Map King Swords Tarot in the situation Tarot - Meaning and Interpretation


Tarot cards - a magic tool that allows each person a little raise the veil of the future and find out what fate prepared for you. But to draw up the right forecast, it is necessary, first of all, to learn the value of each Arcana Taro. In this article, we will analyze the value of the map King of Sword Taro.

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Map King Swords Tarot in the situation Tarot - Meaning and Interpretation 1650_1

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Characteristics of King Swords

On Arcana is a man, squeezing on the throne with a sword in his right hand. In the background - green vegetation, the sky is tightened with thunderstorm clouds.

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Astrologically, the king of swords patronizes Planet Mercury, which is in the constellation Gemini. It personifies dexterity, wit, trick and the ability to go out "dry out of the water."

Now consider the more detailed characteristics of this card in direct and inverted positions. You may also be interested in the description of the map King Cups and the King of Pentacles, look for information about them in the following publications.

In a direct position

The king of swords indicates that the foundation (foundation) is now laid for future actions. The identity on which this map fell, is distinguished by physical and moral power, rectiality, believes in its capabilities, has pronounced leadership qualities, it is distinguished by the passion of nature.

A person does not know the real boundaries of his capabilities, so it can act either too carefully or, on the contrary, too famously. Constantly rushing from one side to another.

  1. The person who is guessing, has high intelligence, authority, determination, rigidity, has sober thinking.
  2. In terms of appearance, the card indicates a dark-haired slant, which perfectly owning the art of speech and has a lot of life experience.
  3. The events on which the Arkan indicates: a high position, usually state, successful knowledge of knowledge.
  4. In the field of business indicates the state military-industrial complexes, it is possible to fight for power, the arrival of inspections from the tax service, but everything will be completed safely.
  5. Field of activity: Deputy, State Avestigator, Head, Director. Manages a fiscal structure or a man of science.
  6. In the field of health, the appearance of Arkana King Swords will tell about severe head injuries, meningitis.
  7. The meaning of the King of Tarot Swords in the relationship: a large number of connections mainly by calculation, a lot of chatter, common intellectual interests.
  8. The card recommends that we all think about, act with the mind.
  9. Warning: Do not show cruelty.
  10. The answer card is positive, you can achieve success.

In reverse position

  1. Arcan points on the ruthless, cruel, sullen and harsh person, an avid careerist who loves to criticize others.
  2. Events: You will refuse a statesman, the emergence of difficulties in studies, negotiations that will be reversed, not fulfilled promises.
  3. In the field of business, the reverse position will indicate people associated with the criminal world, the departure of militia or bandits, a dishonest struggle.
  4. In the sphere of health - everything is the same as in the previous case, but in a more severe form.
  5. In relations, partners are constantly trying to "drag the blanket for themselves", a lot of scandals, cold.
  6. The loss of the king of swords in an inverted position advises sharply break ties, exhibit stiffness.
  7. Recommendation: Do not be too involved, you risk "replay".
  8. The final answer is negative. Conflict situations, the danger to get a punishment.
We also recommend you to view the following videos, in which the designation of the Taro Card designation is revealed:

Meaning King Sword Taro

The map of King Swords is the male manifestation of the air element. This is a subtle mind, which in this case manifests itself as creative energy, often characterized by complete unpredictability.

With the help of the mind, a person knows the world around, can analyze the events that happened, it turns out logically and abstractly, it is inherent in mathematical and practical calculation. Able to cope with any life difficulties. But if the mind takes over the emotions, the person becomes cold inside, cynical, is inclined to criticize others, too much looped on the intellectual component.

In the sphere of career

The map indicates flexibility, contact, the ability to establish harmonious relationships with others, act professionally, flexibly and tactfully. Such a man is eloquent, charming, knows how to behave with colleagues and customers. But often he is amenable to a cold calculation, tries to persuade his opponent or intimidate it.

In the sphere of consciousness

It's time to learn, absorb knowledge. Advanced information and scientific and methodological work. A person relies on his mind to, using it, solve its internal problems, and also implemented in the world. Important moment - you need to try to be objective.

People always sought to get a kind of formula, the idea, which is the basis of everything. And, roughly as in the exact sciences, it is possible to achieve the result here, not due to its enthusiasm, but with the help of logical analysis, there is no need for emotions, only accurate analysis is important.

Often, at the same time, the deep areas of the sensual sphere or faith are involved exposed to a thorough analysis of logical contradictions. But if you use only a logical mind and guided only to a practical calculation in life, you risk the suffer to the result, because it will be destroyed by major values, and instead of the desired result you risk to remain with anything.

logical mind

King of swords in tarot in relationships

Arkan will fill with clarity, often there is an alienation between partners. Guided by a sound reason, a man will recognize the wrong behavior model in time, which allows him to achieve the necessary goals. And if he feels his dependence, unresolved problems fall on it, sound reason will come to the rescue, although often its influence is quite painful, but also healing. If all the time adhere to the logical position of the perception of the world, instead of enjoying spiritual communication you will come across empty intellectualism.

Other values

We also consider all other meanings that the map of the king of swords can have in direct and inverted positions.

Direct position

  1. The appearance of Arkana testifies to power and responsibility, critical look at various things in life, strong intellectual abilities, as well as good communication with intuition. A person has a sharp mind, is characterized by ironic audacity.
  2. He is a good professional in its sphere.
  3. May suffer from the temptation to mislead.
  4. He has tendency to rational analysis.
  5. The personal sphere speaks of clarity, replacing spiritual intellectual.
  6. Map of reinforced control, aggressiveness, power, justice.
  7. The brain work is much stronger than the hearts.
  8. A man is in isolation.

The king of swords inverted

  1. He indicates the absence of principles, bad intentions.
  2. Judicial processes can be put forward against you.
  3. You can take advantage of you, dishonest solutions.
  4. You can suffer from sarcasm, egoism, suspicion, bias, debauchery.

Combination with other arcanes

Also an important moment in the description of the value of the map - pay attention to what arcans fall along with it. They will also be able to tell a lot about the question you are interested in and shed light on the disturbing problem.

Victorian tarot

We invite you to find out what the combination of the map of the king of swords of Tarot with other arcans:

  • With Arkan "The Jester" - conflict situations with your children.
  • With the Arkan "Mag" - it is important to act strategically.
  • With the Arkan "Supreme Priestess" - comprehension of knowledge.
  • With Arkan "Empress" - conflict situations with his wife.
  • With Arkan "Emperor" - conflict situations with colleagues.
  • With the Arkan "Ierofant" - a person acts to the detriment of other people.
  • With Arkan "Lovers" - a crisis in relations.
  • With the Arkan "Kolesnitsa" - a person is used to seeking his goals by any ways.
  • With the Arkan "Power" - testifies to tricks.
  • With the Arkan "Hermit" - a map of loneliness, your ideas are not destined to be realized.
  • With the Arkan "Wheel of Fortune" - you fully defend your position.
  • With the arkan "Justice" - indicates a judge, a lawyer or a lawyer.
  • With the arcane "hanged" - you can be punished.
  • With Arcan "Death" - a widow map, predicts changes to the worse.
  • With arcane "moderation" - the ability to adapt to other people.
  • With the arkan "Devil" - testifies to cruelty.
  • With the Arkan Tower - will indicate on losses, parting, material losses, loss of authority.
  • With the Arkan "Star" - a person hopes that the situation will change for the better, the mind helps to achieve their goals.
  • With Arkan "Moon" - loss of reason, psychological pathologies.
  • With the Arkan "Sun" - a person is updated, he appears the idea that will receive recognition.
  • With the Arkan "Court" - such a combination indicates the development of intellectual abilities.
  • With the Arkan "Mir" - the implementation of projects related to the World Wide Web.

Now you know what the map of King's King Tarot in different areas of activity, and you can, guided by these knowledge, make the right forecast of future events.

The value of the map in various sobs

✚ Singing "One Card"

King of swords

General value

The map suggests that a person has rational thinking.


Relationships will be long, but they are not based on love, but on the calculation.


No problem.


It is possible to increase the service.

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✚ for the future

King of swords

The card is trying to warn about the event that will put a difficult choice in front of you to do in the shortest time. Be sure to think about every detail of your decision that can significantly change the future. Health can be shaken due to various diseases that are fully connected with the season (cold, ORVI, bronchitis). They are not fatal, but completely unpleasant. Therefore, take care to correctly increase the immune system and protect the body from viruses and microorganisms.

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✚ on the relationship

King of swords

The king of swords advises a person to determine clearly his place in a relationship and give to understand the partner that it is you planning to lead or, on the contrary, ready to obey. For lonely people, this card is a meeting sign with an interesting person, with whom it will be very easy to build a love relationship, but your new friend can be too narcissistic and selfish, and therefore be prepared to show patience. A new person in your life can be a reliable partner for a long time, and can become a headache and nightmare. Ask yourself, are you ready for such a test?

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✚ Today

King of swords

Rigor, authority, the ability to make faithful solutions and composure. Your essence is the boss; The card indicates a struggle for power and successful advancement of the career ladder; Profit obtained by their own efforts. In the Aspect of Health: Demanding Walled Diseases, Heavy Head Injuries. In a relationship you prefer coldness and distance, freedom. You are a very decisive and cruel person, inclined to dominate. Try not to show cruelty and thoroughly think through every act!

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✚ Tomorrow

King of swords

Map of honesty and impartiality. Unlike Arkana, justice, more often talks about a particular person endowed with these qualities. A diplomatic person, impartial, rational, but not devoid of compassion and ability to look at the situation with the eyes of a felt person, not a cold-blooded professional.

Tomorrow I will have a meeting with such a person.

Another king of swords often refers to doctors or lawyers, so it is possible to collide with them as with representatives of the profession.

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✚ What does he think about me

King of swords

Relationships between people who are completely different from each other. For them, the concept of love varies significantly, because they look at the same things in different ways to their relationship. One loves sincerely, passionately and gently, and the other thinks head, not a soul, so the relationship for him is based on friendship and mutual respect. Often, these couples live for a long time with each other, because their relationship is strong and reliable. They always solve their questions with conversations and do not bring quarrels to the end point of patience.

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✚ at wish

King of swords

Show flexibility and curiosity. Logic now is your trump card in the sleeve, and impartiality will only complement it. If you follow this advice, then the desire to be very soon. Listen to the inner voice in assessing the situation and the surrounding people. And use the personal charm, as this is your second main weapon.

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King of swords

The tricky solution is turning the situation as you need. This is the time of laying the foundation for future events. Positive resolution of the situation. Success in affairs. Check your capabilities. Predlays a sober look at things. Belief in itself and intellectuality helps in overcoming any obstacles. Borders do not exist for you.

But the manifestation of cruelty and struggle for power can lead to negative consequences. Excessive power can also be your negative feature. Act with the mind, but do not rush immediately into the thick of the events! Be tolerant.

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✚ on the narrowed

King of swords

King swords are often called the map of the egoist. Partners in relationships try to change everything in their direction, ignoring the words of the second. It madly strongly affects each, so such relationships quickly disintegrate. The card does not recommend stopping on such relationships. Perhaps you want changes, but are afraid? In this case, you do not need to be silent. Fight for your happiness!

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✚ Guardian Angel Council

King of swords

Power and responsibility, power and severity. Reminder that the weakness of others is a reason to show mercy.

A person characterizes the desire for goals, the ability to go to the end and overcome any difficulties. Fearless and tireless on its way, he must be able to curb the power, forgive and compassion to come to harmony and peace in the shower.

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✚ on the king

King of swords

You were lucky - near you a very smart, rational person who looks really on things. With him you can build a strong family. However, it is now that doubts and fear are tormented. You can call your behavior a conflict situation, since a person who lists you will think that you do not respect his feelings.

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✚ on treason

King of swords

One partner in such relationships clearly leads the position of the leader and give up at all in his plans. If its second half pair is weaker emotionally, the leading can simply crush it in a rush of rage. There is no compromise for him. From such a person you should not wait for the manifestation of love and tenderness. Therefore, the drop-down map of King Swords does not promise harmonious relations in this union.

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✚ Singing "Three Maps"

King of swords

The Arcan shows that came the right time to lay the database for future actions and plans. But it is necessary to do it with extreme caution and thought. Do not hurry so that it's not destroying everything. The card may also indicate an increase in position, especially if you are an employee of a state or military sphere, or receiving important information.

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✚ Love triangle

King of swords

The map predicts long relationships. Parting is not foreseen. Partner relations are based not only in feelings, but also on mutual interest. Lovers are constantly talking to each other, share with new information. Partners also combine mutual interest.

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✚ on fate

King of swords

You patronize a person very successful, but alien to ethical standards. Unwittingly copying it, you will gradually find the taste in lies and cruelty. Your affairs are perfect, there are connections with the right people, money griest. But on all this well-being is the shadow of false and immorality.

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✚ to work

King of swords

The map foreshadows career growth, development, advanced training courses. Competition may occur at work. There is a struggle for power. Arkan advises not to take hasty decisions and thoroughly think about every situation.

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✚ for pregnancy and children

King of swords

The king of swords promises unionless pregnancy, most often falls out in the scenario on the firstborn. Supporting the floor of the future child is a boy. If there are no other cards of Swords, it can be assumed that pregnancy will pass without features, the child's health and mother will not be threatened. On the question of generic activities, it is better to pull out an additional card.

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Will it return to me?

King of swords

The girl will be able to return the man back only if it finds the strength and the opportunity to act not in the heart, but a mind. Emotionality in communication will not help, and on the contrary, it will destroy the already shameless relationship, it is necessary to reason logically and cold, in this case, the conflict has a chance to resolve and stay in the past.

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