Card 5 Cup Tarot - Meaning and Interpretation


Wanting to become a good plate and make the truthful minudes of future events, it is necessary, first of all, to learn the values ​​of each of the cards. Today we will analyze the value of 5 Cups of Tarot - a representative of the younger Arcanes, also known as the top fives of the bowl and the lord of the lost joy.

5 Cups tarot

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Image 5 Tarot Cups

The classic deck of cards Tarot depicts a man closed in black mourning robe, in thoughtfulness standing near three tipped cups. Black-colored clothing symbolizes mourning, it becomes clear that the man recently survived the loss. The experiences captured them so much that he does not even notice two full bowls that are located behind him. Probably if he saw them, it would make it easier for his condition.

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From all the depressed in Arkana, the atmosphere of the despondency is coming, the map brings thoughts about hopelessness.

If you consider the image of the five bowls in Taro Era Aquarius, then the picture becomes more attractive here: the map shows us a man who squeezes at the table, in front of which there are two bowls. One bowl is turned off, the contents flow out of it. Unlike traditional tarot, in Taro Era Aquarius, a man has a more joyful look, in his hands he holds two more bowls.

Arkan personifies the hope that is not still lost.

Tarot cup top

Astrologically Arcana corresponds to the aspect of Venus to Saturn or the Moon to Saturn. It symbolizes pain, despair, grief and separation.

In addition, 5 cups of tarot correlate to the constellation of Scorpio (the first decade). Fattonian Pluto and Military Mars are protracted by the patrons of the latter. They indicate the absence of internal compromises, emotional dissatisfaction, and also impose thoughts of death.

5 cup tarot: value in direct position

The card indicates a man's desire to update emotionally, the tendency to maximize, uncompromising. It is possible to get some kind of gift or inheritance.

Traditionally, the cup of cups predicts the time of disappointments, bitter tears and regrets. It's time for the loss and search for a better life.

  1. In the field of events: the loss will follow the acquisitions.
  2. In the business sector: you have to transfer your business to another person. Profit is equivalent to the effort spent. The map predicts dismissal.
  3. In the field of health: Speaks about nervous breakdowns, the need to remove land, boils, benign education.
  4. In privacy: heavy, but not final breaks of relationships.
  5. Arcan describes a very stubborn, wayward, but decisive and bold man.
  6. I advises you to leave, look for a new one.
  7. It warns to think about - you have something to lose.
  8. The final answer to your question is negative. We will have to step towards significant changes.

5 cups in Taro Era Aquarius

Pytelka bowls in reverse position

In the launched form, Arkan will tell about a new look at life, foreshadows the emergence of occurring news. Also tells about new unions, reuniting love or friendly relationships.

There is a need to leave, but not at wish.

  1. In the field of events: the cup of cups indicates multiple care with the subsequent return. A person wants to eliminate his problem, but he does not get determination for this.
  2. In business: aspirations and attempts to restore the unimportant. Low profit, there is no development.
  3. In the field of health: need to clean blood.
  4. In privacy: partners are engaged in emotional sadism, there is a place for blackmail.
  5. Arcan describes a person manipulating others with threats.
  6. The five recommends returning back.
  7. Warned: the solution on your question is not yet final.
  8. You are not particularly brought to the end.

What will take the top of the Tarot Cup

Now you will get acquainted with a more detailed value of 5 cup of tarot in different areas of life.

5 bowls stands for a challenge, pain, suffering, despair and melancholy. She demonstrates that a person has lost something that he had enormous significance for him.

But here there is one positive moment - you will not be left alone with your misfortune, faithful friends will hurry to the rescue. But despite this, experienced grief is serious enough, it will not be easy to cope with it.

In many cases, the Arkan says that you are (and your frivolous actions) made a culprit of what happened. If you wish to quickly come back, Arkan advises to stop concentrated on his grief and continue to live on.

In work

In this area of ​​life, the card indicates the experience of pain and disappointments, which provoked by a failed project. You may have failed the test (exam), refused a profitable deal.

The five consistent advises to analyze his mistakes and change the line of behavior in the future.

In the area of ​​consciousness

You encountered disappointment, pain and offend, from which lessons should be learned. Often it means that you need to change your naive, too idealistic ideas about life and take a more mature and pragmatic position.

A particularly deep meaning of Arkan has in those situations when a person finally understands that his failures and disappointments are caused by their own negligence, inattention or increased demands for life. In these cases, it is important to reconsider their former behavior model as soon as possible and look at the world differently.

5 cup victorian tarot

5 cups tarot value in relationships

In their personal life, in most cases, 5 cases denotes the gap of the previous connections or disappointment in acquaintance, at first glance, seemingly very promising.

If your relationship really broke, you need to ask yourself a question: "What I did (did), why did it happen?". Often, at the same time, we can make sure that, by and large, our irritability and intolerance to the partner. It is worth drawing conclusions for the future so that the mistakes are no longer repeated.

Combination of cups of cups with other arcans

  • With Arkan "Jester" - you are bothering the fate of your Chad.
  • With Arkan "Mag" - the manipulation of others who cause your discontent.
  • With Arkan "Supreme Priestess" - learn the sad news.
  • With Arkan "Empress" - regrets about what happened.
  • With the Arkan "Emperor" - will face troubles in everyday life or at work.
  • With Arkan "Ierofant" - quarrels in the family.
  • With Arkan "Lovers" - breaking relationships.
  • With the arcane "Chariot" - the final result will be sad.
  • With the Arkan "Strength" - a person will suffer due to its weakness of character.
  • With the arcane "Hermit" - separation.
  • With the arkan "Wheel of Fortune" - the beginning of the sad period in life.
  • With Arkan "Justice" - now need to lay the foundation for future success.
  • With the arcane "hanged" - the time of sadness that will change your life.
  • With Arkan "Death" - sadness due to loss.
  • With arcane "moderation" - you will get used to sad.
  • With the Arkan "Devil" - the presence of emotional losses associated with negative habits.
  • With the Arkan "Tower" - a traumatic parting, a person is experiencing material losses.
  • With the Arkan "Star" - to come out not at that way in life.
  • With Arkan "Moon" - a lie and betrayal will make you worry.
  • With the Arkan "Sun" - the sun will be behind the clouds.
  • With the Arkan "Court" - you will be punished.
  • With the Arkan "Peace" - the losses that you, however, be able to survive.
  • With the Arkan "TUZ WONS" - Lose your enthusiasm.
  • With the Arkan "Two Wands" - a violation of the integrity of the person; A person does not want to see his future.
  • With Arkan "Troika Wands" - loss of control, there is no business grip.
  • With the Arkan "Four Wands" - parting.
  • With the Arkan "Five Wands" - time of litigation.
  • With the arkan "Six of Wands" - defeats.
  • With the Arkan "Seven Wands" - a person does not know how to defend himself.
  • With the Arkan "Eight of the Wands" - an improper vision of things, getting sad news.
  • With the Arkan "Nine Wands" - you will be sideways, come up with disapproval.
  • With the arcane "Ten Wands" - the time of emotional depression, the completion of cases.
  • With the Arkan "Page Wesles" - a person does not want to study, he has a self-esteem.
  • With the arkan "Knight of the Wands" - relationships are going to no.
  • With the Arkan "Queen of Wands" - a period of emotional depression, negative vision of the world.
  • With the Arkan "King of Wands" - a person does not want to forgive, differs shortly.

See also Video Review Arkana Five Tarot Cup:

The value of the map in various sobs

✚ Singing "One Card"

5 cups

General value

The fears and memories of the past are tormented.


A couple waiting for parting. However, the separation will be short-term.


There may be problems with the epidermis, as well as the tumors of a benign nature and depressive states.


A person awaits loss of work and the transfer of business.

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✚ for the future

5 cups

A card that is directly related to the mental state of each person. Special pain is waiting for those people who recently committed a mistake, which cannot be forgotten. There is a moment of looping exclusively on negative experience. This leads to an emotional breakdown, sometimes the reluctance to live, we advise you to visit a psychologist who will professionally help to cope with the difficult state of the psyche. Health can spoil under the influence of the nervous system. All diseases from unstable moral state.

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✚ on the relationship

5 cups

This card promises problems that can be solved only by the desire to stop and talk to each other, and not just ignore. Problems arise from boredom, from life that cause irritation and displeasure to each other. If there is no problem to solve, the chance is great that the relationship will end in friendship, because partners cannot exist more in romantic relationships, but as individuals they are still interesting to each other. It is important to draw attention that a pregnant girl or the one who wants to have a child, should pay attention to his health, since problems with him will affect the child, and not for the mother.

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✚ Today

5 cups

Fears, losses of important, deep sadness and melancholy. Failure in the work, no implementation of the desired plans, an unloved business; Also loss of money (but not bankrupt). Your body is full of nervous voltage, abortion is possible / miscarriage, manifestation of hereditary diseases. The map promises the loss of a loved one as a result of a quarrel, breaking relationships and mental experiences. You are quite pessimistic, but a decisive and stubborn person. Try to extract something useful of all the troubles that happen to you!

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✚ Tomorrow

5 cups

The map is symbolizing the stupor, the absence of active actions, unreasonable fears, the inability to make a decisive fear. Care into the world of dreams and barren escapherm.

Tomorrow an inappropriate is waiting for the day of unjustified expectations or just a lazy state that will be impossible to overcome. The feeling of impotence against even small domestic things, tagging fatigue.

In the work sphere, the day will seem useless to live, nothing useful will not be done. Perhaps the questioning does not have enough strength for a decisive step.

In love, the period of stagnation, nothing happens. Relationships with someone are rather contrived than real.

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✚ What does he think about me

5 cups

Very unpleasant tarot card, which is undesirable in the situation on love and relationship. However, its presence can change the opinion of a person about the partner, which is near. You will soon encounter parting. It is difficult to call the exact reason for breaking the relationship, but often this card indicates a betrayal that is caused to you. Each person with great spiritual pain learns about treason, but you need not to be discouraged and rejoice, what a person's qualities have learned in the initial stage of development of your love story.

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✚ at wish

5 cups

Do not doubt your desire. Do not perceive the world too critical. Of course, on the way to the execution of desire, almost everyone is celebrating frustration and sources of irritation. But unnecessarily pessimistic to look at the world too. Let the emotions come out and free from them. This will help free and try to resume your way. If there is a person in your life, which is brings exclusively pain in their actions, then it is better to get rid of such contacts. But this loss will soon rush, because your desire will lead a new person.

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5 cups

Recent loss and global life changes have led you to what is. Losses are likely, feeling deadlock and mental pain. Hopelessness. Desperate situation. Disbelief in your strength. Uncompromising.

This is a difficult time of regrets and search for a new life. In the future, there is a negative and negative issue of issues. Listen to warnings and take care what you have. Get ready for what you need to experience big changes.

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✚ on the narrowed

5 cups

Confusion and confusion in relationships - this is what your union bothers. So far, you should spend more time with the second half and get together to be fed out of the networks of inexpensive. Now warm and cozy relationships under the threat of destruction, and only in your hands the chance for their salvation. Talk to discuss all the accumulated difficulties and step through them. Wedding will wait, but love - no!

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✚ Guardian Angel Council

5 cups

Not the most favorable circumstances have led you to confusion - you do not understand how it is better to do and therefore feel depressed.

The guardian angel warns from choice. Leave attempts to solve something and just watch what is happening. Those for whom this dilemma is more important, everything will be solved by yourself. Any your choice will not be in your favor. Refuse actions, so better.

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✚ on the king

5 cups

If the question concerned relations, which do not bring anything except pain, disappointment and suffering, then the moment came to part and sigh with relief. Allow yourself to grieve - you will free your emotions. The insult will pass, and the soul wounds will faster, if you decide to free yourself from the past forever. After all, these relationships did not sufficiently develop to you as a person.

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✚ on treason

5 cups

Arkan 5 bowl falls at the time of experienced grief, pain and disappointment. This card, as a symbol of lost relationships. And most often, wine lies on your shoulders. From understanding that it is so, there is even more immersion in despondency.

But this situation should not be taken as the missed the last chance. It needs to make the right conclusions from it, analyze your mistakes and move on. Fortunately, there are always people nearby who will understand and support.

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✚ Singing "Three Maps"

5 cups

This Arcan talks about the arrival of some trouble and melancholic state. You can overtake disappointment due to unfulfilled hopes and ideas. Emotional decline is possible and due to parting with an important person for you. Depression, love suffering and spiritual crisis can also be discovered.

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✚ Love triangle

5 cups

Map foreshadows hard parting. However, we are not talking about the final break. Partners are too depending on each other, so they cannot part, but the relationship will be built not on love.

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✚ on fate

5 cups

Do not dust! From any alterations you will come out with minimal losses, your friends and the ability to find the key from the door leading to freedom in every unpleasant situation. Most importantly, remember that the world is located to you with a bright face and annoying trifles, like pebbles on the way, do not hinder so much as they teach attention and do not let you get bored.

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✚ to work

5 cups

Arkan foreshadows the loss of work due to dismissal or voluntary care. Transferring business to relatives, partners or third parties. Arkan promises in connection with this financial difficulties. The map advises not be afraid to leave the old to start a new one. Only so you can count on success.

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✚ for pregnancy and children

5 cups

Birth for the future child will be stress. The child will be restless, often ill. Often it will disturb bad sleep. Small delays in development are possible, compensate for which will help due attention both father and mother. To smooth the child's emotions, parents will have to create a peaceful atmosphere, to surround the child with care and caress, eliminate the quarrels among themselves.

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Will it return to me?

5 cups

The five cups do not promise recovery of relationships, so, and the return of a man should not wait. Just now, the girl, and her former partner, there was an opportunity to pay attention to his strengths and try to restore those that do not quite satisfy. In addition, the past relationship is a good life lesson, to remember which is worth it.

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