Taro Wargo's deck: pictures and meanings, examples of interpretations


Taro Wargo's gothic pictures differ from the classic images of senior and junior arcanes in traditional decks. Let's talk about the features and interpretation of cards, the images to which the American artist Joseph Vargo drew.

Features of the Tarot Wargo deck

Taro Wargo - the deck is gothic, and therefore images of arcanes on her maps are quite gloomy. In the pictures you can see ghosts, chimer, vampires surrounded by cemetery landscapes, ancient locks and crypts.

The features of this very gloomy deck are as follows:

  1. Refers to Saturnian teaching and is used by people who have the concept of who is such a guard of the threshold. This character takes an important place in their worldview and is an integral part of the picture of the world.
  2. All the interpretations of Arkanov are considered from the position of death, literal motto: "Leave the hope, in any income here." If you risen to guess with this deck, find out all the same dark and dark, which is hidden in your life.
  3. Most often, Wargo's cards are used to learn all the dark sides of their own personality, which are usually hidden. This knowledge makes it possible for deep work with subconscious, negative attitudes and fears that limit thinking and overlap the road to success.
  4. Images of younger Arcanes The artist created, leaning on the classic school of Taro Raider Wait.
  5. The goal of creating a deck is to come up with such cards, when looking at the images of which the prediction will immediately be clear and understandable, so that you should not access text interpretors.

It is believed that dark forces patronize this type of tarot, so it is most often "black magicians", whose interaction with the spirits of darkness does not cause fear and trepidation.

Examples of intercase interpretation

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Consider the example of the interpretation of some senior arcans in the Taro Wargo deck.


Taro Wargo Jester

The symbol of the inner child who lives in the soul of every person. Arkan talks about children's injuries, which affected the adult life and formed the main beliefs.

The value of arcana in various areas of life:

  • Work - promises cardinal changes, literally update. It can be dismissal and transition to a new position in a completely different professional sphere.
  • Consciousness - indicates a carefree relationship to everything that happens around. The jester is easily experiencing problems without giving them much importance.
  • Love and relationship. Indicates that too easy attitude to life can lead to infantality, which will eventually lead to negative consequences.
  • Situation. You are on the threshold of big problems. Nealablity in affairs will result in a grand negative pointing at you.


Taro Wargo Tuz Wands

This junior arcan is a symbol of new features that will open in front of a person in the very near future. The personification of such qualities of personality as courage, dedication and perseverance. Associate with the element of fire.

Meaning in different spheres of life:

  • Work: Helps to determine his calling, the purpose with which the person appeared in the earthly world. Arcan will indicate all sorts of ways to implement talents and abilities so that they reveal to fully.
  • Consciousness. When the ace of wands falls out, this is a sign that in this period of life you have the greatest potential to implement your talents, setting goals and achieve them.
  • Love. In love collapse, the ace of wands indicates that a difficult period comes in your relations with a partner. This is the time of trigger and adjustment to each other. From your mutual desire to preserve love and look for compromise solutions in controversial situations, the future of the Union depends.
  • Internal meaning. Outwardly, the ace of wands is similar to a phallic symbol, so it personifies powerful male energy. Map of creation, achievements, success.

Troika Swords:

Taro Wargo 7 Swords

Troika Swords - Junior Arcan with a predominantly unfavorable meaning. It is disappointing and grieving, failures and obstacles to the goal, the wrong choice to spoil the whole further life.

Interpretation in different spheres of life:

  • Job. It suggests that you require decisive actions against which you are protesting with all your being. Mind says one thing, and feelings shout about a friend. The symbol of severe moral solutions.
  • Consciousness. It predicts that you will learn the truth that someone has hid from you. And it will seriously upset and disappoint, because the negative aspects of the person close for you will be revealed.
  • Love. The map foreshadows unrelaimed feelings, unhappy relationships, bitterness, offense, disappointment. It often indicates a co-addiction with which a person is not able to cope on its own.
  • Internal meaning. Elimination of the gap, stopping strong ties, the collapse of everything.

Check out the video about the map of Taro Wargo:

The value of the Targo Card value is 10 cups:

  • Symbol of harmony, happiness and sincere, unconditional love: to himself, peace, surrounding people and relatives. Personifies clean intentions, high self-esteem, calm and virtue.
  • In the scenario, success is foreshadowed: you work in a team, each member of which is set to maximum productivity.
  • In love fortune telling, harmony and quiet in relations with the chosen one. The long-awaited world will come after a long series of quarrels and disagreements.
  • The Arcan says that she reigns peace in the minds. Suitable time to implement creative ideas and search for inspiration.
  • The inner meaning of Arkana is love and everything that is associated with it. True, harmonious. The desire does not consume and not give, but simply share your happiness with everyone who needs it.

It is impossible to make an accurate prediction of Taro Wargo, knowing only the values ​​of individual arcanes. You should consider what cards appear surrounded by the specified card. Therefore, first study the theory carefully, and then proceed to practice.

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