Value Card Wheel Fortune in Tarot


The wheel of Fortune performs the tenth senior arcan tarot. From the standpoint of astrology, the map corresponds to Planet Saturn, which is responsible for the cyclicality of time, the eternity of being, and also points to mentoring, in turn, the resulting wheel to the karmic plan (not so much a specific person, like the entire world). In this article we will look at what the Arkan will lead the Tarot Wheel.

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Wheel Fortune Taro

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Image of maps

In the central part of Arkana, a wheel is drawn, from the middle of which eight spokes come out. The wheel moves along the will of Anubis and Typhon, symbolizing good and evil, which influence our life, our fate and the process of developing positive or negative karma. Typhon controls the process of moving the wheel down, and the anubis rises to the top. Thanks to that, and the other force, the movement never stops.

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From above on the wheel of the fortune (also called the wheel of fate or the wheel of the year) proudly sends the Sphinx with a sword (symbolizes the reward). The Sphinx uses a sword only when it is necessary if a person reaches the tops, but not able to cope with the experience gained, guided by pride and other negative thoughts. It is they who force the Sphinx to apply the sword of reward.

Characteristics of the tenth Arkana Taro

In a direct position

The Tarot's fate wheel indicates constant changes, processes of formation and destruction, as well as temporaryism in life as bad and good. Arkan is symbolizing progress, falls in the stems of daring and fearless people who are not afraid to act resolutely.

The map will predict an unexpected luck, but do not forget that all things gradually replace each other and nothing can be eternal. Also, the issue of luck is quite dubious, it is better to take it to him as a surprise, an unusual situation. This is Arkan Games.

  1. In the field of business will indicate gambling, adventures, chance that can bring big profits. Unexpected meetings (calls). Accident that entail unforeseen consequences is possible a confusing situation, the outcome of which is unpredictable.
  2. He is talking about instability. There may be problems with intestines, eyes, thrombosis.
  3. The personal sphere promises meetings, new acquaintances with incomprehensible development. Rare dates.
  4. The map will indicate a bright leader who can lead to others, adventurist, a fatalist, a player who has its own opinion, is curious, which is often in ridiculous situations.
  5. Advises to trust fate. Watch out for signs over and chance.
  6. The answer to your question is positive, but the situation hides some kind of secret.

Alternative Wheel Fortune


The fortune wheel in an inverted form indicates that you live consciously, recommends that you make efforts and wait for future changes. Indeed is also unforeseen actions in incomprehensible situations, a person is trying to resist change.
  1. Event scope: There are no opportunities to expand, but there are no losses.
  2. A man is looking for a job for a long time or works for a long time on the same. One topic is being developed.
  3. Health status is normal, stable (can be both bad and good).
  4. The value of the Tarot Fortune Wheel in the personal area: all without changes, you need to pay attention to other arcanes.
  5. Describes a person who is used to acting on its own.
  6. Reverse position card advises to continue to do what you are doing now.
  7. The answer to your question depends on its specifics: if the question concerns an unexpected event or future prospects, the answer is negative. And if the continuation of something old, then positive.

Sacred Value Wheel Fortune Tarot

The sacralism of the wheel image depends on the large number of images and symbols, which depicts the arc.

  • Wheel - the main symbol of the map. The surface sense of the wheel is an infinite movement that no one can stop, because it turns around the will of the Most High. The deeper meaning of the wheel - it shares all things in our world on internal and external. And their border is the rim of the wheel, which is identified with the universal wheel (can be depicted in the form of a snake staging by the tail).

The fact that inside the wheel is the material world. Thanks to the movement of the wheel, a centrifugal force arises, denoting the desire of all living beings to get into the center - to reach the place of peace and bliss.

  • Movement down symbolizes low-alive animal instincts in a person, and up - indicates a combination of them with a high level of consciousness. The deep meaning of this card is that a person, if he, by the will of circumstances, was at the bottom of life, did not become an animal. And if, on the contrary, it rose up, - did not forget about the material world, suppressed in himself an animal instinct and transformed it into the necessary experience.
  • The topic of karma is remembered here - the law of causal relationship (reward). In Arkana, the control of this process carries out the Sphinx, which follows the person to get up to the top, did not deprive his chosenness and did not show pride. And if he notices such a violation, immediately sent a person back, down.

The symbol of the sphinx in the map harmoniously combines the animal and the human beginning. He has a human head, possesses lion's paws, eagle wings and the tail of the bull. The combination of these images indicates the main animal instincts donated in the process of creation.

  • Eagle correlates with inspiration, creative self-expression.
  • The lion is its complete opposite, symbolizes aggression, quick attack and ferocity.
  • Bull - indicates the possibility to concentrate on something, thanks to which a person can implement various ideas.

Combination Wheel Fortune Tarot with other maps

Now you know the value of 10 Arkana Taro, but in order to make a complete picture of the prediction, you should also pay attention to the other cards in the scenario. Further, we consider examples of the combination of the Fortune Wheel with other arcans.

With the arcane "Jester" - a combination will talk about unforeseen changes that do not carry any guarantee.

With the arcane "Mag" - changes calling for active actions.

With the Arkan "Supreme Priestess" - the events of the whirlpool fond of you.

Wheel Fortune Victorian Tarot

  • With the Arkan "Empress" - someone should be born.
  • With the Arkan "Emperor" - time of change that will change the usual orders (in the business and family spheres of life).
  • With Arkan "Ierofant" - changes relating to a family or life position.
  • With Arkan "Lovers" - changes in the personal sphere.
  • With the arcane "Chariot" - chaotic change.
  • With the Arkan "Power" - a man is difficult to adapt to changes, it is not configured to them.
  • With Arkan "Hermit" - a combination foreshadows retirement, changes that will provoke loneliness, poverty.
  • With Arkan "Justice" - changes regarding legislation.
  • With the arcane "hanged" - the beginning of the crisis as a result of change.
  • With the arcane "Death" - changes are enhanced.
  • With arcane "Moderation" - with time everything is normalized.
  • With the arkan "Devil" - loss of status, position in society.
  • With the Arcana Tower - time to pay for old accounts.
  • With the Arkan "Star" - a person hopes that his changes will be saved.
  • With the Arkan "Moon" - plans of an indefinite nature.
  • With the Arkan "Sun" - the changes followed by success and glory.
  • With the Arkan "Court" - good luck now on your side.
  • With the Arkan "World" - you will receive awarding as a result of change.
  • With the arcane "Ace Wands" - the completion of the black strip and the beginning of light.
  • With the Arkan "Two Wands" - Moving.
  • With the arkan "Troika Wands" - your position will improve.
  • With the Arkan "Four Wands" - new accommodation, new work, changes in the house.
  • With the Arkan "Five Wands" - change of mood.
  • With the Arkan "Six of Wands" - the combination indicates a career increase.
  • With the Arkan "Seven Wands" - a man desperately trying to preserve what he has.
  • With the Arkan "Eight of Wands" - getting unexpected news.
  • With the Arkan "Nine Wands" - a warning sign.
  • With the arcane "Ten Wands" - you have to suffer from the blow of fate.
  • With Arkan "Page Wesles" - you will get a tempting offer.
  • With Arkan "Knight Wands" - you will be drawn into the whirlpool of events.
  • With the Arkan "Queen of the Wands" - over time, the situation will change for the better.
  • With the Arkan "King of Wands" - your authority grows.

If you have fallen a map of the fate of the tarot, it means that now you need to carefully follow the signs of over, non-random accuracy (in a straight position). Or continue what you are doing now (in an inverted form).

We also recommend you for viewing the following videography of 10 Arkana Tarot:

The value of the map in various sobs

✚ Singing "Yes No"

Wheel Fortune (wheel of happiness) - answer "yes."

The wheel of Fortune says that soon the event will happen in your life, which will become a turning point. Usually we are talking about non-influxful people circumstances, but the changes will be favorable.

The card symbolizes good luck, award, progress, positive shifts in solving various issues, an excellent opportunity, overcoming obstacles, luck, happiness, a sudden turn to a better life.

The appearance of this card means that fate suddenly smiles to you and a favorable stage will begin in your life.

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✚ Singing "One Card"

Wheel of Fortune

General value

Clear waiting for change. They can be different - favorable and unfavorable. In this case, nothing depends on person. This is fate to which he cannot affect. Avoid change will also fail. In addition, the Fortune Wheel is a game card. This means that a person can "smile" luck, but luck will be dubious.


Lovers have a bright, positive feeling. For a lonely person, such a card means a new acquaintance. However, what it ends - unknown. Arcan also foreshadows a new cycle in love. At the same time it is unknown that he will bring - good or bad. The Fortune wheel simply indicates that the new cycle cannot be avoided, even if the gigging will apply to this maximum effort.


The map says that in general there will be no health problems. From time to time, pains that will quickly pass will appear. Weak places - a circulatory system, gastrointestinal tract, organs of vision.


The Arcan indicates that gadgetting has a tendency to gambling and adventures. The card also says that a person expects a big profit, obtained by chance. The fortune wheel can also say that you are waiting for an unpleasant, confusing situation from which it is difficult to find a way out.

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✚ for the future

Wheel of Fortune

The most mysterious card of all. She suggests that he will smile good luck soon. This is a logical solution to the problems that is given over. You will consider this chance that appeared at the most suitable time. Smile Fortune will be the beginning of a new stage for you, which will open up new opportunities. Many people do not believe that Fortuna can help, and all the chance further is not accidental. This is what you learn in the near future. Try to thank the fate for the chance provided.

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✚ on the relationship

Wheel Fortune (wheel of happiness)

The wheel of the fortune at fortune-attraction means stability, that is, cardinal changes in the already existing relationships do not have to wait.

If a pair of harmony and understanding, then relationships will continue to flow in a positive line, but if some problems in the relationship, then the decision will be found not yet soon.

If the fortune telling is made on a lonely person, the wheel of the fortune can mean that either loneliness will not be broken, or the relationship will not be interesting to both sides and will soon fit to the logical end.

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✚ Today

Wheel of Fortune

This card is a symbol of fate and inevitability; promises you constant changes. Regarding health indicates some instability, possible problems with eyes and intestines. Despite the value of the card, any changes are expected in relationships: everything will be stable. Various adventures and gambling are waiting for you in the future, accidentally with an unexpected outcome will follow you. Pay attention to signs over and trust the case of the case.

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✚ Tomorrow

Wheel of Fortune

Arkan, personifying the intervention of fate, smile fortune, good luck, which was not waiting, but can mean both trouble, a fateful lesson, presented by the universe.

In the defolds for the future, too, the turn of fate also means, but it is necessary to watch the surrounding cards, otherwise it is difficult to understand this turn in a positive side or not.

In business matters, the card indicates the absence of stability, the impossibility of controlling the situation.

In the defolds of love, the appearance of a fateful person will succeed, relationships with which can have a positive impact on the life of the questioning, and negatively, but it is always a strong influence leaving the imprint for life

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✚ What does he think about me

Wheel of Fortune

The map is very neutral, so it is impossible to understand the future of relationships. It is a symbol of serious changes that will soon happen. If you want to stop this process, then do it will not work. You are not a writer of your story, for a while you will manage Fortune, which will determine the future of your personal life. Try to accept this thought and wait for Fortune's decisions. It is very difficult to do this, but in this situation it is imperative. With your actions, you can only worsen your condition.

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✚ at wish

Wheel of Fortune

Listen to intuition. If she tells you that what is wrong, then try to understand what exactly and change it. Only the person himself knows what he needs now. This does not mean that you need to neglect the opinion of important people specifically for you. Just start listening to yourself and pay attention to the signs of fate. If the path to achieving the goal has already begun, now the light strip will come. Difficulties will end, fast positive changes will come.

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Wheel of Fortune

Everything has already been decided by fate. You are waiting for change and fateful turn in life. Perhaps the journey, changing activities, place of residence. Everything goes in itself. Felds are felt.

On the life of the fortune and the incredible luck in the life path. There is a change of white and black stripes in life. Trust fate. Everything that seems unfair will actually lead to the best result!

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✚ on the narrowed

Wheel of Fortune

The wheel of the fortune symbolizes a sharp shift or overcoming any barrier in the relationship. Perhaps together you will pass the crisis. Most often, such a turning point leads to a new level of relationship. If the relationships were at a high level, then most likely it will be marriage. Carefully weigh everything in and against, because luck will not always be on your side.

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✚ Guardian Angel Council

Wheel of Fortune

She changed: After drought, the long-awaited abundant rains will come, sadness and disappointment will be forgotten with the arrival of a sunny day.

Whatever happens, the guardian angel protects from Euphoria in the days of babysitting, does not allow the disadvantage to master the soul on the days of despair.

After a sunny day, the sunset always comes. Celebrating victory, remember possible defeats - the change of fortune, as inevitability, will always remind themselves. Take care of times when she decides to dress not you.

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✚ on the king

Wheel of Fortune

The person with whom you have mutual feelings are ignored, like everything in life. Meeting will give a lot to both and depends on the pair, favorable events or not expect it. It is important to awareness of the importance of the Union and the depth of feelings. Reminder that you need to appreciate each other. If you are alone, then get ready to meet a fateful person in your life that will completely turn your world.

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✚ on treason

Wheel of Fortune

Here everything leads to the fact that relations on the side have a non-permanent character. It is difficult to say that it is forcing the partner from time to time after all the same change. To do this, you need to pay attention to conflict situations, or bored gray weekdays. Such an arcan falls on daring and decisive people who charge new emotions when the excitement appears, and the blood boils from adrenaline.

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✚ Singing "Three Maps"

Wheel of Fortune

You have a good change in your life on the threshold, and not trouble if you cannot control the circumstances and events around you. Remember, everything is happening not by chance, but everything goes as it should. Trust your fate, she will not let go! There are situations that have already happened to you or some of your surroundings. Treat them easily and humility.

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✚ Love triangle

Wheel of Fortune

Arkan foreshadows a new acquaintance, but it is not known what it will lead to. The map only says that he will soon. Another value of Arcana is a new cycle in the relationship. It is not known what it means for a pair - a gap or access to a new level. Just begins a new cycle, which will not be able to avoid. You will not be able to do anything to change the situation.

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✚ on fate

Wheel of Fortune

The world has changed and you should also change, otherwise you will not have time for an inexorable time. There are changes that affect your life without your will. Well, it means you're time to take a fresh look at the usual things, change the habits, reconfigure your landmarks. Each turn of the Fortune wheel gives you a chance to turn along with it and return to the original point of the updated world.

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✚ to work

Wheel of Fortune

The Map promises adventures that will bring big profits, as well as a confusing situation with incomprehensible consequences. There are problems in the team, but the colleagues "got lost" to each other and will be able to solve them. Career growth is possible, but the situation develops slowly. Arkan is recommended to trust good luck and pay attention to the signs that fate gives.

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✚ for pregnancy and children

Wheel of Fortune

The Arkan Wheels of Fortune will tell you that the occurrence of pregnancy will depend on the little things: the lifestyle of both spouses, refusal from bad habits and the main thing is the random coincidence. The card does not give an accurate guarantee, but also does not exclude the chances of getting pregnancy: the wheel of the fortune has the dark sides, so you should not call yourself with false hopes. If the conception still happens, the prosperous outcome and child health will also depend on the will of the case.

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Will it return to me?

Wheel of Fortune

In relations, it is possible to develop and transition to a new level, such consequences should be expected from successful reconciliation. It is possible to reunite a couple and, most importantly, it is not at all difficult, the reason has become too fast development of relations. It is necessary to postpone with a rapid pace, look around, perhaps you should pay attention to the passion of the partner and on this soil to continue communication.

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