Stand predictions for 2020: what awaits us in the new year


I prepared for you the famous predictions of elders for 2020, thanks to which you can find out what awaits us in the new year. These prophecies older left for a very long time, and we can only check their accuracy.

Prophecies of the elders for 2020

According to the established centuries, the traditions of the elders leave their predictions about the upcoming events on the eve of the New Year. They tell about what should happen and what can not be avoided. And these forecasts come true almost with one hundred percent accuracy, because about those events, in the offensive of which the elders are not fully confident, they are usually silent.

Stand predictions for 2019 what awaits us in the new year

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You can read these predictions and use them as prompts. They will help to understand what matters should be done next year, and what to leave for later, from what to refuse, and what to leave in your life.

Predictions are more common common, global character. They narrate about events in the world, but do not concern the lives of specific people. Consider this when you read and analyze forecasts. Use the advice and recommendations of the elders to be able to change your life for the better.

Forecast of Elder Paisius

In his youth, Paisius, no one could predict that this ordinary guy who served in the army and was preparing to devote himself to the profession of Tokar, as a result will become God's servant and completely give himself to serving and prayers, and his prophecies will quote.

Stand predictions for 2019

40 years of life of Paisius spent in the monastery and left behind many predictions, some of which have already come true, and to the remaining it is worth listening. His forecast for 2020 will not call optimistic. Paisius believed that the dark time would come to which the evil forces would reach the peak of their activity.

His prophecies are as follows:

  1. Military conflict will arise between Russia and Turkey, as a result of which there will be no winners, neither defeated, but losses will suffer both countries. This confrontation will adversely affect the attitude of people to power, therefore, there is probably the onset of demonstrations and unrest.
  2. European states will be in this conflict oppose Russia. And in Turkey, in the meantime, another armed confrontation will begin. This time - with the Greeks, which will win. As a result, the Turkish economy will significantly suffer, a huge decline will begin in the state.
  3. According to the elders, this prophecy may not be fulfilled if the Turkish government begins to spend more attention to the settlement of the country's internal affairs and will refrain from conflicts with strong countries. It is necessary to quit everything to maintain the world.
  4. As for the situation in the international arena, the world has every chance to join the Third World War, which will begin with conflicts between Asian countries. Increased in the struggle will be both European countries and Russia, it is possible that the United States is in charge.

Paisius believes that China will play a major role in the confrontation - about 200 million of its citizens will be involved in the fight. As a result, the picture of the world will change dramatically, a new order will be established. The participating countries will still be sent long after losses incurred, and people will remember it forever.

Abelian predictions

This old man became a prophet and refused earthly temptations in a fairly mature age. He settled in Valaam and it was there that began to receive signals from the Higher Forces. He came with a prophetic vision, which, as the future showed, became once with a prophetic prophetic. His predictions have a lot of weight and now.

Stand predictions

According to Abel, the time comes to collect the fruits of what was "planted" before. And those trouble that will overtake people in 2020 - only the result of past actions, thoughts and actions. His prophecies are as follows:

  1. Abel argued that in 2829 the end of the world will occur. And in 2020, in the thoughts and consciousness of people, something will happen that as a result will lead to such a sad result.
  2. The end of the world, in the view of Abel, is the arrival of an antichrist, incarnation of evil and dark forces. This cunning creature will be able to make a dish in all states, fill people by malice, hatred and distrust. Antichrist will gather around him a lot of minions devotees. From this, the Great Hell will begin for people and the global destruction of everything that exists.
  3. Russia in 2020 Abel did not say anything good. He believed that many unpleasant events would happen in the state. Permanent conflicts and problems will cover people with their heads. There will be a global decline in economics. Peak of trouble will have to the first half of the year. In the second one can already sigh calmly, but the calm will be short-lived.
  4. Abel assured that Russia will come out of the crisis only after it receives a strong and fair new ruler. The head of state will be able to achieve positive and noticeable changes, will make the beginning of global transformations, thanks to which people will be able to breathe freely and enjoy life. It was after him coming to power the country will fall on the path of development and improvement. Improved international situation.
  5. Not all the "strengths of this world" will be satisfied with the course, which will follow the new ruler. He will try to insert sticks in the wheels with all the forces, he will receive not only devotees of fans, but also a lot of ill-wishers.

If the people in this difficult period will be able to rally, the general forces will affect the completion of the crisis and step into a new, happy life. But if another person comes to power, not the one who is destined, the situation in Russia will become much more worse.


  • Unlike many other seams, the elders left behind the rare disappointing forecasts. Their predictions are very pessimistic.
  • Much will depend on what kind of person will be in power and what methods he will continue to rule the state.
  • New military confrontations between large countries are not excluded. It is likely that 2020 will be the starting point for global change around the world.

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