Tarot Map "Court" - the value of the 20th Arkana


Tarot Court is the twentieth Arcan deck. Most often it is a symbol of changes that will result in the completion of the current stage in life and the transition to the next one. This personification began to start something new, exemption from the shipment of past obligations and problems.

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Tarot Court - Tarot Meaning Live

The value of the twentieth arcana can be interpreted in different ways. If the card appears in the literal position, it may mean the following:

  • In the near future, the black strip of life will end. You will have to solve all the problems and overcome difficulties, cope with negative emotions.
  • Fate will provide a tremendous chance to solve problems with one fell. It is important to take a step towards change and let go of the past. But the luck period will be very short-lived, so it is important to take advantage of this opportunity on time.
  • Now it is impossible to hesitate and hold on to the past. Such farewell threatens with the fact that you will face problems and difficulties in a series, and the new chance to start a new happy life will not fall soon. Therefore, it is necessary to start actively as soon as possible, and everything will be resolved the most favorable way.
  • Sometimes the Map of a terrible court tarot indicates that you are on the threshold of some extremely important solution for you. This is a serious choice, the outcome of which will depend on the entire further life. Therefore, it is important not to doubt, act strongly and uncompromisingly, and also stock positive emotions.
  • Card Tarot Court also indicates a serious person who carefully performs his duties, has deep knowledge and experience that helps him in life. But sometimes such a person gets tired of the dynamic move of life and is wishes to be alone with him, away from people and fuss.

Tarot Court

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Sometimes the value of the terrible court of Tarot says that time will come in life to pay for sins committed in the past. This value is particularly enhanced if, in combination with the arcane, maps appear with a negative value. Also have to be criticized and condemnation by the surrounding.

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The value in Tarot Court - the value of the uncovered map position

The value of the Tarot court in the turned outline will tell us about:

  • A series of adversity and disappointments will come in life, which will affect absolutely everything - and the material component, and relationships with loved ones and health status.
  • The arcan indicates the need to change the place of residence to more favorable.
  • If you are a creative person, the value of 20 arcana will be negative for you. Your reputation is threatened, and the intended goals will not be able to implement in the near future.
  • The court indicates that the moment of stagnation will come in life. On the way to the intended goals there will be many obstacles, you will have to fight with countless difficulties, to defend our point of view endlessly. Changes for the better are possible if you do not brake.

The court may indicate a man of cowardly and unwell. It is easier for him to leave everything as it is, even if the situation does not suit him. Because of the inability to adjust the situation and look for solutions to problems, it exists in a swamp without having hopes for the best life.

Court Tarot Tarot

Tarot Court - importance in relationships

20 Arkan Tarot value in the defolds on the relationship has the following:

  • The current state of affairs is favorable regardless of whether you have a permanent partner or you are still alone. Fate will provide a chance to learn the second half or find someone to build long, happy and harmonious relationships.
  • Arcan points out that you will get rid of complexes and fears, which will help in the further development of relations with the opposite sex, get long-awaited attention and care.
  • In the situation on the relationship between a man and a woman, the card indicates that you are designed to each other fate. Therefore, despite numerous conflicts, parting and misunderstanding, you still remain together. Sooner or later, the difficulties will go away, and love will remain, it is important to survive all crises.
  • In combination with negative arcanes, the value will be unfavorable. This means that now you are in the Union with a person with whom you are bad, and without it is unbearable. These are very heavy, destroying relationships that sooner or later have to complete.
  • If the card symbolizes a woman, she is very touchy and emotional. Because of this, in a pair, constant conflicts and clarification of relationships. The girl needs to learn how to restrain his feelings and not splash out negative emotions to the partner.

Meaning court tarot

In combination with raven or death maps, 20 Arkan points out that the spouses need to help the family psychologist. Alone to keep marriage and solve all the problems they will not be able, it is only a professional.

Combination with other arcanes in the scenarios

In combination with other arcans, death map has the following values:
  1. The jester - you will succeed in doing in creativity, fulfill everything conceived and filled with inspiration.
  2. Magic - for career growth requires new knowledge and skills, advanced training.
  3. The Supreme Priestess is all that it has long been hidden, will be explicit, there will be an exposure.
  4. Empress - promises the appearance of a long-awaited child, a favorable time for conception will come in life.
  5. The emperor - unexpectedly you will find relatives, the existence of which was not suspected. Also probabilities are likely in professional activities.
  6. Ierophant - a global reassessment of values ​​will occur, you will believe in yourself and you can achieve the goals for a long time.
  7. Lovers - Maps are promising a long and strong union, full of love and mutual understanding.
  8. Chariot - It will be able to defeat the old fears and phobias, get rid of the complexes.
  9. Strength - you're in a step from a breakthrough in spiritual development, a favorable time for self-knowledge.
  10. Hermit - will happen a negative situation with which they will have to accept.
  11. The wheel of the fortune - changes will occur in life that will be extremely favorable.
  12. Justice - you need to learn how to correctly convey your thoughts to others so that no one harms and not offend anyone.
  13. Haved - the time will come to pay the bills, everyone will receive what they deserve.
  14. Moderation - old soul wounds will be lit, you can free yourself from the shipment of past mistakes and disappointments.
  15. The devil - changes are inevitable, as you would be strongly resisted.
  16. Tower - There are enemies and unfriendlies in your environment that are building a goat.
  17. Star - will gain vital wisdom and get a new experience.
  18. The moon is a symbol of fabric and infantality.
  19. The sun - creative abilities and talents will help to succeed.
  20. Peace - Get long-awaited recognition.

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Value in cash

If the goal of the scenario is to find out how things will develop in the professional sphere, the value of the twentieth Arcana will be as follows:

  • Favorable. You have all the opportunities to succeed in professional affairs. Your work is a calling. It brings pleasure and decent earnings, so you are moving in the right direction.
  • In the scenarios for the search for the purpose, the card indicates that creative professions are suitable for a person - it is worth paying attention to the work of the artist, writer, actor, musician. In rare cases, professions associated with legal proceedings will be suitable. There is also every chance to get a favorable position abroad.
  • If the current work does not suit you, now the most favorable time to change the scope of activities or open your own business. You have all the opportunities to become a successful and financially independent person, especially if the selected activity will be related to creativity.
  • 20 Arkan points out that in the near future professional plans will be implemented. Perhaps you will be able to create a truly immortal creation - to release a book, draw a picture or release a music album.

In the reversed position, the Arkan promises trouble at work. It is coming an extremely tense period, conjugate with financial difficulties and failures in affairs.

The value of the map in various sobs

✚ Singing "Yes No"

The terrible court is the answer "yes."

The card symbolizes the update, rebirth, receiving a new status, the appearance of the possibility, solving problems.

The map speaks of a turn of life to happiness, changes that will be a natural consequence of current events and your actions. It is possible to improve health, improving welfare, career growth or a new business. If there was a period of stagnation, then things will go uphill. The card indicates that it is necessary to extract lessons from the path traveled and move towards achieving the goal. You are waiting for joy, the exercise of desires.

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✚ Singing "One Card"

Scary court

General value

This is atonement, condemnation. The man condemns himself because of the wrong deeds. It is best to let go of the situation to continue to live normally and self-improvement.


Relationships will end badly. The gap will bring pain, suffering, disappointment.


Gadgetting expect health problems. Created crisis states. A person can escape the operation. However, if possible, surgical intervention is recommended to postpone to a more favorable period. This is due to the fact that the risk of adverse outcome of the operation is great. The map may also foreshadow unexpected diseases or aggravation of chronic pathologies.


In the near future, you will have to make an important decision. No one should stick. It is important to think carefully. Only in this case will be the right decision. However, such a situation may occur that will be required. To find out what the outcome will be favorable or not, other cards will help. Another value of the map is a business meeting, important negotiations. Students Arkan foreshadows emerges. A terrible court may also indicate that the dismissal expects dismissal from work or employment.

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✚ for the future

Scary court

A good card that provides, first of all, the perfect well-being and lack of diseases that will have to be treated in the near future. Cheerness and energy will overfill you. You will feel the tide of strength that will help to show yourself at work. The partner will only delight you and will not bring any disappointments at all, as it was before. You can be sure of your choice, all things will be ilia well, although without much shine.

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✚ on the relationship

Scary court

When you fall out of such a card in despusting, it is worth analyzing the current situation. Perhaps it is worth letting someone from your life, it will bring calm and open the doors to a new life. For those who are already in a romantic relationship, a court map may mean a change of priorities specifically in these relationships.

You should not be afraid of these changes, step forward and accept something new will not be easy, but in the end it will give truly good fruits - a long relationship, a strong family.

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✚ Today

Scary court

Rebirth of the soul and mind, getting rid of unnecessary; Life will change dramatically. You are waiting for a new job, career growth and development; Influx of energy and new forces, health restoration. You can get rid of fears and complexes. that only helps you find a soul mate; The map indicates that you and partner are perfect to each other. You will return to a happy life!

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✚ Tomorrow

Scary court

The name is terrible, and the promise of Arkana is not. A terrible court talks about the period of rethinking, changing the paradigm of life, the ability to "clear" his "I" from unnecessary and intake and start everything from a clean sheet.

Tomorrow under the auspices of this Arkana will bring favorable changes, the ability to correct something and start with a clean sheet, important events that allow a lot to rethink.

On the work of the questioning may be waiting for checking and re-certification, an unexpected change of the project, a workplace, even an increase or transition to another place of work is possible.

The love sphere is waiting for favorable changes.

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✚ What does he think about me

Scary court

Your relationship has a wonderful potential for further development, but your own blindness of the soul does not give you to find out and solve all the problems that have accumulated between you. You should finally start living with open eyes, after that you can strengthen your own relationship and become an excellent married couple, because your partner is a strong person with a clean and kind heart. Try with understanding to take every problem that arises in your relationship.

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✚ at wish

Scary court

You are unnecessary susceptible to negative emotions. What they are born in your nearest environment. Do not be afraid, they will help you overcome future difficulties, will help you become wiser and lead to the fulfillment of desire. Perhaps, it is your actions that started a situation in a kind of impasse. Remember - the starry hour is only ahead, so now it is necessary for patience. Eli activity is felt uncomfortable, then you have already "grown", you need to move on. Try to relax a little and return to the goal after a small break.

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Scary court

Getting rid of unnecessary. Revival of forgotten skills, disclosure of their talents. Actions will bring the result, but oscillations are possible.

You are waiting for a serious choice and irrevocable solution. Completion of the crisis and the black strip. Liberation. But luck briefly and you can miss your chance. There will also be doubts about the way to goal. Despite the difficulties, everything is allowed in the best possible way. Take the inevitability of change and accept the presence of difficulties. Pay attention only to meaningful!

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✚ on the narrowed

Scary court

The court always symbolizes the receipt of something. If before that you were alone, then it will be a partner, and if in the relationship, then wait for their new stage. Internal changes will allow you to become truly happy, because these transformations will improve your life. Regarding marriage, one can say one thing: if you clearly gave to understand the partner, which is worthy, then the proposal or a positive answer is not far off!

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✚ Guardian Angel Council

Scary court

Saving time.

This is a difficult worrying period. Decent awards enjoy not just fleeting happiness, but also gain peace of mind.

It is also the time of conclusions and results. Analyze the mistakes made over the past period. This will allow you to update your luggage knowledge, because you are on the threshold of a new life, in which you need to enter transfect to improve your world.

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✚ on the king

Scary court

Map "Reboot" and summing up. You and your chosen one has a rather difficult period when you need to bring the line and start a new page. Perhaps everyone will go to their way with relief and hope for the best, since the old relationship is outlined. If the marriage was unsuccessful, then wait for change for the better, liberation and new perspectives. In a happy union, the period of "work on errors" will come, where every spouse will have to reconsider their attitude to the second half.

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✚ on treason

Scary court

The ruled Arkan of a terrible court indicates that a man and a woman are designed to each other fate. Ahead of partners are waiting for happy and harmonious relationships. All disagreements, quarrels and conflicts dispel. Your connection will go to a completely different level of its development.

However, if a negative map appears next to, it prescribes painful and destructive relationships. The only option for salvation in this situation will be parting.

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✚ Singing "Three Maps"

Scary court

The card indicates a turning point or a situation in life when all further fate will depend on your decision. That everything happened to your favor you need to show diligence, purposefulness and perseverance. The court may personify some transformation of the personality: you can open our previously unknown abilities. Perhaps the reassessment of values ​​will occur, the destruction of some stereotypes.

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✚ Love triangle

Scary court

The map foreshadows a divorce or wedding. Arkan promises giving official status relations. A serious conversation is possible. Map promises clarification of relationships. In any case, the situation will soon become clarifying and the pair will decide on wedding or divorce.

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✚ on fate

Scary court

You did not even guess what you are capable of. In the face of the circumstances, hidden reserves of your personality are revealed, huge inner potential is found and the ability to overcome any obstacles. Take advantage of the moment and adjust yourself by adding forces and skills.

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✚ to work

Scary court

The card may foresee the dismissal or employment. Difficult situations that will require an important decision. Arcan also foreshadows an important meeting, testing, exam. The Card Court recommends to understand the situation, do not let the case on samonek.

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✚ for pregnancy and children

Scary court

Arkan of a terrible court falls when not the best time for the occurrence of pregnancy. It is possible to appear problems with the reproductive health of women or men or the exacerbation of old diseases that prevent conception. Hope to the highest strength and the will of the case when the map of the terrible trial is not worth it, it is better to immediately seek professional help if the question of pregnancy is relevant.

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Will it return to me?

Scary court

Energy and actions are the two ingredients that can return the man into relationships. It is in the lack of life and sexual energy and is the reason for the current gap. The girl should not be obsessive and insist too much on the continuation of the relationship, it is only necessary to find in itself the inner energy in the fact that it is the same girl who he needs.

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