Supreme Priestess Tarot - value in different scenaries


The Supreme Priestess Tarot is a representative of the senior arcanes (this is 2 by Arcan). She is known under several names - Isides, Papses, the gate of the sanctuary. The value of the Supreme Priestess Taro is closely intertwined with a sphere of science and knowledge.

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In Greek mythology, Arkana Zresz Tarot corresponds to the goddess of Hekat, which sent people night visions and patronized with sorcerence and magic. Hekata is a lunar deity, and therefore female in nature. And they turned to her mainly for helping the representatives of the fine sex, when the need arose in this.

Supreme Priestess Taro

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Image of Arcana Supreme Priestess Tarot

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A woman is drawn on this map that sits from the gate of the temple of Isides between the two colleums. It looks very detached and focused. Her face hides the covers, which symbolizes the concealment of truth from curious people and ignoramus. On the knees, the woman holds a book that is also half covered with a cloak - this indicates that secrets can only be open to sages in privacy.

The value of the priestess tarot in the literal position

The Supreme Priestess acts as an personification of spiritual wisdom, patience, silence, deep knowledge of the essence of the visible and invisible, as well as female wisdom and strong intuition.

The card also suggests that a person tries to realize the secret meaning of something, engaged in the search for hidden factors that influence the situation. You need to easily raise the veil of the future, but do not disclose all your intentions.

Papeese also points to a rival, the witch, a girl who wishes you evil and to which it is "difficult to reach." Some question may decide completely unexpectedly. Often talks about the need to resort to magical impact.

  1. Event scope: Arkan will tell about ambiguity, duality, incorrectly formulated question. There may be various solutions to the problem.
  2. Indicates poor health. A person suffers from hidden pathologies, he was diagnosed incorrectly.
  3. Priestess Tarot value in relationships. Indicates suspicions, insincerity. Partners are closed to each other, they are afraid of something, overcome with jealousy. The impact of magic on the relationship does not rule out.
  4. Papals describes a secretive, suspicious person, but with good intuition.
  5. I advises: always trust your inner voice, not to listen only to a logical mind. Upgrade information to find out all the details of what is happening.
  6. Warns: You are in a difficult position, from which there are other solutions.
  7. In addition, the map will tell about the unknown - it is necessary to look at additional arcanes or perform additional extensions.

Papes Taro in the reverse position

In the back position, Arkan says that a person is not insulted sufficient, has superficial knowledge, self-reading. Heads about carnal passions.

Now the situation is explained. You will need to make an independent decision (choosing from several options).

  1. In the event plan, the priestess means the new information you get. Ensure the need to make decisions.
  2. In operation: there is definition, you can make a choice.
  3. In the field of health: Arcan characterizes a crisis state, but not dangerous to health. Perhaps magical impact.
  4. In love: disclosure of some secretion, clarification of the situation.
  5. Council Arkana: Continue to do what they do now. Important solutions are important.
  6. The final answer to your question is uncertain. The card may advise you to consider several ways to solve the problem at once.

Papals in Taro Era Aquarius

Detailed value of the Supreme Priestess Taro

General value

The priests acts as the personification of our unconscious power - intuitive abilities, premonition, sometimes indicates inexplicable logically, but solid confidence in something.

This is a key that allows you to reveal the mysterious truth outside our mind. The bright side of this truth lies in patience, understanding, condescending, kindness and ability to forgive, use the abilities of their subconscious, to do good people - help, heal and so on.

And the dark side is the archetype of the "Dark Sister", which uses its spiritual forces to seduce others, lured them into their traps and for causing other harm.

Value Papeles Tarot in the field of work

The priest says that the sphere of your activity in one way or another is related to the influence. Or may also tell me that a person in his work is guided by the principles of the priest: performs any tasks by opening his soul, patiently, always ready to hear others and perceive new information, does not use its logic, but intuition.

In the case when it is possible to achieve such a relationship to work and maintain it at the conscious level, a person is experiencing a wonderful feeling of "Vedomosti", feels that someone more "leads" him.

In the sphere of consciousness

The Arkan corresponds to the period when a person should pay as much attention as possible to his subconscious - follow the images, dreams and fantasies emanating from the very depths of the soul, to prompt that veil, behind which the festive hides his secret knowledge.

We often voluntarily refuse to know the truth, because we are talking about your mind. And Isis, who acts as an archetype of a female start, allows us to distinguish good from evil, black from white, healing from death - to understand the true nature of things. At the same time, it can manifest as with light and from the dark side, can never accurately predict which of his faces it will show on.

Supreme Priestess Tarot: meaning in relationships

In this area of ​​life, the priestess, as a rule, shows its positive side. It acts as a symbol of mutual understanding, deep attachment, spiritual proximity, sensitivity, concerns about each other, as well as faith in what you are connected to your loved one with the help of an invisible, but very durable thread.

Arkana's loss at a lifetime when we stay alone, says that now we need to adhere to this lifestyle, it does not cause us a negative reaction and suffering.

Maybe you may tell you the fact that we are now in a state of waiting, openness and ready for a new acquaintance, and listen to your inner voice and do not force themselves to anything, and also do not give us to others.

Priestess Victorian Taro

Combination with other cards

  • With Arkan "The Jester" - something secret will be apparent.
  • With Arkan "Mag" - a man is blackmailed.
  • With the Arkan "Empress" - a combination speaks of pregnancy or result obtained by knowledge.
  • With the Arkan "Emperor" - a person competently leads his affairs.
  • With Arkan "Ierofant" - getting revelation over.
  • With Arkan "Lovers" - Temptation: Will be silent or talk?
  • With the Arcana "Chariot" - do not try to change something now.
  • With the arcane "power" - silence should be stored.
  • With Arkan "Hermit" - a person knows some kind of secret.
  • With the Arkan "Wheel of Fortune" - passively reacts to changes.
  • With Arkan "Justice" - a combination will tell about the secret plans that can be disclosed with the help of the mind if you drop feelings.
  • With the arcane "hanged" - obtaining untruthless information.
  • With the arcane "Death" - you have to revise the information.
  • With arcane "moderation" - the individual adapted to the situation.
  • With the Arkan "The Devil" - the period of conducting ingenious plans, frauds.
  • With the Arkan "Tower" - a pregnant woman threatens a miscarriage or childbirth ahead of time.
  • With the Arkan "Star" - a gift of foresight.
  • With Arkan "Moon" - a combination will tell about deception, absurdity, the presence of a rival.
  • With the Arkan "Sun" - it turns out to be carefully hidden.
  • With Arkan "Court" - the situation will improve.
  • With Arkan "Peace" - speaks of the opening, birth of a child, the end of study.
Finally, browse the video in which the Arkan Papes is also described:

The value of the map in various sobs

✚ Singing "Yes No"

Priestess (Papes, nun) - does not give an exact answer because you do not know something important. Perhaps "yes" if you bring intuition.

The card symbolizes inner voice, knowledge, understanding and creation. The appearance of the card speaks of the presence of self-confidence, common sense.

To obtain the desired need to show patience and wisdom, keep the tongue for the teeth, maintain an inner pacification.

The card indicates the presence of secrets or secrets that affect some areas of your life. It can also show that a woman affects the situation.

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✚ Singing "One Card"

Supreme Priestess

General value

It denotes magic, dreams and intuition. The Supreme Priestess says that it is necessary to listen to the inner sensations. Only intuition will help take the right decision. This card is also not recommended to rush, but before active actions to think about the situation.

Another meaning of Arkana is an opponent, a detractor or a representative of a beautiful sex, with which it is difficult to "find a common language".


She suggests that the second half has a certain mystery, which she carefully stores and will never reveal even his beloved person. The Supreme Priestess may also indicate insincerity of feelings.


You have health problems. Most likely, you do not know about them or you misunderstood the diagnosis. Arkan can say that it is necessary to think about contacting alternative medicine and magical methods of impact.


The map is indicated by the duality of the situation, uncertainty and obscure position. Arkan is advised to think about the development of new knowledge and skills, as well as to visiting advanced training courses.

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✚ for the future

Supreme Priestess

The most sensual map in the situation of Tarot, which opens the door to the human shower world and allows you to start spiritual development. You are a wise person who loves to learn, has a huge potential for intuition. Your inner voice gives constant tips that allow you to achieve success, but you often try to completely ignore it, which does not give the potential to reveal. Relations with a partner are very passionate, gentle, you feel each other at a distance. Give the will to your feelings and then you will receive new features for change.

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✚ on the relationship


Priestess - also positive map. It means that the relationships of the pair are not carnal, physical character, and differ in particular mutual understanding on the mental level, a woman and man are interested in each other first of all as a person or interlocutor, and not only as representatives of the opposite sex.

However, it is not worth waiting for special sensuality and passion from this kind of communication. The couple is interested in each other mainly at the spiritual level.

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✚ Today

Supreme Priestess

Indicates a rival who wants you evil; poor health (incorrect diagnosis); Suspicions and insincerity in relationships. You are in a difficult position involving several solution options. It is recommended to raise the veil of the future, without revealing your intentions (often - the need for magical impact), to trust inner voice, find out all the details of what is happening. The card describes a secretive, human intuition.

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✚ Tomorrow

Supreme Priestess

The Supreme Priestess is the Arkan-related "female" energy industry, he personifies the intuition and wisdom of a woman in the years or a minister of the cult. In the slads for tomorrow, this map says that a person should act carefully, listening to himself, not trying to rush the situation artificially. Everything has its time. In the work sphere, this card in the scenario indicates the need to provide any assistance to anyone, to show patronage and condescension or not to rush with the decision-making, to think about everything again. In the scenarios for love carries the extremely pleasant value of the role of souls, reciprocity, warmth and care.

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✚ What does he think about me

Supreme Priestess

It shows that your beloved is a very calm person incapable of reckless actions to attract your attention. You should take the initiative in your hands to achieve the development of such relationships. Some such a partner will seem complex and boring, but this is an erroneous opinion. Try to open his inner world, which will be very rich and interesting. You will always find out in this relationship a lot of new things, what you didn't even guess. The main thing is to position this person to contact.

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✚ at wish

Supreme Priestess

Now you need to count exclusively on your own intuition. On the way to will be expected as moments of good luck and failure. Try to take everything relatively calmly. Take a look at your plans from an outsider, without investing unnecessary emotions. It will help you adjust the way to desire and make it shorter. If a break is needed, now it's time to take it, because your dream requires a calm soul and reason.

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Supreme Priestess

The secret has become apparent. Training and personal growth led you to the current moment.

The emergence of new hidden information and obtaining secret knowledge is possible. The best time for learning. Each of your action can be a fateful. Fear insincere people and secret enemies.

The future has not yet been determined and depends on the actions in the present. Best patience and understanding. Keep calm. Trust intuition!

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✚ on the narrowed

Supreme Priestess

The priestess shows a strong emotional and physical attraction between partners. Such a connection testifies to long and strong relationships. Obviously, with such an attachment marriage - only the question of time, the card also confirms it. Such an alliance will be saturated with sincere love and passion that will not be afraid of time.

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✚ Guardian Angel Council

Supreme Priestess

Search for truth, desire to comprehend the mystery of the world, knowledge of yourself. Angel instructs and prompts at every step.

You will get a wise advice, hint, help. You will learn how to achieve the goal, inspire the idea, you will be hung on the desired thought.

Perhaps you still do not quite imagine, in which direction to move, - then it is worth comprehending everything that happened and only after that take steps.

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✚ on the king

Supreme Priestess

Time to appeal to your intuition. It is she, or a person engaged in psychology or magic, will help to understand the current situation. If the relationship does not develop, work with your subconscious: perhaps the answers to questions remained in past flaws with your man. Choosing for you, listen to inner voice, dreams can be prophetic.

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✚ on treason

Supreme Priestess

The priestess unequivocally opens secret romantic ties and confirms the fact of treason. Such relationships are in the phase of strong attachment, gentle feelings and constant attention to each other within this Union. Around everything is covered with false and crazy thoughts. Your partner himself begins to believe in his deception, confused and stops understanding where it ends.

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✚ Singing "Three Maps"

Supreme Priestess

This card means the desire of a person to calmly, to a pacification, to silence. It is in such a relaxed state that you can find answers to all exciting questions. The priestess also symbolizes that in this period you can safely rely on your intuition and internal sensations. And they will definitely let you down.

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✚ Love triangle

Supreme Priestess

The card symbolizes the lack of sincerity between partners, infractiveness. People cannot be completely frank with each other. Arcan also means jealousy. The card may indicate a love spell or other magical impact on the partner for separation of lovers. The Arcan says that in a pair there are inconsiderators, but the partners cannot part, because they keep them next to each other.

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✚ on fate

Supreme Priestess

You should carefully look at your surrounding. Sometimes, the intrigue and trick can be hidden behind the ostentatious friendliness. Listen to your inner voice, let the will of your intuition. You can see implicit dangers and prepare for the future. Take care of your health and mood, look around yourself and give yourself time to think.

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✚ to work

Supreme Priestess

Arcan indicates that an incomprehensible situation arose. Arcan also talks about duality, unknown. The person does not take into account or ignores something. It is recommended to focus on intuition, even if the mind suggests another solution. Only in this case can succeed and come to the goal.

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✚ for pregnancy and children

Supreme Priestess

The priestess in its nature is not clear. The body is not ready for the birth of a child with a natural way, the offspring will not be healthy or will have to interrupt pregnancy. If the cards giving the chances of pregnancy nearby, it is worth using the help of physicians and artificial fertilization, the Observation of his wife's desire. For pregnancy, it is better to make a more detailed alignment.

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Will it return to me?

Supreme Priestess

If for some reason in relations or marriage is now not the most favorable period, then this is just a misunderstanding. A man considered that the girl controls him and jealous much, but soon everything will be resolved, and the relationship will continue with a new force. The girl should be thinking about his behavior and try to control the partner less.

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