Troika Sword Tarot Value of Arkana in different spheres of life


With the help of tarot cards, you can predict the events of the nearest or distant future, as well as find a way out of the difficult situation. This article reveals the value of the Troika Taro Swords - a representative of the younger arcanes, which also begins the names of the troika Sabel, the top of the daggers, the top of the blades and the taste of the sorrow.

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3 Swords Taro

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Image of this Arkana

Considering the map of Troika Swords in the classic deck, we see the heart pierced with 3 swords and bleeding. It seems that the whole world around the world will be sad about the fate of this heart: the sky is tightened with thunderstorm clouds, there is heavy rain. From the card blows the energy of pain and suffering.

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Turning to the Taro Era of Aquarius, we see a knight who threw out their uniforms and kneeling on the floor of an ancient castle. His face is struck by a grimace pain, and from his postures it becomes clear that he was wounded. It is significant unknown, whether his wound is deadly or not, but in any case he suffers greatly because of him.

3 Swords Tarot Value

The combination of Mars with the Moon indicates insult feelings. And the presence of aspects to Mercury is the need to make a decision that contradicts feelings.

In a direct position

Troika Sabel is a symbol of an inaccessible ideal, care from reality. For this reason, a person is overcome by sorrow, disgust, disappointment, unattainableness of the desired.
  1. The general value of the card: obtaining tragic information, the period of sorrow, tears. A person seriously perceives what is happening.
  2. In the field of events: suffering about your loved ones.
  3. In the business sector: arrest of goods, the emergence of various external restrictions, an increase in rental, tax duty. It is possible to closing the enterprise.
  4. In the field of health: the emergence of heart diseases, the presence of problems in the chest (the thoracic part of the ridge suffers). Psychosomatics pronounced pronounced: the greatest the mood of man, the more disease he arises.

Eliminations should be eliminated so that they cease to influence the health of health (should be spoken, calmed down).

  1. In the love sphere: testifies to the love triangle, to smire the heart broken. Also, 3 Tarot swords can indicate an unrequited feeling.
  2. Arkan describes a man who courageously coping with adversity, which received bitter experience in life.
  3. The map advises to share with its emotions to ease internal suffering.
  4. Warns: Do not create hopeless situations.
  5. The final answer to your question is negative. The time of bad news, dissatisfaction with life, grave experiences has come.

Auxiliary information: Arcan protrudes in the very sick place on which they regularly press. But man due to the fault of circumstances can not get out of the irritation zone. If for a long time to endure negative, then even minor little things will seem a serious problem.

Also, Tarologists have an opinion that the card indicates three problems with which they should cope at the same time. Also, if the top of the daggers falls out, it will take to pull three additional arcanes.

In reverse position

The map in the reversed location will indicate an increase in the motive of inconsistencies with reality, the occurrence of misconceptions, errors, a collision with illusions.

  1. General value: Danger of a serious mistake.
  2. In the field of events: indicates the situation without exit.
  3. In the affairs: there is no ability to resurrect business, confiscation, significant financial losses.
  4. In the field of health: unsuccessful surgical intervention.
  5. In privacy: As a result of the wrong choice, a person will doraget himself on suffering over several years.
  6. Troika Sword describes a person who has in the stream of trouble.
  7. I advises to prepare yourself for testing.
  8. Warning from significant problems.
  9. The time of serious conflict situations, events that cannot be overcome.

3 Swords Taro Era Aquarius

Detailed Arcana 3 Sabel

The image of the map causes direct associations with disadvantages, mainly associated with unhappy, non-reliable love. But this is not the only meaning of Arkana.

The main essence of the troika sword is the need to make a choice that dispels with human feelings.

In those situations where the mind cruelly suppresses feelings, the card has a negative value. However, if it demonstrates that due to the strength of his mind, a person was freed from dependence (not necessarily love, it could be a negative habit), it means that it was necessary at this life stage.

In work

The map demonstrates the need to commit a certain step or actions that disagree with the desires of the sensual sphere. For example, a person is obliged to make a work that he causes hate from him, a grave conversation will have to avoid which is not possible, and so on.

If you take a guiding position, you will probably have to report your favorite employee. It is also not excluded that you personally take a hand to distribution, the map testifies to the experience of any serious trouble at work that can provoke dismissal.

In the sphere of consciousness

In this area of ​​life, the Arkan indicates that a person must know the bitter truth of life and part with all the same illusions. Perhaps he will open something that motivates to part with the previous, habitual ideas about life, cope with the inertia of thinking or finally make a decisive step forward.

Arkan can make a warning in the case when the mind constantly takes up over the feelings, but if with the help of a logical mind you free yourself from painful, too mastered feelings, then this unpleasant step will be salvation like the operation in time.

Troika Sword Tarot value in relationships

As a rule, in this area of ​​life, the map speaks of unfortunate love, disappointments, resentment, mutual reproaches, which often lead to a rupture.

But even here the Troika Daggers can reveal in a positive aspect: you, even despite the mental pain, finally, refuse the Union that gives more disappointments than happiness.

3 Swords Victorian Tarot

Combination with other cards

  • With Arkan "The Jester" - the child will take you suffering.
  • With Arkan "Mag" - time of professional losses.
  • With the Arcana "Supreme Priestess" - getting information that will be very painful.
  • With Arkan "Empress" - miscarriage; Financial losses.
  • With the Arkan "Emperor" - parting.
  • With the Arkan "Ierofant" - the mind takes the top of the feelings.
  • With Arkan "Lovers" - the Union will fall.
  • With the arcane "Chariot" - loss.
  • With the Arkan "Power" - no will, a person does not control himself.
  • With Arkan "Hermit" - a period of isolation.
  • With the Arkan "Wheel of Fortune" - heavy times.
  • With the arcane "Justice" - get unpleasant information.
  • With Arkan "Having" - a blow when the earth leaves under his feet.
  • With Arkan "Death" - a break.
  • With arcane "moderation" - a shock, which, however, will be useful.
  • With the Arkan "Devil" - a negative impact, a blow of fate, provoked by his own incontinence.
  • With the Arkan "Tower" - heart pathology, damage.
  • With the Arkan "Star" - a shock with which you can cope.
  • With Arkan "Moon" - a blow due to lies.
  • With the Arkan "Sun" - getting a sad experience that will provoke enlightenment.
  • With Arkan "Court" - Healing.
  • With the Arkan "Peace" - you will get experience and sympathy.
  • With the Arkan "Tuz Wands" - the spirit of man is broken.
  • With the Arcan "Two Wands" - trips, parting.
  • With the arkan "Troika Wands" - the partnerships are broken, there is no reliable rear.
  • With the Arkan "Four Wands" - parting.
  • With the Arkan "Five Wands" - come across a cunning, clarifying relationships.
  • With the Arkan "Six of Wands" - you will be committed, sad glory.
  • With the arkan "Seven-Boats" - a rigid confrontation.
  • With the Arkan "Eight of Wands" - getting sad news.
  • With the Arkan "Nine Wands" - fear so that the situation does not change to the worst.
  • With Arkan "Ten Wands" - because of the treason, a person becomes insecure.
  • With Arkan "Page Wesles" - bad news.
  • With Arkan "Knight of the Wands" - a break of relationships.
  • With the Arkan "Queen of Wands" - a negative love relationship.
  • With Arkan "King of Wands" - a man is unhappy in marriage.
Also browse the video in which the value of this card is revealed:

The value of the map in various sobs

✚ Singing "One Card"

3 Swords

General value

A person overwhelm the vices, bad dependencies, he does not have the power of will to withstand the vices.


The card indicates an unrequited love or the presence of an opponent or rival.


There will be problems with the cardiovascular and nervous system.


There will be great problems that will adversely affect the material condition.

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✚ for the future

3 Swords

You will start not the most pleasant stage of your life, because it will fill the days with gray and other dark shades capable of turning life into infinite alternations of sad events bringing negative emotions. Possible depression or disorder of the nervous system is possible, you need to assemble the spirit and try to change the black strip. Pay attention to the owl of the heart that may get sick during this period. Drink sedatives and visit the cardiologist who will conduct professional diagnostics.

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✚ on the relationship

3 Swords

This map of Taro most often foreshadows a gap or a serious crisis in relationships. All the long-standing quarrels and resentment will emerge and have a strong pressure on a pair. If you have long felt uncomfortable in the current relationship, then it's time to stop them and go away until the crisis has taken more serious turnover. If it seems to you that this is not the end of feelings, but temporary problems, you will have to make a lot of effort to resolve the conflict situation. Those who are looking for a partner is now not much shining luck. Most likely, to expect a meeting with the second half in the near future it makes no sense.

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✚ Today

3 Swords

Some weakness, suffering, a difficult period in life and bad news. Troubles in the working aspect of life, losses (and sometimes bankruptcy); Possible loss of work. In Health: Cardiac System Diseases, pronounced psychosomatics: Your mood is almost completely dependent on nature. Get ready, ahead of you are waiting for serious quarrels with a partner, conflicts, unhappy love, and as a result - a broken heart; Possible love triangle. You are sensitive, sad Chelekov with a very bitter experience in life. Try not to create situations from which you cannot find exit!

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✚ Tomorrow

3 Swords

The troika of this suit says about the broken heart, unreasonable hopes, the absence of the result to which the questioning was calculated.

Tomorrow I find out the day of disappointments, as everything goes wrong, as he expected. Ideas will not find incarnations, since the questioning will go on the reason for the mind (or already went and will now reap the fruits) and ignore the voice of the heart.

In love, the card personifies disputes, discords on scratch, sometimes treason.

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✚ What does he think about me

3 Swords

Relationships can not be called perfect, because strong insults are possible on each other. In your love there was no proper balance, harmony. Both partners have tried a long period of time to change misunderstandings, however, the moment came when patience came to the extreme point. You could not restrain and sentenced a lot of unpleasant things to each other. Now the point of non-return comes when the relationship is completely stopped and resumed from almost impossible. Try to accept the idea that you are no longer a couple.

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✚ at wish

3 Swords

Your desire will turn, but not now. Even if you have already entered the path of its execution, then still actions will have to postpone. Otherwise, the outcome may be completely opposite. Stop turning into the clouds and gather, because the desire is worth it. Donate the reluctance to take responsibility. Agree, this is too small victim for the performance of a cherished dream. You are experiencing too much stress. Try to take a break, and then luck will definitely smile.

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3 Swords

It was decided, which contradicts the feelings. It is possible to obtain tragic information, unpleasant news. The period of suffering and mental flour has come. Minor little things are becoming a problem.

Getting bitter experience that can serve in the future. The inability to get rid of tension and problems. Negative applies to all spheres. An unfavorable course of the situation. To eliminate the experiences you need to speak. Find ways to pacify!

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✚ on the narrowed

3 Swords

Troika swords personifies the full collapse of relationships, which can be expressed both in parting and divorced. For the most part, this is due to the differences of views on the world of partners. It is not worth upset, because it is better to understand it before, than suffering later. However, from any of the conflicts there is a way out, do not be afraid to try!

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✚ Guardian Angel Council

3 Swords

In your heart pain and disappointment. You tend to idealize the world and feel angry and irritation when you understand your mistake.

Take a life lesson with all suffering - an important stage of development of your personality occurs. The essence of what is happening is frowning in pain, but only so you can reach a new level of life knowledge.

Suffering is only the external part of the experience gained.

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✚ on the king

3 Swords

Despite the fact that this card is unfavorable and in direct, and in an inverted position, foreshadows separation, divorce and breaking relationship, try to look at what is happening at a different angle. Probably, it's time to get rid of relationships bringing only pain and disappointment. If there is no threat of rupture, but there is irritation, fatigue from relationships and tension, be careful, and do not pushe your loved one.

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✚ on treason

3 Swords

Troika of any Arkana always talks about the presence of a third party in relations. If you previously tried to close your eyes on treason and built our illusions about this, now it's time to take the fact of betrayal.

It's time to break a painful connection with this partner. It carries only insults and disappointment. For you personally, this is the most favorable outcome that opens the door to a happy future, even with another person.

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✚ Singing "Three Maps"

3 Swords

An unfavorable card meaning the presence of grief and tears in life. You feel a feeling of disappointment, anxiety, loss of interest in life caused by the loss of a loved one or painful parting. Failures knock you out of your gauge, which generates the abundance of quarrels and disputes. Against the background of all stresses you can worsen health.

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✚ Love triangle

3 Swords

The map foreshadows a love triangle, a broken heart from one of the partners. The Arcan indicates that the partner has someone and it breaks between relations. Another value of the map is unrequited love. Such arcan never foreshadows in the relationship of a prosperous outcome. Always indicates the tragedy.

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✚ on fate

3 Swords

Take the sad news with courage and hardness. Whatever happens, you can overcome it. Share your sadness with friends, do not copy everything in yourself. Leave the time of the busy rhythm of work, now is not the best time for labor feats. Keep your soulful and copy your power.

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✚ to work

3 Swords

The map foreshadows various external restrictions. It may be a review of a license to carry out various activities, product arrest, increasing tax fees and other. Problems can be solved. It is recommended to try not to create such situations from which it is difficult to find a way out.

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✚ for pregnancy and children

3 Swords

The conception is not excluded, but it is worth checking the chest. Perhaps breastfeeding the future child will be impossible, and choose an analogue of breast milk, suitable for your child will be difficult, hence the child will experience problems with the gastrointestinal tract. There will be a need to receive drugs in the first year of life, frequent visits to medical institutions.

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Will it return to me?

3 Swords

This is a negative card, it does not promise a positive outcome of the conflict, it means that the beloved is unlikely to return to the woman. However, the card also says that if it were not for the gap, then these relationships would definitively spent the internal resources of the girl, and therefore it should not be very upset because of these relationships that mostly harmed.

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