Tarot moderation (abstinence, 14th Arkan) - value in the scenaries


Tarot moderation is 14 Arkan decks. Another name is abstinence. The map is a symbol of updates, rebirth, achieving harmony in relation to the surrounding and world. Talk about the intercourse of Arkana More.

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The value of tarot moderation in the literal position

If the fourteenth Arcan appears in the side of the literal position, the value can be interpreted as follows:

  • This is a symbol of beauty and harmony, pleasure and peace. The card indicates that man is happy, has sources of inspiration and filled with vital energy. He chose the right path, so fate sends favorable opportunities for developing and achieving success.
  • In the near future, all quarrels and conflicts will end, a tense state will pass.
  • Sometimes the map moderation Taro indicates that you will have to go through some serious test. If you hold it with honor, harmony and long-awaited happiness will come to life. And all the dreams that previously seemed impracticable, will come true.
  • Arkan is promulit the soon fulfillment of the most cherished desires, provided that they will not bring any harm to anyone. If your thoughts are good, a white band will come in life.
  • The abstinence card may also indicate that they will have to make a compromise to some difficult situation, adapt to new circumstances, to accept and become more submissive. Such mindset will help get closer to truth and learn to avoid conflicts.

Map Tarot moderation value has it: you need to learn to live calmly, abstract from conflicts and get the joy of what you have. Then life will be stable, and the trouble will bypass you. The process of changes to the better will be slow, but faithful.

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Tarot moderation

The value of arcana in the turned position

In the outstanding position, the abstinence map has such values:
  • In the near future, there will be a break of some relationship: love, friendly or business. The head of the company will have to dismiss employees, spouses to divorce. The usual order of life will be disturbed due to the rash deeds, which will push close people from you. Emergency expenses, decay of forces and energy are also likely.
  • The card indicates that now you are in a state of imbalance. In order not to exacerbate the situation, it is necessary to temporarily move away from affairs and not to take over too much. Start solving problems gradually, one, then the situation stabilizes.

Sometimes the arcan indicates that you cannot overcome some serious tests, which in the end will lead to a series of quarrels and conflicts. Most likely, this will affect the business sphere of life.

Meaning Tarot moderation in relationships

14 Arkan Taro in the defolds on the relationship has the following meanings:

  • This is the personification of piousness, following the moral principles, devotion and loyalty. The card indicates that the partner will never betray and will not deceive, will be a reliable companion throughout life.
  • A favorable sign if the abstinence map falls along with the Fortune Wheel. This indicates that the union will be strong, feelings warm. Both partners tend to support each other, deliver joy and give care.
  • In combination with male arcans, moderation map indicates that sexual partners are incompatible. But this is not critical if a partner with a brighter temperament will give the energy to creativity.
  • If 14 Arkan fell with a map of the Empress, it means that a woman in a pair is cold and frigid. Most likely that she is not interested in a man, does not seek to maintain relationships, so they are doomed.
  • Moderation can say that the Union is based on trust, love and mutual understanding, and physical attraction for partners is insignificant. Their relationship is a real spiritual friendship, so the Union promises to be long and strong.
  • In most cases, the card speaks of a high degree of spiritual intimacy, but the absence of strong passion.

Sometimes moderation foreshadows new profitable dating or points to warm friendly, related relationships.

Tarotime value

Tarot moderation - a combination with other arcans decks

If in the defold 14 Arkan appeared along with other cards, it is necessary to interpret its value differently. This will help get more accurate and reliable interpretation.

Moderation in combination with other tarot cards can mean the following:

  1. The jester - the truth far, you are not yet able to understand it, you need to wait time.
  2. Magic - in his actions and actions are guided by mind, not emotions.
  3. Supreme Priestess - To achieve success in professional activities, it is necessary to improve the qualifications, get new knowledge and skills.
  4. Empress - the financial crisis is coming, you need to learn to masterfully save.
  5. The emperor - a black band will come in life, you will feel the decline of strength and shortage of energy.
  6. Hierophant - Your Help and GoodWomen will not be assessed.
  7. Lovers - in relationships will have to search for a compromise, so as not to destroy them.
  8. Chariot - in the near future feel strong anxiety.
  9. Strength - it will take to collect the will in the fist and steadily transfer all the difficulties.
  10. Hermit - a period of loneliness, revaluation of values ​​will come.
  11. The wheel of the fortune - promises inevitable changes that cannot be resistant.
  12. Justice - Mind enthusiasm over emotions.
  13. Haved - a sign of deep depression, it will not be easy to exit this state.
  14. Death - cardinal changes in life will occur.
  15. The devil - after a long illness, recovery will come.
  16. Tower - It will achieve financial independence.
  17. Star - the disease will retreat, you or a close person will recover.
  18. The moon is a sign of a serious illness.
  19. The sun is the personification of good luck, success and joyful emotions.
  20. The court is to recovery after a long illness.
  21. The world is fortunately, harmony and well-being.

Watch video about the value of the map moderation:

Calculation and finance

Most often, moderation map speaks of events that will affect the business and professional life of a person. In such defolds, the value will be as follows:

  • If you learn to listen to the opinions of others and "wind on the Us", professional activities will bring tremendous success. It is important to keep calm in any situations, prevent mess and chaos in your life.
  • In the near future, the Universe will provide the ability to neutralize enemies and ill-wishers, thanks to which the work will go to the way.
  • If the goal of the scenario is to determine its purpose, choose a profession, then the map of moderation indicates that you will suit the activity quiet, which requires the maximum concentration. This is the profession of jeweler, artist, even surgeon, pharmacist, cook or homeopath.
  • Arcan points out that you have the talent of the teacher. You are able to inspire others, suggest the right way, to give faithful, competent advice. You may have to become a good mentor, a coaches or a teacher. But it is necessary to give himself a rest - giving the energy to others, it is important to replenish your own reserves in time.
  • In real life, you either work too much, or you pay a lot of time to rest. Because of this, an imbalance occurs. It is necessary to find the golden middle, then professional activities will be successful and will bring the desired result.
  • You know how to dispose of money correctly, not wasteful and intelligent. The abstinence card advises: Spend some of the free money for charity, then material well-being will continue for a long time.

Meaning Tarot moderation in relationships

Tips when appearing in various defolds 14 Arkana:

  • Rely on fate, give events to develop natural way.
  • Do not hurry and do not hurry - the desired result will come, but it takes time.
  • Decide the problems gradually, do not strive to destroy everything in one fell.
  • Pay more time to communicate with close people, they need your attention.

If you follow the advice of the fourteenth arcana, life will occur calmly and extremely safely.

The value of the map in various sobs

✚ Singing "Yes No"

Moderation - the answer "yes" But you need to show patience, do not hurry.

The card symbolizes diplomaticity, self-control, reasonable behavior, harmony, the ability to adapt.

Success in conceived is possible due to restraint, compromise and patience. It is necessary to think good and remove the internal contradictions. The map suggests that the correct behavior will adapt to the existing situation, to show humility, moderation in the views. Good luck is waiting in difficult affairs, where you need to take into account many factors and find the balance between them.

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✚ Singing "One Card"


General value

This is harmony with you and the outside world. The gigger possesses tranquility and confidence in their own forces, which helps him to live normally and develop. There is a period of stability and the prevalence of common sense. The card also indicates that a time paradox arises, sometimes it will be disastrously missing, and sometimes it will go too slowly.


There is no harmony between feelings and mind. Even if the feelings are "overlooking", we should not forget about everything in the world. The head should always "work", regardless of feelings. Arcan can also say that long-term relationships await. The dimension and constancy - this is what you can count in the near future.


There will be no health problems. Women card foreshadows pregnancy. The representatives of the beautiful gender, carrying the baby, the Arkan promises prosperous childbirth, without complications.


Moderation foreshadows stable work for a long period of time. Businessmen Map promises success in affairs and good development. However, the Arkan's big profits does not foreshadow. The financial situation will be stable, but without additional financial injections.

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✚ for the future


The card determines you as a harmonious personality capable of choosing and performing the right actions. Follow the same direction, then you can perform any actions, even the most complicated. In personal relationship you will achieve full peace of mind and homely comfort, and in the work gradually gaining strength and energy to advance the career ladder. Health will be consistently good. No bright events are expected.

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✚ on the relationship


This Tarot Map, which dropped out at fortunes for a romantic relationship, denotes strong and warm relationships. Most likely, these relationships are the character of very trustful, sensual and gentle, while they rely mainly on the ability to listen and understand.

Sexual desires depart into the background, sex does not affect a man and a woman, mutual understanding is built on the spiritual level.

If the map has fallen a person else alone, then moderation foreshadows the meeting just with such a person who can feel internally.

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✚ Today


You are calm and confident man filled with vital energy; Soon will leave you a hard state. The map promises you a white strip in life, new acquaintances and loyal relationships. In your work you need balance and good relationships with colleagues. The map advises to restore domestic strength; You will fit meditation and a healthier lifestyle.

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✚ Tomorrow


Arkan is also called abstinence, which also reflects its essence. Means equilibrium, stability, spiritual healing and adaptation to the current situation. The presence of circumstances preventing situations to develop on the script of the questioning. The need to take an expectant position.

The professional sphere suggests that everything will come true and forms, but not immediately, you need to wait a little more.

In physical terms, talks about healing, good health, refusal of bad habits.

In love indicates harmonious, correctly developing relationships over which, however, still need to work.

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✚ What does he think about me


Positive Taro Card with Love Sign. First, your partner is a surprisingly kind, calm, gentle and fair person. Try to answer him full of reciprocity, then he will answer you the same. Secondly, complete harmony comes in your personal life, you have a family comfort, who were looking for a long segment of your life. You are ideally complemented by your partner, so there is no senseless quarrel in everyday life, which often destroy even the strongest relationships.

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✚ at wish


What you now want will continue to bring confidence and sensation of comfort. But it is impossible to argue that his execution will not bring any sacrifice. But any discomfort and soreness will cost your goal. Now it is necessary to enlist the support of reliable people. Now everything is quite harmonious in your soul. It is this state that will help you move on, because the direction is selected rather correct and rational. But it is not worth relaxing yet.

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Everything happened, of course. There was a period of balance and harmony, relaxation. Lack of disputes. Stable development in life and affairs. Everything goes as best as possible, you feel peace of mind.

At the same time, it is necessary to save forces, since the situation will develop slowly. You are waiting for overcoming the crisis, resolving contradictions. It will be found from a dead end. With proper self-control, everything will decide safely. Do not leave the problem on Samotek. Take the decision to your hands!

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✚ on the narrowed


Moderation is calm relationships, full of harmony and pacification. Most often, such partners call relative souls. You are literally with half a friend, support each other in all endeavors ... In general, everything is perfect. The decision on the wedding will pop up with the same moderate pace. But when it happens - it depends on the degree of attachment of partners: if you have been together for several years, then wait for a pleasant news!

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✚ Guardian Angel Council


Cyclical life. Each flower has its own flowering time. There is time to act and time to expect.

Are our desires always timely? Only the guardian angel knows for sure why it is necessary for the coming time. If you understand his instruction, there will be a balance and harmony in life for a long time.

In your situation, everything is balanced, everything is as it should be, it is not worth seeing what is happening in black light. Show patience, think over the situation, will soon come to act.

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✚ on the king


A wonderful card that predicts complete harmony and stability. Everything that thought will come true. No fundamental change is expected. Relationships are in the "Golden Mid" stage. Respect, love and support, full intimate relationship - your "satellites" in the near future. You and your chosen one can make a compromise.

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✚ on treason


Drop-down Arkan confidence does not allow betrayal. On the contrary, a loyalty and loyalty, love and understanding reign in a pair. This card speaks of spiritual feelings of partners who value the highest motives in relations. Such relations promise to be strong and long.

However, the spiritual component does not consider the possibility of strong passion and active intimate life.

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✚ Singing "Three Maps"


It is now important to take patience, calm and composure. In conflict situations, you will take on the role of the conformist of the two sides, you will be able to find a compromise for them. You should try to avoid open collisions with anyone. Map moderation also indicates that all your dreams will soon be performed, but, with the condition that they will not harm anyone.

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✚ Love triangle


The card symbolizes long relationships. Arcan does not mean what they have quality, he only means stability. There will be nothing new.

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✚ on fate


Please stop worrying! It is not necessary to exercise anxiety about important, nor about insignificant things. Everything goes with your guy, your business is in order and your environment does not build a goat behind his back. Refrain from finding out relationships and do not take rapid decisions. Hold the time to your inner state, unite with you and take the world as it is.

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✚ to work


Stable, constant work that will bring good income. Lack of additional profits. Relationships in the team can be good or bad. The situation will clarify the crisis. The card recommends finish the work started, but without a rush.

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✚ for pregnancy and children


Arkan confidence suggests that life will be the former, new events are not expected. At this moment you can rethink your relationship, make friends and keep a dimension lifestyle. At the expiration of some time, fully responding to the question "Is I ready for pregnancy, to decompose Tarot again and, if the Universe is on your side, you will see cards pointing to an approaching conception.

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Will it return to me?


To return a man to a relationship in case of falling out this card, you need to gain patience. Loud conversations and clarification of the relationship did not solve the problem, only a calm approach can resolve the conflict. It is with such a development of events that the girl has a chance to return the man.

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