Guessing at Christmas to her spouse, to the desire and destiny


Svyatka - is a magical time when you can learn about your future with the help of the popular fortune-telling. No need to go to a witch, when anyone can get answers to their questions. The Christmas days are considered special, because in popular belief at the time the boundary between the worlds became very thin. In these days to penetrate the veil of secrecy is very easy, so do not miss Divination at Christmas - the best time to learn about their future.

We are friends since childhood guessing at Christmas, however, mirrored corridor did - feared. All divination come true throughout the year, even divination with shadows on the wall. In this article I will share with you the most truthful divination at the Yule week.

Divination at Christmas

What is the Christmas week

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This is the time between the feast of the Nativity and Baptism. People believed that on the eve of Epiphany evil spirit is haunting the world, and it is possible to learn a lot of interesting questions. In today's world, of course, do not believe in evil spirits, divination but remained at yuletide.

As in the old days were sure are asking about his future evil, it were to guess at the place of its habitat - at the crossroads in the forest, to the well. Also wondered and cottages and courtyard: it chose the oven, crib or go to the bathhouse. Peak divination fell on the night before Christmas, in the evening Vasiliev (modern old new year) and in the Epiphany night. This time it was the best for divination.

The interest in our ancestors, inquired about evil spirits? Questions were divided into three types:

  • about the future harvest;
  • the future of marriage;
  • about the fate of loved ones.

The harvest and the weather were compiled folk omens. Old people in the village knew all kinds of signs, which determined the fate of the future crop of grain, potatoes, honey, berries and mushrooms. Signs were passed from mouth to mouth and carefully preserved in folk art.

Personal well-being of family members can be found on the wooden spoon, because each had his own spoon. For example, spoons could find out whether a person's life will be long or it will die in the coming year. To do this, pour in the water a spoon and put up for the night out of the window. Morning visits: mound of ice foretold longevity and pit - death.

Also in the New Year's Eve you can learn about his fate, if you put your ear to the current (where threshed grain). What you hear, then waits for the next year:

  • hammering - to death;
  • bells ringing - for the wedding;
  • threshing sound - to prosperity.

In the evening we went to the stranger and cottages overheard under windows. If they hear a fight, the year promises to be hectic and restless. If you hear a prayer, be good and do good. If you hear the wailing and sobbing, it promises the disease. If the house is silence, then the year will be harmonious.

Tradition of the Christmas parties described in his ballad "Svetlana" V. Zhukovsky.

Bold girl went to the New Year's Eve, or the night before Christmas to the doors of the church. If they hear outside the door funeral service, so expect sudden death. If you hear the wedding service, it foreshadowed the marriage.

At Christmas could find out the age of her future husband. For this night went out and spoke these words: "Help me, dog, age betrothed to know." And listening to the barking of dogs. If you hear a hoarse barking, the groom will be aged. If the dogs are barking and leaping fun, my husband will be young.

Christmas divination

Guessing at Christmas on marriage

Ways to know the future at the time of divination was coined in abundance. However, the most common one is guessing on her spouse. Probably not a single girl in Russia who at least once did not tell fortunes on the groom. In the old days, playing wedding once in your life, divorce is not practiced: so the fate of the girl entirely dependent on a successful marriage. This and many ways to find out what will be the groom.

Divination with boots

This method determines which way taken away or obscured girl down the aisle. Throwing boots behind, and in the direction of the nose is determined which side of the groom.

corridor of Mirrors

This is the most terrible of all divination, which is associated with many horror stories. The essence of the ritual was to create a mirrored corridor of two mirrors that are placed opposite each other. On each side had put lighted candles, focus and look out into the corridor.

This rite performed alone. At midnight the girl was supposed to remove the cross, to dissolve the hair, light candles and sit in front of a mirror corridor. Someone once saw in the hallway and her spouse could even consider facial features, someone had to sit for a long time. And some are dead in the mirror. What happened to them, no one knows. Therefore, this ceremony is considered to be dangerous, and vorozhat mirrors only the bravest girl.

Divination at the new location

This rite has reached our days. The bottom line is that she spends the night in the house, which had never happened and could not sleep. Before going to bed I must say to himself:

"At the new place dreamed groom to the bride."

To protect against evil spirits at first baptized three times, and then said zagovornye words.

Divination with boots

This fortune telling several girls. According to him, it was possible to find out what the next year will be. You need to put various items in the boots, to do with tied eyes - to be honest. Nowadays, the boots can be replaced with boots or anything. After that, the girls disassemble their boots and watch what lies there:
  • Straw - poverty, disadvantage;
  • Golden ring - to wealth;
  • Simple ring - to the wedding;
  • Sugar Sugar - Sweet Life;
  • wine glass - to drunkenness;
  • Lukovka - to tears, bitter life.

Nowadays, you can come up with other characters, modify a burner.

Storge with a well

This fortune telling should be carried out alone. If a girl wants to see in a dream his narrowed, you need to do the following. Build a well from the toothpicks or matches, pour into the thimble of water and put it nearby. Take some kind of key and symbolically rear well. Key Put under the pillow. If you see the groom in a dream, it means that the rite turned out. In the villages, this burner was performed with a real well and a bucket with water from this well.

fortune telling on the shints

Fortune telling on the shints on the walls on the wall

This fortune telling is very truthful, but you need to enable imagination. For burning take a newspaper or thin sheets of paper to burn well. The best option is a newspaper. Flashing leaf in whom, put on a metal tray or back of the plate and ignite.

When the sheet burns, it is brought to the wall (carefully, so as not to fly off the plate). The second person lights a candle and highlights the wall. Everyone is looking at the shadows that appear on the wall, and guess the events of the next year. Accordingly, the electric light should be turned off.

My cousin saw a truck with things, and in the same year they moved to another city. In front of the truck, everyone saw how the horse got up on the rates.

Foreign on the shiny

This stubborn is echoing with fortune-shadows, as it is also necessary to include imagination. It is necessary to melt a piece of wax in a metal spoon above the candle and quickly pour into a bowl with cold water. When the wax freezes, it is getting out of the water, consider and guess the upcoming events.

Vorozhba by book

Take any book, just not a textbook on mathematics or chemistry. Previously, they took the Bible, and now you can also take it. It is necessary to make a question, and then loud to say the page number and line number from above or below. Reveal the book on the specified page and read. Involve written according to the specified question. In this fortune, you also need to include imagination.

Divination for shrink

This divination can be carried out both alone and in the company. Prepare a small basin or a bowl with water. If you become alone, you need to write the necessary events on the paper strips: the wedding, admission to the university, moving, etc. Next, you need to attach a thin candle with a sliver (the option is to half a walnut shell) and send a boat on the water, sending To the center of the basin. Where the improvised boat sails, the event will come true.

If you burn in the company, you need to write the names of those present on the paper strips. One general desire is made (for example, get married next year or enrolled in the university). Further everything is done on the above scenario. What kind of ship will boil, so and turn out.

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