Magician Taro (1 Arcan) - the value and interpretation of the card


Magic Taro Map - the personification of spiritual heat, spiritual strength, flexible nature and intelligence. Other map names are a magician, a wizard. Let's talk about the meaning of this card more - it may vary in different scenaries.

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The value of the map in the literal position

The value of the Taro magazine with its loss in the literal position may be as follows:

  • You are a person with a colossal power of will, striving for spiritual development. Pay attention to both the soul, and the body, try to be perfection in everything. Bright individuality, explicitly stand out from the mass of other people.
  • But it is important to use talents data from nature, reasonably and correct. Otherwise, there is a risk of turning into a real tyrant, a manipulator that abuses its advantages and spoils life to others.
  • The wizard map often foreshadows favorable events in the future. She says that you can fully control any situation and send it to a favorable side for you. This is the highest degree of self-control and awareness, available to a little.
  • However, in order not to confuse the ability to control, it is important to constantly strain the mind and collect the will into a fist. It is impossible to relax in order not to lose the conquered positions. If you want to achieve success in affairs and personal relationships, you need to constantly strive to "jump above".

Magic Magic Sometimes indicates that soon life will provide the opportunity to change everything and start living with a clean sheet. It is important to prevent past errors so that everything is not returned to the circles.

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The wizard is a symbol of security and unlimited possibilities. The near future is very favorable to create something new - the conception of the child, job search, the start of business, the exercise of the most insane and unreal, at first glance, projects.

Magic Taro.

Magic Taro card has incredible male energy. Therefore, if it falls out in the slad on a woman, this representative of the finest has the qualities of the leader. She used to act on male, seeking his goals.

Magician Tarot Map - Tarot Meaning

In the turned position, the map of the magician has such values:

  • At the moment there is a problem. This is either a lack of energy to solve current affairs, devastation and apathy, or, on the contrary, an oversupply of energy - a person does not know where to do it, as a result, it uses incorrectly.
  • Very often the wizard says that a person is currently experiencing strong insecurity. Everything rolls out of the hands, nothing works, so not far to depression. To get out of such a state, you need to do self-development - to pay the time to the soul and body.
  • Sometimes 1 Arkan Tarot value has this: the map says - soon a person has to make an important choice, on which the entire further life depends on. But it is not ready for such radical changes yet, so many problems will arise.
  • The inverted Magics Map also may indicate that recently you have missed some opportunity, did not see the chance given to you with fate. Therefore, the power over the situation will be lost, you will have to wait until events are completed naturally.
  • The map of the wizard in the scenarios on person indicates such traits such as egoism, narcissism, infantilism, youthful maximalism.

Periodically, the magician appears in the scenario on the eve of negative events that can occur in a person's life if he loses control over the situation.

Magician Tarot Tarot

Tarot magician value in relationships

The magician in the tariff relations has the following values:

  • Positive development of relationships. Any - both love and friendly, business. You are able to solve emerging difficulties and move on without focusing on current problems.
  • It is necessary to understand that it is impossible to use people for their own mercenary purposes. It can bring a short-term result, but in the future you will have to reap the fruits of unseeded actions.
  • In love relationship, the wizard map indicates the initiative of one of the partners. What it is expressed, will depend on the stage of relationship. It may be a desire to conquer, seduce, achieve agreement to enter into marriage. It is important that such an initiative comes from a man, and at the same time a woman paid more time to the development and preservation of relationships, believing a favorite thing.
  • In the situation on the definition of the relationship of a woman to a man Magic Map indicates that the girl has more fans except him.

If there are no other cards in the map of the magician map, the relationship promise to be strong and durable, filled with love and mutual understanding.

Magician Taro

Combination with other maps

It is important to take into account, surrounded by the Arcana cards falls the magician - it matters when interpreting the scenario.

Senior Arkana

Here is the decryption of cards falling into a pair with a wizard map:

  1. Jester In your environment there is a detrimentant, which is building a goat. Be alert.
  2. Supreme Priestess - serious obstacles are waiting for the goal.
  3. Empress - if you work well, the result will not disappoint you.
  4. The emperor came to "reboot" and start life from a clean sheet.
  5. Ierofant - you use authority in the eyes of others.
  6. Loves - to conclude a very important deal for you.
  7. The chariot - the time of progress, constant development and movement forward.
  8. Strength - it is necessary to be able to take emotions under control, otherwise the consequences will be sad.
  9. Hermit - Your brain is ready to take new information, the right time for self-knowledge and comprehension of new knowledge.
  10. Fortune Wheel - Fate will provide a chance to radically change life for the better.
  11. Justice - will have to be very persistently defend your interests.
  12. Haved - on the way to the intended goal there will be serious obstacles.
  13. Death - now the right time to expand business or find a more profitable job.
  14. Moderation - it is necessary to focus on affairs, they do not tolerate declaration and require your permanent presence.
  15. The devil - refrain from manipulating people, it is dangerous for you and can bring extremely negative results.
  16. Tower - something destructive will happen.
  17. Star - You have excellent health.
  18. The moon - you are surrounded by enemies and ill-wishers, be alert and careful.
  19. The sun - you have a big talent, which will eventually be appreciated with time.
  20. The court is promoting the promotion.
  21. The world is all that you have conceived will turn.

Watch the video about the value of Mago card in Tarot:


In combination with the rod meaning:
  • Ace - You are filled with creative energy, begin to implement your ideas.
  • 2 - a favorable time to start a new case.
  • 3 - a good period for business expansion.
  • 4 - You can start building a house.
  • 5 - We have to take events under your control.
  • 6 - expects dizzying career growth.
  • 7 - Will be drawn into financial fraud.
  • 8 - the secret will be apparent.
  • 9 - to experience its strength abilities.
  • 10 - Lack of life experience will affect the solution of current problems.
  • Page - the right time to deal with scientific research.
  • The knight is a harbinger of something new, unknown.
  • Queen - need to be improved and developed.
  • The king of the wands - in the near future a major serious project will be in operation.

Interpretation in the scenario on health

In the scenarios on the health map of the magician almost always promises problems. Moreover, it does not indicate illness not physical, but a spiritual shell of a person - foreshadows mental disorders, depression, melancholy. The negative value of the Card acquires in the turned out.

If the card fell in a literal position, it can fill a quick cure, achieving physical and spiritual harmony.

If the wizard indicates health problems, their reason most often lies in the head. A person did not find his place in life, not confident in herself, full of negative or experiencing other unpleasant emotions - all this provokes the appearance of diseases.

In most cases, the map of the magician is favorable, it foreshadows something new. Indicates a quick fulfillment of desires, the implementation of goals, solving problems, promises incredible prospects in the future.

The value of the map in various sobs

✚ Singing "Yes No"

Magician (wizard) - answer "Yes."

The map promises good luck in affairs, progress and achieving the outlined result. Internal forces are enough to complete the starting, the main thing is not to stop, continue to act.

The magician says that you have sociability, good connections and the ability to turn your ideas into reality. The ability to conduct business and understand people, as well as foresee their actions will serve a good service. The field of activity may be associated with risk, such as politics or business, but purposefulness and pressure will lead to success.

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✚ Singing "One Card"


Total values

He talks about magic or professionalism. Such a card in the scenario indicates that it is time to start active actions. The period occurs when you can achieve any goal. In addition, wondering can make a favorite thing from which he enjoys.


The map suggests that the gadget should not be prevalent to dominate. This will lead to a loss of monitoring the situation. A person will fall into full dependence on his second half, which will completely destroy him as a person. It is best to try to achieve equality or domination over beloved (beloved).


Map foreshadows good health. No diseases will disturb you. Arkan can also talk about the rapid birth of a child. Most likely, it will be a boy. The patient is a card promotes recovery.


Everything will be done in the business sector. There is a favorable period for opening your own business. The card can also foreshadow the change of work, improving the material situation and profitable transactions.

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✚ for the future


This card always means that time has come to perform active actions, and not wait for U, that the fate itself will determine the decision for us, which will be correct. If you want to achieve success, start working, do not sit on the spot and Fortuna will smile with a wide smile. If you like some kind of person, then try to attract his attention and get the return. Some problems may come in health, so the survey will not be superfluous in your situation. At work everything will be still if you yourself do not want to change something.

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✚ on the relationship


This card promises some pleasant changes in the relationship - perhaps we are talking about some experiments that were not previously resolved, or maybe soon the girl will receive offers from the beloved. The one whom the map symbolizes is likely to be passionate not only by romantic relationships, but also its own development, but this will give fruit for both in the future. If you are guessing on a lonely person, the magician can mean the opportunity to meet someone interesting, with whom the relationship will be long and serious.

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✚ Today


Soon you can start life from pure sheet with the highest degree of self-control. You are a person with an incredible power of will, striving to be perfect in all aspects, undoubtedly stand out from the mass of other people. The near future is favorable to create something new. Wanting to achieve success in life, constantly strive to not lose the conquered positions. When you fortunate on your career: professionalism and ability to correctly apply knowledge. Also, this is an indication of people whose work is associated with the table (writing, teaching, surgery, etc.). In finance: the ability to make money by your work. The map is an indication of a strong and self-confident partner. Health can be expected a disease or, on the contrary, a wonderful physical form (researchers dispersed in opinion, so choose the interpretation close to you).

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✚ Tomorrow


The first senior arcan is the incarnation of will to life. The magician is powerful, it can literally all. In the situation the next day, he may say that the questioning will have to take some active actions associated with the device of his life. The results of the actions taken under the Magna sign, fate intervenes little, they are completely dependent on the abilities and forces of the questioning.

In the defolds associated with the business sphere of life, the magician says that it is time to act, it makes no sense to postpone. In the work, the magician personifies authority and public recognition. In the field of a love magician also works on his power - this is the strength of attraction between people, the charm of man.

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✚ What does he think about me


The map shows that your potential partner is very active and self-confident man. Sometimes he will put on you with his authority too, but it will never be bored with him. He is able to turn the life of his partner to an endless holiday and a surprise with rich bright shades. Try along with him to give a full charge of energy so that he felt the passion and the desire to recognize you again and again. Only so you can save such attitudes on a long period of time.

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✚ at wish


Imagine that your desire is already executed. Do not doubt success, because the highest strength on your side. Try to convince this and others, then with a huge probability you quickly approach your goal, overcoming all obstacles and solving problems without much effort. Do not stand on the spot, use any new ways to achieve your goal, do not be afraid to experiment. Such qualities as indecisiveness and cowardice should be left "overboard". If the way to execute the desire just started, now it's time to do it.

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You got the result of our own actions in the past. Everything is done with your own hands.

There comes a period of difficulties and change, but you have enough mind, resources and energy to overcome the obstacles. You will be helped by self-confidence, clear mind, spiritual and physical strength. Fuck possible manipulation for the sake of mercenary purposes. Do not seek to benefit from others.

Act now, but think about the solutions!

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✚ on the narrowed


Under the map of the magician hides a person who has an extraordinary attractiveness that attracts you (or only) as a magnet. If you wondered, Taro shows the need for decisive actions. They will become a certain birth of family relations. But if the purpose of divination is a partner, then wait for any actions from him. Most likely, they will not leave the doubt in your soul in the fact that it is a future spouse or spouse. In general, the map shows the successful completion of old conflicts and the formation of a new type of relationship.

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✚ Guardian Angel Council


Man and guardian angel go hand in hand. Intercession of an angel. The inseparable communication of a person with the highest forces leading to victories.

At every step, you feel the support of the guardian angel, everything succeeds. This is the beginning of a new life stage, the universe with you and for you. Boldly go on - your ambitions are justified, a lot of interesting things.

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✚ on the king


Relationships are included in the stage of maturity, and the satellite is a reliable and courageous man. You may learn to see in each other a greater depth and originality. The basis of the relationship is quite strong, it remains to take advantage of the trust and respect for each other. If there were plans to start a project or make the first joint financial investment - you are successful.

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✚ on treason


Magic Map confirms the presence of romantic, and even intimate connections from a partner. These relationships are actively developing and gaining momentum, passion absorbs both lovers and increasing more and more. But one of them is especially passionate, and, depending on which stage there are such meetings, he seeks to strengthen them even more and save them.

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✚ Singing "Three Maps"


This is a symbol of new features and vital energy necessary for their embodiment. Literally, this card is a sign that everyone failed to start first, with a clean sheet. Everything we intended with sufficient diligence will be embodied in reality. The main thing is not to make old mistakes, and then all the beginnings undoubtedly waiting for success.

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✚ Love triangle


Arcan predicts parting, independence from each other. It is unlikely to save them, even if there is an effort to do so. For a woman, Arkan predicts the beginning of a new relationship. A new acquaintance with a man will not end in friendship. Arkan talks about the inevitability of love relationship.

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✚ on fate


You are a strong person and worthy of respect. You do not rely on luck, just seeking my mind and hard work. Ahead of you awaits a decent award for all efforts made earlier. It may be a career growth, and solid money, and a favorable resolution of a difficult situation. In family or romantic relationships, you are valued for the ability to take responsibility and justice. Do not fall into self-confidence, and your fate will be favorable to you.

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✚ to work


The map foreshadows a device for a new job, opening your own business. There are no problems, everything goes well. The Arcan also suggests that it will be especially successful in people engaged in trading. The map recommends changing work or occupation. It should be actively acting, regardless of the situation.

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✚ for pregnancy and children


Arkan means the beginning of a new period in life, but does not promise that it will be easy. To achieve the goal, you will have to try, seek help to doctors, if the goal is a pregnancy. The magician will not doubt their power. Clarity of mind, purposefulness and ability to act on time will lead you to the desired result, will help this closest person who shares your desire to have children. You can not worry about the health of the offspring, only the path to them will be difficult, in the rest of the nature of nature.

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Will it return to me?


Parting happened because the man is an individualist, and at some point I considered what the freedom wishes, he does not tend to obey. Such a person can return to the relationship, and they will continue with an unprecedented passion, but the girl needs to take the first step itself, because such a confident man will never get under the circumstances.

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