Meaning of 7 Tarot Cups in despondency on tarot maps


Let's talk about the value of the map of 7 Cup Tarot. It is rightfully considered a map of non-testing hopes, illusory fantasies and lies. It gets to people who are unable to make a choice, tend to deceive themselves and set unrealistic goals. This is a map of dreamers and videos who are accustomed to building air locks.

7 Cups tarot

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Description Arkana 7 cup tarot

In a classic deck on the map, a table with seven gold cups filled with seductive gifts is depicted. In each cup there is a specific subject carrying some image. Often, seven bowls are associated with family mortal sins, but usually terrologists are interpreted in them in this way:
  • The head of the woman points to the carnal desires, pride and arrogance.
  • Figure under the bedspread symbolizes secret knowledge.
  • Snake talks about cunning, tricks and temptation.
  • Castle means power, strength and influence.
  • Decorations - security, material benefits, greed.
  • The laurel wreath speaks of glory and ambition.
  • Dragon is an unnecessary illusion, anger and jealousy.

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If a person can not cope with these vices, he is waiting for defeat and deep disappointment.

The figure of a person on the map we see from the back or only the shadow. Bowls with gifts are in the air and do not have supports under them. The images in the Cups are too seductive, and it is difficult for a person to make a choice. He pulls his hands to the bowls, but some kind of inner flair stops him, trying to protect themselves from temptations.

In the Taro Era deeper, we see a young man who stays in the world of illusions and does not notice the beauty of the surrounding nature. He wants to get everything immediately, but actually nothing remains with anything.

The value of the map in the literal position

If seven cups dropped out, this means that fate provides a chance. But you are not able to use it because of various temptations and temptations, which promise ghostly happiness instead of real. It is very difficult for a person to decide on the choice and distinguish where it really is true, and where is a lie and deceptive hopes.

In addition, the gone often does not know, in which direction to move and what he wants. He has many plans and ideas, but they are all doomed to failure. The person does not try to do anything to achieve the goal, but simply "hovers in the clouds."

Unlike the seven of swords, which speaks of lies from those around the surrounding, 7 cups indicates self-deception. Although the ability to face fraudsters or get into a bad company is also not excluded.

A person turns out to be a challenging dilemma: how to find the right answer among a variety of options. Worst of all that he has almost no chance, because the only true option is hidden from him very deeply.

The value of arcana in an inverted position

It is considered a more positive map because it talks about the possibility of proper choice. Indicates that a person puts really feasible goals. Perhaps once he was mistaken in the choice and made a lot of misses. But at present, a person realized his mistakes and think realistic.

The inverted seven cups advises to say goodbye to unrealcable dreams and Gresses and adapt to life in the real world. Indicates a person's ability to resist various temptations.

I advises to destroy the world of illusions and make maximum efforts for self-development and overcome obstacles to the goal.

7 Cups Taro Era Aquarius

Description of personality

The seven cups indicates the wayward and unbalanced person, selfish and abiding in the world of illusions. Such people often can't determine what they want from life, and move from one idea to another.

These people have enough powerful energy, they are charismatic and able to captivate those around them with their illusory fantasies.

They tend to idealize the world around themselves. But, encountered with disappointment, fall into depression. The state of the euphoria is replaced by deep apathy.

Among such people a lot of creative personalities and artists. Often they have extrasensory capabilities and own hypnosis.

Inverted Arcan indicates a non-conscious person. He is inclined to dramatize the world around himself and often dwells in a melancholic condition.

Seven cups in work

This is not the most optimistic card for career. Speaks about unreal plans and projects that will never be implemented. A person spends a lot of time and wasted and does not want to really look at things.

This situation is possible fraud and deception from business partners.

Seven cups, however, is very located to literature and art workers, the work of which is based on a figurative perception. Also, the map promises success to people relating to esoteric knowledge, hypnosis.

The inverted position of Arkana testifies to enlightenment, the ability to find the causes of failures and errors. It is necessary to rethink its activities and build a plan, how to get out of a deadlock.

Personal relationships

Seven bowl for personal relationship means dreams and illusions that are far from reality. Very often in such a situation for love, passionate passion, which is not distinguished by consistency. Behind the stormy feelings should be inevitable disappointment.

It seems that partners do not know each other to the end and do not try to do it. They sufficiently love the invented image, although it does not correspond to reality.

Arkan may indicate illusory love when a person comes up with the relationship, which is not really not. He does not pay attention to the absence of response feelings and gives us ordinary politeness and friendliness for them. Often in such a situation are young people who experience fanatical feelings for their idol.

Seven cups will be positive for seekers of love adventures. A person who seeks for a fun time and relationship without obligation, awaits success and emotional satisfaction.

In case the alignment is made on one partner, the Arcan indicates that he plays the role of the seducer. Stormy feelings This person will show not only in love, but also in his suspicions about the infidelity of the partner. His jealousy will flash from any trifle.

If the devil is present in the scenario, a person has a manic passion and a partner dependence.

Seven bowls in combination with tarot arkans

Claim the value of the Cup Card Card will help arcanes that are in the scenario next to it.

Victorian tarot

  • With Arkan "The Jester" means the game of imagination, be twisted.
  • With Arkan "Mag" - get under a bad influence, lies and scam.
  • With the arcane "Supreme Priestess" - a confusing situation and unknown facts.
  • With Arkan "Empress" - the ability to be in an interesting position.
  • With the Arkan "Emperor" - plan your activity.
  • With the Arkan "Ierofant" - you were not confidential to that man, deception.
  • With Arkan "Lovers" - uncertainty in relationships.
  • With the Arcana "Kolesnitsa" - dream of traveling, noteworthy.
  • With the Arkan "Power" speaks of unless dreams.
  • With the Arkan "Hermit" - to be in the power of illusions.
  • With the Arkan "Wheel of Fortune" - to get into a hopeless position.
  • With Arkan "Justice" speaks of self-deception, binding.
  • With the arcane "hanged" means defeat because of vain hopes and illusions.
  • With Arkan "Death" - look at the world through the "pink" glasses.
  • With arcane "moderation" - a real look at things, planning actions.
  • With the Arkan "Devil" - problems with alcohol or drugs, obsessive states.
  • With the Arkan "Tower" - the collapse of hopes and fantasies.
  • With the Arkan "Star" - dreams and illusions.
  • With Arkan "Moon" - to be mistaken, fantasy.
  • With the Arkan "Sun" - sudden illumination.
  • With the Arkan "Court" - the payment for the acts perfect.
  • With the Arkan "World" - to build ambitious projects.

7 Cups are a map of mirageen and ghostly illusions, fantasies and self-deception. She tries to warn us from false promises and in vain hopes that inevitably lead to defeat and disappointment. I advises to realize your mistakes and really look at the world.

Finance information about the map Seven Cups, Looking Stock Footage:

The value of the map in various sobs

✚ Singing "One Card"

7 cups

General value

It may say that giving living lives an illusion or he will have to face a lie. Arcan may also indicate that a person himself deceives


The partner encourages the vices of the second half. Perversions are possible due to the oversaturation of the relationship.


Inxication may occur and narcotic dependence will appear.


Good income will bring a business associated with pop or art.

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✚ for the future

7 cups

A map that is characteristic of many people, especially young. In all areas of life, a period of permanent illusions will come, which will be the basis of your life. Illusion is dreams that cannot be realized in reality, hallucinations and complete nonsense. Try to live a reality, then you do not miss really important things in your life. Only so you can become truly a happy man. Love real people with disadvantages, not fictional heroes. We are all non-ideas, so you do not need to invent another life, it can lead to schizophrenia.

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✚ on the relationship

7 cups

This map of Tarot speaks of the closest relationship, the motive for them is either a mercenary goal, or just a desire to not stay alone - to be comfortable and comfortable, but it does not have to talk about high feelings. Such a pair should be thought about whether there is a sense to continue such communication, or it's time to admit and stay friends. It is also possible that the card characterizes the relationship that can be called "bed", that is, there are no common interests in partners. Love Love Card promises interesting, but not a long romantic adventure.

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✚ Today

7 cups

False, erroneous choice and confusion. Difficulties in making decisions regarding work, some self-deception and only dreams of wealth. The card indicates the abuse of alcohol and drugs, as well as mental health disorders. Relationships that are full of various kinds of illusions created by us. Idealization of love in the thoughts of the gadget. You are a man living in the fictional world. Try as quickly as possible to break the dome of the deception and erroneous ideas that arose over you!

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✚ Tomorrow

7 cups

Map of air locks, unrealized ideas and practically impossible plans. The questioning cut off from the earthly life, it is difficult for him to evaluate his real opportunities or he just does not want to do so.

Tomorrow, the questioning risks to get caught in the network of vanity and narrowing, to pay too much attention to its "I" and miss something important. It is also possible to challenge the unrealized project for which it may not be enough time or resources.

In the professional sphere, a person risks to face the situation when it is not clear whether it is possible to do something or is only a beautiful dream.

In love, an obstacle rises egoism, asking or his partner.

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✚ What does he think about me

7 cups

Relationships in which you have not seen your partner in real life. Perhaps met on the Internet. Your ideas about it differ significantly from reality. You created the image that you wanted to see, and looked at it. It does not allow you to feel the charms of life that surrounds you. Try to stop the relationship at a distance, then you can start a new path in the near future, which will be significantly more exciting and more interesting than banal correspondence.

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✚ at wish

7 cups

You are too trust and tend to trust too much. Do not take the desired for valid. Think, is it really what you wish, sincerely? If this issue does not decide in the near future, it will cause problems towards the execution of desire. Try to act more judicially and pragmatic. Feel free to make a compromise, get rid of a feeling of confusion. Relax physically and spiritually, splash emotions. After all, the manifestation of emotions may later be negative. This will help you less problematic go along the way to desire.

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7 cups

Unreal objectives and excessive immersion in the world of fantasies. Period of unsinkable dreams. Inability to decide on. Waiting for a difficult choice. Can prevent self-deception or deception from others. But at the same time it is given a chance to change life if you get to the very depths of the subconscious.

Remember the illusiveness of what is happening. There is practically no chance to find a right decision. There is a negative outcome of the situation, so avoid temptations. Do not chase for ghostly happiness. Stop deceive - take the truth in the eyes!

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✚ on the narrowed

7 cups

Seven cups hints at the fact that self-deception is present in your relationship. One partner looks at the other through the pink glasses and trusts him much more than it would be. The problem is that the second is perfectly used and plays feelings. Such relations end faster than started, because in a short time, the doll will be bored with a patrol. Wedding is possible, but think about: Do you need such happiness?

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✚ Guardian Angel Council

7 cups

Man is confused. New illusory and incomprehensible. Fate makes you make a new step that seems risky, as it is impossible to predict the consequences.

Consider that it is just a gift over, which you can not not take. It is good if it is bad - this is what you deserve. You are afraid to be trapped and slow, expecting that everything will somehow settle down.

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✚ on the king

7 cups

You are standing at the crossroads: the heart stretches to one, and the mind to another. In a state of confusion, it will not be possible to take a right decision. You should make a choice based on the facts. Helite dreams and inner voice. It is likely that you have a few fans, and you do not know who to stay with. However, in the near future it will have to make a final choice.

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✚ on treason

7 cups

There is a betrayal from the partner who had the need for new sensations. Such relations are far from real love, they are based on passionate hobby, which inevitably be disappointing.

A traitor has a romantic nature that is eager for permanent illusions and bright emotions. But the stormy feelings such a person manifests not only in love. He is inclined to suspect his half in infidelity, so often rolls the scenes of jealousy. There is simply necessary revaluation of values.

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✚ Singing "Three Maps"

7 cups

The Arcan indicates that you live for too long only with dreams and illusions. It's time to act! In addition, you are ready to help your friends and relatives. If you continue to continue inactive, the fate will turn away from you and send an event that exactly the smoke to return you from the skies to the ground. Do not play with fate!

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✚ Love triangle

7 cups

The card indicates that relations are built at the bottom to boast of friends or relatives. There is no feelings in a pair and will not be. Another value of arcana is suggesting, indulging in vices that reach up to perversions.

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✚ on fate

7 cups

It is very difficult to choose the right answer to the question if you do not have the necessary knowledge. It is impossible to achieve victory if you do nothing to achieve it. You miss all the chances of success due to the fact that you are "twist in the clouds". Please concentrate at work and your obligations, be more serious.

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✚ to work

7 cups

The card indicates the prospects. You can open your own business, getting to work, change jobs or kind of activity. Problems if there is, they are quickly solved. To succeed, it is important to choose the right line of activity and make the right decision.

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✚ for pregnancy and children

7 cups

Most likely, your body is poisoned by excessive medication. It will actively interfere with conception. Refer to the doctor to adjust the doses of medicines or remove them at all if you are self-medication. Your body will be ready for pregnancy only when you completely clean it from medicines and bad habits.

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Will it return to me?

7 cups

You waited from your partner what he could not fulfill. Air locks and white horses from fairy tales are rarely relevant in real life, go back to real life and take a look at your man. After all, he once was able to conquer your heart, it means that now your relationship has a chance for development. If you want him to come back, just show him inner sincerity.

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