Predictions of Vanga about Coronavirus literally: what to wait next?


When in the winter of 2020, the world covered the COVID-19 terrible epidemic of the terrible virus, many began to remember that, it turns out to be a pandemic foresee for the famous Bulgarian clairvoyant Wanta at his life. This was told about this in advance, people from the close environment of the propheted, but, of course, no one perceived their words seriously. Let's consider predicting Vanga about Coronavirus literally to understand what she spoke about him and what promised the world in the end.


Wang about Coronavirus

Over the past few months, the beginning of the day in most people implies reading news tape, which indicates the number of dead from coronavirus in the last day. Almost all states of the world have already suffered from a pandemic.

Fortunately, the number of recovered from COVID-19 many times more than the dead, but by scale, the speed of distribution and damages of the epidemic beats all records over the past decade! The rulers of many countries decided to introduce a rigid regime of self-insulation, the boundaries are closed, people have to adhere to strict quarantine measures.

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Interestingly, but the blind rustling of Vanga warned about the epidemic of the new virus back in the 1995th year, on the eve of his death. As you know, a woman never called the exact dates of the events of the future, which foresaw nor specific names. It gave a landmark on certain signs. So it became clear that we are talking about 2020, because Vanga called him "mirror" or "a year of 5 bodies."

Interesting! Vanga said: "People will fall and die on the streets without a visible reason."

In her predictions in the mirror year, the world will face a new virus, which will rapidly spread throughout the planet and provokes numerous deaths.

On December 26, 2019, Vangi Petrov's personal translator was served in the studio of the TV program "in fact", who first voiced the secret prediction of the provincial, which in early 2020 the world will be shocked by a terrible disease:

"There will be an outbreak of an old illness that will bring a very greater danger to all of humanity. It will be somewhere in the south. The exact place is unknown. Maybe it will be a disease that humanity has already won once, but it will return. "

His words were confirmed by both Kum Vanga, a journalist Sergey Korsna. He stated that a clairvoyant foresaw had time and place the emergence of the focus of the epidemic, and also warned that the drugs from the illness could not be.

"Such things as a common epidemic of incurable, severe disease can occur. A year of five bodies will occur an epocheal event for all mankind. The planet will receive such a terrible virus that hundreds of millions of people may die. "

Sergey Korsna also said that he considers Coronavirus modification of the plague.

And the second translator of the Bulgarian Todor Todor added that he had a clairvoyant:

"When the year-mirror is, the world will turn over the opposite and the whole problem will come from yellow."

Then the words of experts were perceived skeptical and criticized by doctors. The latter noted that it was extremely unlikely that the disease would be returned to the world. They spoke about the annual local epidemics of various viruses, but did not see serious danger in them for the population.

Doctors in protective suits

There will be no two weeks from the moment of recording the program as in China, massive lethal cases begin to occur against the coronavirus.

Interesting! Vanga strictly punished his loved ones not to disclose the most important of their predictions until the time came to do for this.

Why did Vanga called coronavirus forgotten disease?

Many worries this question. And it has a completely logical answer: Coronavirus refers to a whole family of viruses (at least forty species). Some of them are a special danger to people. For the first time about Coronavirus, the world found out in 1965, but information about him was not too popular, as never before he had caused such terrible epidemics as now.

In 2002-2003, the SARS-CO V virus was provoked by an outbreak of atypical pneumonia. According to WHO, the disease has affected 8437 people, and 813 people died as a result of developed complications. In 2013, the MERS-CO V virus was spread, 2500 people were sick, and about 800 died. Today, all these data seems simply "flowers" compared to what we have in 2020.

But now you understand why Koronavirus called "old illness" in their prophecies.

Further forecast

The fact that the prophecy of the famous Bulgarian came true today does not leave doubts. But then the question arises: "What did Vangelia promise mankind further? Will it be possible to find a vaccine and defeat COVID-19? "

Further, the words of Cuma Vangi Sergey Kosostova are given:

"Wang said that, with all the correct words of epidemiologists, still this disease will be caused by the destruction of immunity. It is necessary to treat this disease with immunomodulators. Three months after the peak of the disease, the drug will be found, which will overcome this disease. But, unfortunately, a lot of people will be lost during this time. "

Sergey's words are confirmed by doctors, which, however, consider them not 100% accurate, but we are convinced that Wang was very close to the rays of the mystery of victory over Coronavirus. Doctors say that children are most susceptible to the disease (which the immune system has not yet been formed enough) and the elderly after 60 years (and they have immunity reduced by age).

Girl in mask

What about the fact that the medication will be found 3 months after the outbreak of the disease, ambiguously, what period should be taken for "outbreak". After all, according to the latest data in China, the coronavirus epidemic ended, whereas in other countries of the world such as Italy, Spain, the United States of America is at the peak itself.

WHO experts express the view that the process of developing, testing, manufacturing and the subsequent spread of the coronavirus vaccine will take at least 12 months. To date, the world develops about 20 drugs from this strain of viral infection.

Experts suggest that the disease should take a decline with the arrival of heat (which does not contradict the prophecy of Vanga).

Interesting! In the studio of the program "In fact", all close Vanga, who revealed its prophecies, were tested using a lie detector. The truthfulness of their words was confirmed by experts.

So, what do you need to do in the current situation? Sergey Kostochnaya recommends raising immunity due to the use of imune modulators. He also notes that people now completely lost conscience, chase money, do not do good.

He actively calls for earthlings to change his life, raise the level of awareness, develop spiritually, because otherwise the land is waiting for such troubles and cataclysms, compared to which the coronavirus pandemic will seem flowers. It will be a Kara God for the wrong, unrighteous life.

It is worth listening to his advice, because it is obvious that Wang knew much more than we tried to save people from the terrible consequences of their own actions.

And in conclusion, I suggest you view thematic lots:

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