Fortune telling on the Christmas tree: proper preparation, ways


Christmas Christ acts as an important church holiday. Representatives of Orthodox religious denominations celebrate the birth of the Savior on the night from January 6 to 7. And Catholics this date comes a little earlier and falls on December 24-25.

From Christmas begins a batch week, when ancient times it was customary to seek help to otherworldly forces to learn their future. Therefore, there was a very popular fortune telling on the Christmas Eve in various ways. As you can pay on the eve of Christmas - learn from the article.

Fortune telling on Christmas tree

Christmas Eve Christ: fortune telling and prohibitions

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Our ancestors were wondering only in strictly allotted days of the year. In the winter period, divination was allowed during the density - that is, 2 weeks from the night of Christmas and up to the Epishetic evening on January 18th. Divination was also allowed and in the old New Year - on the night of January 13-14.

They believed in the people that at the specified time, the extinces is descended to the ground and puts on the planet. But it is tuned then not aggressively, as usual, but peacefully and even can help in order to look at the future in one eye. And although the priests have always been against ghostas, still an old custom made a tight thing and retains its relevance so far.

In ancient Russia, the main category of fortunate, of course, was the girls who did not have time to meet their narrowed and desperately thirsty to find out when and under what circumstances would the fateful meeting occur. And often what will be the spouse - young or old, rich or poor, will love or family life will not be charged with him.

Interesting moment. Saty fortune telling were popular with representatives of different public layers - and in ordinary peasants, and in the provided and educated noble.

How to guess the Christmas Eve

If you also wish to know that fate prepared you, and decided to fulfill the divination on Christmas Eve before Christmas, then it should be remembered that it is not fun, but a serious mystical ritual. And, therefore, it will be necessary to comply with certain rules:

  • In the room where you guess, it is important to create the most quiet and relaxed atmosphere.
  • It is only allowed only to direct participants in this action. Remove any strangers and pets from the room.
  • The governing should make sure to the process as much as possible, so you take care of the fact that no extraneous sounds are distracted, agree in advance with relatives and friends so that you are not disturbed. And just in case, turn off the mobile phone.
  • During the entire division session, you need to be fully focused on the subject that now worries you the strongest. Clean the mind from any other thoughts and emotional experiences so as not to disturb the result of divination.
  • Hading, do not cross your arms and legs - otherwise your energy channels will close, and this will lead to the creation of a powerful barrier through which the energy you can not penetrate.

Fortune telling on Christmas tree: options

Now let's get acquainted with the most popular ways to find out your future.

Fortune telling 1. on the maps to what will

Thanks to the maps, you can get a lot of information, for example, find out whether your desires are destined to be implemented when real love will come to your life, as a relationship is collaborated and so on. Known various ways of card ghosts. Next, consider a very simple, but effective method, allowing to shed light on the events of the coming.

playing cards

To this fortune, it will be necessary to make simple preparation, namely:

  • get rid of any jewelry;
  • Wait until midnight comes on Christmas Eve;
  • Fodder in a night shirt on which there are no laces or ropes;
  • purchase several candles (preferably natural wax) and put them in the form of a semicircle;
  • Prepare a deck of cards that should be shuffled and placed in the central part of the arch between candles.

Then, with the help of the left hand, spread the maps so that it turned out a continuous circle. Map shirts must be addressed up. Cards are removed from any point, but lay out strictly into the reserved zone, which should be free.

At first, 3 cards are removed, in thoughts you utter the question:

"What or who will go out of my life?"

Then put them from below, as if in the legs, visualize your image in the maximum details. After some time, remove 3 more cards from the deck and ask the following question:

"What and who will come to my life?".

These cards should be put on top, as if in the head. After that, on the left side there are 3 cards designed to tell about your work, with the right - 3 cards to clarify relationships with others.

In the central part there are 5 cards that personify the thoughts and the heart of the gadget. And from the very top one map is placed, symbolizing the final outcome of the case.

Deciphering values

Card worms:

  • Sixer - romantic journey;
  • Seed - a good incident;
  • Eight - favorable news;
  • Nine - recognition in love;
  • dozen - a date with the beloved;
  • Valts - the troubles associated with love;
  • Lady - Maternal Operance;
  • The king is the rapid arrival of the narrowed in life;
  • Ace - everything is conceived.

Maps Bubnova Taste:

  • Sixer - an interesting adventure;
  • Seed - obsessive thoughts;
  • Eight - high-ranking persons intervene in the situation;
  • Nine - can call married;
  • dozen - chatter, deprived of meaning;
  • Valnets - you have to worry because of your loved one;
  • The lady - an oversupply of oracles;
  • The king is desirable;
  • Ace - Get ready for an interesting meeting.

Cross maps MASTA:

  • Sixer - meetings related to work, affairs;
  • Seed - will have to doubt, will torment the conscience;
  • The eight is minor unrest;
  • Nine - Unrequited feeling of love;
  • dozen - the decision will be made;
  • Valts - parting, longing;
  • Lady - a kind of woman provokes problems at work;
  • The king is the appearance in the life of a solid man, guardian;
  • Ace is a significant event.

Picking masts:

  • Sixer - obstacles;
  • Seed - you will envy;
  • Eight - you will be sad about the past;
  • Nine - loneliness;
  • dozen - you will have to strongly worry, cunning;
  • Valts is a map of suffering, treason;
  • Lady - describes a cunning woman, a gossip;
  • King - interest in money;
  • Ace - fatal solution.

Deck of playing cards

Fortune telling 2. on the maps for the execution of the desire

After completing it, you will learn whether you come out about what you are passionate about. For divination, you need to have a card deck on which you make a desire and extract any one card from it. And then interpret the result, repulsted from the dropping pictures, suit and color cards:
  • Chervoy - the desired will be carried out in the near future;
  • Bubnovaya - will come true, but a little later than you want;
  • Cross - very remote fulfillment of desire;
  • Peak - the desired is not destined to become real.

In case of falling map Image is depicted - The desire to be implemented and other people will not hinder (only if the card refers to red suit). If on The map is present You will have to face resistance from outside, you will need to make great efforts.

Black suit and images - indicate obstacles that have arisen due to people, and numbers - We will tell about unfavorable circumstances.

Fortune telling 3. with ring

To carry out the next divination, you will need to stock up with several types of rings - gold, with precious stone, ordinary jewelry, silver, wooden, wedding, and still red candle and basin.

All prepared rings are put in the pelvis. You need to tie my eyes and at random to pull out one of them. And then contact the following interpretation:

  • Raspberry ring - promises the onset of rich life;
  • Normal - no change is foreseen;
  • Wooden - the future spouse will be low;
  • Wedding - in the next 12 months you will be called under the crown;
  • Silver - Someone is experiencing strong feelings for you;
  • Golden - you will live "in chocolate."

Fortune telling 4. By shadow

This method of divination was well known for our grandmothers and great-grandmothers. It has simplicity and good results. To fulfill divination, you will need to stock such objects:

  1. Candle - white or natural shade of wax.
  2. Paper - in the number of pairs of leaves.
  3. Flat frying surface - eaten from the oven, tray or ordinary plate.

The divination on the shade is carried out on Christmas Eve in a dark room as follows:

  • A candle is installed on the table;
  • Paper slightly comes and rolls, but do not overdo it;
  • Received a lump of paper Put on the back of the candle back;
  • Peer in the shadow, discarded paper on the wall. What you see there is your real. If you have difficulties in order to consider something specific, then begin to gently rotate the baking sheet clockwise until a specific image appears.

divination by shadow

When you managed to see the picture of the present, proceed to the fortune of the coming. To this end, the paper is set on fire from the candle and wait until its complete exercise, the appearance of ashes. Then again carefully look at the resulting shadow, which will tell about what will happen. If necessary, you can turn the baking sheet again, but then show even more accuracy, because it is very easy to destroy the design of the ashes.

Interpretation of fortune telling

In total, a huge number of different images may occur in the shade of paper. Only some of the most popular options are listed below:

  • Machine - trip, journey;
  • dove - world;
  • Well - Get new important knowledge;
  • Snake - It is worth noticeing to his surrounding - in it hid in a taller;
  • Pig - serious problems;
  • Scales - preservation of sincere equilibrium, despite the external circumstances;
  • Star - the implementation of the desired;
  • Tree - personal growth.

For more information, use a list of decryption figures for extinguishing wax, but do not ignore your own intuition. After all, most likely that it is she who thumps the most faithful interpretation option.

Fortune telling 5. with a knife

The exaggeration of fortune telling on the night before Christmas has a great similarity with a casino game. For him, prepare a large round board, the diameter of which is equal to 30 centimeters minimally. If there are no winds in stock, then replace it with a cardboard circle of the same sizes. On the edges of the board or circle write the following predictions:

  • Show patience;
  • Yes;
  • No;
  • unscheduled meeting;
  • visits unexpected guests;
  • love experiences;
  • lucky in a new start;
  • new feeling;
  • Getting a love message;
  • the trip;
  • Today, paying, tomorrow - you will rejoice;
  • Sudden news;
  • Important paper (letter);
  • In your environment, the enemy;
  • good news.

After that, take the kitchen knife, which is most suitable in size. Mentally ask the question that worries you and start twist the knife clockwise. Where the edge will stop and is the answer to the question.

Please note that the knife is allowed to turn no more than three times. At the same time, the first answer is directly to the given question, and the second two are the consequence of either the cause of the events of the future associated with the first question.

Important moment. Hading on Christmas Eve or any other day, do not ask the same question several times, because the first answer will be accurate.

Finally, browse the video where other ways can be replied to:

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