4 Pentacles Tarot - the value of the "monetary" card


Map 4 Pentacles refers to the elements of the Earth, and therefore can tell about material, landed things: money, health, order. In a favorable meaning, this is a symbol of stability, excellent well-being, in an unfavorable - crisis, loss, mess. Consider the interpretation of the card more.

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4 Pentacles Tarot: the value of the mysterious card

In the generally accepted understanding, the fourthine card of pentacles is associated with concern. The man is afraid of change, not ready for the coming events. It is often experiencing feelings of greed, caustic, greedy. Do not prudently relate to life, lives one day. I do not know how to plan, but with this row everything.

A favorable value of the map acquires when it appears in the scenarios surrounded by arcanes with a positive value. In this case, it symbolizes positive events and changes: both internal and external.

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Four pentacles

Often the card indicates that there is a favorable time to break the shell. You can stop hiding from society and start expressing your desires, to act in favor of your own interests and desire.

Card Council: Stop spraying into many small goals. Get on with something one, but globally. Such an approach will help focus on truly important things, not missing anything.

The value of Taro four pentacles in the literal position

This card is under the auspices of Saturn, the planet, which symbolizes the concern to the future, events that are expected in the near future. 4 Taro pentacles when appearing in the scenario in a literal position - the personification of financial wealth, material profits, large savings.

4 pentacles

The card indicates a person who is most in his life in its life on material things: it is dependent on money.

Interpretation of 4 Tarot Pentacles in the Little Position:

  • You are closed from others, unable to demonstrate their emotions. Therefore, do not get them in return. Inside, the volcano of jealousy can be buried, but your relatives do not even know about it. It is important to learn how to give out such feelings.
  • The map personifies the desire to accumulate money, savings. A man seeks to save, but spent extremely reluctant. However, such an approach will not lead to wealth - on the contrary, you will have to constantly live modestly and cut yourself in everything.
  • 4 Tarot coins often symbolizes a conservative person, stingy in every sense. He extremely does not like to spend money, the strength and emotions are wasted, not ready to give, seeks only to receive.

The board of the card when it is losing in the literal position: Copy money, but do not strive to then spend a large amount of water. Adhere to a reasonable distribution of finance: Do not deny yourself in the necessary and important things, but also not a transmission.

Map value in a turned position

When the four coins appears in the outstanding position, its meaning changes slightly. Interpretations are as follows:

  • Symbolizes a person dependent on material things and power. This is a true meager that saves everything, just to scatter more. Even if he has a bunch of money, which is enough for three lives, he is not morally ready to spend them - as having sacred, which "beside the kilt".
  • Also 4 coins promises health problems due to savings on doctors, medicines. Man until the latter postpones treatment, just not to spend an extra penny.
  • Explain the collapse of business or decrease in wages. Money does not like you and leave the wallet rapidly.
  • In the field of relationships, the card symbolizes control, pressure on others, despotism and authoritarianism.
  • Symbolizes a person stingy on emotions, cruel, indifferent to foreign experiences.

Poorness - the main characteristic of the map. First of all, this concerns the world of material, but applies to the emotional sphere.

4 pentacles tarot value

4 Pentacles Tarot: meaning in relationships

In the default on the relationship, the map acquires such values:
  • Indicates a married man or married woman. This is a man consisting of a solid marriage. Relationships seem surrounding stable and practically perfect, but inside the family there are a lot of problems related to finance.
  • You strive to match the templates imposed by society, hold the generally accepted rules. All of the fault - the fear of condemnation and criticism. Excellent example - the girl comes married at 20 years for the first oncoming, just to "have time to 25", not to stay lonely. Cling to a partner, just not to be abandoned, even if you do not feel feelings.

Tip Maps: Listen to yourself and choose a partner in accordance with your feelings. Do not live in favor of public stereotypes - be happy, and not approved.

Watch the video about the value of Taro Four Pentacles:

Combine cards

Experienced tarologists always look, surrounded by what cards four coins fall. This is necessary because it helps to make more accurate and correct interpretation.

Consider examples of the card values ​​in combination with the Arcans Tarot:

  1. The jester is a symbol of greed, from which you need to get rid of, in order not to lose everything that you have.
  2. Mag - a favorable time for a new business. You can open a business, search for work.
  3. The Supreme Priestess is a call to abide care and not to share plans with the surrounding people.
  4. Empress - promotes profit, material security and stability.
  5. The emperor - you need to learn to control the costs not to stay on the beans.
  6. Ierofant - you are too sensitive and trusting, you need to become more indifferent to other people's problems.
  7. Lovers are a symbol of ownership and jealousy that prevent relationships.
  8. Chariot - the time will come to get money pending on a black day.
  9. Strength - do not waste energy invested. On the contrary, you need to search for sources for its accumulation.
  10. Hermit - comes the time of financial stagnation. There will be no big expenses, but not a tangible profit.
  11. Fortune wheel - no calm and stability in the material sphere of life.
  12. Justice - risk of suffering from the actions of scammers, be careful.
  13. Having shared - you sacrifice yourself in vain, stop and think about your own interests.
  14. Death - to bankruptcy.
  15. Moderation is a symbol of harmony and balance in all spheres of life.
  16. The devil - you are seriously dependent on money.
  17. The tower will become a victim of financial fraud, which is why you will suffer.
  18. Star - There are every chance to get something that has long been desirable.
  19. The moon is to remove responsibility and allow to make decisions to other people.
  20. The sun - from an unexpected source will come money.
  21. The world is a suitable time to save money.

Yes, the four coins most often promises unfavorable events in life. But this is a reason not to be upset, and think about whether you are moving in the right direction, whether there are revealed income. It is worth learn how to properly distribute finances, then the money will be easily reached.

The value of the map in various sobs

✚ Singing "One Card"

4 pentacles

General value

A person will enjoy clear boundaries of what can be done, and what can not be done. The map also speaks of misuse or leaning.


The card indicates that the relationship in all spheres - in the emotional and material plan.


There will be no problems, but it is recommended to follow the routine of the day and follow the rules.


Success will bring any enterprises associated with investments, accumulations. Arkan can also say that a person lives not a small income.

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✚ for the future

4 pentacles

The card symbolizes a greater stability that occupies a very significant place in the life of every person. Try to seek a stable present to secure a full and bright future filled with bright colors. However, there is a chance that you are excessively stingy person, which does not allow to receive maximum from life. Health you save and try to keep it in excellent condition. You only should be easier to treat cash, then life will become more easy and interesting.

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✚ on the relationship

4 pentacles

A person who asks about the possibility of the emergence of new relations in his life should ask himself - and is he ready for such global changes in life? Most likely, this person now put his priorities in such a way that the financial situation, the status in society and career occupies the main place in his life, and on a loved one may just miss the strength and attention. If a person is now in a relationship, he should also think about the fact that the partner may have too little attention from him. Unwillingness to change their habits and course of action, which has been developed for years, can cause parting or serious disagreements.

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✚ Today

4 pentacles

Stability, unwillingness to share, clear boundaries permitted and economy. You are striving to accumulate money from your modest profit on routine work, which you do not want to change only from the habit. The map says that you are very careful about your health and physical and emotional state, and therefore you have a strong one. The card indicates a mad jealousy in relations on your part, caused by the sharp desire to rule and do not share with anyone. You are a miser man of small pertices. Try to spend a reasonable way to spend the accumulated money!

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✚ Tomorrow

4 pentacles

Card of clearly defined borders. The borders most often material plan, that is, life by means, savings, no changes - everything goes according to plan. But the card can fall out in a more distracted sense, as the personification of the stability of the inner world.

Tomorrow will not bring special troubles. Most likely, this is the usual making money, a calm evening in a family circle or with a loved one. No "outbreaks" are not foreseen. Perhaps a little disappointment associated with the inability to make a large purchase.

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✚ What does he think about me

4 pentacles

You can create a strong family with a real partner, which will be distinguished by bright emotions and harmony. Family focus allows anyone to achieve the goals set, which are perfecting the person and allow a person to become more confident. However, the development of these relations may prevent jealousy, which plays an important role in such love. Jealousy is a destroying feeling that in excessive amounts does not allow you to reach a new level. Therefore, try to restrain unnecessary emotions that can interfere with your love.

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✚ at wish

4 pentacles

You are a serious and reliable person. You are not alien to such qualities as pragmatic and dedication. However, fate prepared you a serious test - a situation in which these qualities will have to be replaced by opposite. Perhaps you have to sacrifice and beliefs. Think about whether this is your desire?

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4 pentacles

There were crisis events, and you are not ready for change and make decisions in favor of our interests. Feel the concern to the future. Self-limits are possible. It is necessary for a reasonable distribution of resources and the period of accumulation of goods.

It hurts excessive dependence on material, concentration on one and stale. Success will come in case of a reasonable approach to the problem. Do one global goal, and do not spray for trifles, but at the same time be generous!

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✚ on the narrowed

4 pentacles

Full confidence in his partner, calm for tomorrow and the reliability of the relationship promises you four coins. However, this does not mean the speedy marriage at all, quite contrary: now the period of long swing and thinking about the question: to make an offer or not?. Fortunately, the cards guarantee that the answer will come himself. Fate will send you, but you need to wait.

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✚ Guardian Angel Council

4 pentacles

Vicious circle, hopeless position. The man clung to the benefits, fearing to miss at least a drop of profits, but the stronger the knot on the rope, which his hands are connected.

You think that you got the maximum possible, so do not want to move on. You voluntarily stopped developing, forgetting that what remains without movement is dying.

Refuse defense and go to the offensive. Thus, you will open new doors, see new perspectives.

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✚ on the king

4 pentacles

Pay close attention to your chosen one. Most likely a person puts material values ​​to the fore. Think what is important in your relationship: emotional and sensual compatibility or you only appreciate the ability to profitably invest money and earn money. Do not try to take over all worries and troubles, ask to help in some questions of your life satellite.

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✚ on treason

4 pentacles

From the side, such a union seems perfect, but inside the unpleasant things occur, which slowly destroys the relationship. One of the partners is pathologically jealous of the second, poisoning life to both. The rusty of feelings and non-restrained emotions sometimes go out of control.

Also 4 pentacles showing on stagnation, longing and despair. Relationships are not developing, which begins to have been starting and makes it doubt the correctness of its choice regarding the partner.

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✚ Singing "Three Maps"

4 pentacles

The Arcan shows that before being taken for something, you need to carefully consider the plan of my actions. It ensure success and will help you avoid unnecessary problems. The card also indicates a good time to manifest itself to society. We must stop afraid and get out of the shadow. Time to act for your own interests.

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✚ Love triangle

4 pentacles

One partner is experiencing very scant emotions against another partner. Perhaps this is a sense of property, but definitely not love. Partners are closed from each other, and no one wants to share their thoughts and problems. Another meaning of Arkana is moneyproof, greed

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✚ on fate

4 pentacles

You, as a stingy knight, suffer from greedy and alarming predicate difficult times. The need to share with money, emotions, forces - causes you a panic and distinct reluctance to part at least with something. Do not live one day, be sure to plan your life, otherwise your accumulations will become unsuitable for use.

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✚ to work

4 pentacles

The map foreshadows stable work, but not much profit. Arkan can also fill on rental income, deposits, acquiring securities. Another value of the map is the income only from pension. In any case, the financial difficulties will arise, which will be difficult to solve. The map foreshadows the conflict between colleagues, anger against each other. Arcan recommends not to skit, but spend money with the mind.

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✚ for pregnancy and children

4 pentacles

You are too docked on money supply and subconsciously afraid that the child will take your career with you and will require high costs, so you are not ready for conception. For your own soothing, you can postpone the idea with conception until the moment until you collect a little accumulation to feel financially protected.

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Will it return to me?

4 pentacles

The reason for the problem arising in the relationship was overly an acute sense of property. Some of the partners shows extraordinary abilities to refuse to move forward and change, be flexible and sensitive. Accordingly, to resolve the conflict and continuing the relationship, it is necessary to simply understand where to move, make efforts and make this step. It will be difficult only at the beginning.

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