The value of the map of the Helf Taro (9 Arcan) in the Slads


Map Hermit Tarot is used in classic scenaries. Let's talk about what value it has in a straight and inverted position, in the scenarios on the relationship. Share the value of combinations with other cards from the deck.

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Classic value Hermit Tarot

The Hermit Map has several, sometimes opposing each other's values. If the fortune telling is carried out in order to understand the magnitude of the human spiritual potential and determine its development paths, the card value is very favorable. It indicates:

  • The person will acquire an opportunity for a colossal reassessment of values. Perhaps he will have to be alone with him for a while to figure out, what path move on.
  • On the need to solve important problems. This solution will necessarily come, and as a result, spiritual cleansing will occur. The burden of emotions that will be resettled. Harmony will come to life and the true awareness of themselves and its destination.
  • The willingness to get away from problems alone. But it will be healing and will not bring suffering. The time of deep self-analysis will come, the result of which will be the discovery of truth - a person will understand the meaning of life and will decide with its destination.

Also, the Hermit Map is a sign that indicates the need to understand itself and leave minor troubles, care, empty entertainment in the past. The hermit as if he says: "Make a break, get rid of the shipment of past problems and start a new life."

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Hermit Taro

The hermit also indicates that the person's search for truth occurs in a person's life. It is very important at this time to find an experienced mentor, a teacher who will affect the worldview for the better and will help to direct the vital energy for good goals.

Tarot Map - Hermit Map in the turned position

In the outrestimate position of the 9 Arkan Tarot value has the following:
  • It is a symbol of humility. In life, the period occurs when a person is able to solve problems, engage in current affairs and communicate with others, despite fatigue and irritation.
  • The symbol of indifference: you are indifferent than to do - sit at home alone or do business. Nothing inspires, the soul does not lie to work, and close people are not able to provide support.
  • Attempts to find the place and classes in which a person will be appreciated. He is experiencing a deficit of recognition, demand, need.
  • Perhaps in the near future a fateful meeting will happen to a person who will inspire and help find strength to solve current problems. It is also likely to change work, environment, search for new hobbies.

Sometimes a hermit foreshadows reconciliation with a friend with whom you have long been in a quarrel. However, the world will last long

The value of Taro Hermit in the relationship

In the defolds on the relationship, the value of the map is ambiguous. It may be as follows:

  • You are experiencing a strong sense of loneliness. In the imagination there is a picture of the perfect world to which the surrounding reality does not fit completely. Such dissonance poisoned life and prevents moving on.
  • For marriage partners, Hermitage map is a favorable sign. It indicates that relations will move to a new level. Conflicts, misunderstanding and maximalism will remain in the past. And in the future, it expects joint development, tolerance and adopting a partner's shortcomings.
  • For a union, not burdened with wedding bonds, the card is unfavorable. She speaks of the lack of strong feelings. Partners are cold to each other. A period of disgust is coming, followed by parting if you do nothing. Fatigue from each other and alienation can be discontinued if both declines to keep love and take everything for this.

The value of Taro Hermit in the relationship

If you succeed in solving current problems in relationships, then in the future they will be surprisingly happy and harmonious, full of calm and spiritual heat. If you let the events on samonek, parting is inevitable.

Combination with other maps

For a more accurate interpretation, you should pay attention to which cards fall along with the Hermit Card. In a pair with them, he can have such values:
  1. The jester - the time will come for self-knowledge, you need to better explore your own "I".
  2. Mago - you have a talent that hide from others.
  3. The Supreme Priestess - your purpose is to find the uncharted, disclosure of secrets.
  4. Imperatrica - you will finally find what has been looking for a long time and unsuccessfully.
  5. The emperor - will live in harmony with yourself.
  6. Hierophant - you need a teacher, a mentor who will send you true.
  7. Lovers - will happen a fateful acquaintance with a person with whom long and strong relationship will be tuned.
  8. Chariot - dream to be alone, but you constantly interfere.
  9. Strength - the need to follow the established rules will oppress you.
  10. The Fortune Wheel - it's time to get rid of the framework limiting you and get out of the comfort zone.
  11. Justice - to judge the dispute of two people close to you.
  12. Having shared - you need alone, try to find at this time.
  13. Death - you have to experience a feeling of devastation and indifference to everything.
  14. Moderation is to experience mental flour.
  15. Tower - the best time to search for truth, revealing secrets.
  16. Star - now the most favorable moment to search for his destination.
  17. Moon - foreshadows long and serious illness.
  18. The sun is that you have been looking for, will be delayed.
  19. The court is to receive invaluable experience, life will prevent an important lesson.
  20. The world means that you are a whole person who does not depend on the opinions of others.

The value of the Hermitage map in a pair with rods the following:

  1. The king is your opinion authoritatively in the eyes of others.
  2. Queen - you have all the possibilities for spiritual rebirth.
  3. Knight - the black strip will soon end and change white.
  4. Page - despite age, you are young.
  5. Dozen - the load of responsibility, which throws you to you.
  6. The nine is to gain an experience that will help in further life.
  7. Eight - you suddenly simulate and you can estimate the situation without pink glasses.
  8. Seven - a close man is dishonest with you and constantly lies.
  9. Sixer - you have a great sense of debt and responsibility.
  10. Five - you are experiencing severe spiritual torments, tormented doubts.
  11. Emergency - feel the need for creating your own hearth, family nest.
  12. Troika - It's time to look for and finding the meaning of life.
  13. Two - the solution you plan to accept is incorrect.
  14. Ace - you will find answers to all the distinguishing questions.

See the video about the value of the Map Helf:

The value of the map in the outlines for money

What can tell a hermit in cash sields:

  • It is important for you to get moral satisfaction from work, and the financial component does not matter.
  • You prefer to put global goals, and not focus on small current problems.
  • It is hard to look for a common language with colleagues and bosses, so the perfect work for you is the activity of freelancer. In the team you feel uncomfortable - you have to go to work as if on the boat.

It is important that the maximum benefit of such a person can bring, working on himself. Provided that the activity will be pleasure. Then the money will come easily in large quantities.

Value Taro Hermit

But "work on ourselves" does not imply a business experience. Because in business, it is unlikely to succeed in business because of the inability to establish contacts with partners and build the right relationship with customers.

Also, when you fall out of the Herm card, it is important to understand that your knowledge and experience do not need to be kept in yourself - you need to share them with others. You may well in the future to become a teacher, coach, teach other people with useful skills and give valuable knowledge.

The main send of the Hermitage map is a call to listen to the inner voice and follow it. This is advice not to change your beliefs and not to give up the views, not adapt to others. Then life will go along the right path, and problems and disappointment will remain in the past.

The value of the map in various sobs

✚ Singing "Yes No"

Hermit - no answer.

The answer may be affirmative, in the event of a question about the search for the purpose or training of something new, cases that are committed alone.

The card symbolizes the search for yourself, spiritual values, self-improvement, self-knowledge, caution, equilibrium. May be a sign of conquering from life.

The hermit suggests that it is necessary to abstract from the situation exciting for you and from the world, to dig in yourself, identify your innermost dreams and goals. The question must be resolved independently. Privacy and reflections on their position will lead to a positive result.

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✚ Singing "One Card"


General value

This is a map of wisdom and loneliness. A person must think about his development, to be a little alone with himself, to express priorities and decide on the goals. The card can also say that wading tired of loneliness. However, the pride does not allow him to recognize the obvious moment and take a step towards close.


The map suggests that it is best to stay alone. Do not necessarily break off relationships. You can take a pause to comprehend the situation. If the gone wants to know how beloved (beloved) belongs to him, then the Arkan says that the chosen one (chief) is best to leave alone. Attempts to bring closely later, but not exactly now.


The map says that it is time to start abide by the routine of the day. The benefit will bring the morning gymnastics. This arcan can also point to the "iron" willpower.


Hermit says that he chose the right profession and does not recommend changing it. However, work brings minimal income and in the near future the material condition will not improve. Arcan also suggests that it is impossible to search for partners and sign contracts.

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✚ for the future


Maps of the spiritual state of each person. You must completely surrender to your mental state, understand what you expect from the future, what goals are being pursued. This will help find the right destination for the future. Perhaps loneliness when there are many people around, but there is no harmony and understanding of friends, relatives or just close people. Long depression is possible.

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✚ on the relationship


The Hermit Map does not have a specific positive or negative value. It usually symbolizes the relationship in which two people have long been together and know each other well.

Depending on the context of a separate situation or surrounding cards, it can mean mutual trust, support, and may be a sign of absence, reluctance to continue communication.

For a man who is brused to build relationships with someone, such a card is probably not foreshadowing anything well, the relationship will be quite sluggish, one of the partners will explicitly show less desire than the second.

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✚ Today


It is time to sort out yourself, you will have to solve a number of important problems. The card indicates some strong loneliness; If you are married - you are waiting for a transition to a new level of relationship. In your work, you will also have to revise values, reflecting on the future and determine the current direction. Be patient, use intuition to successfully go through the path of spiritual self-knowledge.

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✚ Tomorrow


Map of departure from the outside world "in yourself." It may mean both immersion in their thoughts, in its case to complete self-denial, and meaningless self-insulation.

Signaling for the future indicates the absence of external events. The question must be time to comprehend in your life, analyze events and feelings.

In matters related to business and the labor sphere, the hermit is not the best map. Speaks about the stitch, absence of work, possibly some production delays.

In matters of love, this Arcan is the personification of loneliness. However, it may mean a partner much older in age or simply stagnant in relationships.

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✚ What does he think about me


Your partner is different from all people who can be found on the street of any city in our state. He is very clever, but it behaves closed, often does not have real friends, avoids public places. He is a man of loneliness, let me only the most beloved people, so I will like it quite difficult. If you are already in a long relationship, then the card advises to let go of the problem and part for a while with your partner. The separation will help to understand the main things that a long period of time is bothering you.

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✚ at wish


You will have to sacrifice part of the spiritual life. Probably, you will not have time to reflement, the self-analysis and the creation of an action plan. If it is not yet for the performance of the dream, now it's not necessary to think about it. Try not to dramatize because of the circumstances. Perhaps you are the opposite too fascinated by the goal that you do not even want to make help from others. Therefore, the black band has come. Now the soul is needed a break. No matter how neutral activities will help to fill forces. Be patient and accept prudent decisions.

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Period of care from problems, rethinking life. You are waiting for a time of unity with you, pause in life. In a negative key, the map speaks of excessive pride.

There was a need to make an important decision. Feels loneliness and closedness.

Waste from affairs, slow development of the situation, refusal of goals. Find a mentor. Rethink your attitude to life!

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✚ on the narrowed


This card symbolizes the mature relationship built on the recognition of someone else's personal space. Such a union will not disturb your inner component, but also will help partners understand themselves. Also, the map shows that these relationships will be built on mutual respect and equality, so marriage will become a joint decision.

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✚ Guardian Angel Council


Angel pointing the path in the desert.

Understand and take your nature, you can see your strengths and weaknesses using your heavenly keeper. To listen to his advice, without resisting. Children's mouth tells an angel, hear.

The map advises not to retreat from its judgments, but be careful, judgment, believe in yourself. You became more experienced and wiser - it is invaluable.

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✚ on the king


A clear life position, a concentration on its internal world and the search for the spiritual at the moment take you the most. You should pay attention to a loved one who needs your care and love. If the question concerned a difficult period in the relationship, now it is not the best time to find them out. Stay alone. If a man has become cold and closed, then let him understand his true desires.

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✚ on treason


In the slad on a married couple, such a position leads to a favorable outcome. If there were conflicts and quarrels in the relationship, then a harmonious future is waiting.

Reverse situation for partners who are not married. Map promises disorder and cooling of feelings, which can lead to parting. But if lovers are ready to overcome all obstacles, the relationship can gain new paints and become happy. The main thing during this to understand and take the right decisions.

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✚ Singing "Three Maps"


The map shows that it comes the right time for the self-analysis and search for their life and spiritual path. If you want to be alone in this period, do not deny yourself this. In solitude, previously unknown, but very important truths can be opened. Listen to your inner voice, and he will give you the right way!

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✚ Love triangle


The card indicates complex relations between partners. Everyone tries to defend his point of view and does not want to make concessions. Arcan can also symbolize a greater difference in the age of lovers. Possible romance spouse with young mistress. Karat advises some time to live apart from each other to sort out his own feelings and situations.

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✚ on fate


Loneliness helps to sort out themselves, identify important things for themselves, outline plans. Do not be distracted by obsessive bustle, be firm in your principles and learn how to defend your opinion. Self-sufficiency and prudence is a strong foundation and a rich soil for new sprouts.

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✚ to work


Arkan foreshadows a stable vocation work, but with minimal income. The card also promises financial difficulties. In the team, complex relations, none of the parties are ready to make concessions. The card recommends acting, based only on your own opinion. Arkan suggests that the period is unfavorable for partnership and contracting.

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✚ for pregnancy and children


The Hermit Map indicates a difficult pregnancy and a possible Father's refusal from the child. A woman will be able to endure and give birth to a healthy child, provided that it will lead the image of the hermit: to retire, behave calmly and less in crowded places. It is worth limiting communication even with the smallest, as long as you can talk about your position. With an active and leaving lifestyle, the likelihood of spontaneous abortion is high on any time.

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Will it return to me?


If the question "will the man return?" There is a hermit, then there is no future in relationship, at least, talking about the happy development of these relationships is not accurate. Relationships will be able to give both sides with new experience and understanding of life. When a person who was in these relationships, will be able to analyze the situation, he will acquire new wisdom.

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