4 Tarot Cups - value in different scenaries


Tarot cards are a complex, but very interesting mantic system, which allows to obtain reliable predictions of the future under the condition of proper work with them. A plate must be very well able to understand the smallest nuances relating to each Arkana to be able to help his client. In this material we consider the value of 4 tarot cups.

4 Cups tarot

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Image of 4 Cup Taro

In the classic deck of Tarot, a young guy, tired of the road, who leaned against a tree for recreation and meditation. The traveler is located next to his faithful dog. The man is completely rejected from the world, does not notice what is happening around.

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Front from it depicted 4 filled bowls, protruding the symbol of the path traveled. Bowls fills the life experience, they are able to compensate for internal energy at any moment.

But the guy does not even look at them, hidden from his gaze and the fourth bowl, presented from above the caring hand of the Most High. Thanks to the fourth bowl, a person can get strength for the further path, but the paddle covers his eyes, and he does not notice the chance given to him.

He enjoys his current state, the beauty of nature and does not even think that such an opportunity can no longer fall in life.

Arkan from Taro Era Aquarius demonstrates us a girl meditating in front of lit candles. She also does not notice what happens around her, sitting in proud loneliness. At the top of the card, bowls are depicted.

The value of the fourth cup tarot

Astrologically, the fourth cups relate to the planets Jupiter (in the constellation of cancer) and Mars (also in cancer). They protrude symbols of resentment and despondency. The zodiac sign of Cancer personifies the simplicity and impedition of the emotional sphere, gives a person with a dream, developed imagination. The person opens unlimited possibilities, but they are important to notice and use them.

The fourth of the Cups is also found under the name of the fourth chash.

4 cup tarot in direct position

The fourth of the Cups acts as a symbol of global forgiveness, the desire to serve their idol (can talk about religious fanaticism). Arkan has a dual aspect, at a lower level indicates disappointment in relations and in people as a whole, about fatigue, chronic pathologies.

  1. General value: Stormy fun replaces fatigue, boredom.
  2. In the event of events: Events are developing so harmonious that it does not even have a desire to apply some efforts to change them.
  3. In the field of health: describes depressive states, lack of movements, increasing.
  4. In love: a boring period, partners mutually disappointed each other, their expectations were not justified.
  5. The card characterizes indifferent to everything, boring, sluggish, immersed in his world.
  6. Advises paying more attention to small things.
  7. Warning: little movement in life.
  8. The final answer on your question is negative. When in your life, everything is fine, think about the future, so as not to miss excellent opportunities.

Taro Era Aquarius 4 cups

In reverse position

A twisted map speaks of new opportunities, new connections, acquaintances, obtaining new information. But also about insatiability, greed to life.
  1. In the field of events: the person took advantage of the chance, but did not receive anything according to the result.
  2. In the business sector: the desire to have more than it is possible. The map speaks of excessive operation of people. Profit is quite good, but further prospects are low.
  3. In the field of health: the poor condition of the body.
  4. In love: a person who is susceptible to Sostroma, misconduct, he has many fans, belongs to the Union very dismissive.
  5. Arcan characterizes a greedy, brazen person.
  6. I advises you to live for your own pleasure.
  7. Warns: You take too much on yourself and risk mischieving something important.
  8. Now good time to use different chances.

Detailed value 4 cup tarot

Meaning in general

Four cups points to suggestion. A person seeks to achieve anything, but as soon as it receives it, unexpectedly for himself understands that he does not need it. And for this reason suffers from despondency, resentment and disgust. The map warns that you should control your bad mood so that it does not become apathy and depression.

In work

Former activities stopped bringing pleasure. The individual is increasingly exposed to disadvantage, anger and insult. It is possible that a person is simply tired of performing constantly the same work, his ego is actively "rebellious" against it.

If so, then 4 cups wants to say that now you spend a lot of energy into the back instead of getting a new, attractive and promising possibility on time.

In the sphere of consciousness

In this area of ​​life, the Arkan has very extensive meanings: can talk about fruitless reflection, and about terrible laziness, and about the crisis and despair due to the fact that "life has been loyal."

If you are now subordinate to the laziness and do not want to do anything, the Arkan encourages that there will be positive changes in the near future.

But in the case when the person is experiencing a serious crisis of consciousness, 4 cups recommends how to start actively as soon as possible to return life into normal course.

4 cup tarot value in relationships

In love 4, the chash speaks of a grid, "poisonous" atmosphere. Eyes man covers jealousy or insult. Therefore, he ignores his partner. Being in a similar condition, does not notice positive moments in life or steps to reconciliation.

Arcan recommends you in the near future to cope with the rolling apathy and make up with my beloved (beloved).

4 cup victorian tarot

Combination with other arcanes

It is important in the process of divination to pay attention not only to the value of Arkan in different spheres of life, but also on its various combinations with other Tarot cards.
  • With Arkan "The Jester" - a person suffers from children's offense.
  • With Arkan "Mag" - someone uses your weakness.
  • With the Arkan "Supreme Priestess" - because of some secrecy you have lost peace.
  • With Arkan "Empress" - obtaining a depositorous result
  • With the Arkan "Emperor" - there are no further prospects at work.
  • With Arkan "Ierofant" - neglect of moral principles.
  • With Arkan "Lovers" - relationships that are not pleasure.
  • With the Arcana "Chariot" - an attempt to return what is lost.
  • With the arcane "power" - the lack of forces.
  • With the Arkan "Hermit" - a person is too concentrated on himself.
  • With the Arkan "Wheel of Fortune" - bad memories of the past.
  • With Arkan "Justice" - recognition of their mistakes.
  • With the Arcana "Having" - you depict the sacrifice.
  • With the Arkan "Death" - sadness for what gone.
  • With Arkan "Moderation" - come to the feeling.
  • With the Arkan "Devil" - a strong hangover.
  • With the Arkan Tower - sorrow due to loss.
  • With the Arkan "Star" - Lost Hope.
  • With Arkan "Moon" - deception.
  • With the Arkan "Sun" - first lift, and then gain.
  • With the Arkan "Court" - joy will come to your life.
  • With the Arkan "World" - the lost paradise will be found.
  • With the Arkan "TUZ WATS" - a missed opportunity, lost draper.
  • With the Arkan "Double Wands" - a person overwhelm doubts.
  • With the arkan "Troika Wands" - a person does not believe in further success.
  • With the Arkan "Four Wands" - a commemoration, a failure on the exam.
  • With the Arkan "Five Wands" - alcohol leads to conflicts.
  • With the Arkan "Six of Wands" - things are not in the best way.
  • With the Arkan "Seven Wands" - a person is vulnerable, does not believe in himself.
  • With the Arkan "Eight of the Wands" - a depressive state.
  • With the Arkan "Nine Wands" - docked on failures.
  • With the arcane "Ten Wands" - the period of collapse, emptying.
  • With Arkan "Page Wesles" - a person does not want to study.
  • With Arkan "Knight Wands" - retreat.
  • With the Arkan "Queen of the Wands," says about theatricality, drama.
  • With Arkan "King of Wands" - Egoist.

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The value of the map in various sobs

✚ Singing "One Card"

4 cups

General value

Indicates that a person was happily with pleasures. The card also says that it is time to go to do something useful and serious


Gadget disappointing partner. Perhaps this will lead to parting.


There may be overweight problems, as well as psycho-emotional problems.


There will be no problems at work. Everything goes with your cat.

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✚ for the future

4 cups

Your mental pains will take the top and become the basis of your life. The moment will come when everything around will seem very boring and ordinary. You will feel an unhappy person, although it is not connected with what you have no one. On the contrary, there are many opportunities, but there is no desire to do anything. This is due to the fact that the interest in life is lost in general. Try to look at the new one that surrounds you. This will avoid the emergence of prolonged depression, which reduces the human performance for a long time.

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✚ on the relationship

4 cups

This map of Tarot requires attention to a partner from a gadget person, since some stubbornness come from his part, the unwillingness to live peacefully. It is probably due to long-standing offends or with jealousy, the second person will have to compromise and show special sensitivity and understanding. If, in a pair, both people do not want to listen and are not ready to make concessions, then nothing will remain from the relationship. If a person in finding love, then a person should think about the priority arrangement. Perhaps now will be made some decision that in the future will seem wrong, it is necessary to make efforts and get your desire to open another person.

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✚ Today

4 cups

Dissatisfaction with itself and lack of motivation, a sense of dissatisfaction. You have boring work, full routine, sufficient earnings, not bringing any pleasure or ineptly handling money; There is also a manifestation of emotional and physical burnout, apathy. Chronic fatigue, depressive states and possible increasingness as a way to care from reality problems. You are accustomed to a lone lifestyle, and even if you have a relationship - most likely it is just affection caused by some fear of loneliness. Thirtless and indifferent to the surrounding events man. Pay more attention to small things!

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✚ Tomorrow

4 cups

Refinerality and possibly even a politic lifestyle leads to satiety. The questioning is in a state of spiritual tetanus, apathy, unwillingness to engage in important and necessary affairs.

Tomorrow the questioning awaits not the most productive day. Perhaps this is a day in four walls or on a boring, not causing interest. A serious insult may be applied, which will spoil the demand for the whole day.

The professional sphere is waiting for a stagnation and boredom, nothing interesting will happen. If the questioning was going to ask for a vacation or about the service, then it is better to postpone the other day.

In love, there is a mutual fatigue, causing some resentment, misunderstanding from scratch.

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✚ What does he think about me

4 cups

Tosca in relationships, people can not rejoice next to each other. They are constantly tormented by a depressive state, from which I can not exit yourself. They need to be constantly dispersed, resting apart from each other. It is difficult to find the opportunity to love each other again, enjoy the society of your partner, all the resources of your personal life have dried up. Something does not allow you to put points in these dark relationships. It is important to find strength to try to return the relationship to a positive level.

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✚ at wish

4 cups

You clearly lack communication and pleasure. You will remember past times with nostalgia. But is it worth doing this on and what will it give? For the sake of desire, you always have to sacrifice something, but it is worth it. Try to overcome boredom and disappointment. Do not go to yourself, focus on purpose.

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4 cups

Long traveled path and good life experience led to the desire to slow down. Inertia has come. No events and changes in life. Serious fatigue and disappointment. Boring period.

Most likely to miss favorable opportunities. Perhaps a negative solution to issues and disappointment. Pay attention to the trifles - for fatigue easily skip the chance that fate provides. Make yourself move through strength!

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✚ on the narrowed

4 cups

Four of the cups is a map that personifies the union, the relationship in which does not add up because of the beliefs of one or two partners. Most often, so-called avid bachelors or old maids are exposed to this effect. Confidence in the absence of success in the second half does not give relations to develop, which gradually destroys them. Obschery yourself with this problem, and then think about marriage.

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✚ Guardian Angel Council

4 cups

It's time to evaluate what is happening, so you are immersed in thoughtfulness. You look at the events more mature - you matured and feel the need to react in a new way.

Everything that happened lately made you reconsider the views on life. Your relationship with people changed, because you have become wiser and tolerant. With the new luggage knowledge you are ready for the next life stage.

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✚ on the king

4 cups

Symbolizes devastation and depression, the end of the honeymoon. Or maybe you just disappointed in a relationship with your partner. Do not worry and fall into despair. The map advises to look at the surrounding and not refuse to help, which will definitely come. Take a pause, and find the strength to rejoice in every day.

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✚ on treason

4 cups

We are not talking about treason, but relations are very difficult, sometimes unbearable. It begins to seem that life live in vain and only despondency and reflection ahead. Jealousy and feelings are increasingly pop up in your pair.

In the eyes of partners there is no hope of a positive outcome. Map 4 cubes signals that it is time to pay attention to each other, remember your former feelings and try to establish relationships.

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✚ Singing "Three Maps"

4 cups

You should be less selfish and less arrogant, because just because of them you can miss promising opportunities. Our dissatisfaction with others and by them will give rise to fears and complexes that you have anything. You need to take yourself in my hands, again love yourself to avoid self-destruction, apathy and care for loneliness.

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✚ Love triangle

4 cups

Arkan foreshadows boredom, fatigue from each other. The map suggests that partners have bored each other. It's time to relax a little and take a break in a relationship. However, there is a danger that lovers will decide that it is best to part. Arcan also indicates unjustified expectations of partners, disappointment.

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✚ on fate

4 cups

Stay and look around yourself. Beautiful nature, good friends, homemade comfort helps to pause in daily bustle. The simplest things are the most valuable, warming the soul and do not allow to marry in the boredom of the monotonous days. Keep in yourself the ability to see the world around yourself without despondency.

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✚ to work

4 cups

The map suggests that everything moves with her! Things go well and do not need to do anything to spoil everything. Even if a good opportunity drops to improve the position, it should be ignored, as it can be a trick. The map advises not to ignore the little things.

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✚ for pregnancy and children

4 cups

If the alignment is not on the firstborn, it may mean that the conception took place. Pregnancy and childbirth will be the exact opposite of the first, but the outcome promises to be prosperous. The health of the child will not threaten to threaten.

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Will it return to me?

4 cups

You are clearly satisfied with the relationship with each other, to continue to communicate, you need to make something new and, it is desirable to make it as soon as possible. Maybe nothing new and not necessary, except for your personal look, try to look at a different angle, and you can find something attractive and interesting. A man is ready to return and make you happy if you can think not only about the earthly, but also about the spiritual.

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