6 Wands Tarot - Value in Sign


Map Taro 6 wands can tell about many things. The most traditional meaning of her meaning is that you are on the way to success. Whatever you strive for, your plans will be executed, and goals will be implemented without serious effort. In general, the map is very inspiring and joyful. But she has negative values. Consider in detail.

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Map 6 Wands Tarot: Value in Little

Just one word clearly and clearly characterizes the value of the seisters of the wands - victory. This is a limitless luck and incredible success, the implementation of the goals and the solution of tasks, the end of the problems and failures.

6 wands

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Here is a list of 6 wands of Tarot in the literal position:

  • You have overcome a big way. In the past, the necessary seeds were sown, which will go and turn into huge fruits of current achievements. Problems behind. It remains to make a literally a couple of effort, and will become incredibly successful.
  • Your triumph will be so great that he will greatly surprise you. But Sixer wands warns: do not fall into the euphoria too early - stay calm, rejoice quietly.
  • In the defolds of Taro Sixer, wands often indicate an authoritative personality, a person with high leadership qualities, strong and powerful life potential. This is a lented leader, an organizer, an incomparable professional.
  • Sixer staff as if he says - you have a bunch of resources in order to accomplish it. Therefore, do not worry, do not doubt, but move only forward. Positive attitude and tolika attached effort will provide a grand success.
  • Sometimes our card says that you are ambitious. We need fame, public recognition, fans and admirers. Your desire is absolutely normal, and you have all the necessary skills, talents and skills. Sooner or later, the fruits of your effort will appear - you will get everything you want.

As you can see, Sixer Staff is a card with a very pleasant and favorable value. But only when the appearance in the scenario in the literal position. Let's talk about the opposite case.

6 Wands Taro

The value of Taro Shestener Wands in the turned position

In the back position, the card acquires negative values. Interpretations may be as follows:

  • You will overtake the bad news. Someone will report an extremely unpleasant event that concerns either personally or your loved ones. Most often, bad news are related to what the competitor is trying to eliminate you (and successfully).
  • Twisted 6 wands of promit loss, disappointment, black lane failure in life. And you are to blame for adversity, you are: involuntarily pushing people to flip and manage, manipulate you. To break a closed circle for only you.
  • If the alignment was performed in order to find out whether the outcome of the intended business would be a prosperous outcome, the answer is negative. The decision of an important problem is either deposited for an indefinite period or will not suit you at all.

6 Wands Tarot Value

Inverted Sixer is almost always a loss, failure. But not a reason to be upset - most likely, fate simply gives you a chance to stop. Rethink, in the right direction you are moving, whether the goal is correctly chosen.

6 Wands Tarot: meaning in relationships

If Sixer wands falls in the defolds on the relationship, most often the forecast will be favorable. Here are popular interpretations:
  1. If you are at the moment you are in a quarrel with your loved one and worry this, calm down. Soon the long-awaited reconciliation will be held, and the relationship will only develop, change for the better.
  2. Practically the same "threatens" with complex relations in which the black strip is now. Soon a series of conflicts, mutual claims, quarrels and reproaches will end. You will learn to hear and understand each other with a partner, solve the existing problems and go to a completely new level of intimacy.
  3. Sometimes the card promises cardinal changes in personal life. They will definitely be favorable. This is either the long-awaited acquaintance with your second half, or the proposal of the hand and hearts, or the birth of a child. Get what the most stronger needs at the moment.
  4. In some sides of Sixer, the staff foreshadows the pleasant news that you do not get, and your partner. In his life, something very good will happen, and together you will be very happy with positive change.
  5. Much worse, if 6 suits appeared in the situation on the relationship in the reversed position. She says:
  6. You are not satisfied with the current union. You would like to receive more from a partner, and not just invest in a relationship
  7. You do not feel that your loved one is experiencing mutual feelings. It is not necessary to say not that about love, but even about mutual respect. Your partner is extremely selfish - thinks only about himself, and consumer applies to you.
  8. Sometimes a card foreshadows: Soon you will learn about treason.

If the Tarot value turned out to be negative, try not to be upset, but to understand why fate created such a situation? What lesson from it can be removed?

Watch the video about the value of the chast card card:

Combinations with other tarot cards

The interpretation of the card may change if it fell out of the deck with other arcans. Here is an example of some combinations:

  • With 4 coins. You have to lead people. It may say that a career increase is coming, as a result of which subordinates will appear. You can rejoice, but do not forget: great power is and great responsibility too.
  • A combination with the fourth coins in the scenario on a personal life says that you will finally reunite with your loved one who has not paid attention to you before.
  • But a pair of 6 staffs and 6 coins - to financial difficulties. We will have to tighten the belt to the fourth and save some time. The black bar will not be long, so do not lose too much.
  • With 7 coins, the combination of promises problems with the scheduled journey. Perhaps you should not go on the road at all. If this is a business trip, try to avoid a trip with all the might.
  • A combination with 8 pentacles is a favorable omen. You can very much to change your financial position for the better. It's time to make money by all possible ways.

We summarize: Six staff is a very nice map. Most often, its meaning is positive and joyful.

The value of the map in various sobs

✚ Singing "One Card"

6 wands

General value

A person will receive a decent reward for the efforts.


Given will achieve victory on a love field. The card can also mean the defeat of the opponent.


A person will not have health problems.


The position of the gadgetting at work will be stable. No shocks are foreseen. A person can manifest the leader's root.

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✚ for the future

6 wands

If you have a long period of time suffer from various failures and troubles, then the most favorable period of your life will come. You will begin a white strip that will bring a lot of positive emotions, the achievements of the goals and the fulfillment of the dream, which has long been your passion. In personal relationships will come peaceful time, so you will enjoy the atmosphere, which will fill your home comfort and warmth. At home you will receive that calm, which is missing outside the home environment.

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✚ on the relationship

6 wands

Six Wands Tarot is a symbol of reconciliation. If the relationship is developing now on the path, which would be desirable, then it will change, and finally, harmony will come. Anyone who expects meeting with someone will finally meet an interesting person. Moreover, the meeting, indeed, will be a sip of fresh breath, relationships from this acquaintance are expected positive and dynamic, partners will not be bored with each other. The card does not promise that relations will be long and will be able to become love of life, but this romantic history will definitely have a good impact on both partners.

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✚ Today

6 wands

You are awaiting a reward for attached efforts - all major obstacles behind. Map promises successful recovery, strengthening mutual understanding in relationships and cardinal changes in personal life; Promotion over the career ladder and triumph. You leader, confident man with powerful potential and high authority. Do not fall into Euphoria!

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✚ Tomorrow

6 wands

Map of absolute triumph, awards for all the efforts made earlier, victory and success in all endeavors. The questioning awaits the recognition of the environment, all merits will become apparent.

Tomorrow you will have a good day, an important thing will find your prosperous permission, you will manifest yourself from the best side.

At work, it expects praise bosses, a bonus or an increase, maybe you will be put in an example to others.

In love and family relationships, the success is also awaited, you will achieve the location of your loved one or come to a general opinion on important issues with your partner.

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✚ What does he think about me

6 wands

Think how much you love your partner, because the map doubts the sincerity of your feelings. You perceive relationships with your second half, as part of the image you need to show people and prove how beautiful you are. Your partner is simply the perfect combination of all the necessary qualities from your personal prioritization list. You should understand that love is a feeling that gives a feeling of weightlessness, she needs to be preserved, and not to envy surrounding people. Perhaps you just did not meet the right person.

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✚ at wish

6 wands

True map. If you have already started to act, then soon the desire will be fulfilled and will bring some positive emotions and pleasure. And if you have not started your way yet, then it is time. Everything that happens in the end can be considered honestly deserved. At the same time, fortune or good luck did not affect the outcome. Here it is, rather, in personal perseverance and a huge desire. At the same time, there will be almost no obstacles on the way, everything will pass smoothly. Any new activity will also begin triumph.

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6 wands

The current situation is the result of overcoming a large path and applications of many efforts. You are waiting for joyful news, the reward for the works. The situation is suitable for a logical positive conclusion. A favorable period for undertakings. Incredible success in all matters. End of failure.

However, there is a temptation to go to the euphoria from success and lose caution. Do not lose your head from joy. Rejoice quietly!

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✚ on the narrowed

6 wands

Fit a bright strip of your life! All problems behind, and in front of only perspectives! In a relationship, you are also waiting for an unprecedented lift: passion only flares up, and love torments the heart. When, how not to wait now to wait for the cherished question? Moreover, the map only supports this initiative! Do not be afraid to ask him or answer Yes!

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✚ Guardian Angel Council

6 wands

Angel illuminates the way to a person who is kept heavy.

You will receive support in your path. Do not give in panic, be prudent and patient. The road you chose is not easy, but great help is over. You will feel that the cargo of worries is not so simple, as it seemed at the beginning. Do not be afraid to stupid, the guardian angel is invisibly present nearby.

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✚ on the king

6 wands

Success card and victory. If you doubted the sincerity of the partner and his serious intentions towards you, you can relax, as the way is free. You stayed the winner. Spouses expects reconciliation and success, the beginning of a positive and productive period. If you are young, then these relationships will bring you a huge experience and raise your self-esteem. A man will look at you with new eyes, and will appreciate even more

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✚ on treason

6 wands

Your suspicions of treason are not confirmed. If today there are problems in your relationship, then they are temporary and will soon improve everything. Quarrels and conflicts will go to the background, and you will begin to understand each other with a partner.

There is also a chance to start big change in life together. Perhaps a loved one will make you a proposal or ahead of you is waiting for replenishment. Map 6 wands can be a messenger of good news.

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✚ Singing "Three Maps"

6 wands

This card promises you a pleasant acquaintance or a small adventure. Sixer wands is also a symbol of victory, that is, you can achieve all the tasks and get tremendous pleasure from this. But you need to approach everything responsibly and executive. Fate gives you success, only if you attach enough effort to this.

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✚ Love triangle

6 wands

Arkan foreshadows the fulfillment of the desire or victory on the love field. The map promises success and victory over the opponent (rival). Arcan also foreshadows a stormy intimate life. Six wands can talk about the fact that in the relationship does not prevail, and the desire is self-hardening.

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✚ on fate

6 wands

Do not stop there, continue to move forward to the goal. Your successes are impressive, but you are only half of the way. You still need a lot of work and you will come to the winner to the brilliant final.

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✚ to work

6 wands

Arkan foreshadows victory, high position due to his work. The card also promises getting good news. The team will appear the leader who will take responsibility. Map also says that you can apply to the head of any problem. The card recommends to take your place.

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✚ for pregnancy and children

6 wands

The result of your effort will pleasantly surprise you and your family. The conception will also have a pregnancy, most likely will be multiply and make it easy. It is possible to excessive emotion to 20 weeks.

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Will it return to me?

6 wands

Too many household problems - this is the problem of these relationships, you need to try to inspire a man that not only a woman should be engaged in the economy and a comfort device. If you manage to sit down at the negotiating table and convince the partner in this, then the relationship will move to a new level, and you will get from them exactly what you expect.

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