The value of 10 tarot cups in different spheres of life


With the help of Arkanov Taro, you can find a way out of the predicament, as well as shed light to the coming events. But it is important for this to be able to correctly interpret the cards in the situation and know the meaning of each of them. This article discloses the value of 10 tarot cups. You can also meet this card under other names - dozens of bowls or the lord of complete success.

10 bowl tarot

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What is depicted on Arkan

In a traditional deck, a dozen cups shows us a harmonious married couple who have given parental happiness, "they have two wonderful kids. Husband with his wife is one. Their relationship does not threaten anything, and no one can distract them from his friend.

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At the rear position of Arkana, it is possible to consider a reliable family novelschko, providing them with full safety. The couple is very happy - it is indicated by 10 full cups facing their heads.

Turning to the Tarot Aquarius deck, we see a pair located in your home. A man stands on his knees in front of his woman, clinging to her. The wife gently hugs her hot beloved spouse. We can observe how big the partner is happy to be together - they do not need no one for complete happiness and harmony. Ten cups are located on different directions from lovers.

Dozen cup tarot value

Astrologically 10 cups tarot meets the planet of the moon, which has a harmonious aspect to Jupiter. A similar combination personifies home comfort, family harmony and mental warmth.

The map also meets the zodiacal constellation of fish, which is under the control of the planet Mars.

In a direct position

The map denotes fully formed emotions that can be manifested. This is a symbol of homemade hearth, happiness, joy, peace, satisfaction with life and by them, as well as honorable and virtue.

  1. General importance: Ten Cup of Tarot testifies to happiness, stability in any field of life, as well as long-term success.
  2. In the field of events: it will be submitted with relatives, visit our own places, indicates everything as for the family.
  3. In the business sector: speaks of a well-established business. The emergence of good opportunities to obtain significant profits, success. Indicates to trade in natural wealth (liquid consistency: oil, gas).
  4. In the field of health: foreshadows excellent health. Minor ailments may occur, but they quickly pass.
  5. 10 Czas Taro is the most favorable card for relationships: it indicates unconditional love, support from relatives, emotional understanding (but there is a danger of a short period of such idyll).
  6. Arcan describes a very bright person, from which calm is felt. He feels great for other people, can act sometimes to the detriment of himself for others.
  7. The map advises to visit the native edges, pay more attention to its relatives.
  8. Warning that any happiness can overstate some trouble.
  9. The answer to the question made by you is definitely positive.

Additional information: When you perform the interpretation of the card cut, remember that no condition (no matter how favorable it) will not be able to last forever. It is only a certain time interval.

10 cups Taro Era Aquarius

In reverse position

The Arcan indicates the loss of friends, fans, sadness and quarrels, minor.
  1. General Card Symbols: In the reversed form 10, the cup will indicate the rupture of related links. The person is used to living in the best conditions, but now his life has changed for the worse.
  2. In the field of events: Speaks about family disclaimers, emigration (if combined with six swords, then with the aim of temporary earnings, and if with the arcane world, it is moving to move).
  3. In the affairs: the recession time, troubles that will affect all (employees or relatives). Arcan indicates not very well done. It is possible that the state will not change for a long time.
  4. A person does not satisfy the state of his health (worsening well-being, but not very strong). In fact, there are more complaints than direct pathology.
  5. In the love sphere: partners will take a mutual decision to part, but they will retain enough warm relationships.
  6. A dozen cups describes a person who knew the best times. The boredom period will be replaced by interesting adventures.
  7. Arcan recommends clarity into related links.
  8. It warns that the appearance of a crack in your emotional life may come, a boredom time can come. To avoid this, change your surroundings.

Additional information: The beginning of the middleweight period. A person can leave his native places for a long time.

10 Cup Tarot Detailed Description

General designation

The map is an expression of the highest degree of harmony and clean feelings. It demonstrates man's confidence in her future. He successfully overcame various illusions and self-deception.

Also, a dozen testifies to mental peace of mind, good relationships with neighbors, love and joy in communications with surrounding people, the real happiness and feeling of deep gratitude towards their relatives or partner.

In work

Excellent relationships in the team, Arkan demonstrates the real team of employees. There will be a rapidization of new promising dating and connections that will be favorable on the career growth.

In the area of ​​consciousness

In this area, 10 cups indicates the time of peace and mental harmony, the openness of creative gusts. They cease to disturb gloomy, destructive thoughts, they are replaced by joy and ease.

At a more conscious level, Arkan will indicate global love for all people.

10 cup tarot value in relationships

Predicts security and security. Forgetting the offense and difficulties of the past, solving crisis situations, overcoming the internal barrier. Negative moments are replaced by positive emotions.

The loss of this arcana for a couple will indicate to the "light band", during which complete love reigns with the trust and the most sublime feelings.

Often, the map predicts a new promising acquaintance and even the marriage union.

10 Cup Victorian Tarot

Combination with other maps

  • With Arkan "The Jester" - a person is not burdened with family obligations.
  • With Arkan "Mag" - a manipulator of public consciousness.
  • With the Arkan "Supreme Priestess" - training is completed.
  • With Arkan "Empress" - a woman enjoys maternity.
  • With the Arkan "Emperor" - happy family or friendly relations.
  • With Arkan "Ierofant" - the Union of two souls.
  • With Arkan "Lovers" - the marriage union.
  • With the Arcana "Chariot" - a wedding procession.
  • With Arkan "Power" - a soul and body are in full harmony among themselves.
  • With the Arkan "Hermit" - disregard for public standards.
  • With the Arkan "Wheel of Fortune" - the collective case will move with the "dead" point.
  • With Arkan "Justice" - the opinion of the Company.
  • With the Arkan "Having" - a person becomes a victim of public opinion.
  • With Arcan "Death" - changes in the family.
  • With arcane "Moderation" - finding a compromise between the pronouns "I" and "We".
  • With the Arkan "The Devil" - the wrong society.
  • With the Arkan "Tower" - public order will be broken, divorce.
  • With the Arkan "Star" - people associate one goal.
  • With Arkan "Moon" - the time of ignorance.
  • The combination of "10 cups - 10 pentacles" speaks of great joy in any of the spheres of life.
  • With the Arkan "Sun" - happy family or collective relationships.
  • With the Arkan "Court" - the public consciousness increases.
  • With the Arkan "Mir" - unity with the outside world.
  • With Arkan "Ace Wands" - pregnancy.
  • With the Arkan "Deuce Wands" - travel time, movements.
  • With the arkan "Troika Wands" - a happy family, a team.
  • With the Arkan "Four Wands" - the conclusion of marriage, a family celebration.
  • With the Arkan "Five Wands" - a distinguished between relatives.
  • With the arkan "Six of Wands" - a wedding trip.
  • With the Arkan "Seven Wands" - exposure to criticism and attacks.
  • With the Arkan "Eight of the Wands" - getting news from the house.
  • With the Arkan "Nine Wands" - relatives or relatives intervene in your business.
  • With the arcane "Ten of the Wands" - the time of family contradictions and disagreements.
  • With Arkan "Page Weszov" - news that relate to family affairs.
  • With Arkan "Knight Wands" - a quick departure from the house.
  • With the Arkan "Queen of the Wands" - a significant woman in the family or at work.
  • With the Arkan "King of Wands" - a significant representative of the strong sex in the same spheres of life.
Finally, it is worth viewing the following video:

The value of the map in various sobs

✚ Singing "One Card"

10 cups

General value

Gone will be able to achieve the goals.


Love and mutual understanding reigns in a pair.


No problem.


Work will bring pleasure and profit.

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✚ for the future

10 cups

A map that is of particular importance for each family. She symbolizes joy and homely comfort, which can not be replaced with anything, even if trying hard. If you have a relationship, then you will find the spiritual harmony, which a continuous period of time tried to find in your life, but to no avail. A temporary lull will come in work, so you can exhale and accumulate energy for further work, which will soon appear and require originality.

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✚ on the relationship

10 cups

The tent of the cubes promises a gadgetting meeting with a reliable partner, such relationships will not develop too rapidly and passionately, but will be filled with a true understanding and love, sensuality, all this will be the basis for the prosperous completion of relationships and marriage. If the relationship is already developing, the wedding possibility is even closer. If earlier in a pair, small disagreements were possible, then during this period everything will work out, the resentment and misunderstanding will go away, only sincere feelings and the desire to build a future life together are willing.

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✚ Today

10 cups

Realization of these goals, a sense of gratitude and a bright future. Business, pereschedshy you inherited, sincere pleasure work, professional growth, and perfect stability of income; possible reward for the enthusiasm shown, the purchase of property. Map indicates the absence of serious problems with health, peace of mind. New love, harmony in relationships, full of sincere feelings and concerns (a kind of culmination of love); a happy family life. You hospitable, family man, experiencing the joy of communicating with others. Pay more attention to family ties!

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✚ Tomorrow

10 cups

The house - a full cup. Embodies the joy of a family full of harmony within the family, the warm and pleasant chat with like-minded people. The family are all healthy and feel comfort and harmony. It may mean the news about the pregnancy.

Tomorrow is a good day to spend it with your family or with close friends, the people, the company which is important. This will give the questioner forces to overcome all of life's troubles in the future.

In the professional field map is a significant profit, working in a pleasant team.

The Ten of Cups love for tomorrow predicts peaceful family life.

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✚ What does he think about me

10 cups

You have built a long time for true love with your partner, looked to the future with the hope of eternal love. It is time to embark on a new stage, which will be filled with even more vibrant relationships and infinite love. You will find a marriage with a loved one, so you should be happy. Finally, the long-awaited event will come into your life and will fully confide in the second half, which never undermine your confidence. The wedding will take place according to plan, so you will be satisfied.

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✚ at wish

10 cups

Believe that your wish will be fulfilled. Soon the mood of your soul will be optimistic. Do not neglect communicating with different people. They help to relax or on the contrary to think about - something important about desire. Map promise that you will get a lot of fun during the execution of dreams. Who - that can create obstacles, but they can be overcome with little effort. But still not be able to do without victims. In this situation, you have to give up a romantic relationship.

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10 cups

The influence of family and loved ones determines the present. There is an implementation of the goals. Full harmony. Feeling safety and peace. Stability. The established affairs go themselves. Completion of all events with a positive result. Unambiguous success

You feel unconditional support for relatives. Actions are possible to the detriment of themselves for others. Pay more attention to the family and home comfort, but do not forget about your desires.

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✚ on the narrowed

10 cups

The characteristic of this card is a honeymoon in the best manifestation. However, it means not only a vacation after the wedding. Sweet life, full caress, love and feelings - that's what awaits you soon. The partner will see in you the future family member in you, what, in fact, the line of fate will come in the near future. The main thing - be yourself and respect the soul mate!

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✚ Guardian Angel Council

10 cups

Cohesion and mutual assistance - the value of the map. You are surrounded by associates and happy from the feeling of unity and mutual understanding.

The map predicts a celebration and glory. You get a deserved gift. You deserve it, and everyone surrounding sharing your joy and triumph. Together you celebrate victory. You feel "on horseback" and the feeling of the vacation does not leave for a minute.

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✚ on the king

10 cups

Card foreshadowing quiet family happiness. If the wedding planned, it will take place. If there are already children, it is at that time a wonderful relationship is established between you and they. There will be no shortcomings and quarrels between the spouses with experience. In the first place in the second half will be family values. At this time, you can plan a joint holiday in the country or a trip to distant countries.

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✚ on treason

10 cups

Ten cups confirms the distribution of family bonds. In such a situation, everything shouts about treason. The end of peace and security. Partners overtook disappointment in their past life.

New relationships may carry serious intentions that have the opportunity to paint into something more than a fleeting connection.

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✚ Singing "Three Maps"

10 cups

You have to avoid loneliness, you need to open your soul to the conversation. After all, it will bring you satisfaction and enjoyment. In addition, someone from your environment to help you or give valuable advice prigodyatsya when making important decisions. You will be successful in all your affairs. Share it with others, it will bring you inner joy.

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✚ Love triangle

10 cups

Map indicates the absolute love, mutual feelings, happiness. However, this situation will not last long. Soon the feeling may pass. In this case, the relationship ends. The gap will be painful.

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✚ on fate

10 cups

Strong and united family - a great happiness. You have built your family happiness on love and trust, giving the family the whole soul. Your loved ones will warm and always support you, answering the mutual affection of heart. Keep the warmth of the hearth, as the greatest value, take care of their loved ones from adversity.

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✚ to work

10 cups

Profit, success, good prospects - that that portends a lasso. The card also promises super-profits from the trade in natural resources. The benefit will the time spent with your family, so you can take a vacation or even a day off for a day.

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✚ for pregnancy and children

10 cups

Throughout your pregnancy you will be in a cheerful mood and well-being. The health of the child will have no problems, delivery will be on time, without complications and emergencies. A presumptive sex of the child - a boy.

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Will it return to me?

10 cups

Ten of Cups tarot card heralds a bright future to guess the fulfillment of desires and unhindered achievement of the goals. Thus, it turns out that if the girl wonders to restore the relationship, they will be restored, the man returns, and further communication can take a more serious form - a life in harmony with each other.

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