Map King Cups - value in the situation Tarot


Tarot's cards are an ancient mantle tool that will allow you to make a forecast of future events, oriented in a difficult life situation and will indicate the right direction in life. But that the predictions received were effective, you need to learn the values ​​of each of the arcanes and be able to correctly interpret their appearance in the scenario. In this material we will reveal you the value of the map King Cup of Tarot.

King Cups

By the way! On our site there Collection of fortunes on tarot cards online - Use on health!

Overview of the Characteristics of the King Cup of Tarot

King Cups (known as the names of Pharaoh or Lord Cups and King Chash). He sends on the royal throne that stands right in the middle of the sea. In the hands of the king holds a cup in which a bright flame is glowing. It is filled with strong feelings and can not stay in a calm state. A minute later, and he is ready to take a loan to meet the storm. The time of calm was completed, but on the chest at the king, you can consider the image of fish that symbolize power over the elements of water, Pharaoh will certainly be released by the winner of this battle.

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Also, the zodiacal constellation of fish symbolizes the subtlety of feelings, intuitive knowledge and willingness at the earliest need to help those who need it.

In a direct position

King Cups is a creative person, responsible and thoughtful. He knows how to arrange the surrounding, distinguished by kindness, attentiveness, indulgent. It may be a man of art, science or religion, is distinguished by a high degree of nobility.

In terms of appearance, the Arkan indicates a blonde or gray man. It is very sensitive, romantic, soft, there is a thrust for poeticism. This is a father of his father, can take on the role of a patron or guardian. It is included in the life of others, manifests care of them, hears the requests of others. It can be understood and relaxed, differs in generosity.

  1. What events indicate: you need to show more care.
  2. In business, everything will be stable, you will receive high income.
  3. The scope of activity: may be an ideologist, a psychologist, a religious leader, teach humanitarian sciences. Also this is a medical, man of art, medium, Esktrasens, healer.
  4. Health: generally has good health, may suffer from psychosomatic disorders.
  5. In the field of relationship, the appearance of a card indicates a connection by the type of father with a child. The person is very warm, carefully, carefully refers to his partner. Speakers the leading figure in the relationship, may be a patron, guardian, tutor.
  6. Arkan advises you to take someone under your patronage. Also, do not be afraid to give will to your emotions and feelings.
  7. It warns not to be too soft and gullible - these qualities may cause you significant harm.
  8. The answer on your question will be positive. You will cooperate with the leader, it is also quite likely that you will have a strong patron.

In an inverted position

Arcana's loss of the King of Cups in an inverted form indicates stagnation, levity, destructivity, self-destruction. A person insufficiently mature in psycho-emotional plan, differs in peeliness, weakness, easily amenable to various vices (drunkenness, drug addiction). He is hypocrishes, doubly, externally can be aggression, hostility, but inside weak. In some cases, carelessness and indifference may be covered.
  1. What events will tell: you do not have support (guardianship), patronage. Incorrectly constructed relationships provoke the emergence of various troubles, also a person suffers from alcohol addiction.
  2. In the field of business, the map speaks of losses, losses, protectionism, you have no clear action plan.
  3. Health suffers greatly due to frequent abuse of alcohol and a party life.
  4. In the personal sphere, the appearance of Arkana testifies to the complex marriage union. It has a lot of hypocrisy and lies. Your partner does not want to take responsibility for the family, in the people of such a "cloth", is a negligible father.
  5. Card recommendation: maybe two species - in the first case you should not support anyone, and in the second - you do not need to hope for it.
  6. King Cups warns you that shortness you lose support.
  7. Answer on your question is negative. You can suffer from the fact that your credibility will shake or lose favorable ties.

The general value of the king bowl tarot

The king of the Cups acts as a manifestation of the male aspect of the water element, he indicates our desire to get the right experience, clean his consciousness from unnecessary images and connect with his divine essence. The king is well known that the area of ​​interest is closed for a rational understanding and only the person who always relies into its intuitive abilities can get into it and trust in His Higher Ya.

In addition, the king of the chash seeks to express his feelings, its intuition, the incarnation of images of his unconscious through music, poetry or in any other form (here also includes healing and psychotherapy).

But the main thing in this case so that the king of the Cups is well versed in the theme he is interested in, after all, it is easy to turn into an amateur, to start preaching other people's ideas, engage in the realization of stolen values, which sooner or later will turn into big problems, loss of their credibility in the eyes of others.

King Cup Kodovo Tarot

In a career

It's time when a person feels the need to apply not only his handicraft skills, but also begins to pay more attention to the issues of the soul. In fact, it is manifested in such a way that a person can no longer be in his arms shy, he begins to generate his ideas, breaking other templates of behavior.

Also, the Arcan may indicate the transition to another job, the change of the kind of activity, the beginning of a new case in which you can maximize your abilities and skills. First of all, this refers to the field of art, also to healing and social rehabilitation.

In the sphere of consciousness

In this area, the map of the King Cups testifies to our address to its inner world, work with the unconscious. A man begins to "awaken" from a long oblivion, engaged in the active development of its extrasensory abilities and, finally, is aware of, in which place in the structure of space it is.

In addition, Arkan King Cups is a certain indication of over so that we have learned to trust our Higher, and seriously analyzed our dreams, and also paid increased attention to the signs we receive from the higher forces.

King Cup Tarot value in relationships

In his personal life, Arkan will tell about the time when the feelings of the beloved are flourished as much as possible. It is now that partners are best understood by each other's condition and can provide full assistance and support to his beloved person.

Map for most indicates the beginning of a very favorable, "romantic" period in a relationship, when we are not afraid to show our feelings and with joy we accept feelings of our second half, although it may seem other people too sentimental.

King Cup Victorian Tarot

Combination with other arcans

As you probably know, an important role is not just played by the value of the map, but its combination with other arcans in the scenario. Consider what the combination of king cups with other cards means:
  • With Arkan "The Jester" - the healing of the child (the inner child refers here).
  • With Arkan "Mag" - the implementation of its abilities.
  • With the Arkan "Supreme Priestess" - will indicate a healer, a magician or psychotherapist.
  • With Arkan "Empress" - Healing.
  • With the Arkan "Emperor" - the conclusion of marriage bonds.
  • With the Arcan "Ierofant" - a person is educated internally.
  • With Arkan "Lovers" - give your feelings.
  • With the Arcana "Chariot" - the design of your feelings.
  • With the Arkan "Power" - indicates a strong character.
  • With Arkan "Hermit" - a man dries mountain in alcohol.
  • With Arkan "Wheel Fortune" - rebirth from the ash.
  • With the arcane "Justice" - you need to see a lot in trifles.
  • With the arcane "hanged" - betrayal.
  • With Arkan "Death" - the process of transmission of feelings.
  • With arcane "moderation" - your feelings are harvested.
  • With the arkan "Devil" - alcohol addiction.
  • With the Arkan "Tower" - self-keeping.
  • With the Arkan "Star" - a person hopes to emotionally recover.
  • With Arkan "Moon" - you lost in our feelings.
  • With the Arkan "Sun" - a combination speaks of a large creative potential.
  • With the Arkan "Court" - all that we send to the world returns back.
  • With the Arkan "Mir" - an update in the emotional plan, a new level of development.
  • With the Arkan "Ace Wands" - creative gusts.
  • With the Arcana "Two Wands" - Serious projects.
  • With the Arcan "Troika Wands" - the presence of a strong business grip.
  • With the Arkan "Four Wands" - homemade you understand and support.
  • With the Arcan "Five Wands" - the presence of internal contradictions.
  • With the Arkan "Six of Wands" - the situation will solve harmoniously, the combination will also indicate a strong leader.
  • With the Arkan "Seven Wands" - a person protects his ideals.
  • With the Arkan "Eight of the Wands" - the combination speaks of a happy meeting.
  • With the Arkan "Nine Wands" - your actions do not approve, stressful situation.
  • With the arkan "Ten Wands" - a person is emotionally depressed.
  • With Arkan "Page Wesles" - a mentor, searches yourself.
  • With Arkan "Knight Wands" - a person runs from himself.
  • With the Arkan "Queen of the Wands" - the combination speaks of loyalty, understanding.
  • With the Arkan "King of Wands" - mutual understanding.

Knowing how to properly interpret the value of the map of the king bowl in the scenario, you will discover the correct picture of these and future events and you can make the necessary changes.

We also advise you to view a video description of the main characteristics of Arkana:

The value of the map in various sobs

✚ Singing "One Card"

King Cups

General value

Man is experiencing sincere, deep feelings.


The card indicates custody and patronage. Most often it indicates the relationship between parents and children.


Health is strong, but psycho-emotional disorders are possible.


At work, everything will go stable. It expects good earnings.

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✚ for the future

King Cups

The value of the card is very similar to the Queen Cups, but at the moment the Council will have to give you. To do this, it is necessary to turn off the emotional part of your soul and connect the cold reason, which is able to objectively assess all risks and opportunities. Health can come a problem period associated with water balance, up to alcohol poisoning. Pay attention to how much liquid you use, if necessary, check the health of the kidneys or bladder.

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✚ on the relationship

King Cups

The king of Cups symbolizes a very sensual relationship, perhaps there will be some important conversation between partners, there will be a lot of feelings and hide them will not be simple, but it is not necessary. It is not so important how the relationship and manifestations of love look, it is important that this period will lead to an increase in the status of partners in each other's life, you can talk about the wedding, and children. If a person is just waiting for his fate, then the nearest romantic relationships will be built not on physical imposition, but on a sincere interest in the inner world of each.

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✚ Today

King Cups

Emotional depth of feelings, the ability to listen and rich inner world. Creative giftedness, thanks to which it turns out to climb the career ladder, professional success; High revenues for hard work. The good condition of the Khdorovye, there is minor violations of the water balance. The card indicates emotional attachment to the partner, the romantic period of relationships. You are a brought up man, perfectly controlling his emotions, very soft. Do not be afraid to sometimes give will feelings, but do not be too trusting!

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✚ Tomorrow

King Cups

A man of a strong character, but rather a fighter, but an intellectual. Often personifies a man of science or art, church believers or a lawyer, perhaps a physician or a person with his own business. Mature man, which can concern not age, but character. Very stable and balanced.

Tomorrow I will face a similar person, and it will bring him good. Since in relation to the questioning king of the Cups will act as a patron, a reasonable adviser.

Tomorrow I think it is important to listen to the council of an older and wise person.

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✚ What does he think about me

King Cups

Relationships with your partner continue for a long time, but you can't exit a new step. Your favorite person shave to take the next step, so postponing it on the near future. It will soon come the time of big change, your partner will make you a proposal that you dreamed about so long. Now you will become a truly happy person who got the desired from a loved one, who for a long period of time is very important for you.

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✚ at wish

King Cups

Do not neglect any information. Learn, show curiosity - now it will only benefit. Remember that it will bring both practical benefits and comfort in the shower. Listen to the advice of the cultural and educated person, now it is necessary. Do not attempt to ignore emotions. In many ways they will help make a right decision. Do not join dubious events. Do not start a new thing, it may be a trap or scam. Remember - if you started your way to desire and someone offers a deal, it is better to refuse. After all, it is likely to lose everything at once.

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King Cups

Bold and decisive decisions in the past led to events in the present. You feel the desire to rush towards events. The surrounding need help, and emotions and feelings break into the surface. This is a favorable cooperation. Quiet time remains behind.

You helps the location of others, but interferes with excessive emotionality. Perhaps nervous exhaustion.

If we talk about the future, the absence of major success is expected, but the positive development of the situation and useful dating. Take the role of a patron!

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✚ on the narrowed

King Cups

The king of cups shows the peak of sexual and sensual attraction of partners. It affects the moment when each second spent together is the most valuable treasure. Most often, this card leads to marriage and, of course, to a long and happy life together!

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✚ Guardian Angel Council

King Cups

Among the stormy sea, he sits on a stone throne, immersed with a bizarre game of feelings, desires, excitement.

The card indicates a sensitive, capricious, eccentric person. He is not alien to the outbreak of emotions, bravada, lightness. It rejects logic and rationality, lives with momentary desires and gusts. How fluid water is inconsistently in its manifestations.

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✚ on the king

King Cups

Your favorite is a deeply feeling and experienced for your team. Most likely, it is much older than you, and in the emotional plan replaces your father. The basis in your relationship is love and respect. You know how to hear your man in time. And he appreciates it. Despite the fact that he may have active social activities and respect many, in fact, it is actually able to feel deeply feeling, emphasized and experiencing strong emotions.

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✚ on treason

King Cups

The map confirms treason. Such a secret connection is based on the awareness of both partners, their deep vision of their relations and intimacy of the inner world. These are two mature people who exhibit deep respect for each other, sympathy and trust.

With you manifests insincerity and manipulation of feelings, which is aggravated by direct pretense and lies.

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✚ Singing "Three Maps"

King Cups

The life crisis comes to completion, a favorable outcome and positive changes already on the threshold. However, it is still early becomes mild and gullible, it can harm you. But the complete insensitory to others will not be useful. That is, everything should be in moderation. Arcan also indicates that you will become someone's patron.

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✚ Love triangle

King Cups

The map foreshadows relationships in which a man takes care of his beloved, gives her tenderness, warmth and love. It is he who is a leader in a pair. A man takes on the role of a patron and even a little father. Because of this, he often brings up his woman, which can lead to quarrels and conflicts.

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✚ on fate

King Cups

You have seen a lot in life and have a unique skill to communicate with people. You, like no other, understand the hidden and obvious motives of actions and characters. Be kind to people, do not appreciate them from the cynical side. Help, if you can - warning about danger or offering support in a difficult situation.

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✚ to work

King Cups

Arkan suggests that it expects stable work with a high level of income. There should be no problems in the near future, and if they appear, you can easily solve them. The map advises to independently control the situation, not shift responsibility on others.

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✚ for pregnancy and children

King Cups

Try to hear your partner. Perhaps the desire to have a child comes sincerely only from you. Talk about fears, financial position, imagine yourself by parents and think it really will be joy for you.

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Will it return to me?

King Cups

Your relationships are built on respect and trust, partners are able and love to listen to each other. If now in the relationship conflict, they will be able to save them just these skills, you just need to distract from external problems and obstacles and again direct all your strength in the romantic relationship. A man will return to the relationship, and you can build a happy relationship.

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