • Bubnov - the meeting will take place a little later.

The fortune telling is over.

When a meeting with narrowed

In what month

This alignment will allow you to find out in which month a meeting will be held with the narrowed. For fortune telling you need a new deck of playing cards. It is well taped and choose a worm lady - this is an inappropriate. Then there are 12 cards around the lady (with pictures down) - they symbolize months of the year. When the cards are decomposed in a circle (you need to make a predetermine, which card symbolizes January), they are turned over in turn and interpret.
  • Valley symbolize frivolous relationships with a person who will meet this month.
  • The kings symbolize a serious person configured to trust.
  • Aces (except for worm) symbolize a man with whom you can connect fate.
  • The worm ace is the second half.

If these cards did not fall out in the scenario, it means that the meeting is postponed. But you can fly next month (not earlier).

What day of the week

To find out what day of the week it is worth expecting a meeting, you need to make the next alignment on a playing deel. They make a king of any suit, thauzate well a deck and lay 7 cards with a pattern down. Separate for each card day of the week. Then turn the cards and look, whether the migrated king fell. If not falling, then there will be no meetings. This alignment is made once a week, no more often.

Guessing at the meeting with the beloved man on the maps and on the mirror 1572_3

Divination on the mirror

With this simple divination, you can find out the answer to any question - in a dream. On a circular pocket mirror (preferably a new) marker is written. For example, the word is a meeting. You can write - love, money, trade, etc. It depends on what a question is worried.

Then the mirror is wrapped in a clean C / b fabric and put under the pillow. You can use a new handkerchief. The answer will come in a dream or the next day in the form of a prompt. The mirror and handkerchief needs to be put in a separate box: they can be constantly used for this rite. In the morning the marker is erased with a mirror stroit. This mirror cannot be used for domestic purposes, only for this rite.

Challenge love

This rite is carried out if the beloved man left behind a quarrel or for a different reason. You need to buy a bottle of dessert red wine and fill 2 glasses: one for yourself, the second put on the table at the empty chair. You, as if poured wine for yourself and for your beloved. Then you need to say:

"The glasses are two, and I am alone. My beloved (name) come to me home, take a glass of the second. My lovers, in your blood wine a long time, let him call you to me. "

Then you need to start a little from your gland and merge the wine back into the bottle. So make 3 pm in a row. For the third time, glasses need to be left on the table until the man comes. If after 2 weeks it will not appear, you need to conduct another round rite.

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