The value of the Map of the Empress Taro in the Slads


The Map of the Empress Tarot in the Egyptian version of the deck is known as Izid's names or Ishtar. From the position of astrology, Arkana corresponds to the planet Venus, which is in the sign of the zodiac Taurus - the symbol of fertility. And the mythologically empress is often equated to demeter or hea (therefore, images of colors, fruits and ears are often present on the map - symbols of the image of a great mother).

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Empress Taro

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Image of the Card Empress Tarot

Looking at this map of Tarot, we can observe the majestic throne, which is in the middle of the magnificent garden, and the Empress itself sends on the throne. A pure river flows through the garden, its shores are filled with beautiful green plants. The hostess (so else called the empress) sitting very relaxed, the crown is banging on her head with the image of the twelve stars (symbols of each of the zodiac signs).

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If you turn to the Taro Era of Aquarius, then in it we are usually a few other symbolism that does not violate the sacred meaning of the card. Here the Empress is also sitting on the throne, but the surrounding environment changes - now it is a hall in an old stone castle. The walls and floor of the stone protrude symbols of the foundation, stability and majesty.

Outside the windows you can see the pure sky of blue, the hall pours clean divine light. In the hands of the hostess you can notice the ears (symbolize fertility and life), as well as the power (personification of power). Her shoulders pound a royal popone.

In the posture of the Empress, freedom and majesty are harmoniously combined. It personifies full calm solely because it fully realizes its strength, power and responsibility obtained from above.

You can also consider the symbol of Venus: in a number of decks, it is painted on the shield, often in the heart form, sometimes they are applied directly to the throne of the hostess.

What significance is the Empress Taro

Venus with Taurus is the perfect version of astrological compliance with the third Arcana. Having turned out in the holdings of the Taurus, Venus finally formed sensually and received their complete stability.

She not only loves herself, but also shares his knowledge with others. It is impossible to challenge her femininity and the greatest strength that gives birth to new and majestic.

In addition, Venus symbolizes vitality, inspires to live.

Value 3 Arcana Taro in direct position

The Empress acts as a symbol of beautiful earthly love, which brings fruits (wedding, offspring), while external connected with the inner. Arkan says that some kind of activity relating to you comes to an end, and you can count on success. The initial stage ended.

  1. In business sector: Opening wide expanses for business. Empress will indicate partnership, successful business meeting. Switch to a new, interesting work with high wages.
  2. In Health: The state will improve, light flow.
  3. In privacy: the official marriage union will be concluded. The map also foreshadows dating, love confessions. Often describes a mature married lady having power.
  4. It characterizes a living, energetic, restless man who is constantly looking for something new, can not tolerate routine. It has an entrepreneurial vest, has a lot of personal energy, but may be superficial.
  5. I advises not be afraid of new, boldly take a step to him to meet. Upgrade information, extend your circle of communication. With other prosperous maps, you can agree to marriage.
  6. The plans you promise to come true.

Empress Taro Era Aquarius

In the turned video

In the back position, the map indicates a desire to act, which needs to be clearly realized. Also foreshadows the emergence of household troubles, financial difficulties, decline, may indicate infertility for women.
  1. In the event plan: the period of stagnation, there is no further movement. Fear of all new.
  2. In work: the place of employment does not change, there are no further career prospects.
  3. In the field of health: indicates the occurrence of chronic pathologies, bad habits that bring danger to life. Threat infertility.
  4. In love: Divorce. Man is too picky in his choice.
  5. Arcan demonstrates conservative, cowardly, lazy and too cautious personality.
  6. The map advises not to hurry to be accepted for something new.
  7. The final answer on your question is negative (the person is not ready for the fulfillment of conceived). It is worth paying attention to alternative options.

Detailed value of the map of Taro Empress

general characteristics

The Empress, the hostess is a symbol of the Great Power of Nature, giving a new life, vital energy, fertility, growth and birth of a new one.

In the field of emotions, this is the development of creative potential, and at the level of mind - interesting ideas, creativity, in the conscious level - the assimilation of the new one.

The emergence of a new way, as implying incessant life changes, will also have the need to transfer pain provoked by this new birth.

In work

Now is the time when very strong energy is released. The Map of the Empress will tell about the creative rise from artists, writers, musicians, advertising professionals, as well as those associated with engineering, technique or design. For people with another profession, Arkan talks about changes, innovation at work, increasing activity.

This option is possible that the changes have already happened in the past, and now the person is forced to adapt to them, change the old one. Changes can concern the working conditions, the shift of the head. Sometimes it can talk about changing professional activities.

Despite the fact that childbirth is a very painful process, as a rule, changes are positive.

In the sphere of consciousness

The emergence of new knowledge, new ideas. It is likely that you do not approve them and consider bitter. Anyway, they will bring you valuable life experience. Thanks to them, you can look at the usual things completely in a new way to see the death of the old and the birth of it new.

The meaning of the Empress Tarot in the relationship

In this life sphere, the hostess also foreshadows the beginning of changes and the birth of something new: it may concern the appearance of a child or any other changes in the union in love. These changes are necessary, because they help get rid of the routine and are quite positive.

Also, the map often indicates a new phase of maternal love or that niche in which you will cause your relationship.

Victorian tarot

Combination of the Empress Taro with other arcans

  • With Arkan "The Jester" - indicates unpredictable consequences.
  • With Arkan "Mag" - a profitable project.
  • With the Arkan "Supreme Priestess" - a person will receive a new experience, the theory is harmoniously combined with practice.
  • With the Arkan "Emperor" - a family or business union is created, a reliable partner.
  • With Arkan "Ierofant" - the family is strengthened.
  • With Arkan "Lovers" - the birth of a new pair.
  • With the Arkan "Chariot" - a combination foreshadows troubles, a lot of things.
  • With the Arkan "Strength" - the human power force increases.
  • With Arkan "Hermit" - a period of stagnation.
  • With the Arkan "Wheel of Fortune" - the seasons change.
  • With Arkan "Justice" - a person assesses the current situation rationally.
  • With the arcane "hanged" - life in old installations now becomes meaningless.
  • With Arkan "Death" is a matter that can completely change your life.
  • With arcane "moderation" - the pregnancy will pass well and calmly.
  • With the Arkan "Devil" - a person suffers from some kind of addiction.
  • With Arkan Tower "- the output of the crowned, the risk of miscarriage.
  • With the Arkan "Star" - your goal was approved over.
  • With the Arkan "Moon" - the result, which can be questioned, a person can nouriece enemies.
  • With the Arkan "Sun" - a new person (or work) is born.
  • With Arkan "Court" - a period of creative lifting.
  • With the Arkan "Peace" - the appearance of the baby, the new facets of the old business.
From the following video you can get even more useful information about Arkan Tarot Empress:

The value of the map in various sobs

✚ Singing "Yes No"

Empress - answer "Yes."

A favorable card for building relationships, creativity, beauty, motherhood. She also talks about stability and prosperity, foreshadows material well-being and even luxury.

The Empress is a symbol of a new life, creating start, kindness in the actions and desires, harmony in family life, abundance in everything.

The appearance of this card may foreshadow the ray of the child or near a loved one, marriage. The Empress also indicates a huge creative potential of a person, an excess of inspiration and energy.

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✚ Singing "One Card"


General value

Symbolizes energy, vitality. Depending on the gadgetting, the card may signify the appearance of something new or symbolizing motherhood. The Empress also says it is time to turn to creativity, creativity and abandon stereotypes.


Speaks about strong relationships and a strong family or about the possibility of creating a strong family in the future. The Empress reports to a person that his family happiness and mutual love awaits him. If the governing wants to know how Beloved (Beloved) belongs to him, then the card speaks about the korear of the second half and the creation of the Union only in order to gain benefits. No feelings here are not talking.


A favorable period for improving health. It is useful to visit the sanatorium and other medical and preventive institutions. Women in the period of tooling the baby, the Arkan foreshadows successful childbirth.


The card indicates that it is time to show activity in matters. A good period for finding business partners, conclusion of transactions. Time is also suitable for finding a new work that will bring good, stable income.

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✚ for the future


Positive card that opens access to pleasant impressions. If you want to know how the case, we intended, then the answer will clearly please you. The emperator map means that you fully implement your capabilities and win in the desired business. It is only important not to miss the features. At the beginning of a new stage, Karat foreshadows positive emotions and only joy. Health will give excellent well-being, you will have a huge amount of energy that can be sent to the right track.

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✚ on the relationship


The one who symbolizes the Map of the Empress is very serious and constant. Perhaps this person even leads relations or family, but this is not tyrant, but a person who can appreciate the family and homely comfort.

When you fortunate as a whole, the empression of the empress means that relations are built on mutual respect, most likely we are talking about a family or to create it in the near future. Such relations are distinguished by the ability to appreciate the calm next to the close person and the desire to help and maintain.

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✚ Today


A symbol of love bringing its fruits (marriage union); promises love confessions; (often) describes a marriage lady with power. Regarding health: the general condition will improve, and the birth will be easily. The map indicates a scope for business, a successful business negotiation, a new job with a high salary, the emergence of new knowledge. Recommends boldly take a step towards a new one, promises everything conceived to come true. It characterizes the restless (sometimes superficial) person with a business residential vest, constantly looking for a new one.

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✚ Tomorrow


The embodiment of vitality, internal growth. The Empress is always an increase in the existing, the development of events for the best scenario.

In the scenarios for the events of tomorrow, this map says that a long-haired idea will find a realization, something that has already begun to start, will give germs. This card in the slade advises to start work, because everything that will be done under its patronage is doomed to success. But the Empress is not a jester with blind luck. She loves the work and embedding of moral and material resources. In terms of love, the Empress is also favorable. Failing out in the scenario, she talks about the continuation of the relationship on a strong-based basis or about possible pregnancy.

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✚ What does he think about me


Your relationship will be beautiful, bright and kind. It is in such relations that you can feel the harmony and true happiness that is so little in the modern world. A partner will make concessions, try to delight you. Tactics will lead to the creation of a strong family with children. Full bowl and endless mutual understanding are waiting for you next to the partner. It will have a slight deficiency - attachment to the mother, but it only characterizes it as a positive person.

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✚ at wish


Your plans and desires began to interfere with life. Minor conflicts and quarrels are possible, and this may interfere with concentrated on the realization of the conceived. With a high probability, these problems are tightened with their heads, so you have to push your desires. If you prefer to close your eyes to problems, then in the future they may interfere with enjoying the successful implementation of the plans. Try not to accumulate problems and solve everything in a timely manner. But if the desire is associated with creativity, now your chance to achieve everything that is possible.

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The time of rapid development of events after the stagnation period occurs. The high probability of developing new relationships. There is a white strip in life. Everything works in itself. Homemade troubles are possible, but things will be pleasant.

You are waiting for a comfortable pastime, excellent prospects in affairs. Same fate helps you! Just do not immerse yourself in the world of dreams. Take responsibility for yourself. Take a reality without fantasies.

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✚ on the narrowed


The map denotes deep confidence between partners, flaming feelings and passion filling relationships. They literally understand each other with a half-sleep - full idyll! If you are confident in your partner, you can hint or say about marriage. Most likely, his (or her) also torments this question. Joint decision you agree to this!

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✚ Guardian Angel Council


The cereal angel sent to rule the people to maintain prosperity and harmony.

You follow the balance and harmony, so you will get what will bring joy and satisfaction.

But if you feel that there are doubts how righteous your aspirations are, the call is not the time for fear, time is favorable, everything will work out.

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✚ on the king


Your triumph has come. If you are preparing to become a mother, then this is the perfect time. Now you are for your man - a source of power and inspiration. You depends on how to build relationships. Will they be partner or you will be the leader. Any decision will be accepted by the chosen one positively. If the question was about only talking relationships, the creative approach and vital energy will make you bright and unforgettable.

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✚ on treason


The empress drop-down map declares the fact of betrayal and treason. Such a layout is a harbinger of beginning change. Perhaps it may concern the news about the appearance of a child or other fundamental changes in the relationship on the side.

Current events are accompanied by female gossip, as well as evil intent and intrigues. The history of this deception may be different in a different way, but the probability of such an outcome is very high.

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✚ Singing "Three Maps"


The Map of the Empress is a sign of forward, that is, all things that stood at the dead point will finally begin to grow rapidly in favor. This card can also mean the emergence of an influential patron who is able to play an exceptional role in a person's life. In some cases, this is a symbol of marriage and / or conception of the child.

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✚ Love triangle


The card indicates that the relationship went to a new level and soon lovers expect marriage. Arcan can also predict a new acquaintance that ended with the wedding. Map promises recognition in feelings, date.

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✚ on fate


You are now the hostess of the situation, your desires will be fulfilled immediately, and the smile is adopted as a reward. You wise and infinitely kind, with generosity by hanging all their attention and love. You accept the full bowl of worship and gifts, in response to giving your favor. Thank the beautiful world around for the power he drinks you.

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✚ to work


Arkan suggests that time has come for active actions, manifestations of the initiative. Not time to slow and postpone the adoption of important decisions. Problems Even if they arise, they are quickly solved. For businessmen, the map foreshadows a favorable period for finding partners. Arcan predicts career growth, successful negotiations and business meetings. The card recommends not afraid of change. New beginnings, expansion of the circle of dating are favorable.

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✚ for pregnancy and children


If the question is about the occurrence of pregnancy, then most likely it has already originated. If there are no contradictory cards nearby, then with the course of pregnancy and the offspring there will be no problems. This event will be divided by life on "" before and after "" and will make it happy for both fenceries and for her loved ones. Try to achieve maximum femininity, the empress gives pregnancy worthy.

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Will it return to me?


This card says not only that with the most likely a man will return, but even about the possibility of marriage or pregnancy after reconciliation. The Empress often symbolizes a strong woman who can independently solve his fate and does not need a man in a man, just such an approach to life and pushed a man for a while.

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