The main secrets of meditation called "Theta Hiling"


Teta-Hiling acts as an innovative healing technology. Meditation Theta Hiling can radically change the usual reality of man.

The word "Healing", if we translate it from English, means healing. It turns out that theta-chiling is a method of healing, the basis of which is a special meditative theta state. Teta-Hiling acts as a meditative process, thanks to which a person can clean his physical, emotional and spiritual shell.

Meditation Teta Hiling

Historical certificate of theta Hiling

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Technology Teta-Hiling was invented by a resident of the United States of America Viana Stubble. Wianne from ornaments had the ability to vision internal human internal organs, and could also receive a lot of information about unfamiliar people. And she used her paranormal opportunities to help many people who actively appeal to it.

Then, a terrible thing happened to Viannaya - she was diagnosed with the right hip. At that time, the woman had three children, and she was not going to give up terrible illness. Then Vianne took up the study of Taoism, naturopathy and massage therapy to save themselves. Actively looking for a method of healing, it applied to various ways, practiced both ordinary and alternative medicine options, but the disease did not want to leave.

Despite the poor state of health, the woman continued to take the reception and healing of patients, receiving information for them over with the help of a special state of consciousness. And finally, in 1995, Wianne noted that the technique developed by it, used for patients, can instantly heal. Then she used her for his own interests and immediately reached healing.

What scientists say

After the victory over the terrible disease, Vianna decided to turn to scientists to provide it with a scientific substantiation of a new method. For this, special experiments on the electroencephalographer were performed. The device "noticed" is that in the process of performing sessions, the woman's brain works on theta frequencies.

The creator of TTTA-Hinging technology began to be very carefully engaged in the study of all available access to scientific and esoteric work at the time, describing the features of the state of people.

She did not stop the practice of his meditation, which turned out to be in theta-condition and was able to interact with the healing energy of the creator. In the future, the woman was able to develop a method of learning theta Haling for anyone interested in this topic.

Method of Teta-Khaling

As mentioned above, the basis of this method is the possibility of a person to achieve a special state, in which the work of the brain occurs on theta frequencies. In this state, a person interacts with the energy of the Higher Creator (also known as the energy of unconditional love).

Finding into the state of theta, a person gets unlimited possibilities, because it connects with the creator. In this case, it becomes possible for instant healing from any diseases, eliminating destructive beliefs at 4 levels, scanning of the internal organs of a person, the prediction of the future, as well as the implementation of their desires in the life.

Interestingly, but people knew about the amazing possibilities of the state of the state in ancient times. Thus, residents of the Hawaiian Islands of Kahuna, using theta frequencies, could walk with bare feet on fiery coal.

This condition changes the person's consciousness very much, and he perceives the world completely differently. The frameworks and borders installed by our ego are eliminated, because when a person is connected to the creator, it ceases to evaluate the surrounding as bad or good, loses the illusions, as well as the need to feel compassion and sacrificed.

Teta-Hiling allows you to determine the main destructive beliefs that do not allow prosperity, financial well-being, and also cause many problems or pathologies.

Many people themselves recognize themselves because of what phobias and negative programs, they cannot be successful. But conscious beliefs are only a visible part of Iceberg. But, as practice shows, in very rare situations, a person is able to realize the true reason in which the root of the problem is hidden.

Negative beliefs - a barrier to happiness

Negative installations

When identifying the main destructive belief, Master Haling comes out on the seventh plan of being and begins to act in such a way as to replace the negative setting positive.

Why a person who conducted a session confirms that the previous installation is eliminated and replaced by the best. And it is at this moment instant changes begin to occur.

After all, it is no longer a secret that the disease or pathology develops not only because of the wrong nutrition or adverse environmental factors. And in almost all situations, the main cause of physical pathology is negative emotion or thought.

All human installations, even very deep, root, are recorded by four levels:

  • The first level is the level of basic beliefs. Here you can find programs laid in early childhood and arising in the process of raising a child. They were created by the parents of the baby, educators, teachers and teachers at school, other children, friends, and they were confirmed as experience after a number of situation.

There is a famous saying: "We all come from childhood." It is how it is impossible to relate to this situation. In children's and adolescence, a person actively perceives a very large number of beliefs, which in the future perform the basis for him in life.

  • The second level is the level of genetic beliefs. It is represented by all programs that were inherited from distant letters. They were transferred to us by our parents. All the time, as long as our generation existed, our distant practitioners were gradually engaged in the formation of a belief system, under which their life was adjusted.

Most of these installations are not destructive and negative. Some of them are able to ensure safety, security and help in life. But there are a number of programs that have long saved the lives of our predecessors, but today representing a huge obstacle because of the changes in the world. After all, there are no dangers that were relevant earlier.

For example, if the relatives of our ancestors were once smoked, they had programs to be rich - it is dangerous for life. And this installation was genetically transferred to the ancestors to ensure the safety of the genus.

  • The third level is the level of historical beliefs. In most cases, he has a connection with injuries that a person survived in his past reincarnations. The Teta Haling method supports the idea of ​​reincarnation, that is, rebirth in other bodies. And each reincarnation greatly affects the future life of a person.

Very often, in the past life, you can find different types of oaths, pledges, vows, oaths, contracts, promises that do not stop acting and after death, show the strongest impact on all future lives.

After all, all the oaths that were given in the past, usually do not stop their action. And they pursue a person as a heavy cargo, from which it is impossible to get rid of.

For example, if in his past life, the man was a monk and gave vows poverty, then in future lives, he guaranteed serious problems with material well-being.

And if in the past incarnation you gave an oath to someone to love and be faithful forever, then in real life, this oath will also act. But it will happen already subconsciously. And so you will not even immediately understand, for what reason you feel a strong craving for some kind of person, despite objective circumstances.

  • And the last, 4 level, is the level of soul. It is represented by our own programs, that is, those that were created by our soul based on all of our experience. At the same time, there is an experience gained not only in the conditions of our planet, but also in alternative worlds.

Today there are various techniques to help restore in memory and work negative programs related to basic and genetic levels that are called generic programs. But they do not reach the historical level and the level of the soul.

In addition, the change in any negative program should help a person and teach him to live without it. After all, he is so much used to this energy, which, without having knowledge of another life, a person can very soon return the negative installation.

Theta waves of the brain

All blocks in the subconscious (represented by installations, programs, thoughts), preventing the implementation of a person, as well as the execution of his desires, can be detected by a special technique - muscle testing.

This test is actively used in all countries of the world. It is applied by various technologies, and it also represents the basis for a lie detector. After all, all our thoughts with feelings are preserved in body cells as a specific variety of energy.

And after the identification of the installation and manifestation of the desire to part with it, when a person expresses his desire, the program begins to be replaced by the best option.

Whatever it was, you can not use knowledge about Teta-Hiling, so if you are interested in this topic, it is worth contacting a specialist who will help eliminate negative installations and change your life in the best direction.

And in conclusion we advise you to view an interesting thematic video. Footage:

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