Devil Tarot - the value of the map in the scenaries


Map Devil Tarot is one of the most ambiguous. This is the personification of the dark side of a person: the abuse of power, dependence on money and carnal joy, thirst for profit. But sometimes the card symbolizes and something favorable, depending on the scenario. Let's talk about the meaning in detail.

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Little value

In the scenario, the card can fall in a straight and outrestimate position. In direct, it can have such values:

  • Lack of control. This means that a person is under the authority of emotions and passions that prevent him from a clearly aware of what is happening and taking faithful solutions. This contributes to the most adverse effects and guarantees a negative result of almost any case.
  • The devil - 15 Arkan Tarot, which indicates that the man stepped on the wrong path. His deeds and actions lead to degradation and self-destruction. This cessation of development, missed opportunities due to the thirst for power and money.
  • The Lucifer map also points out that a person wants to dominate everything - from relationships to work. It is not always good, because in the desire for power, it can resort to not the best methods.
  • Sometimes the appearance of the devil indicates that there is a person who endowed with the government in human life, which has an extremely negative impact, he suppresses the personality, directs the actions of a person by the wrong way, incites lowland, dark feelings in it.
  • An ominous sign indicates fears, the manifestation of animals of instincts is the worst in the person that hesitates a serious imprint on his life.
  • The devil is also a symbol of temptation and temptations, which will interfere with soberly reasoning, evaluating their actions, thoughts and actions. As a result, the person directs himself on the false path and becomes not able to achieve his goals.
  • The card indicates the need to take control of your emotions - they will greatly interfere with the path to success. In order for the symbol to influence your life, it is important to stop plowing with your whims, think before doing, act in accordance with the moral principles, and not by your own desires.

Devil Taro

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Despite the fact that the value of the map is mostly unfavorable, when it appears in the scenario, you must not be upset, and think about what you do wrong. Recipient your actions, bring thoughts, get rid of temptation and dependencies.

In an inverted position

In the turned outward position, the ominous card acquires a more positive interpretation and may indicate the following:
  • Exemption from dependence, fear and other things that were interference on the way to implement the goals. You can get rid of past shackles and go ahead into a bright future.
  • Satan also symbolizes victory over the weaknesses, getting rid of illusions. A person will be able to sort out himself and start living without pink glasses.
  • The devil may indicate that low value values ​​(money, power, sex) have ceased to be something important for you. You are ready to enter the new way, get closer to spirituality, acquire new interests.

Important : In the inverted position, the value may be negative if a person in life is a robin, a manipulator, or those who are deprived of moral principles. In this situation, in the future it is worth expecting exposure and loss of authoritative in the eyes of others.

Map Devil Tarot in Relationships

In the defolds about relations, the devil may have the following:

  • Favorable. In the near future, destiny will present you the most real gift. You will meet the person with whom extremely emotional, passionate relations filled with positive emotions will be tuned.
  • Unfavorable. A high probability to join the karmic union. This will be a real dependence, and only passion will connect the partners - it does not have to speak about the spiritual component of relationships. The couple will not live for a long time - satisfied with each other, the partners will break out.
  • If you are already in relationships, the card may indicate that your partner is incorrect. He lies a lot, changes or plans to betray. Perhaps he has children or wives who hide from you carefully.

Most often, the Satan Map indicates that you are in a serious emotional dependence on the attractive manipulator, a tyrant or a fraudster who skillfully controls you without feeling any feelings. Jealousy, psychological addiction, animal passion - all this personifies the map.

Devil Meaning Tarot

Combination with other maps

The deiole value may change if it fell out in the scenario with other arcanes:

  1. Jester - you are in a strong dependence on bad habits.
  2. The magician is influenced by black magic, his fate is connected with the souls of deceased relatives.
  3. Supreme Priestess - damage to you or the evil eye.
  4. Empress - will become victims of financial fraud.
  5. The emperor - will be drawn into unseen-minded things, with the result that there will be problems with the law.
  6. The hierophant is a person whose opinion you trust gives false information.
  7. Lovers - only sexual thrust connected you with a partner, you are not destined to each other fate.
  8. Chariot - to experience moral or physical violence. Often talks about relationships with Tyran.
  9. Strength - win the victory over bad habits.
  10. Hermit - You feel lonely, but drove themselves in such a state yourself.
  11. Fortune wheel - alcohol dependence.
  12. Justice - problems with the law.
  13. Having isolated - as a result of your actions, an innocent person suffers.
  14. Death - the work started will end with a complete failure.
  15. Moderation - under the influence of alcohol, do something that entails major troubles.
  16. The tower is getting drawn into financial fraud.
  17. Star - Hope for the best will disappear.
  18. The moon is a loss of financially valuable things.
  19. The sun will open a long-standing secret, because of which your reputation will suffer.
  20. The court - a close person will not be in help in a difficult situation.
  21. The world is indulgence, exemption from past sins.

Devil in Tarot in relations

The Devil Map changes the interpretation when falls paired with the rods:

  • Ace - are in a subordinate, dependent position.
  • 2 - the presence of ill-wishers, enemies.
  • 3 - A series of small trouble is coming.
  • 4 - Disorders and conflicts in the family.
  • 5 - to be subjected to physical violence.
  • 6 - a close man lying.
  • 7 - Stop abuse of your authority.
  • 8 - rape.
  • 9 - you are surrounded by insincere people.
  • 10 - Power spoils you.
  • Page is a solution to which you are inclined, incorrect.
  • Knight - there is no sense of debt and responsibility.
  • The queen is a symbol of desire and depression.
  • The king is thirst for money that overshadows reason.

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In the slack for money

In the monetary default, the "Devilsk" card indicates a state of work affairs, relations with business partners and, fortunately, regarding the financial component of life.

For example:

  • It falls at the time when the professional in the professional sphere is to be tested. This is the key time from which further career development will depend.
  • Indicates that you are not in your place. Work does not bring any financial nor moral satisfaction, the head and colleagues are only annoying.
  • Because of the thirst, the profit will have to abandon most of their convictions and moral values. It is worth staying and thinking whether the sheepskin is worth it. In pursuit of money, you risk losing something very important and truly valuable.
  • Very often the devil falls when a person experiences temptation to do something non-deposition, counting on great profits. It is important to restrain and not betray your beliefs, otherwise you risk "earn" a huge karmic duty that will poison all the future life.

15 Arkan seems to warn: it's time to take emotions under control, otherwise you will spoil your life. Dependence on anything or from someone is always bad. Payback for a solid kush may be too huge.

The value of the map in various sobs

✚ Singing "Yes No"

The devil - the answer "yes" No questions regarding the material sphere - in spiritual.

The card symbolizes low-lying instincts, debauchery, pride, ambition, anger, self-deception, mercantility, a choice in favor of material goods.

The appearance of the card may show that the person hit a trap, completely depends on the circumstances, his passions or someone from the environment. He most likely realizes his plight, but it does not have the strength to change anything.

The devil may be an indicator of a strong desire to possess something material, to rule over someone.

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✚ Singing "One Card"


General value

Such a card indicates the ignorance of a person, his vices, self-deception and sins. The devil tells the man that he is in a disadvantage and only his fault. The map encourages a person to stop, think that he did wrong, and try to correct the error. The devil can also say that it is time to part with bad dependencies, sins and find self-control.


This Arcan indicates the observerness of feelings, passion. The map suggests that it is a painful relationship, the discontinuity of which will bring a lot of suffering to a person. Arkan may also denote intimate intimate intimacy reaching perversions. The traditional proximity to be bored with the traditional intimacy and he is looking for new sensations.


There should be no problems in terms of health. However, a healthy lifestyle and medical examination will not be superfluous.


Map promises profit. Most likely, it will be an additional income. However, the Arcan can foreshadow and unexpected, easy profits, such as a lottery win or in a casino. The map promises temporary success, but there will be no trouble in the near future. In addition, the Arcan may foreshadow a service story.

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✚ for the future


The devil is a symbol of temptation, prohibition and other carnal joy. This is a hint that you are too material feel about your life, do not allow emotions to take over the mind. It slows down the development of your fate. But it is not necessary to make immense actions related to work or personal life. So you can lose a job or a loved one. Remember that it is better to have a blue in your hands than the crane in the sky. Do not chase for ghostly ideas, try to gain the ability to perceive more really surrounding reality. This will help to take the right choice even in the stressful situation. Sharp changes may damage your future and even health condition.

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✚ on the relationship


If the devil fell out when fortunate on the relationship, which flows now, then this card does not mean anything good. One of the partners, most likely cooled in sexual terms to another, which led to the treason from the fuel, and hence, parting is already not far.

If the map falls when you fortunate on a lonely person, it is possible to meet with a person with whom it will be possible to build a very stormy and passionate relationship.

However, it is necessary to understand that the basis of the relationship will be, rather, sex than spiritual understanding.

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✚ Today


The emotions and desire to dominate you are dominated, which prevents the right decisions; You stepped on the wrong path. You need to take control of emotions to come to success. You are in a strong influence from some tyrant and dominant, which must be changed for your own good. Dependence also applies to health: drugs, alcoholism, anorexia, etc. Work is preparing for you a test for the strength and strength of your moral values. Ahead of you are waiting for passionate relations, and if you are already in them, then look around - your partner can change you!

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✚ Tomorrow


Ensures the lack of moderation, dependence on their own desires, self-destruction and indulging in vices. The devil in the scenario almost always has a negative promise, but it also personifies art, creativity, as a rule, the dark side, the spirit of decline and decadence.

In the defolds for the future, the Devil falls on obstacles in the implementation of plans, something can go wrong by virtue of obscurity or dependencies of the questioning. Perhaps the man will rise deeply gambling or suffering from narcotic dependence on the way.

In the work means obstacles, unsuccessful transactions, deception, possibly violation of the law.

In love, the devil falls to treason or indicates an unhealthy dependence on the partner.

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✚ What does he think about me


Tarot Map, which is able to reveal the eyes in a different way to a person who is next to you. Do you consider it a decent, honest, heart and good man? This is a big misconception that needs to be dispelled as soon as possible. Your partner is a cruel, cunning person who is constantly looking for mercenary components in life. He tries to deceive you, for this uses love that does not feel about you. Make sure and disappear in such a way. The main thing, start thinking, take care only about yourself.

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✚ at wish


Do not be afraid of your weaknesses. Stop worrying because of the injustice that reigns around. Many problems are simply flimsy and actually less than it seems. Learn how to take others and yourself as they are, stop visiting yourself in every misdemeanor. Hence the solution of most problems. Carefully look at reality, get acquainted with your shadow side. Otherwise, you started exemption from the shackles and navation. Having attached a little more effort at this stage, your desires will continue to be fulfilled by themselves.

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Dark past postpones a fingerprint to the present. Possible dependence on people or alcohol, drugs. It is impossible to control the situation. Listen to the warning about the temptations. Manipulation and personality suppression are not excluded.

At the same time, success is waiting in situations related to trade, casino, deception. But it is better not to ignore the rules. Rethink your behavior is incorrect now. Blink your feet!

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✚ on the narrowed


Vicious relationships based only on sexual imposition and material benefit. This value is the devil map. Most likely, such a connection will last long, because the needs appear and disappear as quickly as possible, and the connection is collapsed after them. It is clear that if we are talking about the wedding, then only for the calculation, no love about any love.

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✚ Guardian Angel Council


His strengths are subject to peoples and only units are able to resist. Fear in front of him supports its power. Genius evil captivates the one who is ready to obey.

Human weaknesses overcome and limit. Free from the vices, overcome the dependence, softness, not to obey the passions - this is the only key capable of freeing from the captivity of the dark side.

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✚ on the king


Your partner cannot be called pure, sincere, with serious intentions, man. Perhaps your relationship hold on sex and low-lying passions. They may be unpromising and even dangerous. You should completely reconsider your attitude towards the male sex and to yourself, meet with your fears. It is possible that you are used and manipulate you. All dating with the opposite sex, most likely, will end with deception and disappointment. Be extremely careful.

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✚ on treason


Passion, temptation and sexual dependence moves a partner on which the alignment is made. Treason and betrayal, as a natural continuation of such feelings and emotions. There is no need to speak about mental warmth in such intrigues, everything is kept only on animal instincts.

Perhaps the devil map indicates a karmic union, which work out lovers. Relationships will not wear a long time, will quickly blown.

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✚ Singing "Three Maps"


You will win your emotions, weaknesses and passions that will prevent taking weighted and rational solutions. And it is unlikely that it will lead to something good. In your life there may also appear a person endowed with the authority over you. It will be extremely negatively affected by you, withdrawing all your low-lying and dark features, directing the wrong path.

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✚ Love triangle


The card symbolizes passion, stormy sex that can reach perversions. Arkan does not foreshadow a serious relationship. It may be a rapid novel. Another value of the map is a civil marriage. Relationships here are also built on passion, turbulent intimate life.

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✚ on fate


Not mistaken one who does nothing. Be honest first of all with you and find the mistake that led you to the current situation. Nothing to fix nothing, but you can repent, recognize your guilt or simply agree that you are subject to vice and imperfect. Do not be afraid to accept yourself as you are.

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✚ to work


The map promises light profits, most likely related to gambling or crime. Because of the adventure that "turns" now, in the future there will be serious problems. Arcan predicts a service novel. The card recommends to beware of deception and adventure.

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✚ for pregnancy and children


Arkan Devil says that there is no pregnancy. Women's Lono is not ready for conception, and the woman herself doubts his abilities, feelings for narrowed and readiness for pregnancy. It is worth stopping and rethinking your life, live for yourself, enjoy the moment and spread the cards again, asking the same question. Excessive inuction can lead to miscarriages and frightened fruits.

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Will it return to me?


If you want to return the relationship in the previous direction, you may have to resort to some manipulations. Your partner was not satisfied with sexual life. That's it precisely to this aspect and pay attention to solving problems. In the future, the relationship can take the most different development - from the relationships constructed only on physical proximity, to the relationship leading to marriage and family.

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