Page Wands Tarot: meaning


Map Page Wands in most cases has favorable values. This is a symbol of adventure, joy, new emotions and risk, which is justified. Let's talk about the interpretation of the card in various scenarios.

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The value of the Page Wands Taro in the Little Position

The classic option is a map of the map in the literal position. This is the basis thanks to which the main meaning of the scenario can be expanded.

Page sacks

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When a group appears in the literal position, the value may be as follows:

  • You have conceived some business and now the question arose: Is it worth risking? The answer of the card - yes, definitely. What you planned is worth the risk. The forecast is very favorable - if there are no insurmountable circumstances, you will not only achieve the goal, but also get a solid kush from above.
  • Sometimes a piece of page indicates that a person needs sports. His energy is very much - it has nowhere to give it, and she does not find a way out. Due to the regular physical activity, you can easily get rid of the excess of this energy and bring life into balance.
  • Page Wands Taro sometimes symbolizes an active man who is constantly in sight and is always in the thick of events. This is an exceptional personality capable of doing something truly great due to the enthusiasm, courage and the colossal amount of energy.
  • The map is in a literal position sometimes promises the receipt of pleasant news from loved ones. It will be either a letter, or a phone call that will be incredibly delightful and inspired.
  • The forecast may be like this: soon you will get a favorable offer that interest you incredibly. Take advantage of this chance - and never regret. Now the most favorable time for the implementation, development and career growth, new projects.
  • Page wages (Page Swords) may indicate that in the near future the universe will send a grand chance to change life dramatically and for the better. Try not to miss the possibilities and follow the signs that send you to the right side.

Most often, Page Swords is a risk symbol. But not what makes everyone lose. On the contrary, risking, you can achieve the desired faster and with great results, superior to all possible expectations.

Page sacks tarot

Page Stakes Tarot: the value in the turned position

If the card appeared in the expansion situation, its value changes:

  • In your life there will be some extremely adverse circumstances that will prevent the cherished goal. Moreover, the interference on the way to the conceived from you does not depend perfectly - this is an irresistible force like a natural disaster or a serious illness.
  • Expect unpleasant news about close relatives or friends. Get information that will extremely upset you, there are serious experiences.
  • Sometimes a dirty map is indicated that there is a lot of envious, gossip, flaws and enemies in your surroundings. It is necessary to carefully look at all - all people with a negative attitude to you need to be excluded from life.
  • The map of the group, appearing in the turned out position, warns: Thoroughly think about each other, every act. Decisions taken on emotions can turn into completely unpredictable consequences.

Therefore, leave impatience, become more suspended and calm - then the problems will be avoided.

Value Page Wands Tarot

Page Wands Tarot: Meaning in Relationships

In the defolds on the relationship, the map is acquired the following values:
  • In the near future it will happen some unpredictable and unexpected, but extremely fascinating, pleasant and emotional event. And it does not matter whether you are in relationships at the moment - personal life will play bright colors.
  • If you are alone, Page Pentacles (Page Wands) promises a fateful acquaintance with your second half. The chosen one will be "thereby" the ideal about which you are dreaming and wanted.
  • If you are already in relationships, in your pair there will be some positive event that will change everything for the better. Your Union will become more bright, the relationship is filled with rich events, emotions, joy and positive.
  • Sometimes the map is pointing to the awakening of the long-ride feelings. Your relationship seems to be rejoiced from the ashes, survive a new round. Routine will pass, life will play bright colors. It is important not to miss a fateful chance.
  • The map is often promoting a bright love adventure. Personal life is working, and you have to experience emotions that could not be thought of and thought. New relationships will appear, but their form will be extremely unusual for you - it will probably be a "free relationship" without commitment.
  • Sometimes a piece of page indicates that you will get a news from your loved one, with whom the distance is now separated. Wait for letters or other messages.

In the outstanding position, the card indicates that you are required to take responsibility for the relationship in your pair on yourself. Only the future of the Union depends on you. Get ready for a series of quarrels and conflicts - wise behavior, it is yours, it will help to get out of the crisis without prejudice to mutual feelings and parting.

Page Wands: Combination with other tarot

In combination with other arkans, Tarot's decks Page wages acquire the following values:

  • Page sacks along with a hermit card indicates that soon you will receive a proposal from which you certainly need to refuse. Make it, how if it would not seem to you. In the outstanding position, this combination indicates that your offer will not be interested in who you are addressing it.
  • In combination with the arcane justice, the Page indicates that in the future you are expected to have problems. We will have to go to court or contact other authorities. Such a layout may be a warning: you should not try a conceived case if you have to violate the law during events.
  • If the Page falls from the sun card, the forecast is very favorable. Such a combination promises the birth of something new: project, ideas, appearance of opportunities. Also, a combination foreshadows the birth of a long-awaited child.
  • In combination with the imperative, the queen or fourth wands of Page, the happy and harmonious family relationships, which cannot be overshadowed with absolutely nothing.

Page wands combination

Watch the video about the value of the card Page Cups (Page Wands):

The value of the map in the sobs to work

In the scenarios on business relationships and careers, the card has the following interpretation:
  • In the near future, wait for the proposals that will seriously interest you. Twisted new perspectives for career and financial growth. It is important to do everything possible to take advantage of the chance provided, and not lazy.
  • Page often indicates that the manual will offer you a certain task, to fulfill which you have to show all your creativity you have. Requires a non-standard approach - you must find an original solution. If we cope, you will be waiting for the approval of the bosses, rapid career growth and financial improvements.
  • If you are in finding a job and constantly go to the interview, wait for the call of the future employer. Searches are finally crowned with success - get a profitable and extremely attractive offer. The work will not only bring pleasure, but also to pay perfectly.
  • If the map of the group in the situation has fallen out in an inverted position, it says about the indecision and the misinterpretability of the gadget. You do not have enough energy to change your life for the better.
  • Now you need to search for sources of replenishment of this energy and get rid of everything that prevents restore force. Most likely, creative classes will help you.

Summarize : The map of the group falls mainly in favorable scenaries. It symbolizes the origin or the appearance of something new: prospects, solutions, ideas, impressions. Page sulit that a certain push will happen in your current life that shifts stagnant affairs and help solve problems.

The value of the map in various sobs

✚ Singing "One Card"

Page sacks

General value

A person will overfill energy. It will be visited only by positive thoughts, which will help change life for the better.


Relationships of lovers can reach a new level. Partners experience feelings to each other, but problems will arise in the intimate sphere.


Health problems will not be. However, problems with vessels may occur.


The map foreshadows the beginning of training or visiting training courses.

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✚ for the future

Page sacks

Get ready for pleasant surprises that will definitely happen to you in the very near future. You fate prepares a journey or new performance of a cherished dream. Perhaps you will meet your love that will be very trembling and in childish naive. In case you have a long time, try to solve a difficult question, then the right decision will come unexpected for you. You will be glad to finally understand how to solve the question that seemed so deadly that there was no independent decision.

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✚ on the relationship

Page sacks

Page wips falls out when you gdess the relationship if positive changes are foreseen in this relationship. If a family or joint life has become too much similar to the test, and the routine absorbed over the head, then the long-awaited sign that changes are coming. Your pair will have to change the attitude towards this alliance and make it more successful. If a person is only in the search for his fate, then the Page Weszov promises to find a person with whom it will be very simple and pleasant to build an unforgettable relationship, similar to adventures. In any case, participants in relations, at least the current, even future will see themselves from the new side, and their changes will not disappoint.

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✚ Today

Page sacks

Impulsiveness and narcissism, the beginning of a big future. You are full of enthusiasm about work, ready to start a new career; Financial success is still waiting for you. You are young not only with a soul, but also by the body: there is a lifeful force in you and hits. The relationship is full of passion and lyric, sexual attraction. You are in some plane inexperienced, but your thoughts are kind. If you are the opportunity - use the chance and do not miss it!

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✚ Tomorrow

Page sacks

Symbolizes young perky forces, impulsiveness in decision making and call for joint action. Page sacks are an eternal invalid youth.

Tomorrow, an inappropriate will feel like rapid and complete enthusiasm. Cases will no longer scare, but will be a living interest.

In the professional sphere, the proposal of a new position is possible or you will be interested in another organization.

In love, the Page personifies love, passion for man and sincere interest.

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✚ What does he think about me

Page sacks

This map of Tarot very often comes out in the scenario of young inexperienced people who have just begun to build their serious relationships. You have no experience in a similar question, but it only helps you build sincere love based on tenderness and passion. Perhaps you will soon have the first intimate contact. If you are a long-time relationship, your partner will surprise a surprise made on the basis of children's naivety. Try to rejoice in such a temporary return to early youth.

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✚ at wish

Page sacks

You go along the right path. The outcome of the conceived can give new sensations, for example, the desire to go beyond. However, competing, someone can repair you obstacles. But you have a lot of energy and enthusiasm in you, so even the most difficult activity will be on the shoulder. If you just thought about the desire, then it is time to embody it into life. But do not hurry. Pretty think about the action plan and the desire must be fulfilled.

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Page sacks

If you were able to take a chance in the past, now you are where planned. You feel bright emotions and the need to take risks, show activity. And in fact, new opportunities are open and advantageous offers, successful coincidences.

With a negative side, you can note the fear of risk and unexpected life events. But as a result, it is waiting for a successful completion of cases, the implementation of plans and additional awards. Watch out for the signs - the Universe is preparing for you an unexpected chance to change your life. Do not be afraid to risk!

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✚ on the narrowed

Page sacks

Page wages symbolizes sincere and warm feeling to the second half. In your relationship, a peculiar spring begins, where emotions, passion and love are mixed together and form a feeling. The very thing that makes people go to the awesome actions. In your case, you should expect the transition to a new level in relationships, whether it is familiar with the parents or the proposal of the hand and heart. Do not be afraid, everything is in your hands!

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✚ Guardian Angel Council

Page sacks

The map symbolizes important news requiring reflection; The ability to get a hint from the most unexpected source.

You can get the necessary information in the form of a random replica, from everyday conversations. Require with attention to everything that happens around. Perhaps you will get a chance to make a big jerk in your career.

The forecast of the map is favorable - you will get the desired and even more.

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✚ on the king

Page sacks

Get ready for a new meeting. And if you already have a second half, it is quite possible that you begin a new round of passion and romance. The successful beginning of a period of joy, impulsiveness and frivolity, relaxation from everyday worries. Possible vacation and resort affair with a man younger than you. But remember that the relationship that you will start will most likely not turn into serious and long-term. Try to relax, relax and enjoy life.

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✚ on treason

Page sacks

The dropping map of the cup indicates a romantic relationship on the side. Such relationships are at the stage of saturated emotions, joy and fun. They are not burdened with routine, partners like the lightness and a rust of feelings.

In such a situation, the partner on which the alignment is made may adopt a fateful decision. It is possible that a proposal for free relations will follow.

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✚ Singing "Three Maps"

Page sacks

Page sacks shows some young man in your life, and it can be like a young man and a girl. Most likely, this person will make you a favorable and extremely attractive proposal associated, however, with a risk share. But, as you know, the risk is noble business. In addition, fate favors you, so boldly accept the offer.

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✚ Love triangle

Page sacks

The map foreshadows the beginning of a new relationship or transition to a new level. Even if the partners have long been with each other together, it does not prevent development. The Arcan does not foreshand any extraneous connections.

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✚ on fate

Page sacks

You expect a lot of pleasant: news from loved ones, romantic dates, unusual offers. Do not refuse! All these rapids will lead you to a large way of new features. Do not doubt your abilities and do not lose confidence.

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✚ to work

Page sacks

Arcan foreshadows good events. If there are changes, only for the better. You can get a new job if such a need arises. The team reigns warm, friendly relations. The card recommends not to take over. This will help to avoid problems, including health.

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✚ for pregnancy and children

Page sacks

A quick conception or already originating pregnancy in the early deadlines. Page wages indicates that the child will be male. Birth will begin on time, but in recent weeks pregnancy, it is better to refrain from long-term physical and moral loads.

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Will it return to me?

Page sacks

Maybe you have become too demanding to your partner. You do not reproach it out loud, just with your behavior show moral and psychological superiority. A man feels his pressure on himself constantly, it is for this reason he left. But you can also return the relationship, because your man wants to communicate with you further and grow higher. It all depends on you.

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