What to celebrate New Year 2021: in what color and fire


The new year is a holiday that children and adults are equally waiting. It is the time of gifts, heart meetings, bright corporate holidays, surprises and demonstrations of beautiful and fashionable outfits. How and what to wear for the New Year, how to meet 2021, this is where you will receive information in this article.

What to celebrate New Year 2021: in what color and fire 1724_1

Meeting of the new 2021: Clothing and Accessories

The year 2021, the owner of which will become a white metal bull, will not require utensils from you and excessive brightness. As always, in fashion, the organization of a family dinner with candles with the smallest and native people, without pathos and noise.

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Astrologers argue that the bull does not like bustle, unpleasant surprises and surprises. Everything should be prepared in advance and thought out as a new year meeting space and clothing in which you will be prompted on a festive banquet.

Note! From how correctly your outfit will be chosen and the situation depends on the support of its Majesty Bull for the entire period of 2021. Do not angry an intense animal by random and unexpected guests, negative statements and actions. Consider practical recommendations and tips from our experts and meet the new year correctly and beautiful.

Basic shades of 2021

From the very beginning of the year, your motto from the very beginning of the year should be the phrase "no intrusiveness and cordlessness!" No bright colors and screaming shades, everything should be simple, concisely and tastefully. Ideal will be white, dairy, gray, silver or light blue color. Interestingly, astrological recommendations allocate different colors, depending on how the desire for you is a priority.

  • To attract the well-being of its income, choose white clothes.
  • If it is important for you to find love and mutual understanding with your loved ones, put on the outfit of light gray.

Attention! Refuse the clothes made of their red tissue, as well as from a material with a leopard print. It will cause the rage of the bull, and he will leave you all over the year.

The black color of the outfit will also not have a positive effect on the future, this mourning color will deprive you of bonuses that are able to bestow the next year. If you intend to meet the year of bull in a black dress, then you should more seriously treat accessories, making the right, but not screaming accents.

What to celebrate New Year 2021: in what color and fire 1724_2

Read more about the shapes for the meeting of the new 2021

Dress with cut and asymmetry

All owners of a slender figure can safely advise the trend of the season - a dress with an asymmetry of a hem or sleeves. The absence of a single sleeve is a fashion trend of the outgoing period and the beginning of next year. Light dresses with high cuts have always been a benchmark for femininity. To highlight the waist and long legs will allow a bright dress having a cut to the thigh.

Skirt for meeting 2021

Your image will be more sophisticated and easy if you wear a multi-layer skirt. It is appropriate here as pleated skirts of any length and skirts from transparent gas material, perfectly combined with ketami and sneakers.

If you are not a supporter of the youth style, choose such a skirt a classic high-heeled shoes. But remember that shades should be appropriate: from metal white to dark brown.

Jumpsuit as an option of the new year

This universal clothing can serve you an excellent service at a festive evening, provided that your figure allows you to wear this kind of outfit. And here there is a great opportunity for experiment and manifestation of fantasy.

Trousers can be made by flared, narrow, long or shortened. Extreme to the place will decorate the overalls of sequins, beads, belts or belts.

What to celebrate New Year 2021: in what color and fire 1724_3

Top in the New Year's Top Festive

Many women adore tops and use them both in everyday life and on holiday parties. Brilliant top on the straps will be excellent addition to the long multi-layer skirt, the length of which you can determine yourself. But, in order not to look like a beach, the skirt is better to choose ankle.

Shirts and Blouses: New Year's options

A shirt or blouse, stitched from the atlas, will turn you into a real lady, and will allocate from the festive crowd. And if you add a pencil skirt to it, you simply will not be equal. To complete the image, you should think about a lace collar or a bow on the neck, about lush sleeves or a high collar.

Fashion directions, relevant for 2021

Experts insist that the dress is an absolutely win-win view of the New Year's meeting. The options of dresses are so much that a woman with any figure can choose the outfit, and will look like a real queen of the ball.

  • To give way of mystery and sophistication, lanterns or buds can be made. In general, the bulk sleeves look very impressive. And if they are translucent you will look like a mysterious, fragile, feminine and at the same time bold.
  • Chiffon skirts, knitted sweaters, lace blouses and velvet vests - all this will make you in the selection of the original and unusual image.
  • As for fabrics and shades, natural, pearl, pearl colors remain in priority. You can especially select the Atlas, Silk, chiffon and translucent fabrics. Do not be afraid to experiment and combine the most incompatible materials. Monophonic fabrics are perfectly combined with bold prints and abstractions.
  • The handbag, clutch, shiny shillry with silver or gold spots will become a mandatory addition to the Almus.

What to celebrate New Year 2021: in what color and fire 1724_4

Men's outfits for the new year

Light shades will become relevant for men. You can choose trousers or a suit of brown, ash or gray. The shirt must certainly be bright. Jeans and pencils are allowed, as well as knitted sweaters. The main thing is that this clothing does not look rude, but created a stylish and youth image.

An ideal option will be if the color gamut of the male dress is combined with shades of the ladies. This couple will always look organically and winningly distinguished against the rest of the rest.

How to dress the signs of the zodiac

  • Aries is the only sign that the bull may not be afraid and not limit their fantasy. Aries can use bright clothing, makeup, extravagant accessories and shoes for the new year.
  • Taurus - a sign with a rod inside can add to the alongside vensels and gold jewelry, but you should not overload them and make sophisticated outfits.
  • The twins are designed for pearl jewelry, asymmetric outfits, but you should not compete with the New Year's Christmas tree, you need a measure.
  • Cancer is a romantic and home. It will be suitable pastel tones, beige gamma with stylish decorations.
  • The lion is always in the spotlight. It is allowed to create an image in metal colors, and not afraid of the bustle. Everything that is suitable for the emperor will suit the lion.
  • Virgo discreet and closed can relax a little and wear something dark with gold in such an outfit only will win her femininity.
  • Scales must be dressed in silvery shades, and the decorations are better to choose natural: gold, silver, precious stones. Only so the scales will be able to be in sight.
  • Scorpio should choose a dress with a decollete, lace, shiny shoes and clutch. Successful shades - white, pink and silver.
  • Sagittarus should wear sea wave color with a pearl necklace. However, creamy, light gray color will also be appropriate.
  • Capricorn recommended nude color and chiffon, bright makeup and shoes.
  • Aquarius will suit the youth or sporty style, it will give ease and airiness of its nature.
  • Fish should come up with a stunning hairstyle and put on a white outfit and bright lipstick.

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So, we know with you that the bull does not like and do not welcome the bright colors and noisy companies. Try to look elegant and stylish, let your clothes be comfortable and comfortable. New Year is a holiday of joy and revelations, so let your festive outfit in every way contribute to this!

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