The value of 8 pentacles in the sets of tarot cards


In this material we will reveal the value of the younger arkana tarot eight of the pentacles. Having stretched out this card, wading primarily should think about such questions: how he belongs to his work, for what purpose does it and what he does in order to achieve perfection.

This is a card of workers and masters of their business, accumulating not material wealth, and knowledge and experience. Calls to love your work for the sake of self-development and creation, not paying for a monetary remuneration.

8 Pentacles tarot

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Description of the eight map of the Pentacles

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The map shows a coin coincider, enthusized with his business. Seven Denaris are ready, and the master continues to work on the eighth. His work requires concentration of attention, perfection and perseverance. The facial expression indicates that he is pleased with his work and loves him. The city will be seen in the distance, but the master is completely absorbed by his occupation and does not pay attention to what is happening outside the window.

This man works not only for himself - he creates values ​​for the benefit of people, not seeking to personal benefit. He does not dream of heroic actions, he does not need fame. But this is a real master of his case, who knows that his work is needed by others. Therefore, he works without tired, painstakingly and persistently going to his goal.

On the map of Taro Era Aquarius, a secured man was drawn, passionate for a woman. So far he communicates with beauty, the thief pulls 8 coins from him. The symbolism of this picture is that you should not put material benefit to the first place. Money can come and leave, but the experience and craftsmanship will always have a person.

As a rule, the eight of the pentacles always promises good luck and luck, if, of course, you will not look for benefits in everything and strive for enrichment. In this case, your efforts will not be in vain, and success is guaranteed.

An inverted position indicates useless work that will not bring the result, all efforts will be in vain.

Map value in direct position

Indicates hard work in any fields of activity that will be successful and rewarded. It can be some kind of craft, business, sport or creative activity - no matter. The main thing is that to achieve success you need to show perseverance and make huge efforts. After all, the victory is always lucky.

Map is especially significant for career. Speaks about a generous remuneration for his work, although not necessarily monetary. You can get moral satisfaction from what you are doing a favorite thing. Your efforts will appreciate the surrounding.

It has a beneficial value in the relationship. Although very often love is secondary meaning. The material side and calculation comes to the fore.

It may indicate the thrift and a good organization of entrepreneurial activities.

Victorian tarot

Map value in reverse position

The opposite position of the eight map of Pentacles speaks of obstacles and difficulties in achieving the goal, lack of energy to overcome them. Perhaps you chose the wrong path, missed the opportunity and do not do our own business.

The person is forced to inactive until he sees the right path.

Do not mess with loans, if you are experiencing material difficulties. This can lead to even greater problems.

Characteristic maps features in an inverted position:

  • The dishonesty from partners, quarrels and tension in relations.
  • Unrealized opportunities, the use of their talents in evil, trick and betrayal.
  • Egoism and vanity, greed and cunning.
  • Full failure in business, wrecked hope.

The card indicates that you are squanding your skills and talents in vain. For this reason, a person does not see, in which direction to move. He is too passionate about the pursuit of material benefits and intrigues, his thoughts are full of greed, hypocrisy and cunning plans. Because of this, he cannot fully realize, to show his talents to fully and succeed.

The value of eight pentacles in the relationship

In a direct position

Indicates the coming changes, as a rule, positive and promising a wonderful future.

For people who already consist in relationships, mean their transition to a new level. Perhaps you are combined with a marriage or a strengthening of an already existing family union. Twisted new perspectives and opportunities.

A single person of eight Pentacles promises a meeting with his second half. These relationships will be overwhelmed with you suddenly and lead a long and strong alliance. Perhaps marriage.

In the defolds on the relationship, this card echoes three pentacles. She also suggests that a wonderful attachment gives this relationship very important, applies efforts to save them. Very often devotes their lives.

This manifests itself in care and loyalty to the partner, the desire to earn it approval. But all efforts will not be in vain - your half must appreciate them and gives up their love.

The eight of the pentacles usually speaks of serious relationships. They are not based on a suddenly broken passion, but on mutual respect and dedication of partners. Incidentally, such a card has already emerged by elderly people who seek to create a strong family.

If the alignment is made to marriage, which broke up, this card indicates the mutual agreement of the partners in the selection of property, the absence of quarrels and claims.

Taro Era Aquarius

In an inverted position

The eight of the pentacles speaks about problems in relations, reluctance to make concessions and compromises. No one wants to take the first step for reconciliation.

The inverted position of the map indicates that the partners do not converge in character. They are not able to find a common language due to the fact that they have the same negative features, and no one wants to give way first.

When sampling, one partner indicates its falsehood and dowelly. He is not wiggy and quinic to the chosen one. Uses it in his intrigues and builds insidious plans.

Eight pentacles in a career

The direct position of the map in the samples always promises changes to the better. It may be:

  • Switch to a new position or change in place of work.
  • Exit to a new quality level, solving new tasks. A person will have to master something unknown and acquire valuable experience.
  • It often points to the possibilities of learning in order to improve the qualifications, obtaining diplomas about the end of education.

An inverted provision speaks of a non-compliance of his position, lack of experience and knowledge. To achieve success, you need to learn a lot.

May indicate loss of work, material difficulties. A person does not want to develop his professional skill, is lazy and striving for a light profit.

Map value with other tarot arcans

  • With the map "Jester" - you need to leave this occupation.
  • With a map "Mag" - you should work a lot and develop your skills.
  • With the map "Supreme Priestess" - Learn New.
  • With the emperor map - develop your business, strengthen family relationships.
  • With the map "Ierofant" - discover new opportunities.
  • With the "Lovers" card - be patient to your partner.
  • With the chariot map - training driving transport, travel, business trip.
  • With the "power" card - the need to manifest patience and work.
  • With the "Hermit" card - isolation from the collective.
  • With the "Wheel of Fortune" - the instability of the position.
  • With the map "Justice" - the struggle for the truth.
  • With the "Having" card - a stop in development.
  • With the "Death" card - loss of skill.
  • With the map "Moderation" - the desire for perfection.
  • With the map "Devil" - in vain hopes, excessive self-confidence.
  • With a "Tower" map - injury at work, dismissal.
  • With the map "Star" - dreams about the achievement of the peaks.
  • With the map "Moon" - deception.
  • With the "Sun" - Proceedings will be appreciated.
  • With the Court's Card - hope only.
  • With the World Card - advanced training.
The "Eight Pentacle" card advises to strive for his goal, make maximum efforts to achieve success. Learn not to be afraid of difficulties and obstacles to perfection. After all, the well-deserved recognition and luck awaits you ahead.

The value of the map in various sobs

✚ Singing "One Card"

8 Pentacles

General value

Man It is recommended to be careful and restrained. Arcan also advises to show wisdom, and most importantly - not to take hasty decisions.


A couple unites not love, but a common cause. If it is not, the partners will break up.


There will be problems with both physical and emotional state.


Gadget expects a large amount of work. Payment will correspond to quality.

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✚ for the future

8 Pentacles

Maps describes your mental state: you are ready to work a lot, not to regret the vitality, do not sleep at night in order to achieve the desired goal. Therefore, in a short time, you can realize your career potential, you do not like to wait in the relationship of self-development. You are taking concrete actions that help relationships with your partner to learn to a new level, characterized by plans and ideas. You are a smart and hardworking person who can easily become a boss or leader. It is enough to wait a while.

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✚ on the relationship

8 Pentacles

From the eight of the pentacles it is worth waiting for development - both a person consisting of relationships and lonely. A lonely man will meet the soul mate, with which there is an opportunity to build a long and strong relationship. A consisting in relationships in relations can also be hoped for serious changes in life - the transition to a new level of relationship, marriage, a strong family. The map is only a positive character for gadgetting.

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✚ Today

8 Pentacles

Restraint, insight, full employment and order. You really love your business, and therefore make considerable efforts to achieve your goals; Although small but stable income. The card indicates the presence of the disease just been transferred and recovery after it; You carefully follow your health. In relationships you are tuned seriously, so you are awaiting success; New acquaintances are expected. You are a hardworking person who is successfully going to goals. Do not slow down speed!

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✚ Tomorrow

8 Pentacles

Map of vital wisdom and self-sufficiency, independence, and rather in the material plan.

Interesting carat, saying that tomorrow I will have to prove your maturity. Solving some serious material issue will lie entirely on the shoulders of the questioning.

In the professional sphere, the card can say that it will have to make a decision without the usual supervision of the bosses.

In the sphere of personal relationship, talks about the need to take responsibility for themselves, do not run from a serious relationship.

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✚ What does he think about me

8 Pentacles

You achieve a complete understanding with each other, so in the household component of the relationship you can not find compromises. You are looking equally for everyday things, so your relationships can lead in. Wedding and family creation. However, sincere love, which has a passion, is very difficult in your relationship, but if you attach the maximum effort to add romance to the relationship, then your harmony will grow into something more. The main thing is to start doing the right actions.

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✚ at wish

8 Pentacles

Hurry will destroy all your plans. Do not try to bring the result artificially. Do not be distracted by external factors. Concentration and rationality will help overcome any obstacles. By the way, quite a lot are expected. You may need a break. Do not deny yourself in it.

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8 Pentacles

Your skill led you to where you are now. You feel interested in your classes, get the joy of improving experience and skill.

It is expected to have a luck in matters at a scrupulous work, relevance, but the need to stubbornly move forward. Perhaps you are tired permanent employment, but will bring satisfaction with the results. Appreciate your work and self-improvement. Do not look for award-make what you like!

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✚ on the narrowed

8 Pentacles

Tenderness, caress and caring from a partner - this is what the eight of the coins are promulit. It will not be based on consumer attitude or search for benefits, the cause of such a relationship will be true love. Be confident with such a person you will definitely be happy and loved. It is clear that marriage will not be an insurmountable obstacle.

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✚ Guardian Angel Council

8 Pentacles

With confidence in success, a person rushes a rapid flow to his goals.

Now you have to work hard to achieve success. Your ideas are implemented, dreams will come true - your fruitful work is not in vain.

Heavenly patron, all this time was near, inspired and protected from mistakes. Ascend gratitude to the Guardian Angel for Divine Assistance in Affairs.

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✚ on the king

8 Pentacles

There may be quarrels and disagreements because of your impatience. It seems to you that your chosen one must satisfy all your needs, but if you do not work, then it is worth thinking about how to find earnings. If you do not know who of the fans choose, stop on a person who is busy business, has clear goals and knows what he wants. Perhaps it is with him that you will be educated in the future.

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✚ on treason

8 Pentacles

This is a very positive alignment for relationships. Lovers work on their best qualities for each other. There are serious intentions and strengthening of relationships. A man in such a couple is ready to take responsibility for providing a family, and a woman care for a home focus. Joint efforts, people try to do everything to create a strong and harmonious union.

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✚ Singing "Three Maps"

8 Pentacles

This card indicates the appearance of a large-scale work or project in your life, where you will fully demonstrate all your professional skills and talents. In general, all the intended goals is waiting for success. It is possible to expand the circle of communication and useful dating, which will be useful in the future.

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✚ Love triangle

8 Pentacles

The map suggests that the relationship is durable, well established and work like a clock. Partners do not experience strong feelings to each other. In a pair, the mutual respect is rather than love. A couple can also combine a common business. If it does not become, then the partners will break out and vice versa - the better things go, the stronger the connection will be.

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✚ on fate

8 Pentacles

You are a real master of your business, skillfully and talented your work. Ultimately, satisfaction from its own creativity is immeasurably more important than material profits. You can't buy a talent and a light head for money, and you will not disappear with golden hands anywhere. You have something to be proud!

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✚ to work

8 Pentacles

Arcan indicates that the work is well established, and it brings a stable high earnings. The map says that you have to work a lot. To have a positive result, work needs to be performed high quality and in exactly the deadlines. The possibility of transition to a new level will appear. The team reigns peace and mutual respect.

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✚ for pregnancy and children

8 Pentacles

With conception should not be hurry. It is better to let go of the situation for a couple of months, distract and dedicate the family time. If there are problems with your husband, correct them. The universe gives children worthy and loving.

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Will it return to me?

8 Pentacles

You are now too busy to solve problems in romantic relationships, so hope for the benefit of the conflict is not worth it. The map says that all the goals raised will be achieved, except for one - the restoration of the lost relationship.

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