The value of the map of the queen of wands (staff) Tarot


The queen of the wands is a representative of the younger Arcanov Tarot. In different sources, this card is also referred to as the lady of the staff, the master of the tech or queen staff. What kind of importance is the Arkan Queen of Wands in Tarot, we will tell in this material.

Queen of the wands tarot

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Overview Characteristics of the lady of the Wands

The Arcan depicts a luxurious and majestic woman who has an enviable royal posture and sends on a beautiful royal throne. The throne is very durable, which personifies the sustainability of the high position of his lady.

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The queen symbolizes confidence in its own forces and self-sufficiency. Her posture is quite impulse, it doesn't worry about anything, there is no voltage. She holds his rod, who acts as a symbol of power. Next to the lady sits a beautiful cat in black (some tarot decks instead of a cat depict a panther, tamed by the queen of wands).

The crown on the head of the lady, wands and throne - all this indicates the high position that the queen occupies in society, its authority in others.

If we consider the deck of Taro Era Aquarius, then in it the lady of the staff is depicted on a fiery background, which indicates an increased passion of its nature.

From the standpoint of astrology, Queen corresponds to the Planet of the Moon, which is in the sign of the Zodiac Lion, - they point to the hot temperament of a woman who seeks to make their lives as full and rich, they also talk about confidence in their forces and proudness.

In a direct position

The queen of the wands of Tarot, falling out in a direct position, predicts the beginning of those events that other cards indicated. Describes a peace-loving, friendly, attractive representative of a beautiful sex, which is distinguished by practicality, a high degree of self-control, although it may be a little cold and hot-tempered, but very quickly departs. The queen demands love and respect from others.

  1. In terms of appearance: the card will indicate a red-haired or dark-haired blonde, which has dark eyes. She has personal magnetism, has a developed will, confident in his abilities, prone to creative gusts (often plays in life). It is characterized by increased emotionality, contradictory, high intuitive abilities surrounding difficult to predict its actions.
  2. Refers to the highest class of society, is a secular lady. Motivated to achieving career heights, has a pronounced gift of conviction. Assists those who need it. The queen is interested in self-improvement, self-knowledge and self-realization.
  3. In the field of events: the map says that you need to make decisive actions now, show your volitional qualities, be sure to help others, carry them along.
  4. The field of activity: will indicate a business woman who actively participates in society. She can realize himself in the field of politics, in sports, on stage, in show business, advertising and commercial activities. It often has its own business or helps a high-ranking husband. He is an excellent hostess.
  5. In the field of health, the Arkan talks about good natural data, high stock of vital energy. The only drawback is not hardy person.
  6. In personal life tells about the turbulent and long romance, the emergence of very dramatized situations. Relationships are developing in a beautiful scenario, but very often the lady of staff has a rival.
  7. The map advises you to act quickly, to show confidence in our own power, to be an optimist.
  8. It warns your actions to be too unpredictable for others.
  9. The final answer on your question is positive, it is important to be as flexible as possible.

In an inverted position

Lady wands The tarot value in the back position will change. In this case, the Arcan will indicate the inability to execute the desired one. It may also indicate a person who discredits you, or on a shavy, eccentric person.
  1. The Arcan describes a small witch, a sexual seductive, which suffers from attacks of jealousy, is characterized by egocentricity, vanity, cruelty and stubbornness. Trying to make those surrounding dependent on his person. Malente, prim, her intimate life is non-harmonic. The weaknesses of such a woman can be directed against it.
  2. In the sphere of events, talks about the misunderstanding of the situation, confusion, the person is not active enough.
  3. In business, a person chooses the wrong direction, is engaged in self-use.
  4. Indicates a deterioration in health.
  5. In the personal sphere: it does not know how to build relations with the opposite sex because of its increased ambitiousness.
  6. Arcan recommends to control the situation, aware of the events taking place.
  7. Warns you not to fight with the current.
  8. The final answer on your question is negative.

We recommend viewing the next video review Arkana Queen Staff:

General value of the queen of wands

The lady of the staff acts as the personification of the female aspect of the fiery element. This is a symbol of confidence in the world, as well as an indicator of a sharp mind and openness to everything new.

Such a person is very self-sufficient, but it is easy to rise. It has a large inner force, but he reacts greatly to criticism and insults.

The queen is the personification of the joy of life, the desire for huge happiness, which is often, however, leads to carnal pleasures and running into the illusory world.

In work

The lady tends to always be independent and independent. It is open to new contacts, it has a positive effect on solving complex tasks, indicates further maturation and development that helps go to a higher level of consciousness.

In the sphere of consciousness

The person overwhelms the energy that carries positive emotions, motivates it to fascinating adventure. He no longer torments himself thinking by type: "Needed or not?", "Will it come out or will not come out?" And accepts all solutions in his life on their own.

The value of the queen wands in relationships

Now the mental qualities are actively developing and new vertices are conquered, often very interesting. You are readily taking everything new, freely exchange with your thoughts and feelings, tie new fruitful relationships (it is also possible to revitalize the previous relationship).

The value of the map of the queen of wands (staff) Tarot 1621_2

Queen Wands Combination with other cards

  • With Arkan "The Jester" - a person suffers from the mood drops.
  • With Arkan "Mag" - actions for your own gain.
  • With the Arkan "Supreme Priestess" - a combination indicates a professional in its business.
  • With the Arkan "Empress" - a successful person.
  • With the Arkan "Emperor" - success in the career and family.
  • With the Arkan "Ierofant" - a combination speaks of sincerity.
  • With Arkan "Lovers" - a person is devoted in his feelings.
  • With the Arkan "Chariot" - the desire for independence and control of other people.
  • With the Arkan "Power" - intolerance.
  • With the Arkan "Hermit" - no one shares your enthusiasm.
  • With the Arcana "Wheel of Fortune" - the challenge of fate is accepted.
  • With the arcane "Justice" - the desire for justice.
  • With Arkan "Having" - your sacrifice will be meaningless.
  • With Arkan "Death" - loss of the meaning of life.
  • With arcane "moderation" - return to the usual state.
  • With the Arkan "Devil" - a brutal lie.
  • With the Arkan Tower - the loss of life values, his personality.
  • With the Arkan "Star" - a person is very confident.
  • With Arkan "Moon" - you have a rival.
  • With the Arcana "Sun" - pleasure from creativity.
  • With the Arkan "Court" - a combination will tell about the creative rise.

Lady Stakes Victorian Tarot

  • With the Arkan "Mir" - the surrounding will be equal to you.
  • With Arkan "Ace Wands" - the time of creative inspiration, successful self-expression.
  • With the Arcana "Two Wands" - your plans change, you think creative.
  • With the arkan "Troika Wands" - a new thing will begin on an optimistic note.
  • With the Arkan "Four Wands" - a successful thing.
  • With the Arkan "Five Wands" - unplanned actions.
  • With the arkan "Six of Wands" - you can move forward.
  • With Arkan "Seven Wands" - a combination speaks of an infinite faith in their capabilities.
  • With the Arkan "Eight of Wands" - the approval of creative ideas, their active implementation.
  • With the Arkan "Nine Wands" - something holds you.
  • With the arkan "Ten Wands" - new projects do not make sense.
  • With the Arkan "Page Wands" - you will be amazed by some news.
  • With Arkan "Knight Wands" - a combination speaks of hasty, professional burnout.
  • With the Arkan "King of Wands" - deliberate projects, concerted actions.

The main meaning that carries the queen of the wands - try to act quickly, always believe in your own strength, to maintain optimism, and also to pay attention to the events taking place and not oppose the flow of life.

The value of the map in various sobs

✚ Singing "One Card"

Queen Wands

General value

Depending on the gadget, the card can talk about charismaticness and originality. The map can also indicate an experienced woman of mature or elderly, as an option - mother, grandmother.


Map promises long relations filled with romance. Another value of Arcana is a rival.


Health problems will not arise.


The map foreshadows success on the political arena, in show business and business related to beauty or advertising.

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✚ for the future

Queen Wands

The map is aimed at a description of the internal state of the person. You will find peace and calm, which is so lacking in the everyday life of every modern person. You can experience harmony and get rid of a lot of experiences, stress will remain far behind. A white strip will begin, which will not contain any trouble. You will be on a new life path that does not pay any deception and grief. Now you will be exceptionally rejected by life for a long time.

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✚ on the relationship

Queen Wands

If the queen of the wands falls to a person in a relationship, it means that a person has learned to take himself to be real, to evaluate Head and is ready to put himself with one degree with his partners, which was not just afraid before, but did not even allow himself in his thoughts. Such changes will be a good impetus for the development of relations that may already have a little tired of time. If a person is only waiting for a meeting with his fate, then it is possible to meet a strong person who can change the life of the gadget.

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✚ Today

Queen Wands

Balanced and independence, authority. Map promises Successful projects and the possibility of self-realization, business is your area of ​​action. Your desire for self-sufficiency can destroy Ashe Health: Do not hide your own bad well-being from others. Mature relationships, complete equality and seriousness of intentions. You are attractive, at least sometimes arrogant, you wish to rule and be independent. Act quickly, but not too unexpected for others!

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✚ Tomorrow

Queen Wands

The map personifies the temperamental and intelligent woman who has a strong charisma. Also, the card can talk about the desire to manage the situation, the power of will.

Tomorrow I will expect or a meeting with a woman who has these qualities, or have these qualities to show.

The professional sphere personifies the boss, copper or wise colleague.

In the field of family relations, he says about the emergence of the desire to become a mother or about a patronage relationship with a partner.

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✚ What does he think about me

Queen Wands

You found the most important thing in life - real strong relationships, filled with all the colors and shades of the feelings of love. You can safely communicate with your partner on a variety of topics related to the interests of both, passionately make love, sincerely love each other every second, to understand from one word, feel at the distance of emotions and experiences of your half. About your relationship can not be called a single minus that could destroy them. You found the perfect partner for yourself. Do our best for the development of these relationships.

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✚ at wish

Queen Wands

Do not constantly evenmine on authorities. Also, your allies on the way to execute desire will not be simple and irresponsibility. Try to control the situation. This is the time for additional reflection. Ask yourself again, do you really want it with all my heart? Having answered them, influence the ways and means of achievement. Try not to interfere in your plans of some frivolous and nervous. Such a person can connect blackmail and deprive you of the possibility of execution of desire.

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Queen Wands

Ambitions were justified. You got inspiration from a strong and independent personality. Time has come to assist others, show will and creativity. You feel the desire for independence, inspiration, self-sufficiency and confidence in our ability, the ability to realize ambitions. The likelihood of success in the formulation of ambitious goals is great.

But remember that the desire for independence leads to ambition. Think optimistic! Show maximum flexibility and understanding in matters.

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✚ on the narrowed

Queen Wands

To save the relationship, you will have to go for some concessions to your partner. Perhaps it will partly break the usual lifestyle, but only so the relationship will be saved. In turn, the partner, seeing your efforts, will answer the same. So gradually, Idilly will be created, which will develop in the family with time.

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✚ Guardian Angel Council

Queen Wands

The map personifies strength and harmony, confidence and self-sufficiency, high position in society and authority.

Symbolizes a woman who can get support. Balanced, purposeful, combines decisive actions and gives patronage.

In privacy, change is possible, the map of the stormy novel, not deprived of drama.

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✚ on the king

Queen Wands

It is possible that you will have a friend and the adviser in the face of a middle-aged woman. Active and energetic, possibly close relative (mother, sister or aunt) will arise to protect your interests and will help resolve the crisis that takes place in your family life. Take the confidence in people who want to help you. Their experience is exactly what you need now. Learn to restrain emotions, and try not to conflict with your chosen one.

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✚ on treason

Queen Wands

The presence in the scenario of the queen wands confirms treason, the presence of a third party in relations. In such a connection, partners are filled with positive emotions, they motivate each other, or one of them motivates the other.

These relationships are very important for everyone, because they help conquer new peaks, and give the forces to act.

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✚ Singing "Three Maps"

Queen Wands

The queen of the wands says that manifesting all his professional qualities, as well as determination and perseverance, you will get a significant advancement of the career ladder. It is possible that you may have stormy and passionate love attitudes. It is quite possible a service story. But in the future, he may pour out a series of dramatized events.

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✚ Love triangle

Queen Wands

The map foreshadows long relations with rapid development. Arcan can also fill dramatic events, the appearance of the rival (rival). Because of this, a gap can occur, but most often the partner hides its connection and does not plan to leave the family.

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✚ on fate

Queen Wands

You have a big stock of vitality, you are generous and generous. We humble your pride and offer help people around you. Believe me, the signs of attention and support on your part will be perceived with respect and gratitude, and over time you will find faithful friends who consider themselves to be obliged to you.

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✚ to work

Queen Wands

The map suggests that the situation requires decisive, immediate actions. The difficulties will appear that require immediate reaction. The team will arise complex, stretched relationships. It is recommended to show flexibility. The map advises to act, according to a specific situation, but without excessive creativity.

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✚ for pregnancy and children

Queen Wands

When you fall out of this card, you need to take into account the surrounding arcanes, because it broadcasts the beginning of what other cards predicted. If the adoption on the floor of the child, then the girl's birth can be assumed.

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Will it return to me?

Queen Wands

The girl in this relationship has become too powerful and demanding, and this card says that its demands are associated with dissatisfaction in bed. There is no definite opinion that a man will not be able to satisfy her demands, just the woman herself needs to slow down the turnover and have a little less pressure, then the man will return and can pleasantly surprise her.

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