Meditation for money and success: 3 Effective practices


Meditation practices yoga and Buddhists from time immemorial. With the help of these mental techniques, you can change yourself and the world, as well as attract the desired events to your life. Today we will look at one of the mental techniques - meditation for money and material well-being.

Thousands of people have already corrected their financial situation with the help of mental practices, so you should not refuse them. My cousin meditates on solar energy, and it helps her live in a constant positive and with full material support. My girlfriend chose the goddess Lakshmi with his patroness: he said that she stopped needing money.

Meditation to attract money

Types of meditation

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There are several types of meditations that can be used to attract money in their lives:

  • using visualization;
  • using aromatic oils;
  • with mantras;
  • with mandala.

Meditation with visualization is available to those who can represent any images with the help of internal imagination: can create and watch internal "movies". If the visualization technique is not available, then other types of meditation can be used - with mandala, with mantra or aromatic oil.

To configure meditation, special music is needed, which will relax and free themselves from unnecessary reflection. In meditation, the main thing is to hold in thoughts only one object: it is impossible to allow thoughts to learn from one question to another. If you are meditating for money, in front of you should hold only one image - money. At the same time, it is unacceptable to remember the integral dinner or a quarrel with a friend.

Calm music will help reassure thoughts and feelings, relax the body. Music can be chosen on the music channels: the main thing is that she liked it. It can be the sounds of nature, the sound of a flute or a shaman drum. It doesn't matter what style of music you will pick up, it is important to completely relax under these sounds.

On a note! The goal of any monetary meditation is to configure the subconscious to attract a financial flow.

When visualizing, you need to be able to represent pictures in front of which thoughts are concentrated. Meditation with mantras is carried out through the pronouncement of sacred syllables for a certain time and number of times. Meditation with mandala is the contemplation of the magic pattern, with which the subconscious is configured to attract the cash flow.

Important remark! During meditation, it is unacceptable to think about the bad, disturbing and worrying.

Even if you have a big amount of debt, it is impossible to worry about it. Our subconscious is built in such a way that responds to the emotional background. If negative emotions will be associated with money (debt), the subconscious will eliminate money from a person's life, and not attract. Attracting money is to multiply negative emotions (the subconsciousness is so arranged). Therefore, exclude anxiety, excitement and experience about money.

Meditation to attract money and good luck

Meditation "Door to the world of wealth"

This practice is based on visualization, it can be practiced in the days of the height of the Moon and on the full moon. During the descending Moon, monetary meditations are better not to spend, because they will not bring the result.

What should be represented during this meditation? It is necessary to include calm music - better sound sounds. Singing birds, rain in the forest or sound of the current stream. The noise of the sea is better not to include: does not match the context of meditation.

After the body relates to the sounds of bird singing, you need to imagine that you go to the forest cave or in a beautiful fairytale palace. There is no soul: only you and the sounds of nature. Suddenly, a large carved door arises before your eyes. It is made of an expensive tree breed, it decorates magnificent thread. The door can be represented differently, but it should look rich.

Going to the door, you click on the copper handle, and the door opens. It leads to the mysterious grotto, under whose cries are reasonable wealth. And they are waiting in their wings: who would take them. For several centuries, no one went into this mysterious cave, so the ceilings are broken with a web: she hangs in the form of Tulle.

It is necessary to go into this space in which there are impenetrable treasures: chests with gold and precious stones, gold and silverware, precious decorations. Go through this space, touch the treasure hands, admire them. It is necessary to experience positive emotions, joy. It is important that the subconscious mind connects money and treasures with joy.

Then you need to take so many jewels as it is possible to carry (as a big bag appears in the fairy tale). Go to the door, but do not close it when leaving the cave (palace). Let it remain open to at any moment you could go to it and take treasures.

Mentally connect your apartment / house with this grotto, imagine connecting their corridor. By this corridor, you can come for money at any time, without any obstacles. Moreover, this cave / Palace is your property - you are the owner of these irrelevant wealth. If each full moon comes to the cave for treasures as at the pay, over time, financial affairs will go sharply. Practice this meditation to attract money and good luck is constantly, every month.

Meditation with Mantra Lakshmi

This goddess of Hindu Pantheon is responsible for wealth and abundance, so meditation with the mantra of the goddess will constantly attract abundance and good luck to the house. But you need to purchase Lakshmi statuette or at least print it on the color printer and illuminated. Now this goddess will be your permanent assistant to attract money and material well-being.

Mantra Lakshmi to attract money and good luck: "Om Sri Mahalakshmi Namaha".

First you need to practice meditation with audio recordings, then you can sing the mantra on your own 108 times. In order not to get away from the account, you need to buy a rosary or make them yourself from beads - 108 pieces. This is one circle of mantra. You can practice multiple circles immediately, but for the start of a sufficient one. In order not to confuse the bills of beads, the first makes more than others in magnitude.

At first, the mantra is just listening to the record, then they sing it along with the record, then you can sing yourself without recording. There is another method of practicing Mantra Lakshmi: You need to listen to words and contemplate the image of the goddess. First, contemplate with open eyes, then close your eyes - and imagine the goddess internal eyes.

Creative performance will help you achieve the desired result. You can imagine that the image of the goddess shines with golden light: gold rays come from it. It can be imagined that the goddess stretches you to a jewelry chest: it must certainly take, and thank Lakshmi for grace. Over time, you can independently create any images associated with Lakshmi.

The main thing in meditations with visualization is to feel touching the jewels, and they certainly need to "take" with them from the earthly world. That is, to imagine that you leave the virtual space and take the chest from it with money in your room.

In some time you need to meditate with Mantroy Lakshmi? From the moon, this practice does not depend on, you can meditate at any convenient time. But there is a condition: repeating meditation daily exactly 27 days in a row, not missing the day. This is due to the fact that all cells in the body are updated in 27 days: mantra will be recorded on new cells. This rule 27 years applies not only to monetary mantras, but also to therapeutic.

Meditation to attract money

Meditation "Solar Energy"

Everyone knows that the sun heats all the living, and without it, life on Earth is impossible. Therefore, in meditation, we will use this life principle of solar energy. But for this meditation, only the morning clock is suitable for attracting money when the energy of the sun is the strongest. Also, the windows should go to the eastern side or should be able to go outside at this early hour, and so that no one interfere.

Why is Morning Energy of Solt? This is due to the spiritual component of the heavenly shining, and not with its physical embodiment. In the morning the sun awakens the whole nature, this is this wake-up energy and you need to use during meditation. It is necessary to get up under the rays of the rising sun and imagine how they penetrate into each cell cell and fill their abundance energy. Remember this feeling because it will be useful in the future. This meditation is desirable to start practicing in summer or in spring, and later it will be possible to go to the visualization of the Sun.

In winter, meditation takes place in this order. After awakening, do not get up, and imagine the rising sun and its heat on your body. The sun rays penetrate through the windows, the walls of the room - there are no obstacles for them. The energy of the Sun envelops all your body penetrates inside. Enjoy this feeling of at least ten minutes. During this time, your cells will have time to recall the solar heat and will be filled with the spiritual energy of the Sun. And solar energy will attract financial flow and abundance to you. Practice meditation every morning, and soon you will become a thriving person.

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