King of Pentacles (coins, dinaris) - Tarot card


Tarot cards are today a very popular magic attribute that allows you to shed light on the details of your future. But if you want to get the most detailed prediction, you need to expect the value of each arcana. In this material, we consider the king of pentacles in detail with all its characteristics.

Map King Pentacles

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Meaning King Taro Pentacles

The map depicts a man who sends on the royal throne, surrounded by different material benefits with a scepter in his right hand and magical pentacles in the left. The castle building is seen from behind, and under the seat lie knightly armor.

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In astrology, the map of the king of pentacles corresponds to the Zodiacal Constellation of the Taurus, while the map symbolizes the love of property, joy and business approach.

In a direct position

The appearance of Arkana King of Pencletley indicates a strong leader, a person who is characterized by hardness, in some cases even sharpness that has a brilliant mind, has an outstanding business abilities, is an expert in the exact sciences. The marriage alliance for him acts as a kind of contract form, such a person has a cold mind and knows what the difference between feelings and marriage is.

In reverse position

When the arcan falls in an inverted position, it indicates a barren situation, a greedy, hypocritical and dangerous person, as well as danger.

Characteristics of the king pentaklee

Now consider how else the King of Taro Swords is and what the characteristics this map has.

In a direct position

  1. The map corresponds to the fiery element.
  2. Arcan indicates a self-sufficient person, a good owner.
  3. The events on which the Arkan indicates: an increase in material well-being, a sponsor will appear in life, which will help to implement various ideas.
  4. In the business sector: a person who is distinguished by conservatism, engaged in real estate trading or farming.
  5. Lesson area: Bank employees, agricultural sphere.
  6. Saferage: Salts are excessively deposited in the body.
  7. The value of Taro King of Pentacles in the relationship: Arkan testifies to sufficiently strong relations, which, however, are devoid of romance, the basis of relations is mutual respect.
  8. Card Recommendation: Enjoy Life!
  9. What causing: not inactive!
  10. Final result: Answer on your question is positive, you will receive a well-deserved award.

The card indicates a relationship by calculation

In reverse position

  1. The card indicates a greedy, stupid person who is distinguished by stubbornness and conservatism, lazy.
  2. With what events are associated: with monetary losses, confiscation of property due to debts.
  3. In the business sector: Arkan points out the presence of speculation, the business fades, because his owner is too lazy, stacking and unnamed.
  4. Scope of Health: Salts are deposited in the body.
  5. Relationship sector: stubborn, ridiculous, worn and indifferent man.
  6. Recommendation: Try not to spend in vain finance.
  7. From what causing: do not go on occasion of meaningless scope.

The general value is the king of the coin tarot

Map of King Coin acts as an personification of male energy. These are our desires to have property and confidence in our future, harmonious interaction with reality.

For the coming in the first place there are actions, not words and dreams. The card indicates good intuitive abilities that allow you to distinguish the necessary from unnecessary and paying attention to only important things.

Also, such a person lives in Lada over time, he realizes that real values ​​in the life of "ripen" gradually, and can wait for its o'clock. Nothing in a hurry, is distinguished by patience. In addition, such a person is characteristic of the open manifestation of their emotions, the pleasure of all the joys of life. At the same time there is a negative side of the medal - it is a lust that is difficult to quench, a tendency to a tiller or idleness.

In the next video, more information about the map King of Pentacles is offered (another name of the king of dinaris or coins).

In the field of work

Arkan King Monott of Tarot points to work, which gives pleasure, a person knows how to bring the work started to a logical completion. The king is distinguished by financial well-being, it easily feels in which areas of activity will be able to obtain material benefits. Does not miss the chances given by fate, and very well recognizes deception from the outside. He likes teamwork, among such people is almost impossible to meet single individuals.

In the sphere of consciousness

You trust the feeling of reality, you can sacrifice high ideals for the sake of real values. Time when we draw a clear picture of our universe and try to understand how best to realize our cherished dreams.

The Arkan testifies to a certain trick, the final result is important for you, and you can act in stages, if you know that now there is no other way to come to the goal.

In the sphere of personal relationships

In this area, Arkan testifies to stability, strong friendly relations, reliability, loyalty, spiritual heat. This is completely revealed by the value of this arcana. A person is striving for light, sensuality, wants a long relationship in which he will feel protected.

Occasionally, the card indicates a desire to marry, as well as on jealousy, which sometimes becomes dangerous.

Other card values

King Pentacles Victorian Tarot

In a direct position

  1. A clever and peace-loving person who took place in life knows how to behave in a difficult position.
  2. The map indicates practicalism and perseverance.
  3. A person easily leads business negotiations, but at the same time attention is reduced to the personal sphere.
  4. It has good small, intuition, patience.
  5. Loves to have fun.
  6. Such a person lives in a real, not illusory world, is distinguished by mathematical insight.
  7. Loves nature.
  8. Easy makes a career.
  9. Material benefits are very important, the card indicates a dark-haired man.
  10. It is possible to get an inheritance or winnings.

In reverse position

  1. Personality is distinguished by pragmatism, calculation, stubbornness, self-confidence, meanness.
  2. Believes superstitions, may suffer from paranoia.
  3. Relationships without feelings.
  4. He is much worried about finance issues, obsessed with a quarry.
  5. It may not be admitted, incite the others on bad actions.
  6. Also, the Arcan indicates anger, vices, various ugliness and a bad financial reputation.

King Pentacles combination with other arcans

  • With Arkan "The Jester" - "Naked King".
  • With Arkan "Mag" - serious capital.
  • With the Arkan "Supreme Priestess" - a person sponsoring the scope of education.
  • With Arkan "Empress" - obtaining material benefits.
  • With the Arkan "Emperor" - indicates the financial director.
  • With Arkan "Ierofant" - charitable donations.
  • With Arkan "Lovers" - the need to commit a chaplicate choice.
  • With the Arkan "Chariot" - difficulties with finance.
  • With the Arkan "Power" - to cope with the temptation.
  • With Arkan "Hermit" - losses.
  • With Arkan "Wheel Fortune" - gambling.
  • With the arkan "Justice" - upholding its position.
  • With arcane "hanged" - material losses.
  • With Arkan "Death" - a change in the financial situation.
  • With arcane "Moderation" - the emergence of expenses.
  • With the Arkan "Devil" - Machinations with money.
  • With the Arcan "Tower" - losses in different spheres of life.
  • With the Arkan "Star" - hope for a career ladder.
  • With Arkan "Moon" - indicates the presence of fraud.
  • With the Arkan "Sun" - will achieve recognition in life.
  • With the Arkan "Court" - a project that will make a profit.
  • With the Arkan "Mir" - the sphere of influence is expanding, achieving success.
Knowing all the designations and characteristics of Arkana King of Pentacles, as well as the features of its combination with other maps, you can do the right alignment and find out the solution for the current situation.

The value of the map in various sobs

✚ Singing "One Card"

King pentacle

General value

Will will be required.


Relationships are built on mutual respect, but not love.


The main problem is the deposition of salts, against the background of which there may be diseases.


The period is favorable to search for partners, sponsor.

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✚ for the future

King pentacle

A positive card that does not have a bright value. There will be no cardinal change in life, however, you will get a great foundation for the development of your future, because for any future you need success, harmony, calm and reliable support. Without these parts, it will not be possible to fully achieve success in any field of activity. Your partner fully allows you to trust him, because I am a loyal man.

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✚ on the relationship

King pentacle

The king of pentacles speaks about the willingness of a man in a relationship to create a family. The girls can feel safe next to this person and be sure that the marriage will be successful. A man is ready not only to make an offer, but to build a full-fledged family, that is, to have children, living together for a long time and happily. If so far in relationships you do not, then the card may promise the opportunity to join them with a person, reliable and confident. This confidence is not similar to excess, it is moderate and fully justified, you can trust this person.

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✚ Today

King pentacle

Power of Spirit, Security, Competence and Prospects. You are waiting for luck in business and an increase in material well-being. Your body is restored; The card indicates an excess salt in the body. Ahead of the strong relationship, built on respect for each other; There is no romance. You are a very ambitious and responsible person, characterized by special wisdom. Not inactive and do not forget to get pleasure from life!

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✚ Tomorrow

King pentacle

Personifies spiritual strength, hardness, unshakable. The king of pentacles is a map that denotes a man with a business grip, a very rational, capable of accurate sciences, as well as the very earthly, not inclined to reason about feelings.

Tomorrow I will face such a person and, moreover, under the sign of the king pentacles will be held all day. The map often means a husband, father or boss, so you should be ready to spend most of the day with someone of them.

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✚ What does he think about me

King pentacle

You have a beautiful partner about which many women dream. He will protect, feed, give love and tenderness, endless care. Try to keep this beautiful man next to you. With him you will be a very happy woman.

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✚ at wish

King pentacle

Will become more solid in their intentions. It is not bad to show energetic and character. Your persistent spirit will help overcome all obstacles on the way to a dream. Forget for a while about sentimentality, stop being soft. Create yourself such qualities as pragmatic and businesslikeness.

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King pentacle

Probability Conclusion of the Contract and the establishment of mutually beneficial cooperation. The situation could have an impact of the presence surrounded by a strong leader. At the same time, you characterize the cold calculation and an intelligent approach to solving problems.

An expected to rise in affairs, a period of reliability and confidence in their strength, an increase in well-being. Practical assistance will be provided. Perhaps you prevent you from excessive pragmatic and lack of sincere emotions. However, not inactive, but engage in strengthening your position!

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✚ on the narrowed

King pentacle

Relations built on respect and equality of partners are what Arkana King Coin is talking about. Such love most often costs without rapid drops, but it does not speak at all about its absence. Such relations are strong inseparable, and halves feel as beloved as much as possible. Marriage or will occur immediately, or will never take place, because young people love each other. It all depends only on their beliefs.

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✚ Guardian Angel Council

King pentacle

He is domineering and cruel, looking for benefits and honors, award to him - loneliness.

The map describes an influential rich man despised by all for egoism, compassion and ill. The one who goes across, destroying other people's plans, inevitably turns out to be a loser: unloved, forgotten and abandoned.

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✚ on the king

King pentacle

Probably, a married man will appear in your life, which, nevertheless, will help in some material matters, and it will simply be loyal and reliable to you. If you have a happy family, then you need to show maximum softness, patience, femininity and support the spouse. It works hard, it is a disciplined man, on whose shoulders a lot of responsibilities lie. Become a reliable rear for him, support comfort.

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✚ on treason

King pentacle

This is the relationship of two mature people who are ready to take responsibility. If you have dropped the map of the king of pentacles, then it indicates that the partner is your judgment, always ready to listen and share a delichy council. He is authoritarian, but experienced and reliable.

Such an alliance promises to be successful. There is little place for romance, but ahead is a strong and happy future.

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✚ Singing "Three Maps"

King pentacle

To achieve your goals, you need to be pragmatic and persistent, and also need to connect your own and subconscious. All the problems that surround you are very soon to retreat. You will easily be given to teamwork: you will feel part of a large and important mechanism. You will listen to your advice and recommendations.

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✚ Love triangle

King pentacle

The map foreshadows reliable, stable, sustainable relationships. Romance here is not and feelings, most likely, too. Maximum is the heat in relation to each other. However, the most often relations are built on mutual respect, but this pair is enough to save the connection. At the same time, this does not protect the Union from the appearance of third parties, hobbies on the side.

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✚ on fate

King pentacle

Success and prosperity accompany you in all your endeavors. Welfare and respect around you have achieved our own work - not without some good luck. At the same time you do not reveal on the laurels in idleness and idleness. It is prudent and prettily take care of their wealth, not fragrating fleeting fame and showing care for the future.

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✚ to work

King pentacle

The card indicates stability and well-being. Everything goes with your cat. Arcan also suggests that the opportunity to find a sponsor will appear. This will help achieve goals and implement everything conceived.

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✚ for pregnancy and children

King pentacle

The king of pentacles is interpreted as the inner power of the Spirit. If you really want to get pregnancy and do everything in your power, conception will definitely take place. To determine the sex of the child and well-being during labor, pull out an additional card.

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Will it return to me?

King pentacle

A man will definitely return, because he feels his destination to become the master of a warm house, a loving spouse and a good father. A man will at the near future will independently take a situation in his hands and restores relationships, just wait and dream of a future living together.

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