Fortune telling on baptism on fate, on the narrowed and desire


The Baptism is completed by a batch week - a magical time for all sorts of ghostas and predictions of fate. On January 20, ordinary weekdays begin, the curtain between the worlds is closed. What can we pay in the last holy evening, what kind of fortune telling the most truthful?

Many ways to identify future events came to this day, consider the most common and beloved in our country. Even in Soviet times, the girls were going to burn on baptism. My friends and I have always burned the paper and looked at the shadows on the wall, threw a wedding ring into a glass with water and tried to see the face of the narrowed. But let's talk about some methods of burning, which everyone likes and are not difficult.

fortune telling on baptism

Traditions of codniest gadas

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Dark January evenings, the girls were going together and tried to find out their fate. It was very important, because in the old days, the divorces were not practiced, and the well-being of the whole family depended on the nature and abilities of the husband. Therefore, the burning of the bridegroom is one of the main in the evening and baptism.

Everything went into the move:

  • home stuff;
  • decorations and scarves;
  • homework;
  • Food;
  • Playing cards (who had);
  • tablecloths, towels, napkins;
  • mirrors, spindles, spindles;
  • Candles and raysin.

In the sinic evenings, these items acquired magical properties and became conductors to the world of spirits and ghosts. With the wrong light of the raysin, the girls were killed by the otherworldly shadows that were allegedly helped in a burning. So this or not - it is not known to anyone. But the soda divisions safely survived Soviet times and lived to this day.

However, not only the unmarried girls experienced their fate in the sacciate evenings, but also family people. Everyone was interesting to find out what will happen next year - a crop or not? Learned the floor of the future child and the longitude of her life. Wanted to learn about the prosperity and well-being, health and profits.

Themes of dusty fortunes:

  • narrowed and narrowed;
  • harvest next year;
  • Number and sex of newborns in the family;
  • health family members;
  • Longitude of the family of family members.

Everyone wanted to bring the next year to joy, wealth, health, well-being, good groom and a fun wedding. In the interpretation of images, the imagination force was used: from her, the total of ghosts depended. It remains a mystery: whether the resulting images came from the world of perfume, whether they created themselves. It is not important: the main thing is to have fun and fill the dark cold evenings to mystical magic content.

On a note! During joint gadas, brides were secretly held. After baptism, closer to Easter either by autumn, weddings played.

The burner on the narrowed was spent more often alone. Girls tried to find out his age, appearance, name and characteristics of character. If you broke into the company, the rite passed fun and with jokes-booms. In joint fortune tells, invited experienced women were always attended, who were suggested in the course of rituals the procedures and followed the correctness of all points.

Epiphany fortune telling

Preparation for gadania

The rite of burning should be not only properly completed: it is necessary to prepare on it accordingly:
  • You need to remove the scarf, rim and hairpings from the head;
  • Hair must be loose, braids break;
  • remove the rings from the fingers, and from the wrist bracelets;
  • The clothes should be free - without a belt, fasteners and buttons;
  • During the burning, it is impossible to cross the limbs;
  • Leaving the barn, intersection or bath after fortunes, do not look back.

It was believed that it was impossible to burn on the narrowed in the parent house, so the girls went to another house, bath or barn. Joint divination could be carried out anywhere, but with accurate execution of established rules.

Why were the decorations removed and unleashed the belt? It was believed that this way the girl approaches its natural state without distracting additions.

To break the connection with the other world after divination, it was necessary to do the following:

  • shield 3 times;
  • shout "Chur me";
  • Right escape without looking back.

If the stump leaned out of control, that is, the unclean power began to wad and scare, it was necessary to break the ritual items. For example, a plate or mirror. Also helped a loud cry.

Divination for baptism on the narrowed

In the baptismic evenings, the girls became most often broken. This is also mentioned in the ballad of V. Zhukovsky "Svetlana": "Once in the Epiphany evening the girl was guessing." There are also listed and methods of burning, which are most often used by unmarried maidens.

On a note! In the baptismic evening, rites were conducted, which were not used in other sinic evenings.

On the evening of January 18, family members went to the liturgy to the church, and the girls could spend the rites to marriage or learn about their future groom's details.

Methods of burning:

  1. It is necessary to post a new trench for the window in the evening (linen towel) and ask for the narrowed to lure them. If the rushnik will remain dry, not to be a wedding in the new year. If the towel is worst, you need to prepare for the wedding.
  2. To find out the status of the future husband, went to the extreme feck in the village. Recalculating the boards, sentenced: "Poor, rich, woven, bachelor." At what word, the last fence board was falling out, so be the future fiance.
  3. To find out the color of the hair of the future groom, the girl at midnight attributed her crest into the barn. In the morning I checked what color hair in scallop was stuck. If there was no hair, it means that the wedding in the new year is not.
  4. To find out the name of the future husband, the girl threw on the floor sheaf straw, and on top put the cast-iron frying pan. When the girl became a foot on the pan, then the rustling and squeak of straw "uttered" the name of the groom. At the very least, the girls claimed.

Common is fortune telling with Valencoma - In the modern version with boot. You need to remove your boots from your feet and throw over the shoulder per gate or porch. If the sock of the boot shows towards the house, we will not be a wedding. If the sock showed to the opposite side of the side, it means that the weddings will take place. It is believed that sock shoes indicates the direction where the groom will arrive.

Epiphany fortune telling

Fortune telling on fate

To find out What will life in marriage , It is necessary to prepare rings from various materials:
  • wooden;
  • copper;
  • silver;
  • golden;
  • With pebble.

You need to pour grain in a bowl (rice, buckwheat) and put the rings there, mix well. Then the girls took a handful of grain and watched which ring was there. If wooden, then live in need. If copper - medium wealth, silver or gold - well-being. And if it came across a pebble, then be rich.

This divination can be carried out on the groom to find out his status and position in society. In this case, the value of the rings will be as follows:

  • Wooden - Poor;
  • Copper - middle jacket at the rate;
  • Silver - from a wealthy family;
  • Golden - rich;
  • With a peasant - with power.

In the baptismic night, you can find out, will the marriage be long, is it happy? For this, the girls were sculpting a pair of swans from white wax and let them swim in a basin with water. So that no one curious from home, the basin was covered with a handkerchief. In the morning we looked at the position of swans. If they are together, the marriage will be long and happy, and if apart - wait quarrels and separation.

In order to find out Whether the next year will be rich For gadgets, they received. One of the family members came out of the room, while others put in one of three cups of coins and covered with a towel either turned over. If a person chooses a cup with a coin, it will live richly.

Also learn your destiny could prophetic dream . To do this, before bedtime it was necessary to cross and say: "Saint Samson, show me a prophetic dream." All that will dream will come true during the year. And if nothing dreamed, it means that no change is expected.

Also gadali for the future With egg . To do this, hold a raw egg in my hand for a few minutes (at least ten), and then smash. But you need to carefully separate the yolks from the protein, and the protein pour into the can with warm water. Then the future was determined by the form of the protein. The main role in this rite plays imagination.

Desire for baptism

Need to cut Multiple paper strips And write down the desires on them. Before bedtime from 18 to January 19, the strips are folded with a tube and put under the pillow. In the morning, three tubes pull out and look at what desires will come true.

Purple on the table All trifle or Beholins , Make a wish. After that, take a handful of beahs (or small items) and calculate. If the number turns out to be even, the desire will be fulfilled.

Conducted Rite with a mirror . In the afternoon, you need to make a mirror on the street, and in the evening to put in the house and write your finger your desire on it. After that, the mirror was placed under their bed, and fir springs were laid nearby. If there is no record in the morning, then the desire will quickly turn. If letters are barely visible, then the desire will come true, but not soon. And if the inscription is visible clearly, the desire will not come true.

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