Acquaintance with parents guy: advice to girls


When relationships go to a more serious level, a dating time with the guy's parents comes. For many girls, this is a very long-awaited and quiet moment, because each wants to like his mother's relatives. In this article, I will tell you how to get acquainted with the guy's parents, and how to prepare to him in order to make a positive impression.

Acquaintance with Parents Guy

Acquaintance with parents guy - advice to girls

For a meeting with parents, a guy needs to be carefully prepared, because it is at the first meeting that a major opinion is being formed about the person, and it will be very difficult to change it in the future. As a rule, acquaintance occurs in the house of parents, but to feel more comfortable, you can invite them to visit yourself or in a cafe. In the latter case, it is important to negotiate in advance with a guy who will pay the score.

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For the meeting to go smoothly, and you liked your relatives of the lover, it is recommended to adhere to the following advice:

1. Correspondence acquaintance

Before going to a meeting with the guy's parents, you need to find out as much information as possible. It is especially important to remember the names and patronymic of the father and the mother for a valid appeal to them.

It should be founded to learn the main family moments, for example, the presence of brothers and sisters in the chosen one, Lives are alive and grandparents, where the family prefers to spend a joint time, etc. Knowing such nuances, the girl will show their attentiveness and interest in relationships.

2. What to wear to the meeting?

Acquaintance with Parents Guy 3

It should be accommodated for the choice of clothing. For the first acquaintance with the parents, a sports suit will not be suitable, overly frightened dresses and too frank outfits. You need to pick up something modest and elegant. If you are in principle, do not wear dresses and skirts, then you should not stop over yourself, otherwise you will feel uncomfortable, and it will affect your behavior.

Choosing clothes, it is important to take into account the circumstances under which a meeting will take place. For example, for a restaurant, you should wear something more refined, while for giving or leaving for nature it will suit a simple casual outfit.

3. courtesy and modesty

Even if you are active, talkative and restless, trying to show restraint at first acquaintance. Do not forget about politeness - always say "Thank you", "please", and do not interrupt the interlocutor.

If the meeting takes place in the apartment of a guy, where you have already been earlier, and feel "how at home" in it, show modesty. Do not go around the rooms without permission, and even more so do not touch other things. Be sure to offer help in the kitchen or help cover on the table.

4. No diet

If you follow the figure, and the parents of the lover invited you to dinner - make an exception, and forget about the diet for one evening. Be sure to try everything that my boyfriend has prepared, and appreciate her culinary abilities, it will be very nice. But it should be noted that some kind of treat you did not like, no need to criticize him, and even more so give advice on cooking, even if you are a professional cook.

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5. Compliments are not unnecessary.

Feel free to make compliments to parents, their home, interior, treats and other things. It should also be noted the positive features of his lover, but you should not be too sharp on it. Excessive grupping guy will look taller and insincere.

6. Restraint in the manifestation of love feelings

Ploud manifestation of feelings makes others feel embarrassed. When finding out the guy's parents, such behavior will be especially inappropriate. Modesty should be shown, and refrain from hugs and kisses.

7. Forget about the resentment

In each pair there are quarrels and misunderstandings, but, going to a meeting with the parents of a partner, you should forget about them. No need to criticize the guy and complain about his behavior or actions. For their parents, your chosen is your favorite son, and they will not like the attacks in his direction. Better emphasize his advantages, and mark the features that you like in it.

8. Follow the speech

When communicating with parents, it is important to ensure that you say and how. Do not use slanging words, swearing and incomprehensible for the older generation Slang. Try to keep the conversation, ask questions about the lover and his family, but do not move personal borders. You should tell about yourself briefly, without going into unnecessary details. If you are a lover to talk, try to stop it this evening. No one loves excessively talkative people.

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9. Do not argue

It is possible that disagreement or misunderstanding may occur when talking with parents. In no case do not begin to argue or prove your point of view. Everyone has the right to his opinion, and it needs to be respected. To lie about my beliefs, just like the guy's relatives, it is also not worth it, because sooner or later they will recognize the truth, and in their eyes you will look a hypocrite.

10. Calm, only calm

Each parent wishes her child the best, so he wants to see the perfect person with him. In trying to clarify who you and what you live, they can ask a variety of, sometimes personal and not very unpleasant, questions. They can also make comments, correct you or criticize.

In any case, keep your composure, respond restrained and calmly. It is not necessary to react sharply, even if the parents apparently come up to you or provoke. They just want to be sure, then you are a good, decent girl.

11. We naturally behave

With the first acquaintance, everything is worried about the girl, the guy and his parents. But you should try to behave more naturally. Do not try to seem better than you really are. Non-acquiring behavior, a speech manner will be obvious, and parents may have doubts about your sincerity. Show that you are an adequate, smart girl who sincerely loves his chosen one, and values ​​relationships.

12. Small presents for parents

Having learned a little about the parents of the guy and their hobbies, it is recommended to prepare small presents. Thus, you will show your care and attentiveness. It can be like individual gifts and one common.

If the guy has brothers or sisters, they also need to prepare a pleasant surprise. Especially carefully to the choice of a gift should be taken in the event that the first acquaintance should take place for some holiday.

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13. Be grateful

At the end of the evening, express your beloved gratitude for the warm reception and treats. Feel free to say a few warm words to each family member who was present at the meeting. So you will leave a pleasant impression about yourself and joyful memories of acquaintance.

First acquaintance of parents with guy's parents

With long serious relationships when it moves to the wedding, it comes to introduce the parents of a girl and a guy. Still in ancient Rus, a custom was formed, according to which the guy with his parents walked to the beloved. They carried gifts and treats with them to back up the native of the girl, and get their blessings for marriage.

Today, everything is much easier, though the echoes of the former tradition remained. The organization of the first acquaintance is engaged in beloved, especially if they have already begun to live together. To do this, get a challenged dinner at home or in a restaurant. The latter option is more preferable, because In this case, parents will feel in equal terms, which significantly reduce the awkwardness.

Before familiarizing parents should be prepared by telling them a little about the matchmakers. To avoid incidents and troubles during dinner, speak in advance with your parents a list of forbidden topics. With such meetings, it is extremely not recommended to make a conversation about finances, politics, religions, family issues and other personal or controversial topics.

It is better to focus on discussing interests, interesting memories of the childhood guy and girls, comical situations from life.

Future newlyweds should take responsibility for this evening - follow the conversation, on time to change themes, fill out awkward pauses. Prepare family photos or videos, for sure, your future relatives will be interested to see them.

It should be noted that a couple in love should not drag all attention to yourself, it is important to give parents the opportunity to freely communicate with each other.


  • Before familiarizing with the parents, the guy needs to be carefully prepared.
  • When meeting, it is necessary to remain, but do not forget to follow your speech and behavior.
  • Prepare pleasant presents for the relatives of the lover, they will appreciate this gesture.
  • For dating parents with each other, the guy and the girl should create the most comfortable atmosphere.

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